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#26 2018-04-02 09:07:19, last edited by Luka504 (2018-04-02 09:24:35)

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Devlin wrote:

Lol what... how am I selfish for wanting EVERYONE to be able to have a smiley?

When I say selfish, I mean that you want to obtain the smileys for the same reason that the contest winners want to keep them. Because they are rare and special. If you say that the contest winners are selfish for not sharing then you are also selfish for wanting.

Devlin wrote:

That said, if I had been around for the competitons, then regardless of whether or not I obtained the smileys I'd still be for everyone being able to have them

I legitemately doubt that Devlin. You're just saying that because you don't know how much people worked to obtain these smileys with the promise of them never being obtainable again. If you spent so much time and effort and won the contest only for them to say 'Actually nvm we're making them public lol!' then you would be fighting to keep them. You can say that you wouldn't do that as much as you like, but your words alone don't suffice here.

Devlin wrote:

I've also rarely ever seen people use these smileys.

Again, as long as there's one person who has the smileys and is active in the community, we cannot take away what makes them unique.

Devlin wrote:

Tbh, surely the main attraction to winning a competition is the satisfaction of winning said competition?

You're joking, right? Please tell me you are. Since this is the worst argument I've heard from your side.
No, people don't want to spend their time building a world for a **** contest if they aren't gonna get compensated for their time. Just look at all the contests that were started and offered no prize other than ''tHE sAtIsfAcTioN of WinINNGIn''. Every one of those contests failed. No one signed up since they couldn't be bothered to build a world without any rewards.

Devlin wrote:

I am fundamentally against unique prizes in all walks of life. Everyone should have equal opportunity to be the same as everybody else. It encourages selfishness, entitlement and greed which, fyi, are bad traits that can often be destructive.

Yeesh, don't you think you're being a bit dramatic here? Just a bit? You're comparing people who just want to keep their exclusive smileys to real world greedy and entitled people.
Yeah don't do that.

Devlin wrote:

If you are going to say that others shouldn't have these smileys because you worked hard to get them, then you shouldn't be against allowing others the chance to work equally as hard to get them themselves.

I absolutely agree with this, but there's an issue with what you are saying. That being that you can never truly work as hard as the contestants did back in 2011. Back then your block choices were so limited and you had almost no experience in building a quality world, so you essentially had to learn as you went if you wanted to win. Now, in 2018, when there's hundreds of items for your world to choose from and since a majority of players now have experience on how to make a good level, they can never possibly work as hard as the contestants did.

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#27 2018-04-02 09:19:53, last edited by Kira (2018-04-02 09:23:49)


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Slushie wrote:

Sorry, as a 2011 contest winner, I disagree.

First of all, if your primary argument is that the smileys shouldn’t be exclusive because the winners “just want to seem special”, then you’ve already lost, because what reason do you have for wanting these smileys if not to seem special too? You can’t criticize contest winners for being selfish, when your reason for wanting the smileys returned and their reason for wanting the smileys to remain exclusive are exactly the same.

Second, you have to realize that when these smileys were released, it was guaranteed that they would remain exclusive to the contest winners. Not contest winners in general (which most people here seem to believe or want to be true), but to the Easter 2011 and Halloween 2011 contest winners specifically. Many players put their heart and soul into creating their contest levels, myself included, because we were told it would not be possible to obtain these smileys again. Whether you agree with the concept of veteran-exclusive items or not isn’t relevant, because it was promised they would remain exclusive, and it’s a slap in the face to reverse that promise years later just because some new players don’t want to feel left out.

Finally, as I’m sure everyone is aware, it was much more difficult to create a level worthy of winning contests in 2011 than it is today. Obviously there was a much smaller block palette to work with, but practically everyone at the time was also new to level building, as EE was still a new game. The levels that a single player could churn out in one day in 2018 would take several days of work by an entire crew of players in 2011, because no one back then had the experience that players today have. You can’t replicate the conditions of the 2011 contests today, which is another reason it’s not fair to give the same prizes.

TL;DR no pls

First argument: You have no right to call us selfish since you want to be able to show off these "exclusive smileys".
Second argument: You are irrelevant, we worked hard for these prizes because these smileys are exclusive.
Third argument: It was much harder to build back in the day, so "It isn't fair to hand out the same prizes"

I find these arguments pretty ridiculous honestly.

First of all, you're the only being selfish here. This is exactly what I'm talking about, you want to remain exclusive in the eyes of the community, not willing to share your goods. I wish everyone had the same mindset as Koto "I own one of the pumpkin smileys, and was a former mod.  Imo, I'd be okay if they brought them back.  It's been an appropriate amount of time". What's the harm of competing for a former prize? These smileys should remain exclusive to contest winners, I don't see any issue if the community are competing for them, right? I'm sure you would be satisfied if easter prizes were to come back, since you do not own them.

Second of all, that argument is also flawed. Everyone works hard for their levels, me included. We put thousands of hours into our levels, time made us better and that's exactly for why we should be competing. Matt, I haven't seen a level from you in years, now you're here talking about the sweat you put into, 1 level? Is that honestly your reason for wanting to keep these smileys? "We worked hard because these smileys were promised to stay exclusive". No comment.

Third of all, It was indeed harder to create a level back in the days. You're talking about limited palette, that's wrong. You don't need a huge palette to make a good level. This is where your argument is also flawed, it makes no sense. "It is easier to make a level nowadays, and that's exactly why It isn't fair to bring these prizes back". I don't understand. Why exactly isn't that fair? I personally think it would be interesting to see the evolution of EE, to see how far we have reached. People seem to agree, even former winners.

#28 2018-04-02 09:36:51, last edited by Luka504 (2018-04-02 09:54:30)

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Firstly, I can't believe how many times this needs to be said, but if you say the contest winners are selfish for not sharing then you are automatically selfish for wanting, since you are both fighting for the same thing. You can't have one being selfish and the other being scott-free.
And since you seem to be dragging in someone else into your argument, I can do that too. I wish more people had the same mindset as Kentyia or Master1 where the smiley's should remain exclusive.

Secondly, good job ignoring his point Kira. He said that those smileys were promised to be exclusive and that there wouldn't be any other way to get them, but you seem to be going of on your ''I work so hard and i DESERVE it!!!111!1'' direction. Face his argument head on.

Thirdly, it was harder to create world back in the days. The palette back then was so limited, and while you technically didn't need all the new fancy blocks to make a good level, they most certainly would've helped a ton. In 2011 they didn't have these blocks. And with a lack of experience, they had to work a lot more back then than you might have to work on your worlds today.
Also while some people seem to agree, you seem to be forgetting some people disagree.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#29 2018-04-02 10:07:17


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Luka504 wrote:

Firstly, I can't believe how many times this needs to be said, but if you say the contest winners are selfish for not sharing then you are automatically selfish for wanting, since you are both fighting for the same thing. You can't have one being selfish and the other being scott-free.
And since you seem to be dragging in someone else into your argument, I can do that too. I wish more people had the same mindset as Kentyia or Master1 where the smiley's should remain exclusive.

Secondly, good job ignoring his point Kira. He said that those smileys were promised to be exclusive and that there wouldn't be any other way to get them, but you seem to be going of on your ''I work so hard and i DESERVE it!!!111!1'' direction. Face his argument head on.

Thirdly, it was harder to create world back in the days. The palette back then was so limited, and while you technically didn't need all the new fancy blocks to make a good level, they most certainly would've helped a ton. In 2011 they didn't have these blocks. And with a lack of experience, they had to work a lot more back then than you might have to work on your worlds today.
Also while some people seem to agree, you seem to be forgetting some people disagree.

Why are you repeating what Matt said?

#30 2018-04-02 10:29:05, last edited by Luka504 (2018-04-02 10:32:29)

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Because you still lack a good answer for his arguments.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#31 2018-04-02 13:03:14

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Luka504 wrote:

When I say selfish, I mean that you want to obtain the smileys for the same reason that the contest winners want to keep them. Because they are rare and special. If you say that the contest winners are selfish for not sharing then you are also selfish for wanting.

Let's get this 100% clear. I do not want these smileys because they are rare or special. I want them because I genuinely like the smileys and wish to use them. If every other person on EE owned the smileys, I'd still want them. Their 'value' means nothing to me. I want them because I like them and wish to use them.

Luka504 wrote:

I legitemately doubt that Devlin. You're just saying that because you don't know how much people worked to obtain these smileys with the promise of them never being obtainable again. If you spent so much time and effort and won the contest only for them to say 'Actually nvm we're making them public lol!' then you would be fighting to keep them. You can say that you wouldn't do that as much as you like, but your words alone don't suffice here.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you are wrong. I can prove it with my actions too. My example is slightly different because instead of effort being wasted, it's money I'm willing to have wasted. Basically, on the Minecraft server called Mineplex, I always bought ranks because I wanted the content they provided. However, when the Mineplex owners made statements like they were going to give some of the content provided by the ranks away for free, I never complained and was all for it. When other people who did not have a rank made threads asking for some of the ranked content for free, I always said I was okay with them having that content for free. Basically I was willing to let people have unique content for free that I had paid in total at least over £100 for. If you would like me to link you to these cringey posts I made when I was younger as proof that this is what I was like, then I certainly can do. Personally, I'd argue that letting someone have something you paid over £100 for is a lot more of a sacrifice than letting someone have something that you put a bit of effort into getting. Even then, I come from a working-class family. We don't exactly have a lot of money. So this money is something that I would have had to work hard for to get, and having money 'wasted' would be a big deal since I've never had a lot of it. Considering all this, I have full confidence I'd be arguing for other people having these smileys if I were in your position.

Luka504 wrote:

Again, as long as there's one person who has the smileys and is active in the community, we cannot take away what makes them unique.

Yes, we can.

Luka504 wrote:

You're joking, right? Please tell me you are. Since this is the worst argument I've heard from your side.
No, people don't want to spend their time building a world for a **** contest if they aren't gonna get compensated for their time. Just look at all the contests that were started and offered no prize other than ''tHE sAtIsfAcTioN of WinINNGIn''. Every one of those contests failed. No one signed up since they couldn't be bothered to build a world without any rewards.

There, of course, should be some sort of prize. That's how competitions work. But I disagree that these prizes should be unique. Other people owning the prizes you won from the competition doesn't suddenly mean you don't have those prizes anymore.

Luka504 wrote:

Yeesh, don't you think you're being a bit dramatic here? Just a bit? You're comparing people who just want to keep their exclusive smileys to real world greedy and entitled people.
Yeah don't do that.

It's the truth though...

Luka504 wrote:

I absolutely agree with this, but there's an issue with what you are saying. That being that you can never truly work as hard as the contestants did back in 2011. Back then your block choices were so limited and you had almost no experience in building a quality world, so you essentially had to learn as you went if you wanted to win. Now, in 2018, when there's hundreds of items for your world to choose from and since a majority of players now have experience on how to make a good level, they can never possibly work as hard as the contestants did.

Suggesting that people now can't possibly work as hard as people did back then is ludicrous in my opinion. One could argue it takes more effort to build a good world now. So many ideas have been explored in EE and so many levels have been made that it's hard to come up with unique ideas now. When everyone is good at making worlds now, surely doesn't it take even more effort to stand out amongst them? Furthermore, the idea that it takes less effort to build worlds now just because there are more blocks is ridiculous. Someone could easily build a world that takes far more effort to create now than it did back then, especially when you take into account things such as larger world sizes. Additionally, Luka, you've seen my building skills. They are utter ****. If I was to enter a competition and build an amazing world that wowed everyone, even you, then surely I should be rewarded for that hard work right? I would have learnt how to build during that competition so surely I deserve the same prize for putting in the same effort? Finally, I disagree that "a majority of players now have experience on how to make a good level". Have you played the levels in the lobby? They are utter garbage. Your average player is like that. Most of the competition winners are the same people each time. So if someone was able to build something good enough to be considered a great builder alongside the regular winners, then surely they are worthy of the same prizes?

The only valid argument I have seen here about why contest smileys should not be reobtainable in contests of similar themes is that, since there are fewer players now, the contests are easier to win. That is a fair enough argument. But I can't help but feel that a lot of what y'all have been saying suggests that, even if EE had the same amount of players now as it is back then, you still wouldn't want these smileys to be reobtainable.

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


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#32 2018-04-02 13:50:19

From: Estonia
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 516

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Mait wrote:
I agree, fanboy and fanboy II should be time exclusive items, because they still are for fans who stay with the game long enough.
Haha the irony is unreal. So the fanboy smileys get a free pass and should be exclusive but 2011 contest smileys , which do a much better job of representing how much time you spent on the game, must be shared otherwise you are a selfish jerk? It's very obvious how you have the fanboy smiley and you want it to be exclusive.

But the fanboy was meant to be time exclusive, pumpkin and bunny were meant to be contest smileys. And also why are you so hostile? Do you have anger problems?

Let's get to 5000.


#33 2018-04-02 14:08:18

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Kira wrote:

Most of them already left Everybody Edits permanently, the chance of seeing one of them are really low.

boy i smelt your bull **** and came back to say

no because its mine


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#34 2018-04-02 14:17:43


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Pyromaniac wrote:
Kira wrote:

Most of them already left Everybody Edits permanently, the chance of seeing one of them are really low.

boy i smelt your bull **** and came back to say

no because its mine

You're as irrelevant as ever

You should probably leave for good now big boy

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#35 2018-04-02 15:27:32


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest


just here to say that this doesn't matter anymore. don't expect to have any more contest rereleases for the flash client

its presumably going to be a fresh start for the reboot, so we can fight for a new cause then
so be there for the first contest. try to win a smiley and youll more of a right in this argument

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#36 2018-04-02 15:28:35

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,006

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

mutantdevle wrote:

I think John was considering making them seasonal magic smileys. Eg. bird and bunny are magic smileys during Easter and pumpkin smileys are rewarded through magic during the Halloween season, but I doubt this is going to happen now.

I still like this idea, another one I was thinking of was having like contest badges or something in the profile.



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#37 2018-04-02 17:20:28

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Devlin wrote:

I do not want these smileys because they are rare or special. I want them because I genuinely like the smileys and wish to use them.

When I said they are special I thought that would also account the actual quality of the smiley itself, since the reason you guys keep arguing about it because those are some of the better smiley's in EE. I suppose I could've worded it better, so I apologize about that part. However I still stand by the point that you cannot accuse someone for being selfish if you are being selfish for the same reason.

Devlin wrote:

Basically I was willing to let people have unique content for free that I had paid in total at least over £100 for.

*Minecraft damage sound*
You got me with that one.

Devlin wrote:

Yes, we can.

We can have these ''No we can't.'' ''Yes we can.'' shouting matches until one of us stops posting. I'm game.
Technically, while we can do it, but we certainly shouldn't.

Devlin wrote:

It's the truth though...

It most definetly isn't. You're trying to tell me that because some people want their favorite smiley to remain exclusive, they are gonna start developing selfish and entitled behaviors. You are acting really hyperbolic right now.

Devlin wrote:

Have you played the levels in the lobby? They are utter garbage. Your average player is like that.

Devlin wrote:

When everyone is good at making worlds now, surely doesn't it take even more effort to stand out amongst them?


Devlin wrote:

If I was to enter a competition and build an amazing world that wowed everyone, even you, then surely I should be rewarded for that hard work right? I would have learnt how to build during that competition so surely I deserve the same prize for putting in the same effort? (...) So if someone was able to build something good enough to be considered a great builder alongside the regular winners, then surely they are worthy of the same prizes?

Yes, if you do phenomenally well in a competition you deserve to be rewarded for it, I agree with that, but where I disagree with is ''What should you be rewarded with?'' since I disagree that you should be rewarded today with the same exact smiley as someone who won in 2011, since it is 2 radically different time periods. However I also cannot ignore the validity that if you do put up as much effort as someone from 2011, you should have the same prize.
Personally, I think the best course of action would be to do the Fanboy II method and just take the smiley's from 2011, change some small things and use the new smiley's as the reward for the next contest. That way the 2011 winners still remain unique while the new winners finally get a smiley that's pretty much identical in terms of quality. The perfect compromise.

Mait wrote:

And also why are you so hostile? Do you have anger problems?

Certainly not anger problems, the right term would be ''Acting hostile online since there are pretty much no negative repercussions for what I say or do here.''

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


#38 2018-04-02 17:48:20

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Pyromaniac wrote:
Kira wrote:

Most of them already left Everybody Edits permanently, the chance of seeing one of them are really low.

boy i smelt your bull **** and came back to say

no because its mine

oh **** can I have pummpkooon too plzz???


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#39 2018-04-02 19:10:23

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Everybody Edits changes. One-time contest rewards represent a part of this game's history. Those smileys represent their contests in 2011, and nothing else. Bringing them back would ruin their history, and that's something that can't be undone.

If the community can't agree on this, maybe making such a big change isn't a good idea.


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#40 2018-04-02 19:14:51

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

N1KF wrote:

Everybody Edits changes. One-time contest rewards represent a part of this game's history. Those smileys represent their contests in 2011, and nothing else. Bringing them back would ruin their history, and that's something that can't be undone.

If the community can't agree on this, maybe making such a big change isn't a good idea.

The Backlash would be immense, especially from the chris-era nubs. It's not a great idea to **** off your chris-era fanbase.


#41 2018-04-02 20:09:38

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

N1KF wrote:

Everybody Edits changes. One-time contest rewards represent a part of this game's history. Those smileys represent their contests in 2011, and nothing else. Bringing them back would ruin their history, and that's something that can't be undone.

If the community can't agree on this, maybe making such a big change isn't a good idea.

doo you see someone with them nowadays?


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#42 2018-04-02 20:45:01, last edited by Enurp (2018-04-02 20:52:01)

Formerly ThuggishPrune
From: Ohio
Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 459

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

peace wrote:
N1KF wrote:

Everybody Edits changes. One-time contest rewards represent a part of this game's history. Those smileys represent their contests in 2011, and nothing else. Bringing them back would ruin their history, and that's something that can't be undone.

If the community can't agree on this, maybe making such a big change isn't a good idea.

doo you see someone with them nowadays?

Yes. Simply yes. It doesn't matter that the some of the players who won them have since quit. There's still a few that have won both contests and are still around. This point of "well what if everyone who won the contest left the game so we could get them". It's **** greedy and selfish.

Gib birbo smile plz, iz not fair i waznt their for the contest!!!1!!!!!! GIVE BORBI!!!!!!!1111!!!one!1!!!


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#43 2018-04-02 21:40:15, last edited by Zoey2070 (2018-04-02 21:41:23)

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

kira please give me all ur trophies and stuff bc i want them

no other reason

just cuz i want them

same w/ GM smileys and everything

idc if u worked for it or w/e let me HAVE them IT'S SELFISH TO NOT SHARE

also give me all the money you have from ur paying job, why are u not sharing ur money with everyone?

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


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#44 2018-04-02 21:44:27, last edited by Tomahawk (2018-04-02 22:15:33)

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,846

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Imagine taking part in a competition where everyone gets the same prize in the end, regardless of whether they won.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


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#45 2018-04-02 21:48:43

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Zoey2070 wrote:

also give me all the money you have from ur paying job, why are u not sharing ur money with everyone?

That's not a good comparison since smileys can be freely copied.


#46 2018-04-02 21:48:51


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

John wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

I think John was considering making them seasonal magic smileys. Eg. bird and bunny are magic smileys during Easter and pumpkin smileys are rewarded through magic during the Halloween season, but I doubt this is going to happen now.

I still like this idea, another one I was thinking of was having like contest badges or something in the profile.

artist badge would be sick

Tomahawk wrote:

Imaging taking part in a competition where everyone gets the same prize in the end, regardless of whether they won.

well at least we don't have to complain whether or not someone got this smiley cause they were in 1st

#47 2018-04-02 22:09:34

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Tomahawk wrote:

Imaging taking part in a competition where everyone gets the same prize in the end, regardless of whether they won.

that competition is called communism and the prize is no food.

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


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#48 2018-04-02 22:37:52


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Reason behind it: It was a reward to old players who actually knew about it, it makes them feel special in a way. (what) The Fanboy Smileys are unique in there own way. Releasing them to everybody would give them an extra 3 free smileys on there profile, making the smiley worthless and overused. It's also cool to look back at the first fanboy. Pretty cool smiley in general. It's a well worth smiley to have too!! Wouldn't you be mad if you worked so hard for something, and then someone got it a much easier way for less effort? That's basically how I see the fanboys.Also the old contest smileys are pretty much brought over by the same point.

(grammar fails)

Last edited by Joeyc (2018-01-12 15:05:34)    Bringing this up from my old fanboy post, thought it was quite relevant.

#49 2018-04-02 22:43:36


Re: Easter and Halloween Contest
nice topic

#50 2018-04-03 00:27:59

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Easter and Halloween Contest

Kira wrote:
Pyromaniac wrote:
Kira wrote:

Most of them already left Everybody Edits permanently, the chance of seeing one of them are really low.

boy i smelt your bull **** and came back to say

no because its mine

You're as irrelevant as ever

You should probably leave for good now big boy

i mean like, rude, but also not wrong.




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