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#1 2024-06-28 11:08:26

From: peaceful dojo
Joined: 2016-02-10
Posts: 1,752

My indignation.

"I absolutely despise how evil people and evil people and evil people are so d*mn evil, and how their evilness existed long before I was even born - it's like I was cursed by the wickedness of these sh*tty folks, and they were just mocking me even before I entered this world."

"My family was just being harassed and picked on by these a*sh*les long before we moved, and this whole generation is just filled with brainless morons, selfish and arrogant d*ckheads. They're no better than the worst kind of carnivores, I swear to g*d."

"These narcissistic psychopaths and sociopaths are just like Diogenes, living like dogs and pigs, thinking they rule the d*mn world and can choose their own rules.

They think they can pick who is who and what is real just because they can and they're always right, the smart-a**es."

"And I swear, I doubt I'll ever get any sort of justice or fairness from this dumb*ss society."

"Despite their foolishness and idiocy, I will keep on being creative in my own unique way – even if I were never born, or if I was never here.

And if they were indeed so smart, those folks should just time travel or something and rewrite history before I appeared, instead of acting like a**ho*es."

"These so-called antis and self-righteous aholes are just a bunch of bad actors trying to pretend they have a chance against all the generations before them. Honestly, I don't give a d*mn."

"Those guys will keep producing more dumb*sses because they think they're the smartest people alive. But soon those dumb people will become too much for them to handle, and they'll lose their d*mn minds. "

"Those id**ts will just cease to exist, and life will turn into a g**d*mn idiocracy sh*tshow like that movie. All those hackers and schemes will continue as people get more st*p*d. I guess I'll just relax and watch things fall apart, and eventually, it won't even matter because I'll be gone, and that will probably be a relief."

"But to be honest, I'm not on anyone's side.

If the so-called 'righteous' and the civil servants in the civil services and civil authorities and councils want to step up, then there needs to be a significant revolution to put an end to these fake a**holes and their damn masqueraders."

"Once that occurs, I'd be like, 'Finally, my mind is liberated, and I can peacefully interact and give feedback without those criminal a***holes getting in my way.' The dumbest people will keep their mindless ramblings and stupid bubble gum nonsense to themselves."

"Thank you for reading this petition against humans, who I call huge mans, giants, or even nephilim, and against the demons and Satanists and Satan himself. I am not like those abominations they call themselves humans; I am a man of mankind, a true part of mankind."



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#2 2024-06-28 11:24:54

From: In your dreams.
Joined: 2019-01-27
Posts: 515

Re: My indignation.

Well , I would agree with this statement partially . But if you are referring towards EE toxic players , I can give a thumb up . Contrary nor the slightest method to criticize the whole EE community.


#3 2024-06-28 15:26:36

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,846

Re: My indignation.

Not entirely sure what this thread's about, but it doesn't seem to be about EE so ima move it to Off-Topic.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


#4 2024-07-07 17:40:00

Joined: 2019-07-13
Posts: 920

Re: My indignation.

This post goes hard, wooted //


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