Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2018-07-01 13:36:52

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816

Log in problem

I have very annoying problem.
I can't log in to my everybody edits account. That mean title screen doesn't dissapears.
Previously i haven't that problem any time. I have it from yesterday, when I log out in other tab from my account to join to a server as guest.


I tried almost 20 times.
It doesn't change for hour or more.


I once tried to log in as guest and it works, that mean it's not an internet problem.


I tried also to log in from ee client. But it's doesn't work. Then it isn't browser problem.


I know, that it sounds like i did screenshot of loading screen, but i seriously have that problem, and i can proof that. Maybe someone another had that problem too!?

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#2 2018-07-01 14:11:00, last edited by LukeM (2018-07-01 14:15:01)

From: England
Joined: 2016-06-03
Posts: 3,009

Re: Log in problem

I get it occasionally, it feels like when I switch tabs while it's loading but that might not be the case... Have you tried staying focused on the page for 30+ seconds just incase that is it?

Also there was a problem similar to this a while ago, although I thought it was fixed... Heres the original topic incase it is the same problem: … p?id=40120


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#3 2018-07-01 15:21:18

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816

Re: Log in problem

For few first tries, i change tab after 5 seconds
Later i stay focused on tab for longer, and afking far from computer

PS: It worked, i erase around 15 worlds and i log in :3
Problem fixed, then i close topic :3

PPS: I'll be glad, If Staff add "additional naming favorites worlds" option, It could be usefull if owner change the name of world, or If Player want's to look for tematic world.

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#4 2018-08-21 23:40:15, last edited by Trytu (2018-08-21 23:41:16)

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816

Re: Log in problem

I used Favorite world removal many times when i wanted to add a world to favourites,
but when i add one world, i had to erase around 3-5 of them to make game work/load.
Why i have to erase more than one if i want to add one?
It's a bit annoying, i don't want to erase all my favourites, but i still have problem with adding them,
i once wanted to rewrite all ID's and names to the notebook (because world ID isn't copy-able), but it's too long (I letter and l letter looks the same).

So i have problem with favourites, and tool

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