Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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The Epic Artists Crew "EA for short" Here's some stuff to know about:
1. All members get access to getting code for every level I made.
2. Were planning to enter contests and win em.
3. I have a game i'm working on that should get this crew known.
4. Bot is the Co Owner owner of the group.
5. Me and bot do troll art and edit it to make realistic drawings.
6. Crew wont be active til March 1st
7. All top crew members get rest of info.
8. Stop reading before the clown with a chainsaw behind you kills you.
9. When you get to line line 10. you'l already be dead.
10. Why u no dead!
Last edited by darkwolf1000 (Feb 8 2012 3:15:17 pm)
[ Started around 1741120986.5023 - Generated in 0.095 seconds, 10 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.35 MiB (Peak: 1.43 MiB) ]