Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


EverybodyEdits Update Failure

Chris has failed again. Here are some problems that Chris still hasn't fixed. Some of them

happened because of the update. Right now I am about ready to quit EE. I'm not sure.
Items are listed in aproximate order of most important to least important.

High Priority

-Worlds Loading Glitch
     Worlds with high counts of coindoors and or portals will not load

-Entering Room Key Glitch
     If you enter a room when the key is hit then it will appear as if the key is not hit.

-Unicode Lag
     People spam unicode and can lag computers

Mid Priority

-Shared Accounts
     Now the mods have banhammers so this is improving

-Placing Secret Blocks
     You cannot place the pure black secret block in other levels when you have the code.

-Guest Kicking
     If you kick a guest then it will not only kick that guest, but ban all guests from entering.

-Zero Plays
     In some worlds on the title it will show an incorrect number of plays, usually zero.

-Sand Block
     Sand does not have color on the minimap. A good thing?

-Invisible Blocks
     These are blocks that only appear for one person. Now happening to people without the code.

Low Priority

-Unsaved Plays Glitch
     Naming an unsaved world a number will give it that many plays in-game.

-Secret Blocks
     Once in a while a secret block will suddenly disappear-hard to replicate

-Icons for coins
     Putting coins in the quick draw menu turns the icon into the animation frames

-Grabbed Coins
     Grabbed coins stop spinning. If you have the code grabbed coins do spin

-Icons for secret passages
     Both are the same

Feel free to point out anything I may have missed.
Dear Mods,
I put this in general discussion because it not only includes glitches and bugs, it also

includes general problems with it that my not necessarily be bugs.

Last edited by Lugnuts (Jul 12 2011 11:16:59 am)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: EverybodyEdits Update Failure

theres actually already a topic
exactly like this. but it is a good point.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: EverybodyEdits Update Failure

Can you link me? I couldn't find one

Lugnuts 142387317888254

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