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#126 2018-04-09 19:24:22

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Xenonetix wrote:

As for the reboot, the way we're planning on handling smileys and items in general will be rather different (although I won't go into detail yet). Even though I predict we might have a similar conversation to this many years down the line, I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

Personally, I don't think anything from the current game should be 'carried over' as such. All smileys, blocks, worlds etc. should be reobtained. It's not really a reboot if you keep things you earned in the previous version IMO. Worlds can be rebuilt and everything we own should be reobtained, that includes all our items, max energy, gems, whatever. A fresh start for all.

As for getting an exclusive item for simply being a veteran, I'm kinda against that. The way I see it, priority over our own usernames is what we get for being veterans. But if you do insist on giving us something then I'd want it to be something small like a badge or label on our profile. Nothing significant, nothing collectable, and nothing that somehow makes us look better than players who join in the years after the reboot. Eg. something cosmetic, not a 'physical' item.

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#127 2018-04-09 19:27:53

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Xenonetix wrote:

Ok, I feel like it's about time I weighed in on this conversation, considering it seems to be on-going with no end in sight.

So, firstly, although this is a new staff team, I still try to maintain the promises of previous staff for the most part, unless it's not really logical or reasonable to do so. In this case, I do believe it is reasonable to keep the promise for these smileys to stay exclusive for the original winners of the contest (and the smileys I have myself bear no relation on this).

The contest posts never stated that they were a limited time prize just for one contest, tho.  So no promise would be broken.  The exclusiveness seems to be completely assumed by the winners and other players.

Xenonetix wrote:

That being said, I know how people feel - I am a completionist player at heart, and I was gutted when I missed out on the Artist smiley the first time round, considering I owned every smiley up until that point excluding Big Spender (and Superman). I definitely understand the argument of "It's unfair that we didn't happen to be around during these particular 3 weeks in a month of 2011", but it should be remembered that there were hundreds of players that didn't get it themselves at the time as well, even though they put the effort into the contest. It was never a guarantee that people would receive the smileys.

Yes, we know they weren't going to be freebies, but a prize for hard work.  It was never stated that they were going to be a prize for only one contest. 

Xenonetix wrote:

Recently, I considered the possibility of allowing the contest smileys to be bought, placing them in Classic with other Classic smileys, in the same way we did with the Slime smiley. The Slime smiley is a good example of a smiley that was available for free during 2 weeks last year if you were active to get it, and if you missed it, you could still purchase it for gems if you really wanted it.

..I'm sorry, but why would you be against having the contest smileys as contest rewards again, but consider the option to buy them?  That doesn't make sense to me.

Xenonetix wrote:

But contest smileys are a different matter - They were earned by the people who placed in the contest. No matter how people look at it, it can't be ignored that people put the effort in to win the smiley, and it will be very hard to replicate a similar (or higher) level of effort if we were to introduce a new contest to win the smileys. This is part of the reason why we re-introduced the Artist smiley in a contest, as it was relatively easy to win it the first time if you just happened to be playing during the time of the contest, and we provided a way to receive it with a higher level of effort to be put in. As such, it would be unfair on the people who won the Easter and Halloween smileys if it becomes any easier to receive them at this point. I do think the people who received the smileys would be ok with them being made available again if they believed the people competing were putting in the same amount of effort they did themselves.

I keep seeing this "hard to replicate the same level of effort" points, which I'm not understanding.  You had to be the best of all to win previously, and it wouldn't be any different a second time around.  We do have more tools and assets to work with, but these apply to everyone, making a just as equal playing field.  If you use this argument against the return of old contest smileys, can't you also make the same argument against any possible new smilies?  That if it is true (somehow) that it is easier to win now, a new contest smiley now would be far easier to win than previous contest smilies.  And that we should just never have contests ever again?  I'm not seeing why winning is any easier now.  It can actually be argued it'd be HARDER to win now, as people have to compete against previous winners.  To win, you need to be BETTER than the best.  So no, it is not easier to win now, and a winner now is just as deserving, if not more, as before.

Xenonetix wrote:

If a new contest were to be produced in Everybody Edits today (which awarded the previous smileys), it would be hard to justify the amount of effort people would need to put in to the contest, so most of the people who won the smileys first time round would most likely reasonably argue that it would be 'so much easier to win the smiley' in this contest, and their feelings of achievement and accomplishment will be naturally diminished as a result. In less complicated terms, this is represented (at a base level) by the number of people who own the smiley, because it immediately feels like less of an achievement the more people own it.

How many people who own it still play the game?  Or even use it?  It's been like 3 or 4 years since I last saw a contest smiley used.  It's almost as if the smilies don't even exist anymore.  No one uses them, either it be that they can't, or don't.

Xenonetix wrote:

Then the question becomes "What is the true value of these items?", which is almost impossible to calculate, which is one of the reasons it was decided against putting them in the Classic section of the store, but we thought it would be fun instead to allow everyone access to them for one day in the form of April Fools' Day, which we really hope everyone enjoyed.

Having them appear in shop (though not truly buyable) would have been a good prank.  But no, they shouldn't be a shop item for real, but only for future contests.

Xenonetix wrote:

I wish to respect the wishes of the previous staff, so: The Bird, Bunny, Unlit Pumpkin, and Lit Pumpkin smileys will not be available again in the current iteration of Everybody Edits.

This is a shame, as this was never promised in any official posts. 

More contests would benefit the game as it gives incentive for people to build high quality worlds.  Meaning more fun worlds for us to play.  Even those who don't win had that to enjoy.

The other option is to cut contests forever just to please a promise that was never even made.

Xenonetix wrote:

As for the reboot, the way we're planning on handling smileys and items in general will be rather different (although I won't go into detail yet). Even though I predict we might have a similar conversation to this many years down the line, I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

~ Xenonetix ~

PLEASE no.  I don't think we should have a special "veteran" item because as you said, it'll probably cause another argument later down the road which can simply be avoided by not having one.  I am a strong believer that all players should be treated equally.  That an old player is just as valuable as a new player.  Having "veteran" items would give the feeling that older players are valued more.  And then there's the problem of this item being "too awesome" that'll make new players upset that they cannot have it, or if it's nothing too flashy, then why bother at all?

I think older players would rather have a way to port EE worlds to the reboot more than anything.  Even if the physics are different, we'd at least be able to make adjustments to worlds rather than literally needing to recreate everything.



#128 2018-04-09 19:43:44

From: Estonia
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 516

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Isn't this beef already too much juiced?

Let's get to 5000.


#129 2018-04-09 19:59:07

Formerly Pipec
From: Mailboxٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ
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Posts: 862

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Mait wrote:

Isn't this beef already too much juiced?

Yeah, I wonder if this gets closed now.

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#130 2018-04-09 20:15:23

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Xenonetix wrote:

As for the reboot, the way we're planning on handling smileys and items in general will be rather different (although I won't go into detail yet). Even though I predict we might have a similar conversation to this many years down the line, I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

~ Xenonetix ~

I think that there should be a reward once an account hits X years old, for each year.  When the new EE launches, all the old players get the 1 year prize (prob a smiley, or whatever).  When that versions hits 1 year old, newer players would start unlocking the year 1 prize while all the old flash players get the 2 year prize, and soforth.  I think this is a decent middle ground that would satisfy everybody in the long run.

I hope that this debate doesn't deter you from considering smileys as a contest prize in the future, but I couldn't blame you if you wanted to try to go another route with that.  I hope you consider my idea of giving everybody every smiley during the last week of Flash EE as a celebration of everything that this version of EE has done.  Thank you for taking the time for commenting.



#131 2018-04-09 20:20:18

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

okay @xen i think you could rewar dthese posple with some much gems and some gold memebrr time then put the smilesy in the dlassic tab orso same for artist ect i my slef are a collector too have all exept contest items bigspender and diamodn and ofc staff only items (just check my profile or player object and dont complain about my profile not loading my worlds becaus ei haev loads) and ye si do know you say its hard to calculate how mcuh they are worth but think as it of this way they got to wear it all day for years now right? i felt a bit dissapointed at the monent the staff added clay pack and made much pclks for free to poeple i complained "but i spended all those ennergy on it i demand my enegy back!" the staff replied: "yes but you got to use it all alon until now you ha dhappyness wit ith while other diddnt had" i even remeber i bought some expensive red aura potions just a few days/weeks beofre effects were introduced gone my energy.. so i think yo ucould just put them in shop an dgive th eplayers who won and are still playign the game acrtively some gems and goldmdmbership or maby an bagd eor something
about ee shutting down... well even if reboots happens and is done and all never ever shut donw ee please just make it availabe for players to keep playign wiht out updates orso poepoel might have some memomries in their game


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#132 2018-04-09 22:07:49

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

peace wrote:

okay @xen i think you could rewar dthese posple with some much gems and some gold memebrr time then put the smilesy in the dlassic tab orso same for artist ect i my slef are a collector too have all exept contest items bigspender and diamodn and ofc staff only items (just check my profile or player object and dont complain about my profile not loading my worlds becaus ei haev loads) and ye si do know you say its hard to calculate how mcuh they are worth but think as it of this way they got to wear it all day for years now right?

Nope. He already said that the contest smilies aren't going to be given out in flash EE. You are the exact person I was mimicking with "GIB BORBI". You only want it for yourself. The owner of the game has finally said what is going to happen.


#133 2018-04-09 22:09:17

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,006

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Now that I think about it, why does it matter? The rEEboot will likely not have any of those things.



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#134 2018-04-09 22:10:11


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Xenonetix wrote:

I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

old man smiley WHEN

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#135 2018-04-09 22:37:08, last edited by Enurp (2018-04-09 22:37:18)

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Jet wrote:
Xenonetix wrote:

I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

old man smiley WHEN

This I can agree with, I can't wait till 2022 when I can post "GIB OLDIE" in this same exact topic by new nubs


#136 2018-04-10 06:53:43

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

John wrote:

Now that I think about it, why does it matter? The rEEboot will likely not have any of those things.

you dont know... these are nice smileys to have in reboot


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#137 2018-04-10 07:16:05

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

peace wrote:
John wrote:

Now that I think about it, why does it matter? The rEEboot will likely not have any of those things.

you dont know... these are nice smileys to have in reboot

Considering how controversial they are now, I doubt they are gonna come back. New contest rewards should be added. Calm your horses. They aren't being given out anytime soon.


#138 2018-04-10 21:48:45

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Ok guys can we seriously just STOp discussing this already? It's gotten to the point where both sides are just saying the same thing over and over again with the hopes that the other side will stop posting first.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#139 2018-04-11 03:28:14

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Luka504 wrote:

Ok guys can we seriously just STOp discussing this already? It's gotten to the point where both sides are just saying the same thing over and over again with the hopes that the other side will stop posting first.

yeah thats nice and all but i think that contest smileys should be able to be won again but also they should be kept for the original winners only and you're selfish if you disagree with me



#140 2018-04-11 12:46:24

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Ok I know the debate is over but I didn't go online for like 2 days and now I'm sad that I didn't get to reply so I'm gonna do that now

Just to clarify, I am not under the impression that you want these smileys for free. I am completely aware that you want them to be rewards for future contests.

Ideally, future contests should have rewards of roughly equal value to the rewards of previous contests. This is objectively fair, however due to personal preference, you may not value them equally. If you then say that it's unfair that you don't get the same rewards as previous contests, even if you still get a pretty good reward, your perception of fairness is based on your emotional desires and is biased, i.e. you feel you deserve something because you feel bad if you don't get it. I don't consider this a legitimate argument.

However, what if it isn't possible to keep making rewards of equal value? In other words, you run out of ideas for smileys. Then, I can see a somewhat legitimate argument for bringing back old contests smileys. But I still think it ruins the elusiveness and value of the smileys. The purpose of cosmetic items is to allow an individual to express personality and other attributes. For years, these smileys have had associated with them a particular meaning, i.e. winners of those easter and halloween contests. This gives the players a sort of identity. It's absolutely worth supporting this, because identity and personality expression is something a lot of players look for in cosmetic items.

Also, I don't know why you think we're deciding between bringing contest smileys back or never doing contests again. This suggests that you're not even considering that there are multiple possible solutions and you have a completely one-sided approach to this problem. It's like you're trying to warp my argument into one where I'm trying to take everyone's fun out of EE because I'm selfish. Cut the ****. We shouldn't be debating to see who's right. We're not politicians, there's nothing at stake. The purpose of this discussion should be a pursuit of truth, i.e. what is the optimal solution to the issue? Actually take your time and think about everything rather than have this one-sided mindset.

Final point. I know you really want hard evidence that the old staff made that promise about the smileys not coming back. But I've already said that it's not about the promise, it's about the competitive environment. I said "people were given the impression that that was their only shot", and you said "the players just assumed they would never return". These literally mean the same thing. Think of it like this. If you have an exam coming up, but you aren't told whether there will be an opportunity for a retake, do you just assume you will be able to retake it? No, you assume that you won't because the proper approach to uncertain situations is to assume the worst case scenario. Always. It's the same for these players. No one said they would be able to get the smileys again, so they competed as if it was their only chance. It's not the same conditions if people know there's another chance.

Xenonetix wrote:

As for the reboot, the way we're planning on handling smileys and items in general will be rather different (although I won't go into detail yet). Even though I predict we might have a similar conversation to this many years down the line, I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

~ Xenonetix ~

I like that. Just a badge would be fine. An aura would be cool too. I would say anything else is unnecessary though.


thx for sig bobithan


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#141 2018-04-11 13:06:02

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

skullz17 wrote:

Ok I know the debate is over but I didn't go online for like 2 days and now I'm sad that I didn't get to reply so I'm gonna do that now

Just to clarify, I am not under the impression that you want these smileys for free. I am completely aware that you want them to be rewards for future contests.

Ideally, future contests should have rewards of roughly equal value to the rewards of previous contests. This is objectively fair, however due to personal preference, you may not value them equally. If you then say that it's unfair that you don't get the same rewards as previous contests, even if you still get a pretty good reward, your perception of fairness is based on your emotional desires and is biased, i.e. you feel you deserve something because you feel bad if you don't get it. I don't consider this a legitimate argument.

However, what if it isn't possible to keep making rewards of equal value? In other words, you run out of ideas for smileys. Then, I can see a somewhat legitimate argument for bringing back old contests smileys. But I still think it ruins the elusiveness and value of the smileys. The purpose of cosmetic items is to allow an individual to express personality and other attributes. For years, these smileys have had associated with them a particular meaning, i.e. winners of those easter and halloween contests. This gives the players a sort of identity. It's absolutely worth supporting this, because identity and personality expression is something a lot of players look for in cosmetic items.

Also, I don't know why you think we're deciding between bringing contest smileys back or never doing contests again. This suggests that you're not even considering that there are multiple possible solutions and you have a completely one-sided approach to this problem. It's like you're trying to warp my argument into one where I'm trying to take everyone's fun out of EE because I'm selfish. Cut the ****. We shouldn't be debating to see who's right. We're not politicians, there's nothing at stake. The purpose of this discussion should be a pursuit of truth, i.e. what is the optimal solution to the issue? Actually take your time and think about everything rather than have this one-sided mindset.

Final point. I know you really want hard evidence that the old staff made that promise about the smileys not coming back. But I've already said that it's not about the promise, it's about the competitive environment. I said "people were given the impression that that was their only shot", and you said "the players just assumed they would never return". These literally mean the same thing. Think of it like this. If you have an exam coming up, but you aren't told whether there will be an opportunity for a retake, do you just assume you will be able to retake it? No, you assume that you won't because the proper approach to uncertain situations is to assume the worst case scenario. Always. It's the same for these players. No one said they would be able to get the smileys again, so they competed as if it was their only chance. It's not the same conditions if people know there's another chance.

Xenonetix wrote:

As for the reboot, the way we're planning on handling smileys and items in general will be rather different (although I won't go into detail yet). Even though I predict we might have a similar conversation to this many years down the line, I do feel that there should be some sort of "Veteran" item that people can only own if they played the current version of EE, and will never be available again after Flash EE shuts down.

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on that as an idea.

~ Xenonetix ~

I like that. Just a badge would be fine. An aura would be cool too. I would say anything else is unnecessary though.

thats cool and all but by writing so much you're trying to take my time which is pretty selfish imo



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#142 2018-04-11 14:47:58

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Onjit wrote:

thats cool and all

All I want is for no one but the original contest winners to be able to wear their smileys. That is all. You guys clearly do not understand my point of view: "I WANT ALL SMILEYS FOR FREE"

Onjit wrote:

by writing so much you're trying to take my time

This is such a stupid argument, and it's also dumb. What went through your head when you wrote this moronic string of words? Did I mention that you're entitled? Again, all I want is for no one but the original contest winners to be able to wear their smileys. But I don't expect an entitled CHILD to understand that.

Onjit wrote:


If you wanna talk about time, this is all a bit like the olympics, which has been going on for a long TIME. If we want ee to stand the test of time, then we need to create a proper competitive environment just like the olympics. This means that people will be more willing to take part in contests and will continue to play EE for a longer time. Therefore old contest smileys cannot come back as it would cause ee to very quickly (in a short time) fade into irrelevancy.

Onjit wrote:


So you're saying that you sympathise with terrorists? Wow.

Onjit wrote:

thats cool and all but by writing so much you're trying to take my time which is pretty selfish imo

No comment.


thx for sig bobithan


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#143 2018-04-11 15:57:48

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

skullz17 wrote:

All I want is for no one but the original contest winners to be able to wear their smileys.

skullz17 wrote:

You guys clearly do not understand my point of view: "I WANT ALL SMILEYS FOR FREE"



thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#144 2018-04-11 15:59:38, last edited by PTU (2018-04-11 16:06:17)

Formerly Pipec
From: Mailboxٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ
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Posts: 862

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

oMG hELLO im NOOB I wanT some stupid smileys that looks rare, but i can't GEt them so // // //

EDIT: I don't know why you guys doing this, imo  contest smileys should stay not be obtainable, we already got true winners //

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#145 2018-04-11 18:25:35

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

skullz17 wrote:

Ideally, future contests should have rewards of roughly equal value to the rewards of previous contests. This is objectively fair, however due to personal preference, you may not value them equally. If you then say that it's unfair that you don't get the same rewards as previous contests, even if you still get a pretty good reward, your perception of fairness is based on your emotional desires and is biased, i.e. you feel you deserve something because you feel bad if you don't get it. I don't consider this a legitimate argument.

This was not about personal preference unless you count "preferring not to run out of contest smiley ideas" as a preference.  If we need a new smiley for every contest, we'd quickly run out of ideas considering that new shop smilies may come out alongside with them.  If any future Halloween contests always awarded the pumpkin smilies, then there would be no worry of running out of ideas.  This is not bias, this is objective truth.

skullz17 wrote:

However, what if it isn't possible to keep making rewards of equal value? In other words, you run out of ideas for smileys. Then, I can see a somewhat legitimate argument for bringing back old contests smileys. But I still think it ruins the elusiveness and value of the smileys. The purpose of cosmetic items is to allow an individual to express personality and other attributes. For years, these smileys have had associated with them a particular meaning, i.e. winners of those easter and halloween contests. This gives the players a sort of identity. It's absolutely worth supporting this, because identity and personality expression is something a lot of players look for in cosmetic items.

That is what I've been trying to say.  "But I still think it ruins the elusiveness. . ." so, it's kind of what I said then, that it's either no future contests or a return of these old rewards then?  I mean, even you yourself just mentioned that ideas would run out, but if we re-use, the elusiveness will be ruined.. so what is it?  Which do we opt for? 

skullz17 wrote:

Also, I don't know why you think we're deciding between bringing contest smileys back or never doing contests again. This suggests that you're not even considering that there are multiple possible solutions and you have a completely one-sided approach to this problem. It's like you're trying to warp my argument into one where I'm trying to take everyone's fun out of EE because I'm selfish. Cut the ****. We shouldn't be debating to see who's right. We're not politicians, there's nothing at stake. The purpose of this discussion should be a pursuit of truth, i.e. what is the optimal solution to the issue? Actually take your time and think about everything rather than have this one-sided mindset.

But I already suggested a third solution but it didn't seem to go very far with you guys.  You're still stuck between these two options and when I chose one over the other (given I couldn't go with option C), you then blame me for acting as if there are only these two options??  That's not fair.  That's not a one-sided mindset.  When a compromise isn't accepted, of COURSE I'm going with one side over the other.  You could do without this condescending behavior too, there is no need for that if you're aiming for what you claim to be, the pursuit of truth.

skullz17 wrote:

Final point. I know you really want hard evidence that the old staff made that promise about the smileys not coming back. But I've already said that it's not about the promise, it's about the competitive environment. I said "people were given the impression that that was their only shot", and you said "the players just assumed they would never return". These literally mean the same thing. Think of it like this. If you have an exam coming up, but you aren't told whether there will be an opportunity for a retake, do you just assume you will be able to retake it? No, you assume that you won't because the proper approach to uncertain situations is to assume the worst case scenario. Always. It's the same for these players. No one said they would be able to get the smileys again, so they competed as if it was their only chance. It's not the same conditions if people know there's another chance.

Weren't you just going on about emotional bias?  How is this not that right here?  You're arguing that we should not conclude this argument on any pursuit of objective truth, yet claim to be wanting objective truth.  So what is it?

They are almost the same thing.  Given their contexts, they are not.  "Under the impression" was used as a point, which I shot down by pointing out it was an assumption.  Assumptions alone do not make something true. 

That analogy doesn't match up because there is a HUGE loss if you miss out on your test if it's the only one.  You can lose a year of your academic career, as well as a year of life after school, and if in college, lose a large amount of money.  In an EE contest.. you can miss out on a smiley.  These are not equal losses.  If anything, a second contest would be to another year's test, not a retake.  We're asking for another contest here, not a redo of the first.  We're not asking to take smileys from previous winners if players now can make better worlds than past winners.  We're wanting a new contest.  It's NOT a redo or retake, it's a second competition.

Given that conditions back then were based on assumption rather than fact, those conditions should not hinder or prevent any future contests.  I can't say how lame it is to state that future contests cannot be held since people in the past had assumed something.  Unless we go with that third or other option.  Either way, the conditions would STILL be the same.  Just because people assumed one way, does not change what the contest originally was.  Any wrong assumption is on the player, but that's OK.  That doesn't make them some sort of criminal.  They just can't say that we can't have anymore contests BECAUSE of their assumptions.  For example, I don't think it was ever stated that the last Designer contest was the first and only one.  I won the smiley without assuming this was the only one.  And if I did, I also should not ask the staff to never hold another Designer contest.  And I believe winners of previous contests should do the same.  Stop asking the staff team to not hold future contests.



#146 2018-04-11 18:28:22, last edited by Koto (2018-04-11 18:28:53)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

If Contest smileys were simply palette swaps, or alternate versions of existing smileys (Like how two similar the pumpkins are), and left the more generic variation for the general public to earn/buy, we would never run out of contest smiley ideas.



#147 2018-04-11 18:41:33, last edited by azurepudding (2018-04-11 18:42:54)

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Koto wrote:

If Contest smileys were simply palette swaps, or alternate versions of existing smileys (Like how two similar the pumpkins are), and left the more generic variation for the general public to earn/buy, we would never run out of contest smiley ideas.

I suppose that could work, but I also kinda like the medal idea.  I think the contest smileys are so rare that it's almost as if they don't even exist.  In my 7-8 years of EE, I have only seen them I think two times.  So any more unique smileys may go down into nearly non-existent obscurity as well.

EDIT: Artist smiley returned and I have literally not seen it used since the Designer contest, and before it, I think I only saw Kefka ever use it.



#148 2018-04-11 18:51:28, last edited by Koto (2018-04-11 19:11:21)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

That's what I was going to suggest if the admins hadn't commented.  If it were like that, they could do unlit/lit pumpkins for one year, white/transparent ghost, for the next, and white unlit/lit pumpkins as another.  However, in this EE reboot, I think that they should explicitly state that they reserve the right to use those smileys as a prize again, but I think they should try to avoid it, if possible.  We don't want them promising themselves into a corner next time.

Edit: I view contest smileys, like the artist one essentially the same as badges, but you can just show them off in maps you are playing.  Even if people choose to not wear that smiley constantly, you can still view it on their profile, which would be the same if they were badges.  Especially of they aare all just alternate versions of other smileys.

Plus, I like rarity.  I'm going to pay more attention to what everyone is wearing if there are rarer exclusive smileys than I would if evedybody just had everything.  It just means more.  If there were 1000 smileys, and 150 of them were 'rare',  it would add a lot more livelihood to the game, imo.



#149 2018-04-11 19:24:28, last edited by azurepudding (2018-04-11 19:25:31)

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Koto wrote:

That's what I was going to suggest if the admins hadn't commented.  If it were like that, they could do unlit/lit pumpkins for one year, white/transparent ghost, for the next, and white unlit/lit pumpkins as another.  However, in this EE reboot, I think that they should explicitly state that they reserve the right to use those smileys as a prize again, but I think they should try to avoid it, if possible.  We don't want them promising themselves into a corner next time.

Edit: I view contest smileys, like the artist one essentially the same as badges, but you can just show them off in maps you are playing.  Even if people choose to not wear that smiley constantly, you can still view it on their profile, which would be the same if they were badges.  Especially of they aare all just alternate versions of other smileys.

Plus, I like rarity.  I'm going to pay more attention to what everyone is wearing if there are rarer exclusive smileys than I would if evedybody just had everything.  It just means more.  If there were 1000 smileys, and 150 of them were 'rare',  it would add a lot more livelihood to the game, imo.

Those new alterations sound cool, thought too bad Ghost is already a smiley.  And I guess I just don't like having smilies literally never obtainable again.  Because a new player might join having no chance at all to even compete for one, and I'm a strong believer of equal chance for all, with only skill being the deciding factor rather than timing.  If there was a long cycle before the old ones return, I think that might be a way to return them without greatly deflating their value.  And really, even with these alterations, ideas will run out eventually, just not as quickly.  So if we had a second Halloween contest this year, then a third next year, and a fourth, then a fifth... and then on the sixth it cycled back to the original prizes and continued on from there?  Though this is if EE is still around by then.  I just think by then, the original contest smilies will have become so obscure, that they essentially don't even exist anymore, so it would be another chance for 5 or so more to be awarded to KEEP them rare and not nonexistent.



#150 2018-04-11 19:35:15, last edited by Koto (2018-04-11 20:08:37)

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Heh.  Honestly having a Halloween contest every year is super uninspired, but stating that the owners have the autority to reuse prizes would solve that issue.  Plus if the staff changes, it won't screw later staff.

Honestly, if they ever ran out of theme ideas for a specfic contest them, than the issue might be rreusing the same contest ideas too often, but that's an issue that probably wouldn't be ran into for like a decade.

Edit:  Plis, it'd be ridiculous talking about how nobody wears the blie flower smiley from the 2022 spring contest when there are 15 other flower smileys that all look really similar.

I mean, how often do you see people wear the Bruce, or Purple Ghost smiley?  Tons of people have those.




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