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#1 Before February 2015


A Weird Story (by mangoman)

This is one of the first long story I have made, this was made last year. Hope you like it! Modified to fit this (sort of)


Chapter 1
    ?Wait, what?? Kyo asked when he took the popsicle out of his mouth.     
?weird, right,? Kayla said.
?Let me get this straight, you saw a carrot on the ground?. move??
?Ya! While I was walking to the bakery to get another cake hat, I saw a carrot on the ground??.. move!?

?Did you hit your head while walking to the bakery?? Kyo said as he put the melon popsicle back in his mouth.
?I didn?t hit my head!!?
Kayla came up to him and knocked the popsicle out his mouth. It landed on the ground and it slowly melted. ?If you don?t believe me then follow me to the place I found it,? she said as he took his hand. She pulled him out the door and into the autumn weather.

     They came to the spot where Kayla saw the carrot move. ?Where is it?? Kayla asked, confused.
?Maybe someone took it and threw it away or worse, eat it,? Kyo said as he shivered thinking about someone eating a dirty carrot.
?Or, maybe the carrot moved somewhere else!? Kayla replied.
?You?re stupid,?
?No, you?re stupid,?
?butt face,?
?butt cheeks,?
?dog breath?
?that?s not even a name!? Kyo said.
?That wasn?t me!!!! It was somewhere over there!!?
?Let?s see where it came from!? Kayla said as she took Kyo?s hand again. She stopped for a moment then pulled Kyo to the source of the yell. They ran down the streets, dodged cars, and sometimes, push people down. When they got to the source, they saw Kylie looking down at a carrot. ?I just saw the carrot move!!? She told Kayla and Kyo.

?I told you the carrot can move!? Kayla yelled at Kyo.
?I bet you ran into each other while running somewhere,? Kyo replied.
?No we didn?t!? Kylie and Kayla said. They looked at each other for five seconds than looked back down to see that the carrot was gone. ?Where?s the carrot?? Kyo asked
?The carrot moved somewhere else!!? Kylie said.
?You?re just as stupid as Kayla,? Kyo replied
?Ya, you?re just as stupid as?. HEY!!!? Kayla said. They looked all around the place to see if the carrot was anywhere but they couldn?t find it. ?What if?. The carrot is an alien trying to distract us so they can start taking over Earth!!? Kayla yelled. Kyo stared hard at her but Kylie replied,? That?s??. horror!! I can?t believe carrots are going to take over Earth!!? Now Kyo stared hard at Kylie.
?Okay, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder,? Kyo said, shaking his head.
?What if they kill giant pandas?! That is just plain sad,? Kylie said.
?That is just-
?STOP INTERUPPTING ME KYLIE!!!! YOU TO KAYLA!!! YOU TWO ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!? Kyo screeched, ?Look! If I help you find the carrot will you stop being so annoying??
?Okay!!? Kylie and Kayla replied.
?Okay, good. Now, we have to-
?But what if we-
?SHUT UP!!!!YOU TWO ARE GOING TO MAKE ME EXPLODE!!!!! DO YOU WANT THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Kyo replied really loudly. Kayla and Kylie shook their heads. ?THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTHS YOU??ugh??YOU?..GIRLS!? Kyo said. Everything went quiet after that.
Finally, Kayla said, ?Well what are we doing just standing here quiet? We have to save the pandas before the carrots kill the giant pandas!!! We will not allow pandas to go extinct!! Let?s go and find the carrots!!!!!?
Kyo replied, ?but where do we look for carrots??
?Kyo, go to the city supermarket. Kayla, go to your uncle?s farm and see if he?s planting carrots and I?ll look at the farmers produce place,? Kylie replied. Kyo and Kayla nodded their heads and went to their destination and that was the start of something unusual. No really, don?t you think that looking for carrots that probably aren?t even aliens trying to take over Earth is unusual?


Chapter 2

     As Kyo went into the city supermarket he scanned the supermarket and found the carrots. He starts walking to the carrots. While he was walking he saw a beautiful lady with lovely red hair, beautiful pink eyes, and the most beautiful shirt he has ever seen. He stopped walking towards the carrots and shuffled toward the beautiful lady. He said, ?Why hello there, beautiful.? She smiled. ?What is your name??
She replied, ?Some may call me a hero. Others may call me an enemy.?
?What do you mean? I just asked for your name!? Kyo asked.
?You?ll figure it out. Hey, do you like pandas? Because-
?Oh ya! Pandas, carrots, I have to see the carrots. Before I go, could I have your number??
She nodded and took out a piece of orange paper. She got a pen and wrote down something on it. She gave to him and when he looked at it he was puzzled. It said:


He looked back up to see that she was gone. He started to walk over the place to try and find the lady but she was no were to be found. He shrugged and went to the carrots. He saw a carrot on the ground. He picked it up to find red hair on it. He was even more confused. He thought What if she?s a carrot, or worse, an alien!? Wait, there?s no such thing as aliens. She probably went to buy carrots and while she was looking at the carrots some of the hair fell off on a carrot that fell on to the ground! and he finished thinking.

     He picked up every single carrot one by one to see if anything will happen but nothing happened each time he picked up a carrot. He thought, This is stupid. Why am I looking through a bunch of carrots? I should be looking for the beautiful lady! and he left the supermarket. He looked everywhere in the city. He looked right and left, up and down, all around but she was never spotted. Kyo sighed and started to drag his feet back to his house. His head was hanging. He forgot about everything but the lady. He even forgot about Kayla, Kylie, and carrots. All he remembered was the lady and pandas. He thought, Wait a minute. Why should I be depressed? Just because I can?t find this one beautiful lady doesn?t mean I should be depressed! I?ll find someone just like her, no, better than her!! And he started spinning happily.


Chapter 3
     Kayla was walking to her Uncle Kwak?s farm. She was thinking about the giant pandas and how we would live without the giant pandas. Her uncle?s name is Kwak (pronounced as ?quack?) because he owns over hundred ducks! He has a big duck pond for all his ducks. He also has ten cows, thirty chickens, fifteen pigs, one dog, and two cats. He loved to grow corn and carrots. Uncle Kwak was about to harvest carrots when Kayla came. ?Why, hello there my sweet niece! What are you doing in my lovely farm?? Uncle Kwak asked Kayla.?Could I have some of your carrots?? Kayla asked.
?Because, uhhhh??? make?.. Carrot cake, of course!? Kayla replied.
Uncle Kwak said, ?Oh, all right. How much do you want??
?I only have have seventy-five!?
?Okay, I?ll take it,?
?Okay, let me harvest the carrots for you,? He replied with a smile. He got his harvester machine and started to harvest the seventy-five carrots.
     When he finished, he gave the carrots to Kayla in five big baskets. ?Thank you very much Uncle Kwak!? Kayla said trying to hold the big brown baskets.
?No problem, niece! Oh, you were always my favorite niece, Tanya!? He said.
?It?s Kayla,?
?That?s what I said!? Uncle Kwak said.
?Well, thanks for the carrots, Uncle Kwak!? Kayla replied and she walked slowly away trying to hold up the heavy baskets.

     When she got to Kyo?s house she saw Kyo sleeping on the couch. She took another step and tripped over a carrot that fell out the basket. The carrots fell with a loud THUD.   Kayla fell on top of the carrots. Kyo jumped off the couch. ?WHO ARE YOU? Oh, It?s just you,? Kyo said as he scratched his head, ?What are you doing here??
?I?m going to look at the carrots and you are going to help me!? Kayla replied. Kyo shrugged and went to look at the carrots. They looked at every carrot one by one to see if there is anything unusual. Everything was the same.
?See? The carrots are not alien carrots. Just carrots. Not alien carrots, carrots!? Kyo said as he bit a carrot.
?Maybe you?re right,? Kayla said sadly.
?Don?t be depressed! At least the giant pandas will be safe!? Kyo said with a grin.
?Ya?..ya!? Kayla yelled happily.
?So, what do we do with the carrots??
?Let?s make a carrot cake!?


Chapter 4
     Kylie was walking in the farmers produce place when she ran into Taru. ?Hello Taru! What are you doing here in the farmers produce place?? Kylie asked.
?I was looking for Taro to make Taro chips!? Taru replied.
?Oh, Taru loves Taro??
?Taru still loves Taro. T loves T!?
?Hey, where are Kris and Sasuke??
?Oh, they?re over near the carrot section. They think they saw a carrot move and now they think that the carrots are aliens that will take over the Earth and kill the Giant Pandas,? Taru said.
Kylie replied, ?Hey, that?s what me and Kayla think!?
?Wow??..? Taru replied.
Taru guided Kylie to Kris and Sasuke near the carrots section. Kris and Sasuke were whispering to each other. ?Hello Sasuke! Hello Kris!? Kylie yelled as she touched their backs. Kris and Sasuke jumped. ?Hey! Don?t scare me like that! Hey Kylie!? Kris said.
?Hi Kylie!? Sasuke said.
?Hi!? Kylie said happily.
?What are you doing here?? Kris asked.
?I?m looking for the alien carrots!? Kylie replied.
?You saw a carrot move, too?!?!?? Sasuke said.
?Ya! I, Kayla, and Kyo are looking at carrots!?
?Wow, I feel like I?m the smart one here and I get D?s and C?s in school,? Taru said.
?Oh yea! That reminds me, I need to buy carrots to bring to Kyo?s house!? Kylie said.
?Can we help?? Sasuke and Kris said.
?Sure! Get as many carrots as you can!? Kylie said with a smile. Sasuke and Kris obeyed and grabbed almost all the carrots. There were only five carrots left. They ran to the cashier and paid for the carrots. They ran out the door with a big stack of carrots. Taru was the only one still there. ?Okay, so you just ditch me?? Taru said angrily to herself. She looked at a carrot and it?.. Moved.


Chapter 5
     Kyo and Kayla looked at the last carrot. When they finished, they were exhausted. ?We looked at seventy-four-
?Seventy-five,? Kyo interrupted.
?Right. Seventy-five carrots and nothing was unusual.? Kayla said.
?We went through all that for nothing,? Kyo said. They were about to fall asleep on the floor when the door burst open.
?We are here with more carrots!!? Kylie said happily. Kyo and Kayla groaned. ?What?s wrong?? Kylie asked.
?We went through seventy-five carrots one by one,? Kayla said as she started to close her eyes.
?Well, I have something that will cheer you up! More carrots!!!!!!!!? Kylie yelled. Kyo and Kayla groaned again.
?You can do that without us. We?re going to my room,? Kyo said. Kyo and Kayla walked to Kyo?s room.
?Alright gang! Let?s get started! Get a handful of carrots and start looking at them one by one!? Kylie yelled.
?Yes, ma?am!? Kris and Sasuke yelled back. They all got a handful of carrots and started to look at one.

     Kyo and Kylie were sleeping on the floor. Kylie heard a little thud. She opened her eyes and said, ?Kyo, did you hear that?? Kyo shrugged. Kylie stood up and heard a thud again. She heard it from the closet. She opened the closet and there was the beautiful lady that Kyo met in the city supermarket. ?Take my hand and I?ll take you to a place you will soon love,? the lady said.
?Panda land?? Kayla said happily.
?Ya??.panda land,? the lady said. Kayla took her hand and a portal in the closet opened. Kyo woke up to see Kayla going through the portal. ?Kayla no!!!!? Kyo yelled but she was already through the portal. Kyo ran to the portal but the portal closed before he could get to it. He ran into his shoes. He got up and ran to Kylie, Sasuke, and Kris. Kylie was looking hungrily at a carrot when Kyo yelled, ?Guys! Kayla went through a portal in my closet!? Kris and Sasuke started to laugh. ?Why would we believe that? We?re not gullible, ?Kris said.
?Okay! Let me tell you it differently! Kayla found a magical tunnel in my closet. She thought it was a tunnel to Panda Land but it was actually a tunnel to carrot land,? Kyo replied.
?Oh no! We have to save her before the carrots turn her into a carrot!? Sasuke yelled.
?But we can?t because the tunnel closed!? Kyo said.
?I have an idea,? Sasuke said.
?What?? Kris said.
?Okay, since the aliens are carrots we should snap every carrot we have so when we snap carrots a carrot alien will come!? Sasuke said.
?That?s a-
?Great idea!!!? Kris interrupted Kyo.
?I know, right!? Sasuke said.
?What if they started to kill K-pop bands?? Sasuke interrupted Kyo.
?NO!!!!!! Not SHINee!!!!!? Kris interrupted.
?SHUT UP!!! YOU TWO ARE ACTING LIKE KYLIE AND KAYLA!!!!? Kyo snapped, ?Look, if I help you snap every carrots will you stop being so annoying?? Sasuke and Kris nodded their heads. They all got a carrot and started to snap it.


Chapter 6
     Everyone was snapping carrots one by one, each snap louder. There was a knock on the door. ?It could be the carrot alien!? Kris yelled. She got up and opened the door. It was Taru with a bunch of Taro in one hand. ?Oh, hi Taru,? Kris said. Taru walked in quietly. She put the taro on a table and sat down next to Kyo.
?What?s wrong with you?? Kyo said.
?I saw a carrot move,
     ?After you ditched me I looked at one of the carrots that were still there. When I looked at the carrot, it moved! I got so scared. I got a handful of taro and paid the cashier. When I walked out, I looked down to see a carrot next to me! I started to walk even faster without looking down. Once I was five or six blocks away from your house I looked down to see the same carrot I saw! I got so frightened I ran to your house! When I looked down at my feet when I was at your house the carrot was gone.   I was even more scared and here I am now!? Kris said. There was another knock at the door. Kris opened it again and it was the beautiful lady that Kyo saw at the market. ?Hello, Kris,? She said in a whisper voice.
?Okay one, how do you know my name, and two, why do you smell like carrots?? Kris said.
?I have a surprise for you. It?s a portal to pandaLand,? She said in a gentle voice.
Kris replied, ?You think I?m stupid enough to think you have a portal to-
?PANDALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!? Sasuke interrupted loudly. The portal opened behind the lady. Sasuke got up and shoved Kris and the lady out of the way and went through the portal.
?Perfect,? was all the lady said and she stepped back in the portal. The portal closed.
?Great, now we lost Kayla AND Sasuke. Who are we going to lose next?? Kris said. The doorbell rang again. ?REALLY?!?!?? Kris yelled again. She opened the door again. ?WHAT DO YOU WANT?? Kris yelled. She looked at the two boys. ?Oh, hello Tae. Hello Ty,? She said, ?Come on in.?
?Why are you here?? Kyo said.
?Well, we saw a purple portal and heard ?PANDALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!? and we decided to see what?s happening!? Tae said.
?Well, Kayla and Sasuke went through a portal because they thought it was panda land but it was actually carrot land!? Kris said.
?Plus, we all saw a carrot move,? Taru added.
?You saw a carrot move, too?? Ty yelled.
?We did, too!? Tae added.
?Wow, everyone lost their minds but me, ? Kyo said. They heard a loud BOOM in Kyo?s room all of a sudden.
?What the freak was that?? Ty asked.
?I don?t know but it came from my room! Let?s see what it is!? Kyo said. Kyo, Kris, Taru, Tae, and Ty ran to Kyo?s room for a surprise they didn?t expect.


Chapter 7
     As Sasuke went through the portal he thought of what panda land would look like. He finally fell out the portal into an orange, carrot-like world. He got up and looked at everything he could see. He saw buildings shaped like carrots, houses that were orange, and weirdest of all, carrots the size of an average human walking around! ?Hey?.. this isn?t panda land! This is carrot land! NOOOOOOOO! Well, since I?m here, I should look for Kayla!? Sasuke said happily and he started to walk around looking at wonderful creations. He got so curious he went to a carrot his height and asked, ?Excuse me, what are the buildings made out of??
The carrot looked at him for a moment then yelled, ?HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
?What? The buildings are made out of human?? Sasuke replied. Two carrots bigger than Sasuke came up to him and grabbed him. He was about to say something but he suddenly fell asleep.

  Sasuke woke up in an orange cell with bars made out of carrots. He was sitting next to an orange lady with yellow-orange skin, an orange hoodie, and green hair. ?Uhh?..hello?? Sasuke said to the girl. The girl said nothing. ?I?m looking for Kayla. Do you know where she is?? Sasuke said.
?Hey, that?s me!? the lady said. She faced Sasuke. ?I?m Kayla,?
?Kayla!?!? What happened to you? Uhhh?? I know! You?re not wearing your rice cake hat and your earrings! Where did they go?? Sasuke yelled.
?Well, I ate this one thing they gave me and when I finished, I turned orange. Plus, they took my hat and earrings. I miss my hat,? Kayla replied.

     A carrot came with a platter of food. ?Eat all of it, or else we?ll force you to eat it,? The carrot said. He tossed the plate on the ground and slid it inside the cell through the door hole. Sasuke got the fork and was about to put it in his mouth but Kayla tossed it off of the fork. ?What the freak are you doing? Do you want to turn orange like me?!? Kayla yelled.
?No, but I?m hungry!!!? Sasuke replied. Kayla rolled her eyes and looked at the window. She looked back to see the plate empty. ?SASUKE, DID YOU EAT THE FOOD?? Kayla yelled.
?Maybe,? Sasuke replied. Sasuke started to turn orange. His hair turning green and his clothes turning orange. ?Uh-oh,? Sasuke said, ?What happened to my slime hat??
?Why are we turning orange?? Kayla asked.
?I don?t know but it?s pretty awesome!!? Sasuke replied, ?Aww?. My clothes can?t change orange,?
The carrot came again with orange clothes. He took Sasuke out of the cell without saying a word.

     The carrot came back again with Sasuke wearing the orange clothes. He put him back in the cell. ?Don?t I look better now?? Sasuke said.


Chapter 8
     ?WHAT THE FREAK HAPPENED TO MY ROOM?!?!? Kyo screeched. His room looked so messy. Some walls are on the ground not protecting them from the sun, the roof was on top of a wall, all the furniture and other stuff were hidden in the rubble, and there was even fire in parts of places. Kris ran to the kitchen and came back with a fire extinguisher. Not knowing how to use it, she went up to the fire and started to hit it with the fire extinguisher. The fire went out. ?Did you learn how to use a fire extinguisher?? Taru asked Kris.
Kris replied, ?Sadly, no,? then she rejoined the group.
?Wow, your room looks like a tornado went through it!? Ty said.
?It looks like a plane crashed into it and it blew up!? Tae added.
?It looks like mutant monkeys came and went crazy in here!? Taru added
?It looks like carrots came-
?Okay, let?s not talk about what my room looks like! Wait, what is that purple swirly thing over there?? Kyo asked. Kyo, Taru, Kris, Tae, and Ty went up to it. ?It?s a portal!? Kyo said, ?It?s probably a portal to carrot land!?
?Well, Sasuke and Kayla are in there so we should go through the portal,? Taru stated. They all looked at the portal. They all grabbed hands and slowly went into the portal one-by-one. We?re coming Kayla and Sasuke. Hold on, Kyo thought as he went through the portal. They were fully through but the portal didn?t close.

     ?Man, I wonder when Kyo and everyone else is going to come here to save us,? Kayla said sitting near a window. Sasuke was pacing back and forth near the door. ?Would you stop pacing back and forth?? Kayla asked. Sasuke didn?t reply and kept pacing. Kayla sighed then said, ?Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,?
Sasuke stopped pacing and smiled. He said, ?Man that word always cheers me up!? Sasuke said as he started to sit down, ?I just love the word supercali?.fragili?..stice?..what you said!?
Kayla rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
?Could you say that word again?? Sasuke asked.
Kayla rolled her eyes again then said, ?Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,?
?Yipee!!? Sasuke yelled.
?Why do you say we?re?..horrible?? Sasuke asked.
?BECAUSE YOU KEEP EATING OUR KIND AND IT IS NOT NICE!?   The carrot replied in a loud voice.
?But how did your kind get into our planet?? Kayla asked again.
?IT WAS OUR PLANET BEFORE YOU HUMANS CAME! WE FLED TO A PLANET HERE WHICH I DON?T LIKE AS MUCH AND WE LEFT SOME OF OUR KIND BEHIND!? He screamed. He stopped for a moment then said in a quieter voice, ?I left my wife and children behind and they got eaten buy a human,?
?I?m sorry about that,? Kayla replied.
?Ya, me too,? the carrot said.


Chapter 9
    Kyo, Kris, Taru, Tae, and Ty were hiding behind an orange rock to not be seen by the carrots. ?What do we do now?? Kris asked.
?Do we stay behind this rock forever?? Taru added.
?No, I got an idea,? Kyo replied.
Taru said, ?I got an idea, too. First, we need two million rabbits,?
?Okay, that is not gonna happen. Okay, it?s simple. We just lie to every carrot that comes up to us!? Kyo said.
?Lie?? Tae said.
?Exactly!? Kyo replied.
?Lying is wrong so I will not do it!? Kris yelled
?We?re not lying! We?re stretching the truth! We?re adding a little?..spice to make it better!? Kyo said.
?Oh!? Kris replied.
?Okay, we tell everyone that when we turned human we couldn?t turn back so we have to find a carrot that can change us back!? Kyo said. Everyone nodded their heads. They all exposed themselves and started walking around. A carrot bigger than Kyo came up to them. ?Human!!? it said.
?No! No, no, no, no! We got stuck as humans! We are really carrots! We?re just finding the carrot that can change us back!? Kyo said.
?Oh, okay then. Sorry about that,? the carrot replied.
?Hey, do you know where they keep human prisoners?? Kris asked.
?Ya, it?s in that building over there,? the carrot said as he pointed to a building.
?Thank you!? Tae said.
?No problem! Are you police officers that got stuck as humans?? the carrot asked.
?Yup! That?s us!? Kyo said. They all ran to the police station building. When they got to the front, they had the same conversation they had with the other carrot. The carrot they just talked to believed them and they went inside.

     They saw tens, hundreds, thousands of cells in the buildings all holding either humans or carrots. Mostly humans. ?Where do we look?? Tae said looking all around, ?there are probably an endless number of cells!?
?Everyone split up! Taru goes with Ty, Kris goes with Tae and I?ll look around by myself!? Kyo said and they all look around.

     Taru and Ty were looking all around for Kayla and Sasuke but they were no were to be seen. ?I?m getting bored! I wish there was a little device that will show you were the people are!? Taru said.

     Kris and Tae were looking without stopping or saying anything. They stuck together and looked around. ?Where are they?? Tae said. They kept looking around. They saw a door saying ?Carrot changing room? on the front. They went up to it. Ty, Taru, and Kyo saw it to and joined them. ?Is this it?? Kyo asked.
?What?s the password?? Kris said. They all looked at each other then they looked at the password panel. ?Try one two three four five,? Kyo said. Kris dialed the numbers down but it didn?t work. ?Five four three two one,? Kyo said again. Kris dialed again and it didn?t work. ?Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,? Kyo said. Kris dialed again and the door opened. They all looked inside and saw an orange person looking down at a carrot. The orange person looked at them.
?It?s Sasuke!? Taru yelled. They all ran to him and hugged him. They also did a few handshakes.   Sasuke had a grin on his face but it quickly turned to a frown and he looked back at the carrot.
?Where?s Kayla?? Ty asked. Sasuke looked at him.
Sasuke finally said, ?You?re looking at her,?
?SHE?S A CARROT?? Kris yelled.
?Yup,? was all Sasuke said. They all looked down at the carrot Kayla. Just then a carrot came. He went inside the room and left the door opened.
?Hey,? the carrot whispered.
?What?? Kyo said. He looked at him and he held something in his hand.
?Well, I had to guard your friend?s cell and when I thought about what we talked about, I didn?t want them to turn into carrots so there family will never see them again so I secretly stole these jars in one of the offices in the building,? the carrot replied.
Kyo said, ?And??
?This is your friend?s human bodies,? the carrot said. He gave it to Kyo. Kris, Taru, Ty, and Tae all looked at it. Kyo quietly opened a jar and took out came a pink glow. The pink glow went into the carrot Kayla and she started to glow. Kyo opened another jar and a green glow came out and went into Sasuke. They both glowed into they were back to normal again. They all cheered and hugged each other.
?You saved us!? Kayla said to the carrot and everyone else, ?Thank you,?
?Okay, keep quiet because they might hear us. Now, follow me,? the carrot said, ?I?m busting you out.?
They all followed the carrot quietly and ended up near a narrow hole. They all squiggled and squirmed through the hole and they got out the police station. They saw the sun welcoming them again with its warm sunbeams. The carrot got something out of nowhere. It was a remote with something sticking out of it. He clicked a button and a swirling purple portal came. ?This is where you live. Right here. Just go through the portal and you?ll be back home,? The carrot said.
?Thank you,? Kayla said.
?No problem,? The carrot replied. They all held hands and the carrot stepped back. They were going through the portal one-by-one like always. Kayla was the last to go through and the last thing she heard was a little goodbye from the carrot.   Once all of them were through the portal, the portal closed. ?Bless you all,? the carrot said once they were through.


Chapter 10
     When they were back home, Kyo?s room was still a mess. Worse, they saw carrots in the house. They looked all around seeing carrots all around the neighborhood. ?What happened?? Kris yelled.
?Why are there carrots everywhere?? Sasuke said.
?I didn?t want to go back to this!? Kayla yelled. They looked back in the backyard. A portal was still open. Carrots were coming out of the portal.
?This is just the beginning,? Kyo said.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

o_0 You typed a lot.. Nice work

#3 Before February 2015


Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

Ya...took me a month to finish it.

Thanks, i guess, though C=.

I didn't really think people would read the whole thing in one take.

#4 Before February 2015


Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

I didnt actually read it pFhcd.png but i see you worked a lot Yn8I7.png
+ rep for you TxcZo.png

#5 Before February 2015


Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

Nice story.

superhero514 wrote:

I didnt actually read it

Me neither, but can you please do more of the Soul Revenge story? It's the main reason I still come to the creative section. Yn8I7.png

#6 Before February 2015

fluff13 f0x

Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

Hm, I'm now somewhat afraid to eat a carrot...

#7 Before February 2015


Re: A Weird Story (by mangoman)

If some users DO read the whole story, I might post the sequel to this.

mangoman 1423616778344654

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