Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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hello it is i bimp, leader of the death party. i planned on never logging in, just lurking, because this place sucks. but after this week i cant ignore it. if you have been keeping up with the forums too then you know that toop has quit, nou has leaked logs from when he was forced to quit, atilla has stated that ee could be saved by someone, and that nvd hasnt logged in since june 26th. what is also known is that the last few months or so of nou owning ee, no progress was being made. why would that change now? nou was a leader, nvd is a programmer. with 4 admins left, is anything happening? will unitee ever release? it has been 610 days since it was announced. 610 days. to make a port of a 2d game. to unity. it's safe to say it's dead. with all of what i have said and what most of you have seen in the last week? do you really believe that ee should continue? i dont. i think ee should be shut down, either keeping it open with no future updates, or just shutting it down completly. i prefer the latter because it's obvious people can run the latest client on their own servers, so why bother paying for the original? my wording sucks but hopefully you understand. what i think should happen is a spiritual successor. take banjo kazooie and yooka laylee for example. y.l. wasnt aiming to be an h.d. remake of b.k., it wanted to keep the very core parts of it and then recreate everything for a better (debateable) experience for everyone. that is what should happen with ee, the best people in our community (idk who) should team up and create an ee that isnt brought down by its current limitations. how? idk im not a game designer.
oh yeah, if you still think ee should continue, may i remind you of the log nou posted which you may have not read?
nou [15:30]
no, i end the company EE is currently registered under, someone else boots up his own and digital rights can be transferred
unless of course, nvd, you want to evade taxes again
nvd [15:30]
Oh I'm not
so nvd has admitted to evading his taxes. and he's the owner of ee.
so join the death party today! woot this post if you support ee being killed off/a spiritual successor happening, even if you dont 100% agree with what i said.
Keeping the game open but announcing there will be no more updates makes sense to me, since that will conserve staff's time and energy, along with the player's hopes. Although, it'd be nice if somebody, even a 1-man-team, would continue to work on the game.
However, how does option #2 help anybody?
Currently playing through: Mega Man 1-6
Listen to my in-game music! (it's pretty much all I'm good at)
Keeping the game open but announcing there will be no more updates makes sense to me, since that will conserve staff's time and energy, along with the player's hopes. Although, it'd be nice if somebody, even a 1-man-team, would continue to work on the game.
However, how does option #2 help anybody?
well someone would have to pay for server time. the second option makes more sense because like i said the whatever the final client is will always be available, so people could run that client on their own servers for whoever they want
How much do ee's servers cost to run?
How much do ee's servers cost to run?
i dont know, but keeping the server running would also mean keeping open, which would also add to the cost. the thing is that it isnt free, so someone would have to do it. i dont really know. that isnt my main problem
It kind of matters though, since if the cost is low enough the owner could keep those up with the small amount of money EE makes, or a willing and trusted fan could be handed the game and pay the difference. Until those numbers are crunched though, it's up in the air if completely shutting down EE would hurt anybody.
[Edit in response to SmittyW]: EE could just go down to Plus when Pro costs more than its worth, then. I imagine Plus would even be acceptable now.
Currently playing through: Mega Man 1-6
Listen to my in-game music! (it's pretty much all I'm good at)
How much do ee's servers cost to run?
I'm guesstimating they got the 'PRO' package so around $500 monthly but Nou mentioned getting a "special deal" (ifuknowwhatimean
It kind of matters though, since if the cost is low enough the owner could keep those up with the small amount of money EE makes, or a willing and trusted fan could be handed the game and pay the difference. Until those numbers are crunched though, it's up in the air if completely shutting down EE would hurt anybody.
[Edit in response to SmittyW]: EE could just go down to Plus when Pro costs more than its worth, then. I imagine Plus would even be acceptable now.
k the thing is that ee should be shut down officially and possibly have a spiritual successor. a new owner would not work as we have seen. also about the pro to plus, im pretty sure that would not work
I can;t support a party with a hammer and sickle on it. But I do agree with your statements for the most part.
MOOD: Conflicted
I don't know anymore. I come back from the dead and two months later everything/everyone is dying.
Honestly never should've come back but I guess now that I'm here it I'll be hopeful everything will work out in the end.
bimps i actually thought you died
I can;t support a party with a hammer and sickle on it. But I do agree with your statements for the most part.
k so you werent here in 2016 so: the death party originally was made for a faux election for who would be the next owner of ee. i wasnt joking when i said ee should die, so everytime **** starts up i use it again just for the fun of it. the communist stuff is just a meme
I don't know anymore. I come back from the dead and two months later everything/everyone is dying.
Honestly never should've come back but I guess now that I'm here it I'll be hopeful everything will work out in the end.
hi welcome
bimps i actually thought you died
i wish i had died
Sorry, but ironically saying you like something is just another way of sincerely saying you like something.
Mood: Winking Truthfully
Hi Bimps
"...either keeping it open with no future updates, or just shutting it down completly. "
Yeah, unless we see a leader(s) take action to be progressive with Everybody Edits future and solve its current detrimental issues.
But i wish EE to live as long as it can, no longer adding more updates and lack of promotion will likely kill the game swiftly.
Sorry, but ironically saying you like something is just another way of sincerely saying you like something.
he's not ironically saying he likes it though
nor is what you said true, but that's beside the point
Sorry, but ironically saying you like something is just another way of sincerely saying you like something.
Winking Truthfully
Hi Bimps
"...either keeping it open with no future updates, or just shutting it down completly. "
Yeah, unless we see a leader(s) take action to be progressive with Everybody Edits future and solve its current detrimental issues.But i wish EE to live as long as it can, no longer adding more updates and lack of promotion will likely kill the game swiftly.
that's the problem really. ee cant live on. i found out yesterday that all guests are banned. you can see in the lobby that it rarely goes over 100 at any time. half of the levels are 1-2 people in it, only 1 or maybe 2 levels with a considerable amount of people at the top of the lobby at any time. there are no updates, nou has said that everything has slowed down, unitee is basically dead, the shop has so much stuff in it new players are discouraged, and like i said... guests are banned. meaning new people cant experience it and then join. all of these problems are why i want it dead. you may say it is fixable, but to do that would require a complete overhaul of ee. which is why instead of remaking it, we could try it again with a spiritual successor
HeyNK wrote:Sorry, but ironically saying you like something is just another way of sincerely saying you like something.
Winking Truthfully
Doodle wrote:Hi Bimps
"...either keeping it open with no future updates, or just shutting it down completly. "
Yeah, unless we see a leader(s) take action to be progressive with Everybody Edits future and solve its current detrimental issues.But i wish EE to live as long as it can, no longer adding more updates and lack of promotion will likely kill the game swiftly.
that's the problem really. ee cant live on. i found out yesterday that all guests are banned. you can see in the lobby that it rarely goes over 100 at any time. half of the levels are 1-2 people in it, only 1 or maybe 2 levels with a considerable amount of people at the top of the lobby at any time. there are no updates, nou has said that everything has slowed down, unitee is basically dead, the shop has so much stuff in it new players are discouraged, and like i said... guests are banned. meaning new people cant experience it and then join. all of these problems are why i want it dead. you may say it is fixable, but to do that would require a complete overhaul of ee. which is why instead of remaking it, we could try it again with a spiritual successor
I'm a little confused, aren't you suggesting that EE be remade when you said this?
"take banjo kazooie and yooka laylee for example. y.l. wasnt aiming to be an h.d. remake of b.k., it wanted to keep the very core parts of it and then recreate everything for a better (debateable) experience for everyone. that is what should happen with ee, the best people in our community (idk who) should team up and create an ee that isnt brought down by its current limitations"
Or just shut the game down completely?
Bimps wrote:HeyNK wrote:Sorry, but ironically saying you like something is just another way of sincerely saying you like something.
Winking Truthfully
Doodle wrote:Hi Bimps
"...either keeping it open with no future updates, or just shutting it down completly. "
Yeah, unless we see a leader(s) take action to be progressive with Everybody Edits future and solve its current detrimental issues.But i wish EE to live as long as it can, no longer adding more updates and lack of promotion will likely kill the game swiftly.
that's the problem really. ee cant live on. i found out yesterday that all guests are banned. you can see in the lobby that it rarely goes over 100 at any time. half of the levels are 1-2 people in it, only 1 or maybe 2 levels with a considerable amount of people at the top of the lobby at any time. there are no updates, nou has said that everything has slowed down, unitee is basically dead, the shop has so much stuff in it new players are discouraged, and like i said... guests are banned. meaning new people cant experience it and then join. all of these problems are why i want it dead. you may say it is fixable, but to do that would require a complete overhaul of ee. which is why instead of remaking it, we could try it again with a spiritual successor
I'm a little confused, aren't you suggesting that EE be remade when you said this?
"take banjo kazooie and yooka laylee for example. y.l. wasnt aiming to be an h.d. remake of b.k., it wanted to keep the very core parts of it and then recreate everything for a better (debateable) experience for everyone. that is what should happen with ee, the best people in our community (idk who) should team up and create an ee that isnt brought down by its current limitations"
Or just shut the game down completely?
both, but not remade with it being "ee 3.0" or something
I see, a remodeled EE to fix the problems, revised basically. What a dream. I like that idea.
(actually it seems like your asking for unity or a more "easier alternative" than unity to fix the game.)
The staff and majority community is not that ambitious though. If we were, your first posts would have been flooded with woots, and at least one EE administrator woot agreeing. I doubt any of the EE administators would even take that idea into consideration (maybe because you didn't explain how that would look or work). But EE Unity is not even out yet after a year and 245 days so that bears more weight to your idea not happening. idk if that's a necessary time length or there's been conflicts with development.
But lets be reminded that Nou made it clear on March 3rd 2017 that its in good development which solves current issues we face. (promoting the game not included)
Current status
First: Unity. We have a stable client that runs smoothly, although it’s missing some of the latest blocks/smileys. However, the UI is still heavily under construction, especially the lobby needs a complete overhaul as its current design is overwhelming and deters new players. The shop, crews, settings, profiles, and in-game mail still need to be done completely, as well as plenty of other stuff.
We ran/are running a closed alpha for testers, so some have already experienced the Unity client, but from now on I’d like to at least make a bi-weekly update on the status of the Unity client to keep everyone informed. Even if no progress is made, you will still be informed on the lack of progress. … p?id=38420
It was our hope or still is for this game's growth.
We are likely going to have NVD continue or get a new owner(s) implementing new plans and ideas to prolong or save the game (to be popular again) if possible.
I see, a remodeled EE to fix the problems, revised basically. What a dream. I like that idea.
(actually it seems like your asking for unity or a more "easier alternative" than unity to fix the game.)The staff and majority community is not that ambitious though. If we were, your first posts would have been flooded with woots, and at least one EE administrator woot agreeing. I doubt any of the EE administators would even take that idea into consideration (maybe because you didn't explain how that would look or work). But EE Unity is not even out yet after a year and 245 days so that bears more weight to your idea not happening. idk if that's a necessary time length or there's been conflicts with development.
But lets be reminded that Nou made it clear on March 3rd 2017 that its in good development which solves current issues we face. (promoting the game not included)
Nou wrote:Current status
First: Unity. We have a stable client that runs smoothly, although it’s missing some of the latest blocks/smileys. However, the UI is still heavily under construction, especially the lobby needs a complete overhaul as its current design is overwhelming and deters new players. The shop, crews, settings, profiles, and in-game mail still need to be done completely, as well as plenty of other stuff.
We ran/are running a closed alpha for testers, so some have already experienced the Unity client, but from now on I’d like to at least make a bi-weekly update on the status of the Unity client to keep everyone informed. Even if no progress is made, you will still be informed on the lack of progress. … p?id=38420
It was our hope or still is for this game's growth.
We are likely going to have NVD continue or get a new owner(s) implementing new plans and ideas to prolong or save the game (to be popular again) if possible.
what the hell are you talking about. **** this games dev team they do ****, we need a new one on a different game. i mean i would like a new thing to be on unity or literally anything that isnt flash but that doesnt really matter. also the unity code is ****, i would go find the quote by nou or someone but idc enough. so no unity is not going well. also can you stop talking like "What a dream. I like that idea.", it's really annoying and pretentious
Bruh tax evasion? that NVD is 'pretending' to admit? He is not admitting of tax evasion otherwise he would have told us directly on forums
oh i was waiting for your broken english to show up. nvd admitted to it inadvertently when nou made that chatlog public. why the hell would he tell us about his tax evasion. do you even know what that is?
I'm saying your idea is likely not going to happen because the community is not as ambitious as you think it is to carry that out. Unity metaphorically overtakes your idea even though it's been so long, I like that idea too of converting ee to something else other than flash because we experience alot of lag; poor server.
I am taking what your saying seriously, if i wanted to impress this idea, i would have left a woot and elaborated where you did not a little, how it would work (or) look.
I just talk like this because your talking "big" (remake ee, get new developers, new game not 3.0). Im not against what your saying but i see it as unrealistic until something like the EE admins agree or what happened when ee was not running and had no development so the community developers reuploaded the game with them "potion effects".
I'm saying your idea is likely not going to happen because the community is not as ambitious as you think it is to carry that out. Unity metaphorically overtakes your idea even though it's been so long, I like that idea too of converting ee to something else other than flash because we experience alot of lag; poor server.
I am taking what your saying seriously, if i wanted to impress this idea, i would have left a woot and elaborated where you did not a little, how it would work (or) look.
I just talk like this because your talking "big" (remake ee, get new developers, new game not 3.0). Im not against what your saying but i see it as unrealistic until something like the EE admins agree or what happened when ee was not running and had no development so the community developers reuploaded the game with them "potion effects".
i have 16 woots now and counting. i really dont give a **** about ee, but i know people do, so i provided a solution. i want it to die because the dev team sucks and nothing is happening and it's sad to see
Doodle wrote:I'm saying your idea is likely not going to happen because the community is not as ambitious as you think it is to carry that out. Unity metaphorically overtakes your idea even though it's been so long, I like that idea too of converting ee to something else other than flash because we experience alot of lag; poor server.
I am taking what your saying seriously, if i wanted to impress this idea, i would have left a woot and elaborated where you did not a little, how it would work (or) look.
I just talk like this because your talking "big" (remake ee, get new developers, new game not 3.0). Im not against what your saying but i see it as unrealistic until something like the EE admins agree or what happened when ee was not running and had no development so the community developers reuploaded the game with them "potion effects".i have 16 woots now and counting. i really dont give a **** about ee, but i know people do, so i provided a solution. i want it to die because the dev team sucks and nothing is happening and it's sad to see
Now, now, lets not swear now. Well, you may have to apologize to me for your outburst, but I'm saying that if it were true, NVD would POST it ON forums and there would be a lot of uproar.
Bimps wrote:Doodle wrote:I'm saying your idea is likely not going to happen because the community is not as ambitious as you think it is to carry that out. Unity metaphorically overtakes your idea even though it's been so long, I like that idea too of converting ee to something else other than flash because we experience alot of lag; poor server.
I am taking what your saying seriously, if i wanted to impress this idea, i would have left a woot and elaborated where you did not a little, how it would work (or) look.
I just talk like this because your talking "big" (remake ee, get new developers, new game not 3.0). Im not against what your saying but i see it as unrealistic until something like the EE admins agree or what happened when ee was not running and had no development so the community developers reuploaded the game with them "potion effects".i have 16 woots now and counting. i really dont give a **** about ee, but i know people do, so i provided a solution. i want it to die because the dev team sucks and nothing is happening and it's sad to see
Now, now, lets not swear now. Well, you may have to apologize to me for your outburst, but I'm saying that if it were true, NVD would POST it ON forums and there would be a lot of uproar.
how about
NVD would NOT post it on forums BECAUSE there would be a lot of uproar
doesn't that make 10x more sense?
thx for sig bobithan
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