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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#2326 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

*pokes head in*

Just checking in... Looks like nothing has happened yet.


edit* made a new page :3

Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Dec 21 2011 2:12:23 pm)

#2327 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,810

Re: MG Crew

Welcome back dude where were you?

SHwZksb.png  Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3  5d16ccdd4a.png e62a2a5b45.png "You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."


#2328 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

Well, I pretty much stopped supporting the crew with negativity against Alcatraz. It made me depressed, as well it made the level ugly now that Chris turned of the deco color. Why play a game knowing that you are continuously a failure? It's not where I belong, so farewell everyone, and good luck with your lives. That doesn't mean I'm leaving the forums, just retiring from the crew and game. But if you ever need any help, I'll be there.

Keep the MG fire lit guys.

#2329 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew

damn.... The whole alcatraz thing upsets me too (i saw its new name).   I'll try to keep it lit, lol.   well, if anyone wants to work, try to message me beforehand, or catch me on coldstorm (which im not on all that often anymore).



#2330 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Okay everyone, here's the big update with MG Crew.

Currently, as shy guy is leaving, we need a crew leader. So I'm holding a crew vote and will PM all members to get a new one.

---The Candidates are;


Whomever gets more votes by the end of next week will be Co-leader.

---Next order, we have 1 map done, and 1 being worked on. We should be releasing both very soon.

---If you ever need to contact me go here; . If I'm not there then I am not on, but I will always be there when I'm on.

---Updated first page, deleting members and adding members, and decided it's time to RECRUIT again! We have room for 3 (maybe more) members, so applications are accepted now.

#2331 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Co-Leader vote tally:


I put my vote in for KingoftheOzone

Last edited by D-rock2308 (Dec 23 2011 7:21:02 pm)

#2332 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

I'm grounded today but drock I will contact you tomorrow,
My vote is yankeestar180

#2333 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew


I vote for me?

EDIT: nazty <3

Last edited by Yankeestar180 (Dec 23 2011 7:11:51 pm)

#2334 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew

Since i'm candidate, I don't think I should vote, unless yankee wants to, to keep it even.   Drock, I can help on that map of your tomorrow, I'm retiring for the night.



#2335 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: MG Crew

May I ask why EENinja is perma banned from the crew?

Last edited by Kingpooultra (Dec 23 2011 7:21:45 pm)


#2336 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

For trolling.

#2337 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: MG Crew

Wow. I hope it was a joke-troll.


#2338 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew

drock, should we wait to release that "map" until christmas (I still want Nou and Shyguy to see it)



#2339 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew


Shoot, looks like I'm going back D:

Yeah, I'll retire as leader, but I'll still be in the crew. Just relaxing from the responsibility :3

Last edited by Shy Guy (Dec 23 2011 8:37:20 pm)

#2340 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew do you like it?



#2341 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Shy Guy wrote:

Well, I pretty much stopped supporting the crew with negativity against Alcatraz. It made me depressed, as well it made the level ugly now that Chris turned of the deco color. Why play a game knowing that you are continuously a failure? It's not where I belong, so farewell everyone, and good luck with your lives. That doesn't mean I'm leaving the forums, just retiring from the crew and game. But if you ever need any help, I'll be there.

Keep the MG fire lit guys.

... Shy Guy, are you serious? You just did exactly what a dozen other noobs have been doing- complaining about how everyone hates your level, compelling you to quit EE... but really only to get attention. You obviously know your level wasn't a failure; I thought you were better than that.

D-rock: Maybe I would help out if SOMEBODY WOULD GIVE ME THE DAMN LINK!!!!!!! I've been asking for weeks now, yet only bobbby sent me a link, and it was to an empty world.

And I'm NOT going there...

#2342 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

Really Shift? Do you want me to quit? I only decided to return because they need me. I was actually leaving, but I can't just leave this behind. This crew is like my family.

My post was NOT for attention, I actually did leave.

#2343 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

First, I didn't read this part.

Shy Guy wrote:

Yeah, I'll retire as leader, but I'll still be in the crew. Just relaxing from the responsibility :3

Second, You said you were "leaving the crew and the game" because everyone critiqued Alcatraz. Does that differ from this topic at all? In your word choice, maybe, but not otherwise.

Third, maybe I'm giving you too much credit, but I assume you realize that, by winning 3rd place in the Halloween Contest, MG Crew Alcatraz was not a failure. It easily contained the greatest art in the contest; the only major problem was the in-game appearance. However, you insisted that you are "continuously a failure," which means that either I gave you too much credit, or you just want somebody to soothe your ego. I'm going to take a wild guess and choose the latter.

Look, I didn't and don't mean to offend you, though that's probably how it's coming off, but I just hate to see so many long-time players die by caving to the recent noob invasion.

#2344 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew

Shy Guy wrote:

Really Shift? Do you want me to quit? I only decided to return because they need me. I was actually leaving, but I can't just leave this behind. This crew is like my family.

My post was NOT for attention, I actually did leave.

Don't worry I got your back :O

Shift: Shyguy wanted to quit not because everyone was critiquing Alcatraz, he wanted to quit, because, well just look at the damn map!   Sure, its fixable with backgrounds, but will it ever be the same? no.   Also, you try building a map, with everyone telling you that things are wrong with it.   I have stuff like that happen all the time in real life, its frustrating as hell.   A Lot of long-time players are quiting because Chris keeps changing things, that destroy their maps.   Yes I know that this game gets updated all the time and that's a good thing....blah, blah, blah....but to destroy people's hard-worked levels in a game that's a SANDBOX in the first place is just ridiculous.   Alcatraz was destroyed not even a month after its creation.   THAT'S ridiculous.   So for you to just say Shyguy is seeking attention is just out of line.   He's upset that something he just finished is already destroyed.   Is that bad enough that he has to be insulted like that?   No, It's not.   Sorry Shift, but please don't cause trouble like this, without knowing why someone is upset in the first place.
Also, ranting aside, I'll send you the link to the map that Drock's talking about, but to be fair, I haven't seen you ask once, until just now, I would have been happy to provide you with the link from the start.



#2345 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

My vote is for KotO!

#2346 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

When are we releasing the 3rd golden edition map?

#2347 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

I was also leaving because it was frustrating to have Chris ruin his own game, and having me fixing up everything again back to the way it was.
Chris is ruining his own game and I'm kind of done with his shenanigans. And also when he apparently "fixed" the decoration color, it completely DESTROYED my Alcatraz map, and that was, IMO, my greatest map I ever made artistically.

But I will continue to support you guys, I'm just not going to be leader, that's all. I kind of thought giving other members a chance to step up and take leadership for once.

Last edited by Shy Guy (Dec 24 2011 10:50:34 am)

#2348 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

*Goes on strike* Vote for me! vote for me! I wont give up! I wont give up!

*ends strike* lol, ima gather some peeps today before christmas din din to make a map, nightmare christmas is CLEARED.

#2349 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: MG Crew

okay, now, I don't know who did it, but somebody went around changing minis in Eerie forest to make them almost so ridiculously easy that they were a joke.   I've fixed them, but for future reference, when we release a map, DO NOT just go around changing things as you see fit.....especially if you didn't help on the construction of that map.   Those changes will more than likely unknowingly get saved in the process, destroying what people spent time and thought designing.   So please, on a release day, ask before you go around changing things.

One another note, I couldn't help but noticed that due to changes in the physics in the game, Wastelands needs a massive overhaul it's minis, half of them aren't I was wondering what we should do.   Should we go in and change all of the minis, or what?   I don't want to change half of the minis by myself because I know a few of you helped out on that map, and would like to give you guys a chance to help fix it.   I won't be able to fix this for a few days, but is anyone interested in helping me fix wastelands?



#2350 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

I doubt anyone plays Wastelands anyways.


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