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#1 2022-08-29 15:50:57, last edited by Norwee (2022-09-15 23:04:05)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Setup information

- 13 player slots
- There will be only 2 factions, the town and the mafia
- Mafia has daytalk.
- Closed setup, meaning most of the roles possible to find in the setup is a strict secret. However this will be an balanced setup with not too many power roles! (Hint: More than 2, less than 13)
- The mafia is confirmed to have an Traitor. The traitor is an member of the mafia that knows their teammates but can not communicate with their faction through other channels. And can not perform the factional kill unless they are the sole member remaining. The other mafia is not informed of this players identity in their role.
- Multi-tasking is in effect for any roles with multiple powers.
- Sample VT role pm:

Hidden text
Game information

- 72 hour day deadline. 24 hour night. Majority vote to eliminate an player ends the day. Deadline ending without an majority vote results in no elimination made.
- To vote for an player type "!Vote Username"
Preferably with bold text. like so: !Vote Norwee
Unvoting: "!Unvote"
Additionally you may vote for no elimination by doing so: "!No Elimination" or "!No Lynch" or "!Sleep"

SURVIVOR: Minimania Mafia Goon
SURVIVOR: BuzzerBee Mafia Role Cop

ELIMINATED D1: AllenCaspe9510 Vanilla Townie
KILLED N1: Lumi Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D2: ShadowsEdge Traitor Watcher
KILLED N2: ElijahBaley Town Cop

ELIMINATED D3: Marshmallow Marshall Vanilla Townie
KILLED N3: Grilyon2 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D4: 2b55b5g Town Neighbour
KILLED N4: Big Bon Jovi/Oliwaz144 Vanilla Townie

ELIMINATED D5: Nuclear Gandhi Vanilla Townie
ENDGAMED: Pqwerty Miller Vengeful Neighbour
ENDGAMED: Onjit/Gikkle Ascetic Fruit Vendor

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


#2 2022-08-31 02:51:28

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

How do you do, fellow kids?

I just wanted to notify everyone that I am an anti-town role. I am still aligned with the town, but I negatively impact it. So, if we can’t find a good mafia candidate to vote today, feel free to vote me. Addition by subtraction or whatever.

Also, I refuse to claim any further than that since I know that any further information will only help the mafia. If you want to know my role, either vote me off today or let the mafia kill me.

Oh and I only like pineapple on pizza if it has ham as well. I want the sweet and salty combo, not just the sweet.


#3 2022-08-31 06:43:03

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

anyways, what my role card told me to say was MM smells like chicken.
It's not me who wants to say it, it's the role card told me to.

If this wasn't a closed setup I wouldn't be asking, but is this actually part of your role card?

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

Isn't it? heh ^^

And I don't know what you expect my answer to this question to be other than "uh no", considering I am... slightly biased, no matter what the good answer is lol. Besides, long live RVS.

What are you biased about?


#4 2022-08-31 17:26:17

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

How did Nuclear Gandhi go from saying this about 2B

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
2b55b5g wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

i honestly can’t tell if this is a joke post or not

I like this reaction.
About your concern though, I believe early posts are usually wack because making a mountain out of a molehill or posting stretchy ideas are ways to start the game rolling. At least I try to be more lenient on early posts. But this lost wolf (the "Traitor" role) has me be a little paranoid too honestly

to then saying that 2B could be coasting?

I read the quote

2b55b5g wrote:

i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch, “confirmed gangster” is kinda sus since that came out of nowhere, but it can simply be a joke post so idk lol

as 2B being open-minded and not hastily making decisions. But I also read the other quote as being open-minded. Idk I just don't interpret the quotes the same way as Gandhi and I don't think it's a solid case yet.

On a side note, I think Elijah defended himself well. I agree with Elijah that I also don't think traitor would take the risk of leaving crumbs, and I don't think Elijah would take that risk because he said he doesn't want to be blamed for losing the game for the mafia.

Anyway I think Nuclear Gandhi is town for putting in the effort to play, but I just don't agree with his takes yet. But honestly the best towns challenge each other and make an effort to find the truth.


#5 2022-08-31 17:33:24

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Also Marshmallow what even is your opinion on Elijah?

First you criticize them for being too serious,

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:
BuzzerBee wrote:

hi y’all

i don’t know a lot of you and a lot of you don’t know me so here’s a quick and potentially controversial icebreaker question

pineapple on pizza ?

though - noted that you are avoiding interaction with in-game stuff, which can come from Mafia.

!Vote BuzzerBee

While I voted him as well for his heathenry, I stand in disbelief when I see your post. This is page 1 of a game where pretty much everyone has many people they do not know around. NOBODY has said anything remotely related to the game lol, and that is perfectly normal. I can appreciate the attempt to create an event, but it's weak to the point of being nothing. Also, here you go, I have created an event by replying to you seriously //

Then you criticize them for joking (even though mostly everyone else was joking too)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

So if I understand correctly, your answer is just "I was joking in the entirety of my posts"? Well... okay, I guess. I won't be throwing flowers at you for it for sure, but throwing tomatoes may be a little harsh - for now.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

So if I understand correctly, your answer is just "I was joking in the entirety of my posts"? Well... okay, I guess. I won't be throwing flowers at you for it for sure, but throwing tomatoes may be a little harsh - for now.

So like, what's the deal?


#6 2022-08-31 17:34:04

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Oops it double-quoted my argument is now invalid


#7 2022-08-31 23:22:12

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

!vote Minimania

Seems to be very filler so far


#8 2022-09-01 01:12:49

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

I have never criticized Elijah for being too serious in that sense, but rather for making a crappy accusation. As for "it's a joke", it's a quite easy dismissal, hence my slight reserve.

So, just to be clear, this whole time you thought Elijah's vote on Buzzerbee was a legitimate accusation from Elijah? As in, 15 posts into the game Elijah decides to start a case against Buzzerbee and then later dismisses it as a joke?

Is it not possible that this was in fact a joke vote and that he later clarified that it was just a joke vote? Is it more likely that Elijah is a bold wolf or that he's just a town who made a joke on the start of D1?

I think the latter is more likely tbh, but if you have a good reason to believe that Elijah is a mafia please share. Because right now your vote is on me, but from what you've clarified, you're suspicious of Elijah too.


#9 2022-09-01 01:20:53

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

2b55b5g wrote:

what if Pqwerty is mafia fakeclaiming an anti-town role, using it as an excuse to not claim in the future?

Again I ask which is more likely:

I'm a mafia who is fakeclaiming instead of staying silent so that I don't have to claim in the future?
I'm anti-town and I'm notifying the town way in advance so that no one can be like "why didn't you say that sooner?" when my role eventually harms the town.

There's likelihood for both so believe what you want.


#10 2022-09-01 01:26:56

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Oh also 2b and Gandhi, do you have any opinions on people so far? I've seen a lot of theorizing but idk where your heads are at.


#11 2022-09-01 03:33:01

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Uh Mini. There's only 2 factions. That's a fact listed in the title.

How am I a town SK/Arsonist/Executioner/Jester? What even is a town traitor?

I just wanted you to talk more, I didn't think you'd overreact so much


#12 2022-09-01 03:55:18

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:

Oh, yeah you know what, that's entirely fair.

But still then, what anti town role can you be if not Mafia?

As I've said, I don't want to say. At this point in time, the information would only help the mafia. Like I'm almost positive of that and so that's why I only claimed anti-town.


#13 2022-09-01 03:56:06

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

But claiming anti-town is helpful to the town


#14 2022-09-01 04:57:04

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Here are my thoughts on everyone so far.

ShadowsEdge - They're providing helpful information, but they're also haven't posted many opinions/reads besides the slight tr on Gandhi.

Onjit - many memes but i hope he'll participate eventually

Marshmallow Marshall - I misinterpreted what they said, but if what they said in their clarification is correct, they're suspicious of Elijah. Elijah is an easy target since there's a theory that he signaled to the other mafia that he was a traitor. I also think their vote on me may be overreacting. However, these actions aren't outside the realm of possibility for a townie, so i'm suspicious but not dead set on them being mafia.

2b55b5g - i'm waiting on their reads because so far I haven't seen much outside of a few good comments.

Minimania - kind of fillery and i think the vote on me was just a misunderstanding. I want to see more from them.

AllenCaspe9510 - He'll be back later, I guess.

Big Bon Jovi - MIA

ElijahBaley - Hasn't made any reads but their defense against being the traitor made sense to me. I'd like to see their reads since they seem reasonable.

BuzzerBee - mostly filler. I wanna see more.

Nuclear Gandhi - interesting theories and a hot take on 2b, but there's effort here and he doesn't seem malicious.

Grilyon2 - I think it's their first game so idk if "let's wait till night then" means they want to end the day early. I assume since they're wooting the posts where people vote for me that they want to vote for me.

Lumi - 3 posts but they're lying about being new.


#15 2022-09-02 04:03:18

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Hey Lumi, why are you claiming vt?


#16 2022-09-02 04:10:56

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Lumi wrote:
Pqwerty wrote:

Hey Lumi, why are you claiming vt?

So I don't get night killed, lmao

Yeah but like, no one prompted you to claim and no one is voting for you. If you’re actually a VT you made it easier for the mafia to hunt for PRs and if you’re a VT it’s way better that you get nightkilled than a PR, unless in like the next 12 hours you become the town leader.

This just pings me as weird.


#17 2022-09-02 04:13:55

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Lumi wrote:
Pqwerty wrote:

Hey Lumi, why are you claiming vt?

So I don't get night killed, lmao

Also what fear does a VT have for being nightkilled? It’s definitely a less useful role than like a PR


#18 2022-09-02 04:19:35

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I think Allen gave a bunch of mediocre reads and then went back to lurking. Historically, he’s an easy D1 mischop. I don’t see Allen as the criminal mastermind yet


#19 2022-09-02 04:26:36

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Wait how’d you go from agreeing with me that ShadowsEdge isn’t giving any reads to ShadowsEdge is town?


#20 2022-09-02 04:31:42

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

If I had to say who I think the scum are, I’d say Mini is my top suspicion.


#21 2022-09-02 04:37:11

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Mini was the host of most of the games I’ve played here so I don’t have any meta really.


#22 2022-09-02 04:44:26

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Lumi wrote:
Pqwerty wrote:

Mini was the host of most of the games I’ve played here so I don’t have any meta really.

Why do you scumread him then?

Well, as I’ve said before their posts were super filler. Then they super overreacted after I voted them. It seemed like a mix of OMGUS and trying to start a wild wagon against me. And now they’ve faded back into lurking. No reads either.

I mean compared to everyone else I have the hardest time thinking Mini is town


#23 2022-09-02 04:55:31

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Also Lumi I’m still really confused about the VT claim. You were MIA like most of the day so do you really think you were enough of a potential NK target to warrant a random claim? I mean you said so yourself that an inactive town mixed with majority will be it’s downfall. If you think this is the mafia’s winning strategy then shouldn’t the mafia keep the inactive players (you, until now) alive?

I don’t know why I’m so hung up on this so I should probably look into other people before I start tunneling/hyperfixating.


#24 2022-09-04 00:13:42

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

These EOD's are rough. Don't know if I can make any of them.

Also, since it seems like some people don't want to make reads, let's make a list of reasons for town and for mafia for each player. You can also include general observations. Then we'll compile the list so that everyone's opinion is included. I'll put the opinions of confirmed town (Lumi and Allen) in green.

The post numbers are from their ISO since I'm too lazy to be looking in the thread.

Reasons for Town:
- #5, #6 and #7 in their ISO are good observations and seem like useful information to the town.
- #10 feels like they're trying to get reads
- #12 is a good reason to trust Lumi's VT claim, so it doesn't appear to be coming from a place of TMI.
- (#25 from Lumi) Proactively trusting Lumi's VT claim instead of waiting to see Lumi's opinion on them shows that ShadowsEdge was not sheeping Lumi.
- Allen liked their "passive nature", however you interpret that.
Reasons for Mafia:
- Having good observations (#5,#6,#7) instead of opinions/reads on people at the start is something the mafia could do to look towny without showing their cards.
- For someone who accused 2b, BB, and Allen for having superficial reads, their townreads on MM, Gandhi, and me aren't really explained. Also, I thought 2B and BB's reads were fine.

Reasons for Town:
- He usually memes all of D1 as town, so this aligns with meta.
- Not having reads D1 is fine (Allen, post 3 in iso)
Reasons for Mafia:
- He's more inactive than usual.
- Allen is concerned about how inactive he is (#4 in Allen's ISO)

Marshmellow Marshall
Reasons for Town:
- For the most part, each progression on Elijah made sense
- Maybe the reason they're still tunneling Elijah is because they haven't reevaluated.
Reasons for Mafia:
- (from Lumi #13) The OMGUS on me felt unnatural and unexpected. And the tunnel on Elijah feels misplaced.

Reasons for Town:
- Allen thought 2B was being productive (post #3 in his iso)
- #5 is a good observation and it led to more info from Elijah
- #16 is a good readlist imo

Reasons for Mafia:
- #6 is weird to me, but only because I think Gandhi's theory about Elijah signaling to the mafia is a stretch.
- (from Lumi #8) Lumi didn't like their read on ShadowsEdge.

Reasons for Town:
- The OMGUS on me was instantly retracted so they don't seem malicious.
Reasons for Mafia:
- not a fan of the OMGUS on me.
- Still filler. I don't see any reads or contributions yet, despite saying he would at EOD1.

Big Bon Jovi
Reasons for Town: could be inactive because he got a VT role and just gave up for not having an important role.
Reasons for Mafia: could be inactive because he wants to watch the town eat itself and make a bunch of wrong guesses.

Reasons for Town:
- I like his defenses and I don't think he'd be drawing so much attention to himself if he was mafia.
- He might not be doing much right now because he's been under constant scrutiny of MM and Gandhi
Reasons for Mafia:
- #23 He says he's hunting but he's mostly defending himself.
- no reads so far.

Reasons for Town:
- Allen liked his reads (post #3 in Allen's ISO)
- I think the reasoning for his reads is good.
Reasons for Mafia:
- Elijah and Grilyon are easy targets for scumreads, and a lot of his reads are "strong". The confidence seems like a place of TMI, as in I wouldn't be as confident in my reads or have so many confident reads given how few reasons were given for the reads.
- (from Lumi #8) Lumi didn't like their read on ShadowsEdge

Nuclear Gandhi
Reasons for Town:
- (#10 from Lumi) He is acting like his town meta
- I like his reads for the most part (#29)
- Maybe the reason they're still tunneling Elijah is because they haven't reevaluated.

Reasons for Mafia:
- I'm not the biggest fan of his vote on 2b (explanation in #4), but it could just be a difference in opinion than alignment indicative.
- I don't understand the MM townread (#29)
- The tunnel on Elijah has been going on since the start of the game and hasn't changed since. I don't think there's enough information to target Elijah and Lumi also wondered why MM and Gandhi have been on Elijah this whole time.
- Would it be too much of a stretch to think Gandhi's paranoia in #12 is a slip? As Elijah said, the traitor is just another mafia to the town. But the mafia could be paranoid about accidentally shooting their partner, and the traitor could be paranoid about accidentally getting shot. This is just speculation so I'm not acting on it. But I am entertaining the idea.

Reasons for Town:
-very new so they get a town pass from me
-(#11 from Lumi) Lumi thought Grilyon was town
Reasons for Mafia:
-very passive so far

Right now, I'm sort of suspicious of BB, Mini, MM, Gandhi, and Elijah. But I want to mix opinions to see if I'm missing something. Please give your opinions because I think the average opinion of the town will be more accurate than my opinions.


#25 2022-09-04 00:14:48

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

But anyway, why is there a wagon on BB?



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