Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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You need a piece of software called an IDE. Integrated Development Environment. That's what you write and compile code in. Each IDE supports a variety of languages so make sure it supports the one you want to use. I use Visual Studio but it's not the best. I'm just used to it because it's what we're required to use in my classes.
That's where you should start. The only other thing you need is the PlayerIOClient library and knowledge of how to use it/the language.
I would recommend getting someone relatively intelligent in bot development to give you code snippets and build off of those. That's the best way to overcome the learning curve in my opinion. Just remember to not take advantage of the code snippets. Try to understand what you're pasting, or else you won't get very far.
I'm pretty sure my guide is floating around somewhere. It gives you a decently straightforward guide in C#.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
i recommend visual studios or eclipse. visual studios supports multiple programming languages and i believe visual studios 2010 is free on the Microsoft website if you have an account.
color = #1E1E1E
A list of what you should know:
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
A list of what you should know:
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
looks like visual studio is the coolest, but god, 1 GB that's a lot...
If 1GB is a lot to you then you must have hmm... a 100 GB Hard drive? Visual Studio Express is like 8 GB +
All you need is a brain...
If you don't already have one, you might experience some problems.
Despite what people say, Different55 is the best mod.
All you need is a brain...
If you don't already have one, you might experience some problems.
No but you also need your lungs so you can breath. Your eyes/hands are optional though because you can try typing with your nose.
i recommend visual studios or eclipse. visual studios supports multiple programming languages and i believe visual studios 2010 is free on the Microsoft website if you have an account.
Why wouldn't you use VS 2015 or at least VS 2013? The community versions of each are free! The only excuse to use VS 2010 is if you're using Windows XP.
Don't start of making bots, start off by looking at just normal C# tutorials so you can get an understand of the code BEFORE you start to make bots. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Don't start of making bots, start off by looking at just normal C# tutorials so you can get an understand of the code BEFORE you start to make bots. Don't make the same mistake I did.
On the contrary, I started my programming career making EE bots, and in hindsight I wouldn't have it any other way. There's no need to subject yourself to boring education when you have an environment that allows you to learn at your own pace while having fun.
Sure, you will need to read a book eventually, but there is no reason to rush into it. Sometimes general knowledge with its copious amount of technicality can bog you down and dampen your spirits.
Let the children believe that Santa can fly around the world delivering presents to each child instead of explaining to them that there are 1.9 billion children and Santa would have to move faster than the speed of light to go to each of their houses, which is physically impossible and therefore implies Santa does not exist.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Tako, we have enough bad public bots made by newbies. Don't encourage them.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
Tako, we have enough bad public bots made by newbies. Don't encourage them.
Noobs are inherent in any game. Instead of "preventing" noobs, and shaming them for not being skilled, we should focus on helping them improve. This attitude of "go pick up a book before you touch our sacred bot community" is the exact reason why it hasn't come close to its full potential.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Tomahawk wrote:Tako, we have enough bad public bots made by newbies. Don't encourage them.
Noobs are inherent in any game. Instead of "preventing" noobs, and shaming them for not being skilled, we should focus on helping them improve. This attitude of "go pick up a book before you touch our sacred bot community" is the exact reason why it hasn't come close to its full potential.
The reasons why I personally recommend picking up a book/interactive tutorial/youtube guide before actually making a bot:
• Development for themselves will go a lot smoother, and thus more fun (at least in my opinion).
• Interactive tutorials can be somewhat fun (I found codecademy for JavaScript pretty fun to do (mostly for school)).
• They can make something that actually works properly and doesn't crash in rare occasions, trust me, it gives satisfaction.
This attitude of "go pick up a book before you touch our sacred bot community" is the exact reason why it hasn't come close to its full potential.
How do you expect a newbie to develop his potential without learning some C# first?
Attempting to code a bot without basic C# knowledge really isn't a great use of time, and tends to cause too much dependency on other programmers or SDKs like Cupcake. Someone who does a beginner's tutorial first is undoubtedly at an advantage - nobody said to be at Stack Overflow standard before starting.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
looks good. How many gb?
Not enought to worry about.
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
Koya wrote:AYB wrote:looks good. How many gb?
Not enought to worry about.
Installer is 84MB
Size on Disk: 330MB
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
How do you expect a newbie to develop his potential without learning some C# first?
Attempting to code a bot without basic C# knowledge really isn't a great use of time, and tends to cause too much dependency on other programmers or SDKs like Cupcake. Someone who does a beginner's tutorial first is undoubtedly at an advantage - nobody said to be at Stack Overflow standard before starting.
Of course you need to know the basics, but I think it should be left at that to begin with. Dependency on SDKs are actually perfect for new programmers, for the reason I mentioned before: it helps you overcome the technicalities of PlayerIOClient. As you grow you the SDK will become more and more tedious to deal with and then you can approach the PIOC library, with a little more experience under your belt.
My only point is that creating a bot should be as approachable as humanly possible. I don't care if they're producing snakes and digbots, at least they have overcome the hurdle of getting everything set up. In other words, use EE and SDKs as your learning method (there are enough code snippets and helpful programmers to do this), then go to technical guides.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Tomahawk wrote:How do you expect a newbie to develop his potential without learning some C# first?
Attempting to code a bot without basic C# knowledge really isn't a great use of time, and tends to cause too much dependency on other programmers or SDKs like Cupcake. Someone who does a beginner's tutorial first is undoubtedly at an advantage - nobody said to be at Stack Overflow standard before starting.
Of course you need to know the basics, but I think it should be left at that to begin with. Dependency on SDKs are actually perfect for new programmers, for the reason I mentioned before: it helps you overcome the technicalities of PlayerIOClient. As you grow you the SDK will become more and more tedious to deal with and then you can approach the PIOC library, with a little more experience under your belt.
My only point is that creating a bot should be as approachable as humanly possible. I don't care if they're producing snakes and digbots, at least they have overcome the hurdle of getting everything set up. In other words, use EE and SDKs as your learning method (there are enough code snippets and helpful programmers to do this), then go to technical guides.
Creating a bot is a good goal, it's not actually that difficult to make a standard bot.
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
Of course you need to know the basics, but I think it should be left at that to begin with. Dependency on SDKs are actually perfect for new programmers, for the reason I mentioned before: it helps you overcome the technicalities of PlayerIOClient. As you grow you the SDK will become more and more tedious to deal with and then you can approach the PIOC library, with a little more experience under your belt.
If only all bot programmers stopped using SDKs once they were advanced enough to write their own code with just PIOClient; we could then end this battle against Cupcake and Botbits. Until then, the prejudice must continue...
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
I could make a special EE IDE with an integrated interpreter.
Something like
But wouldn't be consequences if we let newbies make EE Bots? Most of us wouldn't spam worlds, keys etc. due to moral principles. Can we be sure that they will not make chaos?
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
[ Started around 1741676388.9288 - Generated in 0.194 seconds, 10 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.87 MiB (Peak: 2.18 MiB) ]