Clone action tool:
- They can do everything the current smiley can do, including using portals, activating switches and using variety of action tools. (Some exceptions might be spawn points, Visual effect zones).
- The clone and the smiley although do the same moves, perform those in different places, being susceptible to the environment.
- All clones die if the smiley dies.
▼Features and Settings:
Spawn point: Where the shadow spawns, one shadow per shadow spawn point.
Shadow doors: Only shadow clones are affected by them, the smiley or the shadow open and close them by a switch.
Activator & De-activator effect: Where the shadow is activated (and deactivated if pressed again).
Time: The shadow will be active for 0-999 seconds (0 representing infinite).
ID: Links an activator with a spawn point.
▼Additional setting:
Types: Instead of one type, there could be different clones, with different abilities.
Shadow clone: Kills the smiley when touched, (if the shadow dies, that does not make the smiley die).
Blood-linked clone: If this clone dies, the smiley dies too. (it does not kills the smiley by touch). (It won´t kill the smiley if the smiley deactivates this clone by touching the clone activator again).
Ice Clone: The smiley interact with it as a solid block, being able for example to jump on it, but it also has an aura that slows down the smiley (Only kills the smiley if it stomps on top of the smiley).
Bomb clone: Explodes after being nearby the smiley for certain amount of time. (Kills the smiley only when detonation is in range of the smiley).
▼Shadow clone feature request from Discord User
The Skeng Man, EE! Discord Server User:
Shadow Clone
Try making a Shadow Copy or a clone concept that moves just like you, only if they die, you dont die, but they can activate switches and stuff
Activator summons it in a specific spot, probably from a copy spawnpoint, and then a deactivator that removes the copy
Visual Effect Zones:
Variety of types.
Each type independent from the other visual effect zones.
▼Visual Effect Zone types
- Obscurity Zone:
▼Settings and Mechanics:
- Obscurity Zones.
- % Of obscurity: A scroll bar with 4 levels of obscurity: |0% | 30% | 50% | 70%| (from brighter to darker, 0% is no obscurity)
- Hue shift: Changes the basic color of the obscurity.
- When the smiley enters in any obscurity zone, the entire map gets in the obscurity setting the zone is set to, if there is a zone darker placed near a zone that is brighter, the player will visualize the darker zone darker and the brighter zone brighter.
- Some items has natural lighting, such as fire and laser beam.
▼For the gif below, the builder would see the map like this while in Zone settings, into Visual effect zones and into the Obscurity zone tab:
- Distortion Zone:
▼Settings and Mechanics:
- Distortion Zone:
ON/OFF: ON makes the entire map distortion effect, while OFF makes the selected spot not affected by the effect.
- When the smiley enters in any distortion zone, the entire map gets in the distortion setting the zone is set to.
- Makes a distortion on the borders of blocks and hazards, (like shown in the gif when the player reach the bottom of the map).
▼For the gif below, the builder would see the map like this while in Zone settings, into Visual effect zones and into the Distortion zone tab:
- Elemental Zone:
▼Settings and Mechanics:
- Elemental zone placer.
- Type:
{Volcanic: Makes the world display Lava sparks going upwards.
{Snowfall: Makes the world to snow.
{Vending direction: Right-down-up-Left, the visual effects will go to that direction.
- Foreground or background: Where the visual effect will take place.
- Potency: Two potency only: 0% and 100%, Areas with 0% won´t show the element, while 100% activates the element for the entire map (except for areas with 0% zone for the element)
- The zones are only visual and are activated for the entire world when the smiley is in the zone, (unless the builder placed a 0% area somewhere, in that spot, the element won´t be seen)
- Each elemental zone has its own zone tab, and only displays for the builder when being on the zone setting for such element.
▼PS: Elemental zones would mix well with movement zones:
Movement zones:
- Moves the smiley like arrows, but the player can go counter direction if being fast enough.
- Allows the smiley to jump
- It is like wind, with different speeds, the player won´t to see them while playing, only the builder see them while in zone setting of such visual effect elemental zone.
- Potency: 5 levels of potency, (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) from less strength to more strength.
- Miscellaneous visual effects, sepia, grayscale, hue shift tint for the screen, screen-blur.
- Extra miscellaneous visual effects, sparkles, clouds, vapor, leafs falling, raining.
- Miscellaneous visual effects on screen borders, frost in borders of the screen, blood splash (hue shift available for the splash), darkening borders effect.
Shadow Clone, Obscurity Zone, Distortion Zone: