- How to draw On the minis -
Heres what Nightmore made. Let's make it cooler with art.
0. Decide what kind of building / nature this will be
- Keep in mind that what you are going to draw. Cave or building or whatever.
1. Make the silhouette more unique
-Yeah squares are good but why not adding circles and triangles and many shapes.
2. Pick the colors you use
- EE has many vivid colors so I pick only 3 colors.
3. Draw the silhouette of parts
-Tbh I dunno what am I drawing but It'll be like some buildings maybe.
4. Shading
-I describe how to shade on "How to draw Buildings".
Add drop-shadow and hi-lights
5. Add details and shading, repeat
- Always details are later. However don't abuse details, I'll be messy.
It's already too many vivid colors in EE.
6. Check whether theres exploits or not
-Don't forget this always. Check stuck too.
- Advanced -
Heres good example and bad example.
Let's point out what is bad first:
1.Can't recognize what building this is
The buildings at bad ones, They are just squares. They even don't have roofs.
2.Too messy
The building at "Aftersapiens" (which the monster is drawn) , There are many windows or archs? I dunno what this is.
Theres no empty space.
Inane's sky(bg) is really good however I can't say the foregrounds are good.
3.No clearly separation
It’s important to clearly separate minis and arts
In good one, you can see the parts like this:
It's drawn politely for example: roofs winroom bg... and more.
I can afford to draw arts because minis didn't eat too much spaces.
However heres bad one:
Greens are arts and pinks are minis.
Most parts are eaten by minis and theres no explanation of art.
and you can't recognize the difference between the parts of art and minis.
I said the sky at "Inane" is good because theres many explainations while theres no explainations of building.
The reason why building is bad is this: Most parts of building is just minis and wall.
You can't recognize clear silhouette of the building. Even the art parts.
So please keep in mind this:
Make the parts for mini and art
If every minis are too near, there will be no space to draw.
Keep spaces to draw.