Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Alright so soon we're going to be getting unlimited action blocks, which is great, except for one thing. What are we going to put all of our excess energy into when we have everything? I mean, sure, we can just buy ridiculous amounts of worlds, but it's not like we're even going to use all of them, so we need something new to put all of our energy into. Here's some ideas, most of them are bad, but I'm going to post them anyways:
1. Custom hex colored blocks and backgrounds for like 20,000 energy each
2. Custom hex colors for nicks in chat (replace current nick colors with symbols)
3. Custom hex colors for auras
4. Bring back cosmetic potions
5. Literally just an energy sink with leaderboards for who put the most energy in it
Of course blocks/smileys will be added, but there should be something that you can put an infinite amount of energy into with some sort of reward. Post more ideas here I guess.
aka towwl
Processor, Fastmapler, 912468, Nou, Evilbunny, madiik, drstereos, TaskManager, KingFudge, Freckleface, Emma333, sthegreat, Falk, Weirdoverse, kubapolish, iPwner, Xfrogman43, Mouseh, Onjit, Pingohits, Anch, RavaTroll, Jesse, jensj, Kamekthemagician, Thanel, AmdS, W24, TSF14, Krosis, zioxei, SilverStar, Prodigy, !nb4, Schlog, AlphaJon, cpcrabs
Good thread. How about something like a multi-tier badge for X amount of energy per tier?
Keep more ideas coming!
No u.
Koya, Freckleface, Falk, Prodigy, Mait, Xfrogman43
2. Custom hex colors for nicks in chat (replace current nick colors with symbols)
Isn't this flawed? People could make their hex color match or be very similar to an admin/mod's name color and trick people.
I really like the leaderboard idea.
Here is my idea, could make a kind of lottery where every EE player gets to put in his energy if he wants to,
and every week a random winner is selected to win something, which could be for example one of those:
An exclusive smiley "EE lottery winner"
GM for a week
Some gems
A randomly selected classic for free?
Max energy based on energy pool? (this one would seem redundant since usually people who play the lottery don't have anything else to spend energy on)
A magic smiley, if the player doesn't have them all
Chance to win is based on total energy pool and energy spent(putting 200 energy gets you a bigger chance to win than putting 100)
The rewards are just ideas, it doesn't have to be any of those
An exclusive smiley "EE lottery winner"
I like this one a lot actually. Would you just have the smiley for a week, or forever?
4. Bring back cosmetic potions
NOT AGAIN sorry for capslock
Emphasis on "cosmetic". There was really no harm in having the color and fire potions because they just made you look cool. Of course, the color potions would be kinda redundant today, but more effects like fire would be pretty neat.
aka towwl
A +1 max energy, you pay 100 energy to have +1 max. This means if u buy enough max energy you can buy new block packs on the moment they're released.
I also like the custom hex colours for aura's. Custom colours for nicknames would get kinda ugly, and your friends & admins names wouldn't pop up anymore.
Pm me with anything math related please
A +1 max energy, you pay 100 energy to have +1 max
That is too cheap, more like 500 each
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
1. unlock campaigns with energy. That way people could not flood the first level on day one, if the fee was 500 energy. <- damn that one is good.
2. Everyone gets only 1 personal smiley(unlock with energy first), that he can (re)customize for a great amount of energy over and over again. Then there can be events, that give you for a limited amount of time the ability to customize that one smiley with new eyes or beards, hats...depending on seasons. It's kinda like a char creation.
And besides that, bringing new smileys to the shop will continue, that can not be copied with the customization options.
( ° ,(oo)° ) oink oink
1. unlock campaigns with energy. That way people could not flood the first level on day one, if the fee was 500 energy. <- damn that one is good.
Why is this an issue?
2. Everyone gets only 1 personal smiley(unlock with energy first), that he can (re)customize for a great amount of energy over and over again. Then there can be events, that give you for a limited amount of time the ability to customize that one smiley with new eyes or beards, hats...depending on seasons. It's kinda like a char creation.
And besides that, bringing new smileys to the shop will continue, that can not be copied with the customization options.
No, there's already a wide selection.
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
How about a big pool that everyone puts energy in, and once the community reaches a certain amount everyone who contributed X much (like 500) gets something
How about a big pool that everyone puts energy in, and once the community reaches a certain amount everyone who contributed X much (like 500) gets something
Top 50% donators in the pool, not a fixed value - you just have to have donated more than the average.
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
Customizable profile items, like the customizable crew profile items :
- Getting a profile color 1, a profile color 2
- Having a profile banner
- Sorting your profile the way you like it (think of it as a steam profile/youtube profile - the only profiles I really know )
- Adding some text to your profile
- Profile animation (snow, rain, leaves, wind, sunbeams, etc)
- Crew Profile animation (same as above)
Energy lottery could be nice, but I would have done it this way :
Pay 10 energy for :
- 10% chance to get 50 energy
- 1% chance to get 120 energy
- 1% chance to get lottery smiley
- 1% chance to get max energy +1,
- 0,01% or lower chance to get magic smiley
- 0,01% or lower chance to get magic brick
Arbitrary numbers ofc I wont do maths right now
Energy levels :
Purely "cosmetics", which means it's just a number.
You use energy to increase that number.
Sound packs :
You can buy themed sound packs for the game, changing even noteblocks instruments from piano to, well, something else !
I'm thinking about the sound packs from Donkey Konga that changed the ingame sound of your congas. Was fun to tap the congas and hear a trumpet ingame.
I'll add some more stuff as I find some I guess
Trolls be in da place, mon !
Falk, Krosis, SilverStar, Prodigy, cpcrabs, AsurcH, Anch, Onjit, some woman
Highlighted nicknames!
Purchase the ability for nicknames to show up in chat as well as your own username. For example, I would buy Silver and Silv because people often call me that and I miss it in chat because it's not highlighted.
Energy lottery sounds cool, with rewards of max energy, magic smiled and magic blocks, and a rare weekly reward of a new special smiley that only one random person can have at once and they lose it at the end of the week until they get it again.
Leaderboard is purposeless, just a reason to brag, the one that has highest max energy will be dominating and it gives no real stuff at all.
Potions are a no as well.
I support the 1. 2. and 3. though. Maybe also a custom size world? And some dank things for 50,000+ energy
What if you could like, buy the right to use something like boosts, for example, in open worlds for an hour?
EE Lottery is a cool idea.
An item that increases chances of magic by a small bit for a short time, might be cool as well.
in a world people, except for the owner, can boost a world with energy > sort world by energy.
the spent energy, that is boosting a world, is depleting faster, than the energy generation for each player.
people with more energy would have more influence, if there is no limit to spend it.
worlds on top by energy will probably be on top in the online list too, but we don't know yet, if this could be a solution to hold nub worlds at the bottom.
but since the online tab is selected by default, it also could look like this:
there is no tab for worlds sorted by energy, since most people only look into the online tab, so the energy donation to a world would raise the online counter.
Raising the online counter through energy, but not with some kind of non human player, instead the online counter gets an additional count+ according to the energy spent by people.
+1 for 1000 energy spent, just a rough estimation.
( ° ,(oo)° ) oink oink
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