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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

The Advena - A story by skullz16

Latest update: Finished chapter 6.


I was in an unfamiliar room just sitting down, doing nothing. There was something strange in the corner, but it was still, so it didn't bother me. Then, I saw it move in the corner of my eye. I was curious now, slowly approaching it. Suddenly an eye opened, and a tentacle sprouted from a hole, which I thought was its mouth. The tentacle grabbed me and lifted me up, then another tentacle came out and the unusual creature held it above me for a second. In a split second, the tentacle turned sharp and went speeding towards me. I was so scared I had to close my eyes.

When I opened them I was in another unfamiliar room. It was all just a dream. It wasn't real. But unfortunately, reality was just as bad.

I rushed to the door to open it and find out where I was, but it was locked. So I looked around for a way out, and I found a window. But when I saw what was happening outside, I changed my mind about getting outside. Buildings were engulfed in flames, and people were screaming and running. I had many thoughts and questions, "It looks like a war is taking place here. What is going on...?".


Reluctantly, I jumped out the window. I was eager to find out what was going on, so I walked around and searched. I seemed to be the only calm person left.

I could hear gunfire, and hoped that I wouldn't find what everyone was running from. Unfortunately, things didn't go my way. A wierd creature that looked like a huge dog standing on two legs popped out of nowhere when I was going through an alleyway. It didn't have any fur and it's skin was blue with grey stripes. It only had three fingers in each hand which both held a gun.

I quickly ran to the street and turned, as the creature started shooting. I thought of breaking through a window and hiding in a building, but everything was up in flames. I thought there was no possible way out, but then I saw stairs leading down. "The subway!"I thought with relief.

There was no one there to catch me going on the train without a ticket, so I sprinted past, and reached the platform. "Darn." I thought. "No one to drive the train.". So I kept running, until I saw a hole in the wall which seemed to be made from a small bomb. Suddenly a bullet   went through my shoulder, as I kept running through and dodged the rest of the bullets.

"Sorry! That's my trap for the aliens." said a voice. When I went through the hole I ended up in a room with many other people. The alien came through the hole and got shot, but it didn't die. "Kill it!!" one of them yelled, as everyone started shooting with their guns. It died and they all started cheering.


"Sorry about the trap. I'm Mark, the doctor." said Mark."Here, let me bandage your wound.".
"Um, thanks." I replied then asked,"Does anyone know why everything is up in flames?"
"You don't know?" asked one that looked like the leader" You must live underground."
"Isn't that where you live?" I asked."We're in the subway remember."
"Oh yeah...well never mind. I'm Karl,the leader, and this is our little rebel army. Let me explain to you what's going on. Aliens just randomly came to Earth, but we're still not sure why, and started destroying everything. They are led by some big tentacle dude with one eye. Unlike humans, there are lots of different types of their race, and some of them are a lot more powerful than the alien you saw kill just now. You should join us and be rebels, we could use the help. Just get a gun from Alex."
"Here you go." said Alex, handing me a gun.

"What kind of guns are these?" I asked. "They look strange."
"These aren't normal guns. These are guns we steal from aliens." answered Alex "Since the aliens are always going to attack us, we steal their guns and ammo so we have an unlimited supply."
"That's cool. But how are they different from normal guns?"
"There are lots of different guns that have different abilities. As you use these guns more, you will realise how good alien technology is.". I looked in a box of guns, and Alex was right. There is a big variety. There were some glowing ones, ones that changed colour, and all sorts of strange devices attached to them.

"You should see Marty. He'll tell you about identifying the aliens." Karl suggested.
"As Karl said earlier, there are lots of different types of this particular alien race, so we need to give each one a name. The one you saw earlier was a 'Rifledog'.". explained Marty."There are also 'Stridecannons'. They look like cannons, except they have short thick legs and no knee joint. Their head is shaped like a cannon and their eyes are very small."
"Wierd." I said.
"'Trispiders' are like spiders, but they only have three legs and they're about the size of a double bed. They attack with their needle sharp legs. These three are the most common aliens to attack us, and the most weak, so it's all you need to know for now.".
"Thanks. I'm sure I'll find that useful."

"Oh and one more thing," said Karl."You'll need some armour. There isn't really an expert here that makes everyone's armour, everyone just makes their own. You'll find some through the door to my left.". I went there and there was some strange looking clothing.
"What is the armour made of?" I questioned.
"Like our guns and ammo, this is unlimited. We make them out of alien skin and muscle. We mostly use Stridecannons' body since it is so strong and the Trispiders' legs are great for making the armour flexible, and of course we take of the sharp bit. We don't normally use Rifledogs for making armour. They are great for supplying weapons though.". So I found some armour in a large box and put it on.

There was an inhuman groan which made me jump. "What the hell was that??" I asked, confused.
"It sounds like an alien. Probably a Stridecannon." replied Marty.
"Get ready to shoot everyone!!" Karl cried. The Stridecannon came stomping through the hole in the wall and the trap was set off. Because of it's strong body it was barely effected. Then, everyone started shooting it, including me, as it shot it's cannon. The cannonball came out and got Karl in the chest. He screamed and collapsed to the floor. I didn't know what to do. The monster was too strong. Then, looking at a room filled with dead aliens, I had the most brilliant idea. I rushed to the room and rummaged through the corpses, until I found a dead Stridecannon, and ripped off its cannon. "Have a taste of your own medicine!" I said, as I fired the cannon, and hit the alien. It grunted, fell to the ground and died. Everyone was cheering things like,"You did it! You killed your first alien!". Then, Mark walked up to Karl and took him to another room to look at his wound.

After a while, Karl got healed."Well," said Karl."You're with us now. Welcome to our little rebel army!"


"Well done. A brilliant idea." said Marty."But remember what I told you. The alien you killed is one of the 3 weakest."
"That's right." said Karl."But by the time we're fighting the strong aliens, we'll be even stronger!"
"Yeah!" everyone cheered.
"So do you guys just stay here and live here?" I asked."Or do you go up to the city sometimes?".
"We go up occasionally." replied Karl. "In fact, we'll go out and search tomorrow. For now, let's go to bed. Let me show you where the beds are.". Karl took me to a room with mats scattered all over the place. "Sorry if the mats aren't comfy." said Karl.

Early the next morning, Karl woke up first and got everyone else to get up."Come one everyone! It's time to search!". I moaned and complained, but eventually I got out of bed. After all, I gave Karl the idea. Mark upgraded the trap by replacing the gun with a Stridecannon cannon. Just in case it wasn't enough, we left a couple of rebels there to guard our weapons,armour and the rebels who were going to bed because they would guard at night. Karl showed me a secret entrance so we don't get caught in Mark's trap, and then we reached the steps. I had a cannon in my hand. It sort of became my trademark. "This is it." said Karl."We're going to the-". He was interrupted by a strange screach.

"Trispider!" exclaimed Marty, as we sprinted up the steps to find where it was. It was right there in front of us, and as soon as we realised, we started shooting, and I fired my cannon. But it wouldn't fall. It jumped into the air so it could land on someone with its sharp legs. I fired again, but I missed. It was coming down to hit me, and I dodged, but it got me in the arm. I screamed in pain, but luckily Alex had a gun with a special ability that he had installed that made the bullets set on fire on impact. He fired at the Trispider, as I quickly got its leg out of my arm. It shrieked from the burning fire and slowly, painfully died. Mark came over to me and said,"You should head back. You're injured too much."
"No," I replied."I can still go on. Just bandage me. I'll be OK."
"Suit yourself.". He gave me a bandage on my arm and we went to the others. "Are you sure you'll be OK?" asked Karl.
"Yes, I'm sure.".

"Hey I forgot to tell you." said Alex."I upgraded your cannon last night. Now the cannonballs are spiked."
"Thanks!" I replied. We continued into the burning city and kept searching. Nothing much was found, except blood. Until we found some kind of limb of a dead alien. "Marty?" said Karl.
"Nothing I'm familiar with" answered Marty.
"We should analyse this further. For now, I'll put it in my bag I brought to store things we find.". Continuing on, we found something else strange. "Looks like a head" Marty commented."It's similar to the limb we found.". Karl took the limb out and compared it with the head. "Same colours," he said."It could be the same type of alien. Or maybe they're both part of one alien.". Soon, we found more parts of this alien, the rest of the limbs, the shoulder, neck and everything else. "Everything seems similar," I said."I wonder what happens if we put the pieces together..."
"If this is one alien, then it's awfully large." said Marty.
"Well let's get building then!" said Karl.

We put every piece together like a jigsaw puzzle. By the time we finished, it looked like a human, but twice the size, bulked with muscle and its skin was a dark blue."What do you think we should call it, Marty?" I asked.
" about Brute?" he suggested.
"Seems fitting." said Karl. Suddenly, the Brute's eyes opened and it got up. It let out a deafening bellow and came charging at the rebels.

I fired my cannon and the spikes dug into the Brute's skin. However, it kept going and nearly hit Alex, but he dodged. I kept firing but I couldn't stop the Brute. All we could do was dodge its attack, but our bullets did nothing. "So it came back to life when we put the pieces together..." said Mark.
"So?" I said.
"Well maybe it wasn't dead. Maybe it just stopped working."
"OK...why does this matter?" asked Karl.
"I get it," said Marty."We can make it stop working by taking it apart again."
"Good thinking guys!" said Karl."But how do we take it apart?"
"I've got an idea." answered Alex."We could use Trispider legs".

We all took two legs, one in each hand, ready to slice up the brute. "This won't be too hard," said Mark."One of the Brute's weaknesses is that it's slow, so it'll be easy to get up close."
"Let's get slicing!" said Karl. The Brute started charging again, so we dodged, and then I climbed up its back and stuck a Trispider into its shoulder, trying to get its arm off. I put my other one in its chest to weaken it. Alex stabbed two of his in each of the Brute's legs, and Karl did the same as me, but on the other side. Everyone else helped us three. A lot of the skin on its chest had come off and the arms were nearly off. I jumped off the beast and picked up my cannon. "What are you doing?" asked Karl. I fired my cannon into the Brute's chest and it screamed because it's skin wasn't there to protect it, but it didn't fall. When I ran around and fired the cannon at its back however, it fell. "Good idea!" exclaimed Karl.

The arms were off and then everyone went to help Alex with the legs. Soon, they were off too. Alex went for its neck and stabbed, then twisted round its head. Its head was nearly off. "You may have defeated me," said the Brute.
"It can talk?!" I said, confused.
"But-" began the Brute, but its head came off and it died.
"This is just the beginning!!" bellowed a voice that sounded like a Brute, but deeper and much, much louder. We looked up and saw an alien that was the same as a Brute, but five times the size.


"We're not fighting this guy, are we?" I asked.
"I think it would be better to run" replied Marty.
"We need to get these Brute pieces in the bag first." Karl remembered."Otherwise our work will be for nothing.". We all took a piece each and shoved them into Karl's bag, and then helped carry it, as it was extremely heavy. But the bigger version of the Brute was even heavier, so it took a long time to get to us.

"I think we should call it the Grand Brute" said Marty. We ran as fast as we could until we reached the steps, and used every ounce of strength to carry the bag back to the base. As soon as we got to the entrance, we threw the bag in and jumped in with it. "Whew," I said."We made it back alive".
"Um...I don't think so." said Alex, pointing to the broken ceiling. The Grand Brute glared at us and then clenched its fists to crush us. We ran out of the base just in time and followed Karl who was going to a train. "I'll drive." said Marty."I used to be a train driver before Tentacle Dude showed up.". We got in and broke the windows so that we could shoot the Grand Brute, and some of us went to the back to shoot.

The Grand Brute came stomping after us as the train started moving. My cannonballs did nothing, although they sunk into the Grand Brute's skin. Then, as we entered the tunnel, everything became dark and Alex screamed. "There's something on my leg!" he said."It's digging into my skin!". He reached for his leg and pulled it off. Then, one got me as well, and I was screaming the same things as Alex did. Then the lights in the train turned on and we noticed there were more of what was on my leg, and they swarmed the train. They had ball shaped bodies with very small feet and sharp fangs that stuck out of their mouth like a vampire.

As soon as we were out of the tunnel, they were bathed in sunlight and seemed to be injured by it. Eventually, they fell to the ground and died. "Well that was scary." I commented. "Do you think we could make some sort of weapons out of them? Maybe using their fangs?"
"I've got an idea." said Alex."We could upgrade your cannon by using these fangs as spikes."
"But that's only for me. What about for everybody?"
"Hmm...maybe we could make a gun that shoots out fangs."
"That's a great idea!"
"Alright, I'll get to work. I'll do both the your cannon and the guns.". He went away somewhere and took some of the dead aliens with him. "Let's call those aliens...Nightcrawlers." said Marty.
"Well they don't really crawl. How about Nightwalker?" I suggested.
"They are small so Nightplodder is more appropriate." said Marty.

The Grand Brute came back and opened the ceiling. "Fools!" it bellowed."There is no escape!". It grabbed the train and lifted it high above the ground, and Karl got flinged out. He landed on the Grand Brute's face, so the Grand Brute let go of the train to try and get rid of Karl. The train fell back onto the ground, and we watched Karl try not to fall off the Grand Brute. He shot its eye and it stumbled back, making Karl nearly falling off. Karl was holding on from its chin, as it opened in its mouth to scream. We watched from the train as Karl fell in its mouth and got swallowed.

"Hey I finished the fang shooting guns!" called Alex."I also made your cannon spikes sharper.". Nobody responded, but instead just stared at the Grand Brute.
"Alex," said Marty. "Karl got...he got eaten.".
"What do you mean? He can't have-"
"He's gone Alex!" interrupted Marty. As the Grand Brute started stomping after us again, it stopped and belched. Its stomach exploded and Karl jumped out of the inside.
"You're alive!!" I exclaimed.
"'Course I am." replied Karl."I could never leave my little rebel army on their own.".
"How did you do that??" asked Marty.
"Well once I was fiddling with a dead alien same thing happened."

Even after getting a massive hole in its body, the Grand Brute kept on walking. We got out of the train and ran the away with the heavy bag of Brute parts. Then, we saw another train platform. Marty drove since there was no one else to drive. The train was a lot quicker than the Grand Brute, but still it had long legs, therefore it could make larger steps. We kept going until the track led to a bridge going over water. The Grand Brute stopped chasing us, as it couldn't go through water.


"We escaped alive." I said.
"But we still need a base." said Mark. There was a massive building that towered above the others, and it wasn't on fire.
"Do you think we could use that?" I suggested, pointing at it.
"Good idea, but it looks like it's filled with aliens." said Marty, as a swarm of Nightplodders jumped out of a window."
"Hey have you already forgotten?" said Alex."I made you all new guns!"
"Alright then," said Karl."Let's test them out!".
"First, we need a safe place to keep our bag of Brute parts.".
"Leave it to me!" said Alex."I'll hide them somewhere that no alien could find!". Alex hid the bag, and we all stepped through the door of the building.

The first thing we saw was a bunch of Stridecannons. We all fired and within seconds they were dead. "Wow," I said."The fangs work really well!". There was a corridor with doors leading to different rooms, but we didn't enter any. At the end of the corridor there were stairs leading up. Then, we heard someone call for help and scream. "What was that??" exclaimed Marty. We rushed up the stairs and there was another corridor, with a dead body and an alien that looked like a Rifledog, but without guns in its hands. It turned round with a jerk and we could see that it had blades for hands.

It flipped towards us and pounced into the air. I fired my cannon but the alien dodged and landed behind Alex. Before it could stab him using its blade-arms, Karl shot a fang directly into its face and it jumped back to the dead body. I fired my cannon again and this time it hit, and the alien fell to the ground. But it wasn't dead yet. I walked up next to it but suddenly it got up and ran away into a room."Let's call it Bladedog." said Marty.

We continued and there were even more steps to climb. At the top there was a dark room. I tried to switch the light on, but it was broken. "Careful," said Karl."There might be Nightplodders lurking in the shadows.". Then, there was a moan and something grabbed me and I screamed. I elbowed it and it let go, whilst Karl tried to find his flashlight. When he found it, he shined it on the alien that grabbed me and everyone shot at it until it died. But there were more. They looked like people who were thrown into a fire and then their torn apart. We kept shooting them but they kept coming back up. Then Mark had an idea. "Maybe they're like the Brute we fought." he said. "We need to take them apart.".

We all took a Trispider leg and stabbed, but they wouldn't go through the aliens. "I'll make a weapon." said Alex."Cover me!". We defended Alex while he worked away behind us. My cannon could kill the aliens in one shot but the guns couldn't, so I did my best to help everyone slow them down. Alex finished quickly, as it was a simple design. He had attached Nightplodder fangs to the ends of the Trispider legs, so that the they became more deadly. We all took one and took apart the aliens, one by one. They all fell to the ground and died. "I think Nightwalker would be the most appropriate name for these aliens."

We kept going, out of the dark room and into another corridor. There were even more steps and we were all getting tired. But Karl assured us it would be worth it in the end. There were rooms we could explore but we kept going up, until we reached the top floor. "What is that??" I asked, pointing to an alien that looked like a giant turtle, but with rhino horns and a spiked shell.

"What are humans doing here?" it snarled."I'll destroy you! All of you!". It charged at us but we dodged, as it was slow. I fired my cannon but it just bounced of the alien's shell. "You cannot defeat me!" it laughed."I'm far too powerful!". We kept on shooting but our attacks did nothing. Then, Karl slid underneath the alien and shot from beneath. He injured the alien slightly but it was still standing. That gave me an idea. I took two spiked Trispider legs, one in each hand, and slid under the alien. I stabbed them between its shell and its belly, trying to get the shell off, but it didn't work. I rolled away, as I nearly got stomped on by the alien, now with two spiked Trispider legs stuck under its shell. Other rebels realised what I was trying to do, and did the same. The alien now had loads of spiked Trispider legs stuck under its legs. Karl hadn't put his in yet, and when he did, it was the final one. We all pushed the legs downwards so the side that was under the alien's shell would go upwards. The shell came off, and bare skin was all that was left. I grabbed my cannon off the floor and fired at the alien, now without armour. Everyone else picked up their guns and fired. All of the fangs dug into the alien's skin and eventually, it died.

"I'm guessing this was the big boss of the building." said Karl."But it's ours now!". We all cheered and then Alex went and collected the bag to bring back. "So what should we call it, Marty?" I asked.
"ShellRhino? It looks like a rhino with a shell so ShellRhino could work." replied Marty.
"Sounds good." said Karl."Now we can start to work on the Brute parts and what we could do with them."


"I think we could make armour out of the Brute parts." I suggested.
"No, I have a better idea..." said Alex.
"Well tell us what it is then!" said Karl.
"It's a surprise." replied Alex."Mark, I might need your help though.". Mark followed Alex to another room and Alex told him his idea for the Brute. I could hear the sound of Mark saying, "This is brilliant!". They came back out and Mark told us that they needed some kind of lab to work in and the right tools.

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion, and the sound of glass shattering. When we rushed to the window, we saw aliens that looked like metal wheels with spikes and blades sticking out, and they were on fire. They were launched towards the building and exploded on impact. We looked down and saw things that looked like catapults, launching these exploding wheels at us.

- Didn't feel like continuing(It's not like it's my job)
Too many aliens to say how I came up with them.

Concept Art:

The concept art will come when I have finished the story. Also, there probably won't be much of it, since most of my ideas come from my head.

Last edited by skullz16 (Jul 31 2012 5:32:33 am)


thx for sig bobithan


#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Bump. Anyone going to give feedback? Maybe a title idea?


thx for sig bobithan


#3 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Hmm... I'm confused. How does he know its a dream? It could have been reality. And the war? Hmm... I'm just really confused about your story, but its still good.

And sorry, I can't think of a title for this right now.

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

It's just the beginning, so there's still loads of questions to be answered. Well since when do you   close your eyes and open them and you're in a different room? I guess it could be reality but that's not what I had planned. I had a title in mind and thought about making a sequel to finish off the story, but I decided to make that title one of the chapter names and it would all be in one story.


thx for sig bobithan


#5 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Kewl. I liekzorz. Trololo.

#6 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not.

EDIT: Forgot to say, Chapter 2 and part of 3 finished.

Last edited by skullz16 (Jul 4 2012 9:43:31 am)


thx for sig bobithan


#7 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Not sarcastic. I just wanted to trololo.

#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Chapter 3 is now finished. Just to let you know, Chapter 4 will probably be longer than Chapter 3.

EDIT: Got an idea for the name of this alien race. They are the Advena. And the title will be, The Advena. Just gotta tell a mod.

Last edited by skullz16 (Jul 4 2012 11:08:35 am)


thx for sig bobithan


#9 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
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Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Good story. Probably a 07/10 or 08/10.

skullz16 wrote:


Ew, British spelling.


#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Well atleast I didn't call the subway 'the tube'.

Finished Chapter 4!

I changed some things in Chapter 3 and 4 I think.


thx for sig bobithan


#11 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Nice story! Sorry if it was already answered, but what was that... Thing in the beginning?


#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Um...You haven't figured it out yet?
Spoiler in black:
It's tentacle dude
Chapter 6 finished!

Btw, if you do read the story, +rep is appreciated, but I would rather have posts and feedback.

Last edited by skullz16 (Jul 27 2012 11:52:36 am)


thx for sig bobithan


#13 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

awesome story. Couldn't you just call it Alien Invasion? Or, like, Run For Your Knife pFhcd.png

#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Well Alien Invasion seemed unoriginal. I wanted something unique.


thx for sig bobithan


#15 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

In that case, Run For Your Knife 1xp1 (Lolwut?)

#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

Well I don't understand what that means, and it doesn't seem to fit the "feel" of this story.


thx for sig bobithan


#17 Before February 2015


Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

WV2Ap.png I was joking.

#18 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: The Advena - A story by skullz16

I quit writing this story. Or at least on the forum. I don't want anyone continuing it for me, because I had really cool ideas for later and I don't want them to be ruined.


thx for sig bobithan



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