Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#326 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

I look forward for this contest. It's really good for you, and for the whole troll community!


Update about the infiltration system: I managed to infiltrate a room, but not a crew. Didn't get a pic but I guess I trolled them 3-4 times. It was funny to read the chat afterwards, I was really successfull.

Last edited by TheGreenTroll (Mar 9 2011 3:54:13 pm)

#327 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

For this world, the pass is currently "beta".
The owner gave it to me after I showed my beta smileys lmao

Meh, pass changed, STUPID TROLLS
I was drawing things in black so nobody could see it, and I wrote TST (The Silent Troll) somewhere hidden. But then some people started drawing. -_-

Hopefully the room owner saved while nobody was visibly trolling.

Last edited by Bobomaster (Mar 9 2011 7:52:52 pm)

#328 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

*Brings a bag labeled with "Ex-Troll stuff"*

Welp, time to eliminate you all.

*pulls out a drock and throws it at TGT making him unconscious.*

#329 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, finally I discovered the Code of the level I wanted (is this the correct verb tense?) to troll.

Yep, It's Pinball Bloom.

ANd I don't remember the code, I put some ramdom words.

Nice work, although I don't actually recall setting the code for that one for a while, and I almost never use random words.   Generally I use number variations.

Furthermore, I notice that there are still 250 coins in the list you have on there.   However, I have gone through and verified that you "trolled" several areas that had coins.   What, did you feel the need to keep the coin balance after putting up lazy and stupid trolling?

Another issue: there are several areas on that map that have "see through" black inside the pinball machine to create a nifty effect when you move through.   However, it has the side effect that the minimap looks different depending on where you are in the map.


Above is Lopoi's "trolled" version of my level.   Note the red circles: those denote areas that are see-through, so you can see the background behind the minimap.   Take note of the color scheme pattern for each of those red marked areas.

Here we have an actual screenshot from my level, untrolled, with a little "mock lopoi" platform (this is like the third version I've put up, trying to get the exact location right, but each one is the same in terms of what the flowers look like):


Notice that the areas that were circled in the above picture do not match up with the areas in the untrolled version.   Not only is the trolling different, but the see-through blocks are different.

Lopoi might claim that he simply altered the blocks on the map (along with lazy lines, he carefully edited the appearance of several flowers? unlikely).   However, I have an alternate explanation:


This screenshot was taken directly below where the player lets out from the lobby.   You will notice that the flowers in the minimap are now bright yellow, due to the background text of the scoreboard.   In fact, each and every area that was circled in Lopoi's picture is a perfect match to the minimap as it is to be seen from the bottom.

Also not circled in Lopoi's version that looks similar to the bottom but not the middle: one of the flowers near the top left, the little plinko area directly below it, the blue flower near the middle, the large star in the middle right. . .
NOTE: For a short time only, I am adding a "Lopoi platform" so that you can sit exactly where Lopoi is in his screenshot, and look at the differences in the flowers yourself.   Come have fun disproving a faker!

Last edited by MIHB (Mar 9 2011 10:49:09 pm)

#330 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

MIHB wrote:
Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, finally I discovered the Code of the level I wanted (is this the correct verb tense?) to troll.

Yep, It's Pinball Bloom.

ANd I don't remember the code, I put some ramdom words.

Nice work, although I don't actually recall setting the code for that one for a while, and I almost never use random words.   Generally I use number variations.

Furthermore, I notice that there are still 250 coins in the list you have on there.   However, I have gone through and verified that you "trolled" several areas that had coins.   What, did you feel the need to keep the coin balance after putting up lazy and stupid trolling?

I find it much more likely that you're a faker, and that is a well done photoshop that unfortunately missed a subtle but needed change.   Fake trolling.   How embarrassing.

What do you think of coin trolling?

Of course I trolled some coins, but I create other to stay with 250 coins, deerrrrr...

I known that you will doubt it, but I did....
You can say nothing...

Last edited by Lopoi2 (Mar 9 2011 7:55:16 pm)

#331 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

I've created (used?) a trolling technique called PermaTrolling

Here's how it works.
Ninja Smiley
Beta (Just for the beta only bricks)

1. Somehow get code, doesn't matter how
2. Switch to Ninja smiley
3. Help out a bit by doing stuff you KNOW that the creator thinks is good and will save
4. While you're doing that, periodically troll with black bricks (secret bricks are too easy to see, black bricks are at least harder) (Also do that only in hard to see places (corners, etc)
5. Repeat 3 & 4 for another part of the world. Repeat this step as much as you can without drawing attention to yourself
6. Let the creator save
7. If you know that the creator has saved, get a team of trolls to just epically start trolling; if not, skip this step
8. Leave the world
9. ???
10. Profit

Last edited by Bobomaster (Mar 9 2011 8:19:08 pm)

#332 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

MIHB wrote:
Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, finally I discovered the Code of the level I wanted (is this the correct verb tense?) to troll.

Yep, It's Pinball Bloom.

ANd I don't remember the code, I put some ramdom words.

Nice work, although I don't actually recall setting the code for that one for a while, and I almost never use random words.   Generally I use number variations.

Furthermore, I notice that there are still 250 coins in the list you have on there.   However, I have gone through and verified that you "trolled" several areas that had coins.   What, did you feel the need to keep the coin balance after putting up lazy and stupid trolling?

Another issue: there are several areas on that map that have "see through" black inside the pinball machine to create a nifty effect when you move through.   However, it has the side effect that the minimap looks different depending on where you are in the map.


Above is Lopoi's "trolled" version of my level.   Note the red circles: those denote areas that are see-through, so you can see the background behind them.   Take note of the color scheme pattern for each of those red marked areas.

Here we have an actual screenshot from my level, untrolled (actually i trolled a small section to check to see if coins would be removed, which they were):

Notice that the areas that were circled in the above picture do not match up with the areas in the untrolled version.   Not only is the trolling different, but the see-through blocks are different.

Lopoi might claim that he simply altered the blocks on the map (along with lazy lines, he carefully edited the appearance of several flowers? unlikely).   However, I have an alternate explanation:

This screenshot was taken directly below where the player lets out from the lobby.   You will notice that the flowers in the minimap are now bright yellow, due to the background text of the scoreboard.   In fact, each and every area that was circled in Lopoi's picture is a perfect match to the minimap as it is to be seen from the bottom.


And you think your way to screenshot the game is equal to mine?

I use one program and it's of course make some diference into our images....


Man, my program has to ways to take screen, Clipboard and save, when I use the save it creates some diferences to the clipboard way.

Look the prove:

They are the same image, but they are diferent, problably you used some auto save screnner so this is the diference.

My image is real.

Last edited by Lopoi2 (Mar 9 2011 8:35:00 pm)

#333 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Lopoi2 wrote:
MIHB wrote:
Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, finally I discovered the Code of the level I wanted (is this the correct verb tense?) to troll.

Yep, It's Pinball Bloom.

ANd I don't remember the code, I put some ramdom words.

Nice work, although I don't actually recall setting the code for that one for a while, and I almost never use random words.   Generally I use number variations.

Furthermore, I notice that there are still 250 coins in the list you have on there.   However, I have gone through and verified that you "trolled" several areas that had coins.   What, did you feel the need to keep the coin balance after putting up lazy and stupid trolling?

Another issue: there are several areas on that map that have "see through" black inside the pinball machine to create a nifty effect when you move through.   However, it has the side effect that the minimap looks different depending on where you are in the map.


Above is Lopoi's "trolled" version of my level.   Note the red circles: those denote areas that are see-through, so you can see the background behind them.   Take note of the color scheme pattern for each of those red marked areas.

Here we have an actual screenshot from my level, untrolled (actually i trolled a small section to check to see if coins would be removed, which they were):

Notice that the areas that were circled in the above picture do not match up with the areas in the untrolled version.   Not only is the trolling different, but the see-through blocks are different.

Lopoi might claim that he simply altered the blocks on the map (along with lazy lines, he carefully edited the appearance of several flowers? unlikely).   However, I have an alternate explanation:

This screenshot was taken directly below where the player lets out from the lobby.   You will notice that the flowers in the minimap are now bright yellow, due to the background text of the scoreboard.   In fact, each and every area that was circled in Lopoi's picture is a perfect match to the minimap as it is to be seen from the bottom.


And you think your way to screenshot the game is equal to mine?

I use one program and it's of course make some diference into our images....


Man, my program has to ways to take screen, Clipboard and save, when I use the save it creates some diferences to the clipboard way.

Yeah, thats the ticket.   Your clipboard magically changed the picture so that the see through blocks on the minimap would look IDENTICAL to those as can be seen when taking a picture from the bottom of the map right under the spawn point.

I don't buy it.   Nobody else will either.

I would recommend you take down your fake picture and leave with whatever tattered remains of your dignity you have.

#334 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Bobomaster wrote:

I've created (used?) a trolling technique called PermaTrolling

Here's how it works.
Ninja Smiley
Beta (Just for the beta only bricks)

1. Somehow get code, doesn't matter how
2. Switch to Ninja smiley
3. Help out a bit by doing stuff you KNOW that the creator thinks is good and will save
4. While you're doing that, periodically troll with black bricks (secret bricks are too easy to see, black bricks are at least harder) (Also do that only in hard to see places (corners, etc)
5. Repeat 3 & 4 for another part of the world. Repeat this step as much as you can without drawing attention to yourself
6. Let the creator save
7. If you know that the creator has saved, get a team of trolls to just epically start trolling; if not, skip this step
8. Leave the world
9. ???
10. Profit

*Clear level button, activate!*

#335 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Omg, look my post.

I trolled it, and you will trust me.

I'm not lieing...
And just to say it clearly:

I trolled pinbal Bloommmmmm.....

Last edited by Lopoi2 (Mar 9 2011 8:38:19 pm)

#336 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Just added a way for people to check the minimap for themselves.

I continue laughing.

#337 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

I only did about 40% in this

#338 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

MIHB wrote:

Just added a way for people to check the minimap for themselves.

I continue laughing.

You have just been MIHB'ed!

#339 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Lopoi2 wrote:

Look the prove: … 2paint.jpg

They are the same image, but they are diferent, problably you used some auto save screnner so this is the diference.

My image is real.

Every single thing is the same on the minimap on the picture you posted except

1. The trolled sections and
2. The see-through sections

This was not a systematic error due to differences in scanning.   You photoshopped it.

#340 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

D-rock2308 wrote:
Bobomaster wrote:

I've created (used?) a trolling technique called PermaTrolling

Here's how it works.
Ninja Smiley
Beta (Just for the beta only bricks)

1. Somehow get code, doesn't matter how
2. Switch to Ninja smiley
3. Help out a bit by doing stuff you KNOW that the creator thinks is good and will save
4. While you're doing that, periodically troll with black bricks (secret bricks are too easy to see, black bricks are at least harder) (Also do that only in hard to see places (corners, etc)
5. Repeat 3 & 4 for another part of the world. Repeat this step as much as you can without drawing attention to yourself
6. Let the creator save
7. If you know that the creator has saved, get a team of trolls to just epically start trolling; if not, skip this step
8. Leave the world
9. ???
10. Profit

*Clear level button, activate!*

If the level is cleared, so be it. It has to be started over anyway

#341 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

D-rock2308 wrote:
MIHB wrote:

Just added a way for people to check the minimap for themselves.

I continue laughing.

You have just been MIHB'ed!

D-Rock, you wanna go and verify?

#342 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1


MIHB, Please get out of here, you obvously changed your level just to show here..

And you can change my image too..

I trolled your level and final point.....

Get out now and stop blamming this.....

#343 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

. . . I obviously changed my level just to prove this?   Even though any single person can go to the link I posted, check the minimap on their own, and see that I have changed nothing, and can verify that the level is identical to the pictures that plenty of people posted in the original thread, AND that the patterns of differences demonstrated in the pictures above can readily be seen with see-through blocks?

Holy crap you're reaching badly now.

Last edited by MIHB (Mar 9 2011 8:51:00 pm)

#344 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1


Now stop, can't I troll the flowers?

And you changed my image, this image you post is your not mine.



And get out of here with the rest of your diginity, or I mean, with no diginity.

Last edited by Lopoi2 (Mar 9 2011 8:55:31 pm)

#345 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Lopoi2 wrote:


Now stop, can't I troll the flowers?

And you changed my image, this image you post is your not mine.


And get out of here with the rest of your diginity, or I mean, with no diginity.

Anybody got a good facepalm image for this?   Quick, calling captain picard!

#346 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-02
Posts: 68

Re: TI:1

mihb slaps kids up erry day


#347 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

Lopoi, You're just digging your own grave. You will now be looked down upon by the rest of the EE community. You will probably get alot of Rep reduction, starting with mine.

#348 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: TI:1

Well I can vouch that MIHB had not set the code the day Lopoi claims to have trolled, he was not online that day, and I was the last   one to leave pinball bloom when the code was set the previous night,so the code was reset (was also numbers, not a word)

IMO, he probably screenshotted your minimap, put it in animator, uploaded it to his level then trolled it.

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#349 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

This took me very little time

Last edited by Bobomaster (Mar 9 2011 9:57:47 pm)

#350 Before February 2015


Re: TI:1

BEE wrote:

Well I can vouch that MIHB had not set the code the day Lopoi claims to have trolled, he was not online that day, and I was the last   one to leave pinball bloom when the code was set the previous night,so the code was reset (was also numbers, not a word)

IMO, he probably screenshotted your minimap, put it in animator, uploaded it to his level then trolled it.

This makes sense.


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