Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I totally agree with you. Let's make a petition...
Last edited by P788 (Jan 16 2013 12:14:40 pm)
Our opinion are irrelevant, we aren't money.
Our opinion are irrelevant, we aren't money.
He doesn't care about our opinion...
But I bet he cares about getting his mail box flooded with emails...
The people who already bought the smileys should have permanent access to them (locked only when buying them in the shop).
I agree with this. And yes you should make a petition..
This is update is definitely the worst update since the chat limitation.
It's like MrShoe just trolled the entire community. Imagine being locked out of a smilie that you got by making, and sending a card to Chris. Btw, does anyone know if big spender is connected to magic class? If so, that sucks
I don't think MrShoe appreciates some of the trouble we went through to get some of them smilies.
IT also makes no sense, to allow people to use potions, switch just came out, that they've already bought, if their magic class is lower than what's required, but to automatically lock smilies, that have been around forever, just by dropping a magic class.
And he scrambled the smiley order (click the button to change your smiley).
Why, just why.
They might be ordered based on the rank you need to use them.
The funny thing about this update is that the curse potion is working exactly the opposite as intended.
If someone uses a curse potion, everybody tries to steal it. You must run to avoid being robbed by them. All this to see how does it work without spending energy on it.
So everybody's walking around, just showing off their new smileys they bought from the shop... AND MrShoe JUST COMES AND STEALS THEM WITH NO WARNING.
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
Okay, after half of my smileys were denied, I freaking quit. After all of those years, I should keep what I took valuable time to get. But noooo, MrShoe has to come and take away all of my freaking hard work! Dang, I wish EE would just rewind back one year, and be given to RPGMaster2000, and not ShoeFace.
So goodbye EE, goodbye MrShoe, goodbye two years of hard earned smileys. I wonder if blocks are coming (or going) next?
I don't have a rank, and all most of my smilies are locked. I can't use any of them.
So now I am denied access to the smilies I spent time to buy?
Go screw yourself EE. I don't think I am going to play it anymore now, I know it's just smilies, but I can see more of this stupid crap becoming more common.
I came back to give MrShoe another chance, and now he's done it again.
Honestly? Why the hell would you do this?
Builders club and the introduction of potions sucked enough. But this? Really?
To the devs:
Why is it that all you care about is your money and inventing new crap to ruin the game instead of YER **** USERS?!?!1?/1!one?!slash?!??!eleven?!?!
It's like MrShoe just trolled the entire community. Imagine being locked out of a smilie that you got by making, and sending a card to Chris. Btw, does anyone know if big spender is connected to magic class? If so, that sucks
I'm level 6 and my Pumpkin/Bigspender are unlocked, Not sure if they stay like that if your any lower.
Also Master12 is level 1 and all magic smileys are unlocked.
The magic smilies, requiring a higher magic class, would actually make more sense, than any other smiley.
Ironic, isn't it?
No. No. No. No. **** no. I made an oath to keep a energy level where I wouldn't go up to increase my energy, and level 10 smiley comes along. And everything now needs a certain level.
Nope, nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope. Now I'm only gonna spend my energy and play with friends.
So, Shoe (or whoever) decides now that you have to be certain class to have more smileys?
By far the biggest d*ck move ever made IMO.
And the ad underneath for all players who don't have BC is Shoe's way of telling us "Spend money for this game and make me rich or read some stupid ads". D*ck move #2.
Mods can feel free the sensor the words if they don't like them.
Last edited by Arceus64 (Jan 16 2013 5:55:26 pm)
The guy can take my bones, my stones, and maybe even my boys... but he WON'T TAKE MY COYZ! >:C
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
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Im A ®a®ity ®
I think they need to understand that people have lives. Lives with responsibilities. Responsibilities that don't include playing a small scale flash game every minute of their lives.
The only other thing I can say is thank you, MrShoe, for uniting the entire forum against you.
Last edited by Shift (Jan 16 2013 8:01:58 pm)
In my opinion this is the best update since the friend list. This update is amazing. The new curse is probably an update we all been wanting since a long time. Also it is great to see that being class 12 had finally paid off with the new smiley. Amazing update.
On the other hand I do understand some people that want to stay a low level such as 1, taking smileys from people was kind of a crap move. However it does not apply to me which is probably the only reason I like this update so much.
Overall I am just glad getting to stupid class 12 paid off, that is the main thing I am so happy about.
EDIT: I am also finding that the people try to get the curse, not lose it. Seems fun catching the people who have the curse on them.
Last edited by tak4n (Jan 16 2013 10:33:12 pm)
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