Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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It seems complicated, but what about a block that produces a single AI Enemy, and respawns if the AI is killed by player, hazard, owner, block removed, etc.
Heres an idea to reduce the number of enemies and lag,
1.) Enemy Despawns Off-Screen or maybe not
2.) An enemy only Spawns when the enemy block/enemy spawner is on screen
3.) Add life-span to enemies or maybe not
4.) Automatically freeze the production of enemies if there are too many enemies on screen
5.) (Some Other Ideas Insert Here)
My Ideas For an Enemy Block that produces AI Enemies
1.) Switches, Key gates, and other similar gates on them to trigger the enemy block or not (Enemies won't spawn if there is a decoration placed in, effect blocks placed in, NPC, solid blocks and other similar blocks that hide the appearance of the enemy block except liquid)
2.) Gravity on them to make them go that way
3.) Configure spawn/respawn time
The Change in Topic
I Animate Stuff
You haven’t explained what the AI actually does.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
You haven’t explained what the AI actually does.
Added some, AI detail
I Animate Stuff
You haven’t explained what the AI actually does.
It would be better if he explained how to create an AI :lol::lol:
To be honest, I think there is potential for AI to work in EE. The problem is, just how responsive can an AI be to the EE environment? How will it navigate a world and how would it interact with the player?
One thing I thought of whilst thinking about this was the electric enemies from Mario Vs. Donkey kong mini-Land Mayhem.
I think that a good EE (or EEU) AI could work exactly how the enemies do in this game. Even the shape of the enemies fit (different sprite though obviously).
Basically, the AI spawns out of a block (the direction can be changed). It then moves along the floor, wall and roof until it reaches either it's own spawn block or the spawn block of another AI. Once it reaches this block it goes inside of it and after about a 5 second delay it re-spawns out of it's original spawn block. In the video, you also see how, when the AI reaches a block that can be enabled/disabled by the player, it just turns around. If the AI touch each other they simply pass through each other but if they touch the player then the player is killed (which causes them to lose the level).
The EE version of this AI could work in a very similar way. First of all, the AI will be considered any old smiley in terms of layering and collisions, This means that it will pass through decorations and other AI the same way the player would, players will perceive the AI's movement the same way they would each other (which means the AI's movement is global aka the same for everybody, and the AI's movement could even show up on the minimap in a different colour. The spawning system would also be the same. The AI spawns from a special block and is despawned once it goes into any spawn block. If the player destroys the block then the AI will also be deleted. When it comes to action blocks that's state can change (Eg: all doors and gates of all types), the AI will not pass over or through them regardless of their state and instead just turn around like shown in the video. I also think that the AI should just not be affected by all the other action blocks (gravity, effects, hazards, liquids, coins, etc.) and just pass right through them as if they were just decorations. If the player ever touches the AI then the player will be killed whilst the AI will continue to wander around the world.
This AI would be incredibly simplistic and easy to implement whilst still fitting in with the style of EE. The only problem that I can see with this idea is that it may cause lag if it's abused or not implemented efficiently.
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