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#1 2022-08-29 15:50:57, last edited by Norwee (2022-09-15 23:04:05)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Setup information

- 13 player slots
- There will be only 2 factions, the town and the mafia
- Mafia has daytalk.
- Closed setup, meaning most of the roles possible to find in the setup is a strict secret. However this will be an balanced setup with not too many power roles! (Hint: More than 2, less than 13)
- The mafia is confirmed to have an Traitor. The traitor is an member of the mafia that knows their teammates but can not communicate with their faction through other channels. And can not perform the factional kill unless they are the sole member remaining. The other mafia is not informed of this players identity in their role.
- Multi-tasking is in effect for any roles with multiple powers.
- Sample VT role pm:

Hidden text
Game information

- 72 hour day deadline. 24 hour night. Majority vote to eliminate an player ends the day. Deadline ending without an majority vote results in no elimination made.
- To vote for an player type "!Vote Username"
Preferably with bold text. like so: !Vote Norwee
Unvoting: "!Unvote"
Additionally you may vote for no elimination by doing so: "!No Elimination" or "!No Lynch" or "!Sleep"

SURVIVOR: Minimania Mafia Goon
SURVIVOR: BuzzerBee Mafia Role Cop

ELIMINATED D1: AllenCaspe9510 Vanilla Townie
KILLED N1: Lumi Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D2: ShadowsEdge Traitor Watcher
KILLED N2: ElijahBaley Town Cop

ELIMINATED D3: Marshmallow Marshall Vanilla Townie
KILLED N3: Grilyon2 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D4: 2b55b5g Town Neighbour
KILLED N4: Big Bon Jovi/Oliwaz144 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D5: Nuclear Gandhi Vanilla Townie
ENDGAMED: Pqwerty Miller Vengeful Neighbour
ENDGAMED: Onjit/Gikkle Ascetic Fruit Vendor

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


#2 2022-08-30 19:31:50

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

!Vote Marshmallow Marshall

Confirmed gangster right here

Well well, I'm really not into that "thug life" meme stuff, but I will take it! //

BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?


!Vote BuzzerBee

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

Double posting without adding new content to the topic is against the rules and will likely result in a warning.
That's new

Elijah, a profile picture would make you more beautiful //

Heh, it scared me too at first, it was in the introduction thread that I was "necroing" lol. Looks like the idea is just common sense though //

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

accidental reply that was

anyways, what my role card told me to say was MM smells like chicken.
It's not me who wants to say it, it's the role card told me to.

Press X to doubt? Do we actually have flavorful stuff of that kind? Because I don't! xD

Also, voting me because I smell is just rude. It is my RIGHT to smell, I'll have you know.


#3 2022-08-30 19:34:30

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

While I voted him as well for his heathenry, I stand in disbelief when I see your post. This is page 1 of a game where pretty much everyone has many people they do not know around. NOBODY has said anything remotely related to the game lol, and that is perfectly normal. I can appreciate the attempt to create an event, but it's weak to the point of being nothing. Also, here you go, I have created an event by replying to you seriously //


Wooted by:

#4 2022-08-30 20:18:00

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

Also, voting me because I smell is just rude. It is my RIGHT to smell, I'll have you know.

Omg, I'm sorry. That was actually extremely rude of me, good thing you pointed it out to me. Live and learn I guess.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

While I voted him as well for his heathenry, I stand in disbelief when I see your post. This is page 1 of a game where pretty much everyone has many people they do not know around. NOBODY has said anything remotely related to the game lol, and that is perfectly normal. I can appreciate the attempt to create an event, but it's weak to the point of being nothing. Also, here you go, I have created an event by replying to you seriously //

Event is a cool word, ngl.
By the way, would it be a stretch to imagine you and BB to be wolves and Elijah making himself known as the lost wolf by these random votes on you both? I mean, he sort of provoked the BB post to happen - the one that he quoted and voted right after. //

Isn't it? heh ^^

And I don't know what you expect my answer to this question to be other than "uh no", considering I am... slightly biased, no matter what the good answer is lol. Besides, long live RVS.


#5 2022-08-30 20:21:05

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
Hidden text

I like this reaction.
About your concern though, I believe early posts are usually wack because making a mountain out of a molehill or posting stretchy ideas are ways to start the game rolling. At least I try to be more lenient on early posts. But this lost wolf (the "Traitor" role) has me be a little paranoid too honestly

Why do you like the reaction? I'm not sure what you find readable in there o.O

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

By the way, would it be a stretch to imagine you and BB to be wolves and Elijah making himself known as the lost wolf by these random votes on you both? I mean, he sort of provoked the BB post to happen - the one that he quoted and voted right after. //

Also, as an icing on the event cake, Elijah called "confirmed gangster" hmm..

Hm, this does make sense, and I actually like this reasoning quite a lot.

...and then I realize I was the one being called a confirmed gangster lmao so no - but that being said, I like the reasoning anyway, so early kudos


#6 2022-08-31 11:59:10

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Lumi wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

Hey, everyone //
Who is dragging this corpse around?
pee pee poo poo

Free Day1 pass to the first person who guesses that last reference correctly //
There may be many "correct" ones but only 1 that I had in mind //

On a more serious note: how many here are new to this kind of game?


I'm new to this, could you explain what's going on? //

Norwee told me I should check it out, but I feel kind of lost rn //

Hidden text


#7 2022-08-31 15:52:59

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

anyways, what my role card told me to say was MM smells like chicken.
It's not me who wants to say it, it's the role card told me to.

If this wasn't a closed setup I wouldn't be asking, but is this actually part of your role card?

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

Isn't it? heh ^^

And I don't know what you expect my answer to this question to be other than "uh no", considering I am... slightly biased, no matter what the good answer is lol. Besides, long live RVS.

What are you biased about?

Whether I am scum or not lol

ElijahBaley wrote:
Pqwerty wrote:

How do you do, fellow kids?

I just wanted to notify everyone that I am an anti-town role. I am still aligned with the town, but I negatively impact it. So, if we can’t find a good mafia candidate to vote today, feel free to vote me. Addition by subtraction or whatever.

Also, I refuse to claim any further than that since I know that any further information will only help the mafia. If you want to know my role, either vote me off today or let the mafia kill me.

Oh and I only like pineapple on pizza if it has ham as well. I want the sweet and salty combo, not just the sweet.

Nah, I don't think we should vote you just for being an anti-town role.  My objective is to lynch scum, not town.

I agree. That being said, Qwerty, you can still be useful to town by participating and scumhunting - and likewise, you can be detrimental to town by not doing so. Thus, my read on you will be about this, not about your supposedly not so great role.

ElijahBaley wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

While I voted him as well for his heathenry, I stand in disbelief when I see your post. This is page 1 of a game where pretty much everyone has many people they do not know around. NOBODY has said anything remotely related to the game lol, and that is perfectly normal. I can appreciate the attempt to create an event, but it's weak to the point of being nothing. Also, here you go, I have created an event by replying to you seriously //

Townie post but that doesn't really mean anything IMO. Easy to make townie posts, especially early game. Will be you waiting for hear more from you.

So if I understand correctly, your answer is just "I was joking in the entirety of my posts"? Well... okay, I guess. I won't be throwing flowers at you for it for sure, but throwing tomatoes may be a little harsh - for now.


#8 2022-08-31 15:57:44

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

What is there to be paranoid over in the Traitor role? It's just a scum like any other


ElijahBaley wrote:

I'm also not convinced the Traitor would try to hint to his mafia buddies. I just tried to picture myself name-dropping all my mafia buddies in some post to hint that I'm the traitor, and I'm like, dude what if I get lynched, or what if people notice that and go - this dude is probably traitor and told us who the Mafia were? It's not worth it.

1: people are not always going for optimal plays
2: it's debatable (the odds of townies detecting the breadcrumb vs the odds of scum, who know who they are, doing so, are really in favor of breadcrumbing)
3: I believe your reasoning to be genuine nonetheless (which does not necessarily mean you're not scum, for the record, just probably not traitor, or perhaps you're even just sharing your thoughts without relation to your alignment)

ElijahBaley wrote:

Actually - more pressingly, it's not really about the risk - if I do some dumb gambit as Town and get lynched, I just blame the other people in Town. They could've read me correctly, but didn't. Their fault.
If I'm Mafia and literally call out my teammates in chat, I cannot blame anyone but myself.

Well, I like... winning, you know, so if I do something that results in not winning, I'd rather blame myself, improve and move on, but anyway, that might not be really relevant here lol


Wooted by:

#9 2022-08-31 15:58:46

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

BuzzerBee, what do you think of Elijah, of his justification for the vote on you ("it's a joke"), and I guess of being the leading wagon for now?


#10 2022-08-31 23:43:35

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Quick pop-in even though I want to go off because this post matters imo

Pqwerty wrote:

Also Marshmallow what even is your opinion on Elijah?

First you criticize them for being too serious,

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

While I voted him as well for his heathenry, I stand in disbelief when I see your post. This is page 1 of a game where pretty much everyone has many people they do not know around. NOBODY has said anything remotely related to the game lol, and that is perfectly normal. I can appreciate the attempt to create an event, but it's weak to the point of being nothing. Also, here you go, I have created an event by replying to you seriously //

Then you criticize them for joking (even though mostly everyone else was joking too)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

So if I understand correctly, your answer is just "I was joking in the entirety of my posts"? Well... okay, I guess. I won't be throwing flowers at you for it for sure, but throwing tomatoes may be a little harsh - for now.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

So if I understand correctly, your answer is just "I was joking in the entirety of my posts"? Well... okay, I guess. I won't be throwing flowers at you for it for sure, but throwing tomatoes may be a little harsh - for now.

So like, what's the deal?

I have never criticized Elijah for being too serious in that sense, but rather for making a crappy accusation. As for "it's a joke", it's a quite easy dismissal, hence my slight reserve.

However, I strongly dislike your post: it's quite obvious I am not accusing Elijah of being "overly serious" under the meaning opposite to the one of "joking", and then accuse him of joking. It looks like your thought process brought you to consider the word "serious" after reading the first Elijah quote, and then "joke" in the second quote, and that you then realized you could maybe paint me as contradicting myself by creating a dichotomy that did not exist in the first place. And for this, I shall punish you //

!Vote Pqwerty


Wooted by:

#11 2022-08-31 23:44:10

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Grilyon2 wrote:

I socially trust nobody not even norwee
Let's wait till night then

Norwee is the most suspicious of them all, we all know that //


#12 2022-09-01 12:43:31

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

hi i just woke up so i’ll backread later, but i’ll say this random fun theory that i had, note that this theory doesn’t really affect my view on Pqwerty, my brain just likes to think of theories that most likely don’t matter

what if Pqwerty is mafia fakeclaiming an anti-town role, using it as an excuse to not claim in the future?

obviously it’s just a dumb theory so im not gonna read Pqwerty based on that

The first thing I thought about was something like a Miller claim (which can well be fake). That being said, as I said myself, I think their claim means quite literally nothing at all. It's their behavior that interests me, and it earns them my vote.

BuzzerBee wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

i guess i will ask if voting on day 1 is normal or helpful?

i haven’t played mafia in probably a year or two but voting on day 1 with no information seems like you have a better chance of random lynching someone from town than actually getting the mafia. is d1 not just for introductions and getting reads?

serious question lol correct me if i’m wrong

It is my understanding that…

It's silly to play/hope for mechanical solving as the main strategy when the host claimed the intention to host a setup which requires social deduction to win. Not voting Day1 means you must vote more accurately in the game overall while also having less information to work with due to no voting patterns to analyze.

this is actually really helpful, ty. i love social deduction and that was one of the reasons why i decided to join norwee’s game in the first place so now i’m even more excited to read into the subtleties of everyone’s posts lol

anyway if it matters to anyone i *don’t* like pineapple on pizza

For the record, I don't think it's out of Gandhi's scum range to help people, but he does feel like his town self and is actually helping. I just wouldn't fully clear him right away for it.

And I can finally find rest knowing that you reject pineapple on pizza ♥


#13 2022-09-01 12:45:18

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:

I've seen Lumi pull off great things in the champs game we played together. I'm not sure if they've just been incredibly busy lately, or if the silence is indicative of trying to lay low.

You literally stole my next post. I saw Lumi in the null section of a list of reads, which is simply wrong lol. That being said, I've played with scum Lumi, and they didn't lay low at all (on the contrary, they got themselves townread, actively manipulated the chat, etc.), so I would rather assume they're just busy.


#14 2022-09-01 12:55:07

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

I have never criticized Elijah for being too serious in that sense, but rather for making a crappy accusation. As for "it's a joke", it's a quite easy dismissal, hence my slight reserve.

So, just to be clear, this whole time you thought Elijah's vote on Buzzerbee was a legitimate accusation from Elijah? As in, 15 posts into the game Elijah decides to start a case against Buzzerbee and then later dismisses it as a joke?

Is it not possible that this was in fact a joke vote and that he later clarified that it was just a joke vote? Is it more likely that Elijah is a bold wolf or that he's just a town who made a joke on the start of D1?

I think the latter is more likely tbh, but if you have a good reason to believe that Elijah is a mafia please share. Because right now your vote is on me, but from what you've clarified, you're suspicious of Elijah too.

Yes, I thought he was accusing for real (considering it was early D1, it was possible that it was a real accusation on weak grounds, as those are common). It is absolutely possible that it was meant as a joke, but I think it's less likely; the answer I would have expected from town!Elijah would have been "I was trying to get a reaction out of Buzzerbee, it was early D1, relax", but instead he just threw it all away and said it was a basically meaningless joke, which is a strange rejection of his own post imo. That being said, I don't think it's TERRIBLY suspicious or anything, just slightly.

As for unvoting you, well. You do look like someone who is genuinely reevaluating after a misunderstanding, so yeah, I guess I can do that. And considering I don't have a better vote, I will vote Elijah, I guess. I foresee a no-lynch, and this saddens me infinitely.

!Vote ElijahBailey


#15 2022-09-01 13:07:30

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

As for Grilyon, I don't feel any particular way about him, and don't see why he's being so attacked. He looks like the average newbie who doesn't know how the game works and plays wrong because of it (by not doing anything and "waiting for the night"). Am I missing something?


Wooted by:

#16 2022-09-01 15:57:52

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

1) I thought my vote was still on MM when you asked
2) The vote on MM was the joke not buzzerbee

Uhh, ok. How do you read the way people have reacted to you? Do you still think buzzerbee is suspicious?

Big Bon Jovi wrote:

Wassup gents

Greetings. Thoughts on Buzzerbee and on Elijah?


#17 2022-09-01 17:37:24

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

AllenCaspe9510 wrote:

List of reads:

Hidden text

Perhaps I am being suddenly dense, but your paragraph on Elijah makes no sense at all to me. I read your words and don't see what you mean. I am confused.

About Onjit: you like the fact he hasn't said much about the game?? Why would anyone like such a thing lol (apart from scum obviously)? I am confused, but in a different and less positive way...

About Beepboop: you like their passive nature? I have not even noticed their existence, honestly, but can you explain further? Being passive usually is not good, but rather either neutral or bad, as far as I know.

About me: Not interesting?! My disappointment is immense and my day is ruined. //

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

I see reads lists 100 posts into the game.
I'm not used seeing reads lists 100 into the game.
I myself rarely ever do reads lists, I'm more of a 1 vote at a time while posting thoughts as they come type of guy.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

I foresee a no-lynch, and this saddens me infinitely.

I hope not. That'd be an infinitely -EV play.
But seeing as we are required to reach a majority vote in order to eliminate anyone at all, I'd say you're right.

I'll read the game later in the evening to decided on a vote and give any thoughts I might have along the way. But I'm pretty sure eliminating just any inactive slot on Day1 is as good as we can hope to get; you don't want to get in a situation where the final 5, or something, are mostly slots who barely play when you can remove them from the equation and increase the chances of future decisions being correct.

I like reads lists 100 posts into the game, that's for sure. But I strongly prefer Buzzerbee's list, which I find to be genuine and relatable, to Casper's, which has weird/confusing elements (see above) and generally lacks... content? I don't know, it feels like a nothingburger for some reason. The best word to describe it is weird.

And yes, majority only as a lynch system is very saddening (but on the other hand, last game here, I got lynched D1 because there was plurality and noone really voted so I got targeted for actually doing something lmao)

As for lynching low-posters, yes, but no. I am considering voting Casper here (whether I do so or not will be determined by his reaction to what I said in the upper part of my post), and either way, I still want to hear more from Elijah. There are actual tracks to follow here, so it's not like there's nothing to do but lynching low posters. I would absolutely get behind lynching lurkers over no-lynching, though; it's just not my top choice.

Also, quick list:



Pqwerty (pretty good reaction to my push on them, but not convinced enough to put them as high as the other two)

NULL : everyone not mentioned; special mention of Lumi that is 99,9999 % being busy here, I think this is absolutely NAI




#18 2022-09-02 01:08:39

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Grilyon2 wrote:

Ok I'm gonna explain myself

Firstly, it's my first time playing and never really saw anything related to past games, so I don't understand at all the slang, roles and so on. So, probably my assumptions will end up being poorly

That being said, what's the matter with unvoting and 'wait till night'?: I didn't want to vote because these two reasons: Trying to prevent my role being mistaken, and avoid a contraproductive vote. However, it's true that Gandhi wrote a well explained post about voting is beneficial in day 1, and now I understand even a new player should apply that. Now that I see it again, I think I should vote.

My vote and pqwerty woots: I believe in pqwerty anti-town role but not about him being aligned with town. I believe he tried to paint MM as a contradictory to feed its supposed role, because really (I) don't see how you can misunderstand that, then tried to rectify because it did not work as intended? That's why i wooted.
My second guess is Eliah since he has been voting with little info and said not voting pqwerty just because is not scum which I think is not true

Soo !Vote Pqwerty

Another thing, I don't know how does roles are distributed by the host, guessing that is randomized? However, wouldn't it be weird to give a newbie a mafia role, it could screw up easy

Don't worry, you have a right to be new lol, some things can be counterintuitive at first.
Usually, roles are handpicked, but who gets what is randomized. Newbies absolutely can be Mafia, so sorry, we have to consider you as a potential suspect //

Hmm, I don't think Pqwerty is evil faking the reevaluation, but it's still possible. I just won't go there unless there is a better reason to do so.

Voting people early is NOT a valid reason to scumread someone, by the way. It's fairly common to even begin the game with a vote to get the ball rolling, so don't get fooled by this.


#19 2022-09-02 01:11:45

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

also, it isn't true that I wasn't scum hunting, I was. you can look at the posts I made regarding MM and see I had the intent to scum hunt.

by the way, this could be wrong or whatever but AllenCaspe's read list triggers my inner gut read

!vote AllenCaspe9510

Well, if you have intent to scum hunt, you must have some reads now. Please provide us with a list of reads //

You've been a center of attention for the whole game, there are 7 pages and serious posts... like, if you actually tried to get reads, you at least have some by now.


#20 2022-09-03 17:10:29

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Poor Lumi lmao, getting killed even when AFK for most of D1. On the bright side, though, that's one difficult slot to solve removed from the equation.

ElijahBaley wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

Now, are we going to discuss the game or are we going to continue a meaningless meta discussion?

Please do. What are your thoughts on MM and BB?

Also, I dare you to show 1 deep thought //

If you're going to be sarcastic I'm not going to talk to you, I'm not here to be someone's intellectual punching bag.

You've to admit that sarcastic comment was deserved.
I don't mean to demean you or anything, but seriously - what are your thoughts of MM and BB? You said you want to discuss the game. If you actually refuse to comment on your vote and random target after saying, that's just.. I don't even know what that is tbh. Be serious please. What are you thoughts on BB and MM?

right now, my thoughts are that I'm too annoyed and cannot remember what my thoughts on MM were, but I remember I read some posts on d1 idk which and like I said BuzzerBee seems scummy, MM is null and playing totally NAI, saying things either alignment could say
my thoughts also are that

1) Lumi was night killed by Mafia. obviously someone either considered him a threat and eliminated them from the game. you said that if you were scum you woulda night killed him, but I don't think that means anything necessarily. anyone here who found him a threat woulda killed him even if Lumi wasn't scum reading them. of course, it's also possible that he was totally randomly murdered (such things do happen)

But why am I scummy? Because I pushed you? Well look at this closely //

!Vote ElijahBailey

If you are not scumreading me for voting you, but for "being scum", why am I scum? What about Buzzerbee? You have been one of the most active players, and yet, I cannot figure why you read a single person the way you claim to do (and many people are left untouched by you). I'm not saying you're DEFINETLY scum, but you need to convince me otherwise, at this point, and not just by saying "but I am town, grr!", which is more or less what you've been doing.


#21 2022-09-03 17:18:11

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

yes and not actively scum hunting it as you put it definitely makes one scum //

ElijahBaley wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

But I look at your past and instinctively it feels like an interest in scumhunting is shown in a single digit percentile of your posts.

it does not have to be present in more than that

I just want to quickly comment on this for Elijah.
1) Actually, deep thoughts are what I find the towniest, as that's a hard thing for wolves to fake. Anyone can spam angrily for inactive to become more active and ask for reads etc. etc. Why do you think I townread 2b55 and BB among the highest for example? Because they've the deepest thoughts - which is a good sign they're solving.
2) I think this is a difference in how we think the game should be played. Let's any random slot has a 25% chance to be wolf from your perspective and let's say you see something that you think would come from a wolf 26 out of 100 times, so just +1% of rand, what do you do? Some go crazy for that micro > rand, some note it, some discuss it with others, etc. etc. it differs between people. You probably don't think mention worthy anything that's like less than 80% wolf likely or something. I think any thought should be shared.

So, no, "active hunting" or whatever isn't a necessity. It's not even that clearing. Main thing is having of you caring about solving the game in a genuine fashion. Don't blame others when they don't find it in your 1% game content posts. (it's more now, ofc)

all thoughts should be shared, it's just that many people just make up complicated schemes that they don't actually believe in and then push them. I don't do that, I wait until I feel something that comes from within and then I state it.

If you sincerely feel like NOTHING AT ALL has happened apart from you getting pushed (which is obviously an horrible sin /s), then you may want to review your standards? Because if everyone just sits there and waits for the magic inner illumination you speak of, scum just kill everyone and win xD.

I think you may be saying genuine things... but that does not mean you are genuinely town, just that you might seriously believe in what you say about how you play, so I cannot give you a free pass for it - you NEED to do towny things.


#22 2022-09-03 17:23:32

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:

look at my posts. I am town through and through. I just have a different play style.

I do look at your posts. I also do believe you may have a different playstyle, despite the fact we used to have a very similar playstyle... but none of this tells me you're town, and a lot of it tells me you're being basically useless. If you are town, your "different" playstyle is making you suspicious in the eyes of many and needlessly makes you a topic of discussion that detracts us from the real scum. You can always say "well, that's a you issue, I play like I want to and it's your job to read me correctly", but then you still harm your own chances (and your team's).

ElijahBaley wrote:

this is not the moment to be sarcastic or ironic towards me. I know we like to joke around and it's all in good fun, but please stop. all you're doing is making me angrier and angrier, which makes it almost impossible for me to collect my thoughts.

Ehh I can do that, it's not essential to play correctly lol - but my expectations remain, and if you cannot meet these, then I cannot townread you, because there is no reason to do so.


#23 2022-09-03 17:24:28

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
Hidden text

I did do townie things, maybe you should try putting yourself in my place

also, I DID do things, scum does not win this game, I pushed Minimania and I have him as a 99% town

Okay, why is Minimania 99 % town then?


#24 2022-09-03 17:35:29

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
Hidden text

I didn't see Minimania getting angry, and thus am not sure what you are referring to. Quotes might help.

ElijahBaley wrote:

by the way, I knew Lumi would flip town.
!vote BuzzerBee

you do realize this is a little easy after the flip right xD


#25 2022-09-03 17:39:15

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:
Lumi wrote:
Minimania wrote:

If I have to in order for there to be a day 1 elim then sure but this is not who I wanted to go

Post your scumreads right now

Before voting Allen

Because you had 72 hours to push people and instead your iso is empty of any sort of pushes

So I call bs and this comment could be a wolfy attempt to not catch scumreads for hammering a town

If you read my iso, you will know my day 1 gameplan was to search for people I thought were innocent, not guilty

Minimania wrote:

We can talk about this tomorrow Lumi

!vote AllenCaspe9510

Well, tomorrow is now, old man //

I shall carry Lumi's flame forward to victory and ask you to indeed give your reads - especially your scum ones. I read your ISO, and it's basically just you defending against Elijah without even really reaching a conclusion on him, afaik, apart from just calling him OMGUSsy.



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