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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

The energy concept isn't slow, what IS slow is that the beta/pro access no longer gets you anything other than a TINY head start on the energy store.   the people who don't want to pay any more for instant gratification aren't even getting to test these things...

for instance, I got the coin doors with energy AFTER they were released to the public.   that means that the people who get upgrades with gems got to use the coin doors before me.   same with the black blocks, and actuallly just about every update except the coy smiley :3

when i paid $10 for beta, I thought I was going to get to try things before their public release.   now it seems like all i got was 6 lame smileys.

EDIT: and the bricks.

Last edited by AmoebaLord (Jan 20 2011 11:22:04 am)

#27 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

AmoebaLord wrote:

The energy concept isn't slow, what IS slow is that the beta/pro access no longer gets you anything other than a TINY head start on the energy store.   the people who don't want to pay any more for instant gratification aren't even getting to test these things...

for instance, I got the coin doors with energy AFTER they were released to the public.   that means that the people who get upgrades with gems got to use the coin doors before me.   same with the black blocks, and actuallly just about every update except the coy smiley :3

when i paid $10 for beta, I thought I was going to get to try things before their public release.   now it seems like all i got was 6 lame smileys.

EDIT: and the bricks.

agree on this when i was paying 10$ i though i will get something more

#28 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?


Last edited by Shy Guy (Jan 20 2011 3:53:03 pm)

#29 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

RPG talk to chris to atleast make betas need to pay 50% of the prices cuz u said that we betas are testing features first but because of **** energy we get it after 5 days after release...

#30 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

Calm down people, I will try to adress most of your issues here.

AmoebaLord wrote:

The energy concept isn't slow, what IS slow is that the beta/pro access no longer gets you anything other than a TINY head start on the energy store.   the people who don't want to pay any more for instant gratification aren't even getting to test these things...

for instance, I got the coin doors with energy AFTER they were released to the public.   that means that the people who get upgrades with gems got to use the coin doors before me.   same with the black blocks, and actuallly just about every update except the coy smiley :3

when i paid $10 for beta, I thought I was going to get to try things before their public release.   now it seems like all i got was 6 lame smileys.

EDIT: and the bricks.

The amount of time a new feature will spend in the beta client will fluxuate depending on how extensive that we feel that the feature needs to be tested. This is what all betas have signed up for by definition, but I will see if I can work out some kind of deal with Chris to let the betas keep the new features exclusive to them for a longer time.

Shy Guy wrote:


This is really a matter of perspective. Lots of people might have bought beta just to support EE, others might have bought it to get access to new features quicker than the regular users. As I stated in my response above, I'll see what I can do to keep the items exclusively for beta. But you need to remember what beta is all about in the first place: Testing new features. It isn't, and never will be a "Premium" type of deal where you get loads of new features that the regular users don't have. That's simply not what the purpose of beta is in the first place.

Lukanas wrote:

RPG talk to chris to atleast make betas need to pay 50% of the prices cuz u said that we betas are testing features first but because of **** energy we get it after 5 days after release...

I can bring it up with him but I have a feeling that he will say no. I'm pretty confident that I can persuade him to at least extend the testing periods of any new features that pop up. Can't make any promises though, he always makes the final call.

#31 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

But right now it is a headstart.
Don't tell me the coy smiley and the factoey package needs "testing"


#32 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

Well, the main thing is...
Chris shouldent be changing stuff so much...
Like giving chat and takeing chat away the next day. you just dont do that. Neither do you decide to make betas buy things with energy even though they already paid ten bucks. People expect certain things... I know its stupid but its true, you cant just change $hit on people! They dont like it!

Last edited by ivel236 (Jan 21 2011 5:15:26 pm)

#33 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

EDJ wrote:

But right now it is a headstart.
Don't tell me the coy smiley and the factoey package needs "testing"

I was not referring to mere graphical updates, I was more thinking of coin doors and the black blocks, both of which have new functions that require testing.

#34 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
EDJ wrote:

But right now it is a headstart.
Don't tell me the coy smiley and the factoey package needs "testing"

I was not referring to mere graphical updates, I was more thinking of coin doors and the black blocks, both of which have new functions that require testing.

Still, some betas didn't even get them until after they were released to the public, defeating the purpose of "testing", like me.


That problem should be fixed.

#35 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

how about... you just buy gems????? duh!!

#36 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

gemmygem wrote:

how about... you just buy gems????? duh!!

Not everyone can afford gems, thats why there is energy.

Last edited by haythere (Jan 29 2011 5:19:18 pm)

#37 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

I can admit, i was pretty annoyed when i found out non-betas could get saved worlds too, but think about it. Betas have been able to save worlds for a LOT longer then non-betas, have been the only ones with the unique smileys and bricks for a long time, AND, there is the matter of user made reasons (like, "Betas Only" or "ALL BETAS GET CODE"). And RPGMaster2000 is right. The definition for beta is: "A limited release of a product with a goal of finding bugs before the final release." If you bought your beta when it first came out, congratulations. If you didn't, it's 10 bucks. Not the end of the world. And for anyone who can complain if $10 is a lot to them, (like kids who get $3 a month allowance .etc) it's your fault on that if you didn't read the forums to find out beta would become free the day after you bought it. You had ALL that time to do research on beta and Everybody Edits. I got my beta free via offers for gems, but i spent $10 on the Christmas decorations (Just did because i ran out of time and figured it would be worth it if it's a game i play once in a while for a few more years.) so it's as if i spent energy on decorations and got $10 beta. The point for that last sentence is, I've done the survey way of getting beta, and it only took 10 min at max! I only did free offers too. So everything i said should just about tie up this topic. If it doesn't, sorry my story about beta didn't help.

#38 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

im like lol.haha

#39 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

I'm guessing that Chris is just **** us off just so he can get money, while we need to pay for everything. Thanks to him, we're losing players each day. So right now the number of players is about 600-1000.

#40 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

Blackboy1323 wrote:

I'm guessing that Chris is just **** us off just so he can get money, while we need to pay for everything. Thanks to him, we're losing players each day. So right now the number of players is about 600-1000.

It's funny because today when there weren't much people there were 1900 on the saved worlds... Tough it's true that we're losing some players. But I have to say that 30% of the people who stops playing is for stupid reasons like "They don't let me be a mod". People, cmon, tell me 3 games which let you be mods.

#41 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

Blackboy1323 wrote:

I'm guessing that Chris is just **** us off just so he can get money, while we need to pay for everything. Thanks to him, we're losing players each day. So right now the number of players is about 600-1000.

Not sure where you're getting your statistics from but EE has actually been growing rapidly since day 1 without any noticable slowdown. (Aside from certain holidays) Besides, using numbers from a late sunday to justify your point is kind of lame as the average total is about 2400 players during prime time.

Also, in terms of profit, This blog post should tell you exactly why he's charging for certain gameplay features. (That are mostly free to get anyway.) You guys use an unbelievably huge amount of bandwidth every month that Chris needs to pay from his own pocket. Servers aren't cheap, but of course, I'm sure you knew this already so I'll just tell everyone that the server operations alone cost hundreds of dollars every month.

#42 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

off topic but:
fail link!

Last edited by luker2009 (Jan 30 2011 3:13:35 pm)

#43 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

luker2009 wrote:

off topic but:
fail link!

Damn it! Just fixed it. //

#44 Before February 2015


Re: Anyone else getting annoyed?

mistahboi wrote:

I was thinking instead of getting everything free (which would be so ****ing easier) for betas, I think betas should just get a discount, like around 50%, while frees get full price. Or maybe Betas have 300 energy to start with and frees get 200, so we don't have to like, wake up at about 3 in the morning just to spend energy, because it'll take longer to completely fill up. But I completely 100% agree with betas getting 1 of each update instead of having to use gems/energy to get them.

I like the first idea. Betas should get a discount, so they can get to testing the stuff a little faster.

Shy Guy 1423859765101667

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