Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2019-09-16 05:08:07, last edited by danielcool1 (2019-09-16 05:28:29)

From: U.S.A
Joined: 2016-01-13
Posts: 286

Detective Life 2 Revamped Work in Progress

Hello Everybody Edits Forums Community! I have (somewhat) returned. And I did learn from my past mistakes this time around.
If you guys like to see what the revamped version will look like, feel free to stop by and see.
Also, feel free to give criticism and feedback, it will definitely help me improve this version of "Detective Life 2" this time around.
Trust me, you don't want to see something like this again:
because this looks pretty ugly since I used EEditor and used around mediocre amounts of effort to none.
Pretty much there won't be EEditor to be seen around this time, and I did fix the grammar from my past mistakes.
Let me know if there's any.
Anyways, thanks for reading this post, and if you want to test out the work in progress, here's the world id:
Click to play PWOhCn4JiPcEI!
Note: This time around, depending on if you skip signs or not, it might take a shorter amount of time to complete this compared to the original Detective Life.
Also note: Everything that a real player did in detective life 1 and 2 are fictional, whether if that player is an antagonist character or protagonist.
(oh yea, spoiler alert if you haven't played detective life 1)

AnnrjYL.png q1EPQvE.png

Thank AnatolyEE for the picture on top of this link. And credit to Bluecloud for making a signature for me at the picture next to AnatolyEE.

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