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#51 2018-09-11 19:57:32, last edited by Trytu (2018-09-11 20:12:39)

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I gave you 2 points out of 40.

honestly yes, it's not as brutal as 0/100,
i see now my mistakes... I'm just not satisfied from my own work, but still even that is quite painful...
truth is quite painful,
it was too ambicious for that small map and that small amount of time

Luka504 wrote:

Just... Make an actual world that isn't just sign spam next time.

story campaign is very simmilar to thing that you said...
but i have to give you a point, because even them have graphic (i forgot graphic =/= art)
Text RPGs is special spiece of games, where you only have to give informations, story, quests, ect... by text, so "sign spam" is necessary
but Text RPGs have one advantage - you don't know how many text them have, so you can't name it "text spam"
i find, that for simmilar number of signs, with larger world, you wouldn't name it sign spam

i just think, that it's quite unfair to put people without story and with bad story to the same sack

maybe i quite overreacting...

Thanks to Nikko99 for signature
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#52 2018-09-11 21:02:29, last edited by Luka504 (2018-09-11 21:09:45)

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

I don't think I can compare your world with any of the worlds in the story time campaign, since those worlds at least have something more than just signs and basic bricks. They tend to have a really beautiful scenery and they force you to actually move and interact with you surroundings, since it's much more fun to travel between two destinations, than to read a sign that says "walk to X", jump, and voila you're in a new area.

And yes I understand that the world is meant to be a text RPG, but we aren't living in the 70's here. This genre has been dead for dozens of years and for good reason. It is an awful genre. Plain and simple.

And I will not give your world more points for story just because there technically is one. If I cannot be bothered to read any of the signs then they might as well not even be there. If you want people to give a damn about your writing you need to actually make something that gives the player a true sense of agency.

Your world has nothing in it. There's no art, the story might as well not have even been added, the gameplay is the story, which is basically non-existant, and while your concept may have technically been unique, it's the bad type of unique, one which I cannot award any points for. Zero points is honestly the only score I can realistically give to your world, and I can't believe you're trying to convince me into giving you a worthless point which I do not believe is deserved.

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#53 2018-09-11 21:11:13, last edited by azurepudding (2018-09-11 21:12:48)

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

I don't think not wanting to read a story makes the story 0 (I mean, if just seeing signs turns you away, that's more of a low attention span), tho from what I experienced there isn't really much of one, it's all actions.  Go to west forest, find animal, attack animal.. go to store, buy sword, etc.  Maybe there's story later on, but I quit not because of the amount of signs, but because of the portals not linking correctly.  It's not a finished level and eventually there's no way to progress.  Some options don't even have a portal space, just a solid block instead, further showing this is still a WIP/unfinished world.

Edit: Also text-based RPGs can still be fun, but there's more mystery to them and they're typically finished and let you actually play them.



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#54 2018-09-11 21:21:02, last edited by Luka504 (2018-09-11 21:21:32)

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Azurepudding wrote:

I don't think not wanting to read a story makes the story 0 (I mean, if just seeing signs turns you away, that's more of a low attention span)

Sorry, but I'm not instantly turned off by signs. I really love Toop & Badoosh's levels, so I don't believe that it's a lack of an attention span, but rather that this world has nothing of any value, unlike T&B levels. I'm sure that if T&B made these types of levels where there's no art or gameplay, just signs, nobody would like them.

And I really have to reiterate the fact that if I cannot be bothered to read the signs then they might as well not even be there. I cannot give that anything more than a zero.

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#55 2018-09-11 21:36:37

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:
Azurepudding wrote:

I don't think not wanting to read a story makes the story 0 (I mean, if just seeing signs turns you away, that's more of a low attention span)

Sorry, but I'm not instantly turned off by signs. I really love Toop & Badoosh's levels, so I don't believe that it's a lack of an attention span, but rather that this world has nothing of any value, unlike T&B levels. I'm sure that if T&B made these types of levels where there's no art or gameplay, just signs, nobody would like them.

And I really have to reiterate the fact that if I cannot be bothered to read the signs then they might as well not even be there. I cannot give that anything more than a zero.

The signs do have a purpose to be there though- they're actions.  Without them, you wouldn't know what decisions you were making.  They do belong, however they're not interesting to read, as they're actions only.



#56 2018-09-11 23:05:50

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

And yes I understand that the world is meant to be a text RPG, but we aren't living in the 70's here.

just perfect genre for small space, like 50x50

i noticed that you said something about art, but i didn't argue about that so i won't quote you
and i see that that story isn't enough vievable if i give option to go to forest before going to the first talkable NPC

i won't argue about story or anything, because you (both) give me enough arguments that make me feel more "unsatisfied" from my world than earlier and it seems that i quite overreacted that xD, so i hope that i won't make same mistakes in the future, so thanks for patience and explaination

Thanks to Nikko99 for signature
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#57 2018-09-12 01:09:38

Formerly 12345678908642
From: canada
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Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

I gave your world a very low score in my reviews mainly because it's extremely unfinished. If you had finished it (and made more ways to get money), I likely would've considered it one of my favorite worlds.

suddenly random sig change


#58 2018-09-14 10:23:06

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,710

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

And yes I understand that the world is meant to be a text RPG, but we aren't living in the 70's here. This genre has been dead for dozens of years and for good reason. It is an awful genre. Plain and simple.

Says the guy who was upset that he couldn't do a text adventure for one of his rounds...




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#59 2018-09-14 10:30:54


Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

there's a difference between judging and straight on talking **** about a level

your rating criteria is garbage and most of the time you straight up disregard a level with your snarky comments

Luka wrote:

yes I understand that the world is meant to be a text RPG, but we aren't living in the 70's here


All of the minigames are absolute dog ****

Just a few examples I got in a few seconds.

Luka wrote:

Honestly just. This feels rushed, very rushed. This level is so infuriating that even after 6 attempts and using every checkpoint to make the world easier, I was still unable to beat the world. There's a difference between difficult and frustrating, and this level definitely leans on the latter. The minigames rely too much on trial & error, as I doubt anyone is going to beat this world or even come close to beating it on their first try. Maybe it would be fine if I could retry as many times as I like, but I have a limited amount of lives to beat the level with! The biggest offender is definitely the very last minigame. It would have saved me so much grief if the minigame didn't reset every time you made a slip-up, and considering how hard it is you almost certainly will. And then you can see your lives, one, by, one. I had no fun with this world.

Those are called puzzles and not "Minigames".

Those are parts you have to use your "head" instead of just charging in like a knight. For instance, I've seen Slabdrill play this world, took the time to find the path and won the level easily. No biggie.

Clearly and simply, you haven't "judged" any of the worlds, you rushed them without thinking twice, play through them fast and then proceeded to roast users for doing dog **** **** worlds.

That is not judging buddy.

#60 2018-09-14 12:25:15

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Dang Kira it's really coincidental how you seem to speak up about my bad judging/reviewing skills as soon as I don't like your world :thonk:

Can you really consider most of your minigames as "puzzles"? The only real puzzles in your world are the one way maze and maybe the pipe maze. Everything else is just standard minigames where there is no thinking needed, you just need to do them.

In fact some of these minigames encourage you to do the exact opposite of stopping to think what you should do, more specifically the dot trail with a fairly strict poison effect. The only way to beat that minigame is to just charge in like a knight, which seems to go against what you're saying.

Then there's the fact that I haven't rushed playing through any of these worlds, especially not yours. I've attempted your world 6 times at the time that I wrote that review. SIX! And I've made it to the last minigame 3 times, and then it took all of my lives because it's absolute trash. If I really wanted to rush your world I would have left after my first try and written a one sentence review about how I couldn't be bothered to beat it due to frustration. But I didn't do that.

And the last part, you are a massive **** hypocrite for calling me snarky. You're much worse than me in that department. I can make a compilation of all of the snarky and crude remarks you threw at other users, especially Anatoly. So please follow your own advice before giving it to me. Hypocrisy by itself doesn't mean much, but I think this is just the cherry on top of the sundae.

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#61 2018-09-14 21:02:59

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka kinda liked more world this time???? Huh what.  No troll?

I went with low jump and low speed to fit more platforming into the world, but with a double jump that wouldn't limit you TOO much and gave an element of skill to perform some jumps.  The speed of low speed doesn't bother me too much, but I do wish it'd let you turn faster.  I almost ditched it but thought it made the world slightly more unique (and normal speed made the first section a BREEZE).

As for the bugged boss, I did run short on room so two portal system paths are linked to each other without a divider block, however I was unable to recreate this issue with low speed, only could do it with normal speed, however a few others have commented on this being bugged, so I guess you just have to get in at the right angle and speed.  Luckily this doesn't really BREAK the game (like the bug in MusEEum, poor Brandon died in the switch system and literally was stuck with no where to go).  Maybe I should have made the boss room a column shorter or something to allow more space.  And as for the floor pit, it should be marked with a white background, being what's meant to be a thrown "bone" to avoid.

I made a world that even Luka kind of liked.. // We won 3:2 so that's a bit worrisome.  It'll only get tougher from here on.



#62 2018-09-14 21:23:41

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

azurepudding wrote:

Luka kinda liked more world this time???? Huh what.  No troll?

I went with low jump and low speed to fit more platforming into the world, but with a double jump that wouldn't limit you TOO much and gave an element of skill to perform some jumps.  The speed of low speed doesn't bother me too much, but I do wish it'd let you turn faster.  I almost ditched it but thought it made the world slightly more unique (and normal speed made the first section a BREEZE).

As for the bugged boss, I did run short on room so two portal system paths are linked to each other without a divider block, however I was unable to recreate this issue with low speed, only could do it with normal speed, however a few others have commented on this being bugged, so I guess you just have to get in at the right angle and speed.  Luckily this doesn't really BREAK the game (like the bug in MusEEum, poor Brandon died in the switch system and literally was stuck with no where to go).  Maybe I should have made the boss room a column shorter or something to allow more space.  And as for the floor pit, it should be marked with a white background, being what's meant to be a thrown "bone" to avoid.

I made a world that even Luka kind of liked.. // We won 3:2 so that's a bit worrisome.  It'll only get tougher from here on.

Maybe if Luka504 hates your world= I like world.
And opposite this round! //
Good luck on next round btw, you've got real tough opponent so take them seriously!

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


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#63 2018-09-14 21:35:14, last edited by Wizard2002 (2018-09-14 21:44:56)

Joined: 2016-01-10
Posts: 76

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

Story - 5/10
You want money I guess and want to go to the casino? I don't know really. The plentiful NPC's that behave like real bar-goers were a nice touch.

Art - 9/10
This art is simply phenomenal. It represents the atmosphere of a casino very well and I have nothing to complain about.

Concept - 9/10
Really noice gimmick where you need to play casino games to earn enough money to enter the VIP room. Very creative and unique.

Gameplay - 8/10
Honestly this gameplay is really great. It's consisted of only 3 fairly basic minigames, but there's just something about how this world does it that makes it so much fun. Even losing feels kind of fun, like a motivator to make you try again to recoup your lost money, just like a real casino! My only complaint is that it starts to get kind of boring near the end, where you've mastered the hardest (but most rewarding) minigame and have nothing to do but to farm that minigame until you have enough to enter the casino. Maybe lowering the required amount of money would make it less annoying.


Other notes: This is a much welcomed improvement over your previous world, which I found to be decent. Keep it up guys!

Thanks for the positive feedback! We originally planned on having 4 minigames but it was proving hard to come up with a fourth concept in time with nothing even in place yet besides all the systems. I'm glad that you liked the art though //

Also as far as MusicMan's level, my team keeps their level private from literally anyone not on the team until it's done or near completion. So I see no way of somebody copying our level. I'd rack it up to coincidence of thinking of the same idea, but just executing it differently. (Btw, couldn't you blame us for copying him then if you had scored his first? Hmm...) //

The Derpiest Wizard there ever was //


#64 2018-09-14 21:52:58

From: Braxis
Joined: 2017-07-17
Posts: 366

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Can you review levels suggested by players

I am Filip and I like women.


#65 2018-09-14 23:49:54


Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

Dang Kira it's really coincidental how you seem to speak up about my bad judging/reviewing skills as soon as I don't like your world :thonk:

Can you really consider most of your minigames as "puzzles"? The only real puzzles in your world are the one way maze and maybe the pipe maze. Everything else is just standard minigames where there is no thinking needed, you just need to do them.

In fact some of these minigames encourage you to do the exact opposite of stopping to think what you should do, more specifically the dot trail with a fairly strict poison effect. The only way to beat that minigame is to just charge in like a knight, which seems to go against what you're saying.

Then there's the fact that I haven't rushed playing through any of these worlds, especially not yours. I've attempted your world 6 times at the time that I wrote that review. SIX! And I've made it to the last minigame 3 times, and then it took all of my lives because it's absolute trash. If I really wanted to rush your world I would have left after my first try and written a one sentence review about how I couldn't be bothered to beat it due to frustration. But I didn't do that.

And the last part, you are a massive **** hypocrite for calling me snarky. You're much worse than me in that department. I can make a compilation of all of the snarky and crude remarks you threw at other users, especially Anatoly. So please follow your own advice before giving it to me. Hypocrisy by itself doesn't mean much, but I think this is just the cherry on top of the sundae.

yet we won this round, nice reviews buddy

#66 2018-09-15 00:09:41, last edited by azurepudding (2018-09-15 00:10:22)

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Kira wrote:
Luka504 wrote:

Dang Kira it's really coincidental how you seem to speak up about my bad judging/reviewing skills as soon as I don't like your world :thonk:

Can you really consider most of your minigames as "puzzles"? The only real puzzles in your world are the one way maze and maybe the pipe maze. Everything else is just standard minigames where there is no thinking needed, you just need to do them.

In fact some of these minigames encourage you to do the exact opposite of stopping to think what you should do, more specifically the dot trail with a fairly strict poison effect. The only way to beat that minigame is to just charge in like a knight, which seems to go against what you're saying.

Then there's the fact that I haven't rushed playing through any of these worlds, especially not yours. I've attempted your world 6 times at the time that I wrote that review. SIX! And I've made it to the last minigame 3 times, and then it took all of my lives because it's absolute trash. If I really wanted to rush your world I would have left after my first try and written a one sentence review about how I couldn't be bothered to beat it due to frustration. But I didn't do that.

And the last part, you are a massive **** hypocrite for calling me snarky. You're much worse than me in that department. I can make a compilation of all of the snarky and crude remarks you threw at other users, especially Anatoly. So please follow your own advice before giving it to me. Hypocrisy by itself doesn't mean much, but I think this is just the cherry on top of the sundae.

yet we won this round, nice reviews buddy

winning doesn't necessarily mean your world is generally liked, it just means it was preferred over your opponent's.  Not saying yours was bad, but a 5/100 will beat a 1/100.



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#67 2018-09-15 00:29:38, last edited by Joeyc (2018-09-15 00:46:06)


Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

Other notes: It's pretty obvious that this world would have been much better if your teammates decided to help you out, but as it is right now, this is a pretty sad level.

it's probably cause the contest got boring after making a crap ton of medium worlds in a row with no change

also lazy

#68 2018-09-15 05:40:39

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Azurepudding wrote:

Luka kinda liked more world this time???? Huh what.  No troll?

It was a pretty good level, there's an improvement in comparison to your previous worlds, but there's still room to make your worlds better.
Though nicely done regardless.

wizard2002 wrote:

Btw, couldn't you blame us for copying him then if you had scored his first? Hmm...

Not really, even if I didn't play your world first I would still assume MusicMan's was a copy, considering how it looks like a knock-off product.
Even then, I didn't subtract any of Musicman's points because I had no evidence to suggest that he copied anything, so it would be the same for you.

Filip2005 wrote:

Can you review levels suggested by players

I mean, why not?

Kira wrote:

yet we won this round, nice reviews buddy

So what? The point of these reviews isn't to guess who's going to win this round, rather that I want to write reviews so people have some idea of what improvements their world could have, so they can make better worlds in the future. Just because you won a round doesn't mean that my opinion is wrong.

JoeyC wrote:

it's probably cause the contest got boring after making a crap ton of medium worlds in a row with no change

also lazy

Understandable, and I didn't think less of you for bailing from the contest, it's just that I believe the world would have been better if you helped in its making.

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#69 2018-09-18 10:13:53

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Reviews for loser's round 6 are out, so grab them while they're hot.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
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#70 2018-09-18 15:39:42

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

The princess is in a tower, go rescue her. G o o d.

that is literally only 1/3rd of the whole story lol
besides, how did you get all submission world IDs?

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


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#71 2018-09-18 19:59:46

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Woah what, my world was your fav this round?? And only 5 of 8 submitted.. WHAT!??

Anyway, I hate to keep using the excuse of "ran out of space" but it's kind of true.  You get radioactive cupcakes if you bake before stirring in the three ingredients (baking an incomplete recipe and then cracking some raw eggs on it to serve.. BLECH!).  Maybe I could have left out the trophy for that ending, but a player could theoretically score a perfect 10 cupcakes but lose, because they completed the minis in the order they appear in (flour and sugar is placed after baking), and I didn't want to mislead the player.  It serves as both a bad ending or humorous ending, I guess.  Burnt ending is kind of the same, you can get a perfect 10 but messing up on the baking game (purposely made nearly fail proof, honestly), you can get the "bad ending" of all cupcakes being burnt.  Have you gotten the best ending?  All three ingredients before baking, baking, plus floor cupcake.

I'll probably add this to my pile of "contest worlds I wanna recreate in larger worlds."  Some things had to be cut, like a frosting minigame, and maybe a candle one as well.  I didn't quite have the space for any death penalty, in fact I BARELY had enough room for a coin counter, so a death counter to subtract from the score couldn't be done sadly. 

The link was just there for those who wanted to see it.  Here it is, the little dork you play as:



#72 2018-09-19 00:28:38

Forum Admin
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Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

you don't *have* to steal stuff from the aliens, you *get* to steal stuff from the aliens. the aliens running away is a side effect.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#73 2018-09-22 15:30:02

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Loser's round 7 and winner's round 5 are out, so feel free to read them before you annihilate me.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#74 2018-09-22 15:44:01

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

Luka504 wrote:

This round consisted of one great, one decent, and one awful world. Uh... Yay. Only 3 out of 4 contestants submitted a world and I've been able to beat 2 of them, with the only one that I was unable to beat belonged to SHUTU P.
My personal favorite in this round was a no-brainer. It was /quote's world with a score of 88 points, and it is quite possibly one of the best puzzle worlds I've played in a long while.
My least favorite world was SHUTU P's world, that had the amazing score of 0.

ah i see youre hating my world cause you couldnt beat it
what a noob lol
rename this thread to oficialy bad reviews

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


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#75 2018-09-22 17:42:19

Joined: 2016-01-10
Posts: 76

Re: Luka's Oficialy Unofficial Reviews

So one thing to note, winners are getting lower score while losers are getting higher scores. I'm sure there is a reason for this...

The Derpiest Wizard there ever was //



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