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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2023-08-10 19:41:55

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,210

Seeking help from japanese users

You might not know this, but i got hired to a gamedev company like a year ago. I manage 2 games, constantly adding updates, publishing the game on different platforms and sites

Few months ago we decided to experiment and publish the game to a japanese site.

We were provided with a sandbox so we could test our game on their site. After some time, we decided to publish it.

It all went well and the game is doing quite good. But there is a problem: non-sandbox prod version requires JAPAN ID to play.

So we literally can't play or see our game in production, also can't view other games on the platform as well to understand what games we are competing against.

I asked in many discord servers, but I didn't find any japanese people to chat about this.

So. If anyone here is japanese and is willing to help by registering on the games site with their JAPAN ID and giving me login/pass, i would greatly appreciate that.
I would be the only one from my company with login credentials (so nothing would go out of hand) and of course promise to do no harm, my goal is only to view my game in prod and view other games

pls contact goshanoobn2 @ gmail com, because i don't visit forums much ad might miss a PM



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