Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to Dreamscape, the name of your dream! Wake up to your fantasy land! Walk over mountains, sit upon floating islands, take a tour through the village, fly around, ride a dragon, touch the stars, and collect gold! There's so much you can do in Dreamscape, so spend some time and explore! Don't get lost!
NOTE: This is a coin-collecting level, required for encountering coin doors. Look for these guys carefully, you might miss one!
NOTE: This level is extremely easy, but extremely long. We used basically all the space in the level. Don't be alarmed if some minis might act similair to a previous one.
Last edited by Shy Guy (Jul 3 2011 1:23:48 pm)
I'll post it on the MG Crew forum too. Hopefully it will promote forum use.
Okay guys, we need to brainstorm on new map ideas.
So far we have:
MG Crew Seasons (One zone in different seasons, kind of like Clock Strikes 12)
MG Crew The Heist (A co-op map with no deathtraps, kind of like Lethal Lava Labrynth)
MG Crew Time Machine (BossKing's idea)
make a level that plays you... in soviet russia.
Brawler Im really sorryfor what I did Please forgive me!
Ohgawd! Ex crew beat me to my idea. FFFFFFFFF------------------.
I was going to recommend doing our levels and smashing them into one, but I don't want to be called a copier :/
I'd like to recommend a coin door level sort of like the vault.
It sounds really cool and fun to make.
Okay guys, we need to brainstorm on new map ideas.
So far we have:
MG Crew Seasons (One zone in different seasons, kind of like Clock Strikes 12)
MG Crew The Heist (A co-op map with no deathtraps, kind of like Lethal Lava Labrynth)
MG Crew Time Machine (BossKing's idea)
I vote on #3
make a level that plays you... in soviet russia.
I lol'd. Heh, too funny, but a level adventure that plays it self would be cool, but no fun
As for ideas, I would love the opportunity for a co-op map.
My vote is with the heist. (I have an empty great world that is free btw!)
Brawler700 wrote:make a level that plays you... in soviet russia.
I lol'd. Heh, too funny, but a level adventure that plays it self would be cool, but no fun
As for ideas, I would love the opportunity for a co-op map.
My vote is with the heist.
(I have an empty great world that is free btw!)
Even though im not in MG I would like to see this map.
In my opinion we shouldn't really discuss these things on the forums. Because 1. Someone could steal our ideas, and 2. People will already know what we're doing before we build it so it's not really a surprise. I think we should be a little more secretive.
P.S. I like bosskings idea.
EDIT: I updated our forums. Enjoy.
Last edited by Calicara (Jul 3 2011 9:49:09 pm)
Cool, nice ad failgirl.
What will be the next map that we will work on?
I might be a little less active too. I'm trying to find odd jobs to do with my relatives till the end of the month then hopefully I can get a real job. I'm waiting because at the end of the month all the students are going back to college opening up alot of work positions. So yea. I'll be on here and there. Just not ALL the time.
EDIT: In order to maintain out privacy I have created a forum page on our forums to post all of our secret level ideas. Only MG Crew members are allowed to view it so we have complete privacy so you can post there without worrying about your ideas being stolen. If you are an MG crew member you can view it here:
Last edited by Calicara (Jul 4 2011 3:49:19 pm)
Guys, TC needs a pass to get in...
^ yea I can't get in :/
The last time I checked if the TC needed a code it was either, "Basso" or "Bassrulez"
The last time I checked if the TC needed a code it was either, "Basso" or "Bassrulez"
But those passwords are lies!
I want to make MG Crew The Heist... That sounds fun to make...:D
I am not a big co-op person =_= , so while you guys make the heist, me fir3fli3 and bossking are gonna start time machine.
So sorry to everyone thinking im a lazy piece of crap but ive been in Florida for a while and im ready to get back to work. but i sure miss those funnel cakes... dont even get me started on the Fried oreos... :rolleyes:
Lol no worries.
I dont have a dog, or fish. Pineapple, kiwi, dragonfruit, guava, papaya! YARR ME HARTIES. Yankee your a girl right?
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