Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HELL.
peace [2]: 2B, peace
Crybaby [1]: mutantdevle
Not voting [2]: slabdrill, crybaby
This phase will enter overtime in 55 hours.
Mod notes:
Let's start this page out right with a #votecount!
aslo reaosn why u want crybaby gone slab? and please dont say im following mutant but provide endivince why he is scum
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
The primary reason is that I'm following mutantdevle.
The secondary reason is that this allows Crybaby to choose whether they want to lynch you or them, as they probably know better than I do.
This vote doesn't actually change the result, unless Crybaby willingly goes to hell.
suddenly random sig change
Here is something constructive, Mutant. Somebody that I'm suspicious of is 2B55B5G, and a follow up potential candidate is Peace. I'll make my case here.
He seems oddly supportive of Mutant’s plan, which tells me that it in some way benefits him. Even if it were to have him voted in hell on it, he could easily just suddenly start going against it when the next heaven phase or the hell phase where it is his turn comes up. I realize that it might appear that that's what I'm doing right now, but I legitimately have been really busy with in real life things, such as helping my mom get situated with her classroom (she is a teacher and the semester just started) and I havent had any time to dedicate towards Mafia until now (which is what I'm making this post for)
I feel like the Mafia have been leeching off of Mutant's decisions throughout the game. Every time Mutant made an incorrect decision, he took a lot of the heat from it, whereas the people who did vote in those cases did not take as much heat. With this, I think it is safe to say that Mutant is a townie, especially seeing as he is the last person to have anything happen to them in his plan. He is definitely heaven worthy. He has been through the whole game, honestly, even though I misjudged him after a while. He is definitely an easy player to follow, and I think that's true from both a town perspective and a Mafia perspective. This is what I think 2B is doing now, and this is what I think 2B has been doing through the whole game.
With that being said, I feel like Mutant has been protecting 2B too much in this game, and 2B has been relying on it to survive. Remember earlier in the game where I brought up a few points against 2B? He didnt defend himself against any of them, and he voted for himself, which I guess made people think he was innocent. Like, what? People stopped thinking of 2B as Mafia because he made a noob town move earlier in the game and "giving up on himself". Like, what? When did he stop being suspicious?
Through the entire game, it has been suspiciously difficult for anyone to get a good read on him. , He's acted neutrally towards many of the mafia members, and that's how some of the mafia has been treating each other through the game. Mostly acting neutral, yet covertly supporting each other. He also voted for Jawapa and Norwegianboy, too. Remember earlier on in the game where he was passively asking Norboy questions about why we should trust him, and Norboy gave his answers and he didnt push any further? What was that all about? (I may have worded this slightly wrong, or said something a little incorrect here, but I'm on a phone right now so I cant check until after I make this post. I know for sure 2B questioned Norboy about something, supposedly to make Norboy post an alibi for himself, and he never bothered to push any further against Norboy. I'll correct myself if I was wrong later.) Even if it isnt 2B, I’m absolutely certain that the last mafia is hiding in Mutant’s "heaven" suggestion in the list. Meanwhile for the hell suggestions: Slabdrill was voted by Norwegianboy for "not contributing anything" when Sxreallism was in control, therefore I doubt he is mafia.
Peace seems more interested in defending others than himself at the moment, which is not what I'd expect from him. I do remember earlier on in the game, he wanted very much to vote Kira into hell, and the way he did it seemed... I dont know a better word... selfish? Iirc, at that point we were all sure it would be TaskManager or Mutantdevle, and yet when Task had heat on him, it seemed a little like Peace could've been trying to take the heat off of him, even though he didnt really succeed. Despite acting selfishly, he seems very bent on defending me from dying, though I'm not sure why if he is a Mafia. Maybe this is a way of redeeming himself a little bit, by doing something slightly townie (if at all). This all makes me think Peace is another likely candidate.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HELL.
peace [2]: 2B, peace
Crybaby [2]: mutantdevle, slabdrill
Not voting [1]: crybaby
This phase will enter overtime in 48 hours.
Mod notes:
It may have taken me ten phases, but I'm finally keeping track of who isn't voting by name!
The final EEU invite arrives. Whoever gets this will be the last smiley of the group to enter into EEU by majority vote. Three acceptable choices remain, and one dreadfully wrong. What will the decision be?
With 4 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HEAVEN.
Not voting [5]: Everyone
This phase will enter overtime in 72 hours.
Mod notes:
Keep it fun~!
The only difference this makes to the plan is that peace and crybaby are swapping places.
I'm going to heaven now. If crybaby is not sent to hell next phase he will be sent to hell during judgement day. Crybaby, if you are town, you'd be throwing the game by not getting lynched tommorow.
I'm fine with going to hell if we win, but seriously? The whole reason I thought you were town is because I thought you were staying to the end, knowing that even if you and the Mafia member were left, you'd get voted into heaven on Judgment day
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
So in this game basically the goal is to gang up on people to vote them out?? Someone please explain, thanks1
So in this game basically the goal is to gang up on people to vote them out?? Someone please explain, thanks1
Please do not post in this thread. Only people who signed up for this game, and are alive can post here.
There is a discussion thread here: … p?id=46070
Discord: jawp#5123
With 4 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HEAVEN.
Not voting [5]: Everyone
Invisible smiley??
Ok so Peace turned out to be town, kind of what I expected.
I don’t feel like following this plan is safe.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
Hey peace, congrats on getting blacklisted from playing in my games, I already took one risk with you asking you to fix your typos and you didn't do it, now that you're blatantly ignoring the rules I have a great excuse to block you out altogether. Anyone else can feel free to do the same if they want, its up to you though. Just as a mod to any future moderators, you probably don't want this guy in your game.
With 4 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HEAVEN. mutantdevle: [1]: mutantdevle
Not voting [3]: Everyone else
This phase will enter overtime in 60 hours.
Mod notes:
By the way you can only post in this thread if you're alive in the game.
Are you just going to ignore what I said about 2B?
I read it. It doesn't change my opinion though.
The whole reason I thought you were town is because I thought you were staying to the end, knowing that even if you and the Mafia member were left, you'd get voted into heaven on Judgment day
The plan was always me being in heaven on this phase. I made that very clear.
I don’t feel like following this plan is safe.
Well it's nice of you to voice your concerns now rather than when it was devised.
When the plan was devised, everyone present agreed to it. You were all given plenty of opportunity to voice any opposition to it. The plan was specifically made with consideration that we may end up in a judgement day. It's called safeguarding. So the fact that y'all are losing faith in the plan just because mafia hasn't been lynched yet is honestly ridiculous. Crybaby, if the only reason you were town reading me was that you thought I didn't plan to ever go to heaven then you shouldn't have been town reading me at all. Screwing over the plan now out of paranoia just makes all of the phases since Kira being sent to heaven redundant. Regardless of what you do, you are being sent to hell. Either next phase or in judgement day. So to avoid screwing things up, just accept your role in the plan. This plan is a commitment. Trust me and stick to it.
@Slabdrill has your opinion of the plan also changed or are you still on board with it?
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
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