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#1451 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Failgirl stop preaching here were NOT going to change

#1452 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: TI:1



#1453 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

trolled 3 more today. i almost reached the final rank!

#1454 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Failgirl101 wrote:

Look you cannot justify trolling as a practical method to rid the game of "bad levels". First off, trolling a level will not make it go away, in fact all the owner has to do is kick you and load the level. So it's pointless. It also teaches them that they can't trust anyone, so they will still make there stairs but they just won't give out the code.

The only thing trolling does is ruin the fun of others. The only way to really fight the noobs is with pro levels. See people are more likely to copy what they see. So if the lobby is guest bombed with stairs then people will probably assume stairs are popular and make more. But if the lobby is guest bombed with MG, KO, EX, BC, and MX levels than people are more likely to be inspired and make better maps.

Trolling is useless and will get you nowhere, not to mention it's a waste of time I really don't see the point in it. The only thing it teaches is dis-trust.

How do you medicate a cancer tumour? By cutting it off its body.

#1455 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: TI:1

And even if the tumor spreads, what do you do?   Go after it more aggressively.

And Ultimoz, the administrators won't do anything.

They support us.

       They are us.

              We are one.

                             We will prevail.

                                                           We are unstoppable.

We are TI:1.

Last edited by 32OrtonEdge32dh (Aug 31 2011 4:27:50 pm)



#1456 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

And even if the tumor spreads, what do you do?   Go after it more aggressively.

And Ultimoz, the administrators won't do anything.

They support us.

       They are us.

              We are one.

                             We will prevail.

                                                           We are unstoppable.

We are TI:1.

Nice staircase you just made.

#1457 Before February 2015

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: TI:1

Failgirl101 wrote:

Look you cannot justify trolling as a practical method to rid the game of "bad levels".First off, trolling a level will not make it go away, in fact all the owner has to do is kick you and load the level. So it's pointless. It also teaches them that they can't trust anyone, so they will still make there stairs but they just won't give out the code.

The only thing trolling does is ruin the fun of others. The only way to really fight the noobs is with pro levels. See people are more likely to copy what they see. So if the lobby is guest bombed with stairs then people will probably assume stairs are popular and make more. But if the lobby is guest bombed with MG, KO, EX, BC, and MX levels than people are more likely to be inspired and make better maps.

Trolling is useless and will get you nowhere, not to mention it's a waste of time I really don't see the point in it. The only thing it teaches is dis-trust.

yeah what you thinck is wrong.
yeah it is simple, but then we do nothing wrong.
they can give away the code! because they only need to change code and loadleevl! you said it yourself (:

in fact all the owner has to do is kick you and load the level.

Why they bomb levels? because they are bad. Ex Crew needent to bomb guests.
idk if MG, Ko etc is good.
but if they are good, they dont need to be bombed.
and people dont shell copy!
copiers are b.a.d. //

But if the lobby is guest bombed with MG, KO, EX, BC, and MX levels than people are more likely to be inspired and make better maps.



#1458 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: TI:1

I just thought of a way to justify trolling: It teaches the level owner the commands.   A crap-ton of people will be whining for her/him to "kick 32" "how?" " /kick [username]" "o kthx" "also, do /loadlevel or /reset"



#1459 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

I admit another reason i am here, one person in my crew is a troll and trolling is banned in our crew, Soulrunner, your kicked from FX Crew //

#1460 Before February 2015

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: TI:1

// funny. i dont troll. but i dont hate it if the owner isnt away.


#1461 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

[me wrote:


Failgirl101 wrote:

Look you cannot justify trolling as a practical method to rid the game of "bad levels".First off, trolling a level will not make it go away, in fact all the owner has to do is kick you and load the level. So it's pointless. It also teaches them that they can't trust anyone, so they will still make there stairs but they just won't give out the code.

The only thing trolling does is ruin the fun of others. The only way to really fight the noobs is with pro levels. See people are more likely to copy what they see. So if the lobby is guest bombed with stairs then people will probably assume stairs are popular and make more. But if the lobby is guest bombed with MG, KO, EX, BC, and MX levels than people are more likely to be inspired and make better maps.

Trolling is useless and will get you nowhere, not to mention it's a waste of time I really don't see the point in it. The only thing it teaches is dis-trust.

yeah what you thinck is wrong.
yeah it is simple, but then we do nothing wrong.
they can give away the code! because they only need to change code and loadleevl! you said it yourself (: in fact all the owner has to do is kick you and load the level.

Don't be an ****, not everything I think is wrong. I never said you had to agree with me, I am just stating my opinion. Furthermore just because you have the code to a level does not give you the right to troll no matter what it looks like. It's not fair to ruin the fun for other people because you can't stand looking at something.

Why they bomb levels? because they are bad. Ex Crew needent to bomb guests.
idk if MG, Ko etc is good.
but if they are good, they dont need to be bombed.
and people dont shell copy!
copiers are b.a.d. //

People guest bomb their level because they want it to be popular. Maybe to you a stairs level looks like a waste of time, but the the little kid on the other end of the screen it's his pride and glory. Maybe you think it's bad but that's only your opinion. People take pride in their work no matter what it looks like.

But if the lobby is guest bombed with MG, KO, EX, BC, and MX levels than people are more likely to be inspired and make better maps.

Then why don't you guest bomb a level? It's not everyones responsibility to guest bomb EX Crew and MG Crew levels. It is the responsibility of the owner of the level. But if you want to go out and guest bomb a level that isn't yours, go for it.

Last edited by Calicara (Sep 2 2011 5:22:54 am)

#1462 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Think about this, i want you all to think about this:
Your in the lobby, and you see a level that's a stairs or an art collection or something you people call "nooby", and the first person to get to the end gets code, you reach the end and the owner is a little boy who just started playing and its his first level and he's very proud of it, and he gives you the trust, all of his trust to look after the code, and then you troll. You troll a young boys level. How do you think the poor soul that fell in to the trap of TI:1 feels? If you were that boy, how would you feel?
Now think and reply only with something sensible, not things like: Oh i wouldn't care, or i'll just troll him back. How you would seriously feel?

#1463 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Ultimoz wrote:

Think about this, i want you all to think about this:
Your in the lobby, and you see a level that's a stairs or an art collection or something you people call "nooby", and the first person to get to the end gets code, you reach the end and the owner is a little boy who just started playing and its his first level and he's very proud of it, and he gives you the trust, all of his trust to look after the code, and then you troll. You troll a young boys level. How do you think the poor soul that fell in to the trap of TI:1 feels? If you were that boy, how would you feel?
Now think and reply only with something sensible, not things like: Oh i wouldn't care, or i'll just troll him back. How you would seriously feel?

I want you to think about it too. If the kid's level doesn't get ruined, he will think he made a good level, and he will keep making these noobish levels. However, if someone trolls his level, it will not only teach him to make better levels, but also will teach the players that are new to the game to not get into noobish levels.

#1464 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

^And also teach them not to give out the code to strangers. We WILL get the code if there is a code in the level. And we will troll it.

#1465 Before February 2015

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: TI:1

mhh failgirl - sorry.
this is my meaning //
i hate stairs - sorry.
that is my meaning //
ok. but idk why you shell bomb your level - if its great?
people will join - if its great.
and i agree only with trolls if the owner is online.
thats important. only one troll. only one code change. only one loadlevel.
// ok?


#1466 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

xXExpress0Xx wrote:
Ultimoz wrote:

Think about this, i want you all to think about this:
Your in the lobby, and you see a level that's a stairs or an art collection or something you people call "nooby", and the first person to get to the end gets code, you reach the end and the owner is a little boy who just started playing and its his first level and he's very proud of it, and he gives you the trust, all of his trust to look after the code, and then you troll. You troll a young boys level. How do you think the poor soul that fell in to the trap of TI:1 feels? If you were that boy, how would you feel?
Now think and reply only with something sensible, not things like: Oh i wouldn't care, or i'll just troll him back. How you would seriously feel?

I want you to think about it too. If the kid's level doesn't get ruined, he will think he made a good level, and he will keep making these noobish levels. However, if someone trolls his level, it will not only teach him to make better levels, but also will teach the players that are new to the game to not get into noobish levels.

You guys have no heart... Its a little kid, he wouldn't be able to make a level amazingly and he wouldn't be clever enough to know not to give it away...

#1467 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Well after we troll it, this boy will learn that he can't trust everyone. It's what we believe. If you don't like it quit posting in this topic.

#1468 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

xXExpress0Xx wrote:
Ultimoz wrote:

Think about this, i want you all to think about this:
Your in the lobby, and you see a level that's a stairs or an art collection or something you people call "nooby", and the first person to get to the end gets code, you reach the end and the owner is a little boy who just started playing and its his first level and he's very proud of it, and he gives you the trust, all of his trust to look after the code, and then you troll. You troll a young boys level. How do you think the poor soul that fell in to the trap of TI:1 feels? If you were that boy, how would you feel?
Now think and reply only with something sensible, not things like: Oh i wouldn't care, or i'll just troll him back. How you would seriously feel?

I want you to think about it too. If the kid's level doesn't get ruined, he will think he made a good level, and he will keep making these noobish levels. However, if someone trolls his level, it will not only teach him to make better levels, but also will teach the players that are new to the game to not get into noobish levels.

But that is where you are wrong. I bet most of the people you troll don't even know what TI:1 is. Trolling does not inspire people to make better levels, it only teaches people not to give out the code. You troll it once and the owner changes the code and loads the level. Then they decide to not give out the code anymore because they can't trust people. Then they continue to make more "noob" levels. Not only did you just waste your time, but you just ruined the fun for not only the level owner, but for those who also had the code and were not trolling.

Trolling doesn't solve anything. It only makes things worse.

See the thing you don't get it this. I'm not saying people should make stairs and box minis, I really don't like them. But trolling will not make it go away. If TI:1 is supposed to rid the game of bad levels, then why is the lobby still guest bombed with bad levels all the time? If TI:1 is a practical solution then it would have worked a long time ago. But it hasn't worked then and it isn't working now. You may think you are stopping the spread of bad levels, but you are not. Because most of the time the trolling gets cleared with a simple command, and then you get kicked.

Instead of trolling find a more practical way to spread good levels. You always complain that people guest bomb bad levels why don't you guest bomb good levels? The problem is not that there are too many bad levels is that there are not enough good levels. If you truly want to make Everybody Edits a better place don't destroy, create. Or if you don't want to build then guest bomb a good level. Guest bomb an EX crew, or an MG crew level. Anything that might inspire people to make cooler levels. But trolling is not the answer.

#1469 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

You know what failgirl, i have thought about this many ways, and we can't win. Even if the trolls are banned here or on ee they will use guests and find another forum to chat on, we cant stop these mindless trolls from screwing the fun so i guess... we lose. well done... "master minds"

#1470 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Everyone has different ways of seeing things, what you call 'nooby' may be amazing to the owner of a world, you guys must be too blind to realize that. =/

You say that will teach a player not to make nooby worlds that are amazing in their eyes and in some others, maybe you should see from the other peoples side and stop being so self centerded, if you honestly think trolling helps anyone, you're sadly mistaken, some people take trolling seriously like Failgirl101, Ultimoz, and I, including lots of other ee players, some will rage so much that they'll quit ee, what do you think will happen when the only players left are trolls still wasting their life looking for another trolling point, it doesn't make sence. what you guys are causing is a slow and accurate end to ee and I am not going to stand here to see it -_-

I understand what trolls are trying to accomplish but how about you leave other peoples worlds alone and we won't have to argue like this in front of hundreds of veiwers, embarrasing for you guys. And if you still don't see the point in stopping, here is what I would do, open one of my saved worlds, clear, troll, then load level, simple and easy and you art isn't completely destroyed

Give it up while you still can
Main point; no point in trolling others worlds


Last edited by _narutox3_ (Sep 3 2011 2:00:49 am)

#1471 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Why don't you people just make a nooby level yourself and have fun trolling? What would the difference be? same fun and you can make people playing it cross... don't ruin other peoples levels though, and like naruto said, i'm not going to watch ee fall.

I bet some trollers out there don't even know the reason they are doing this. Well neither do i, its useless and I cannot believe that some admins on the forums are supporting this!

Have fun trolling while you still can... //

#1472 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Ultimoz wrote:

Think about this, i want you all to think about this:
Your in the lobby, and you see a level that's a stairs or an art collection or something you people call "nooby", and the first person to get to the end gets code, you reach the end and the owner is a little boy who just started playing and its his first level and he's very proud of it, and he gives you the trust, all of his trust to look after the code, and then you troll. You troll a young boys level. How do you think the poor soul that fell in to the trap of TI:1 feels? If you were that boy, how would you feel?
Now think and reply only with something sensible, not things like: Oh i wouldn't care, or i'll just troll him back. How you would seriously feel?

I would feel pwned.

This is an online game, and you have the power to edit the way you want. If you give your code to a pwner, you will be served with a great portion of PWN.

#1473 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

TI:1 was created November 25th 2010, today is September 3rd 2011. Statistics show that the amount of "bad levels" has increased exponentially.

If TI:1 was really the answer it would have worked by now. It's been almost a year and things have gone from bad to worse. Clearly trolling is not working.

#1474 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: TI:1

It is, the only problem is that there are more noobs than trolls.   I'm going on a recruiting spree today, so I think by this time next year we will have much less noob levels.   I think I'll do a spree every week.



#1475 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

TI:1 has never worked, and it never will work.


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