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#1 Before February 2015


Just had to say this

Well, for starts this has to do with trolling "noob" levels. If you don't care, leave this topic now.

I'm going to compare trolling to basketball. So there's this person who has been playing basketball for years. A new person decided they wanted to join the team and signed up for it.

The new person isn't all that good at basketball, but they still play it since it's fun.

Now, this can go in two ways:

1: The person who has been playing for a while sees how bad the new person is, and tells them they suck.

2: The person who has been playing for a while sees the new person strugging, but helps improve them. They encourage them to do better.

Now put this in comparison to EE. You choose what path to take.

No one can be "pro" right away without a little help.

~Thanks for your time.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Well, but I have one question:

How the first "pro" was made? He didnt have help.

Just this.

Lol, I think that trollers dont troll noob level thinking that the guy is going to be good from the night to day. No he is going to try and try many times, and look for help.

The trollers just clean the looby for good levels, and make the newbies search for help. If they dont troll, newbies are still going to make their stupid art. (not rly stupid)

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, but I have one question:

How the first "pro" was made? He didnt have help.

Just this.

Lol, I think that trollers dont troll noob level thinking that the guy is going to be good from the night to day. No he is going to try and try many times, and look for help.

The trollers just clean the looby for good levels, and make the newbies search for help. If they dont troll, newbies are still going to make their stupid art. (not rly stupid)

First of all it's lobby. ^_^
Also how can you assume that the first "pro" was a guy?
And, a couple of people could have helped each other out, improving ones skills everyday.

If trollers really want good levels, they will search for them manually, and not just choose the top levels at the lobby.
Yeah, they still might make their "noob" levels. But, that's where everyone steps in and helps them.

#4 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Just had to say this

Well, telling someone that they suck motivates them to get better.



#5 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Think of it this way:   The player is better is actually a big jerk, so even though he's good he doesn't care to spread his talent because he wants to be the best. So then what?

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Failgirl101 wrote:

Think of it this way:   The player THAT is better is actually a big jerk, so even though he's good he doesn't care to spread his talent because he wants to be the best. So then what?

Then we hope others will be kind enough.
Plus, in my basketball team, our main rule is to be encouraging to others. So, if they want to be a jerk, they shouldn't even play.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Think of it this way:   The player is better is actually a big jerk, so even though he's good he doesn't care to spread his talent because he wants to be the best. So then what?

The person who is pro but like to help out people who are new should help them.

Last edited by *TheRealGanig* (Nov 16 2011 6:52:23 pm)

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

Well, telling someone that they suck motivates them to get better.


And second, the group of guys couldnt have any help, they need to create the skills, the art, all these things. In this way the trollers make the newbies create things, not copy someone else by learning with him.

When you teach someone, you teach your way to do it, but when you discover how to do it, you create something new and better for you.

There isnt only one way to make the things, so troll someone levels, and he tries to make it better, and create his own skill or way to do things.


In any ways, trolling is fun. If you dont like, its not my fault.

Last edited by Lopoi2 (Nov 16 2011 7:01:01 pm)

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Lopoi2 wrote:
32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

Well, telling someone that they suck motivates them to get better.


And second, the group of guys couldnt have any help, they need to create the skills, the art, all these things. In this way the trollers make the newbies create things, not copy someone else by learning with him.

When you teach someone, you teach your way to do it, but when you discover how to do it, you create something new and better for you.

There isnt only one way to make the things, so troll someone levels, and he tries to make it better, and create his own skill or way to do things.

I see your logic there, but you have to think from it from both sides.
For example, I taught myself everything I know today. I think I'm an average EE player, I don't make stairs/ box minis (not saying there's something wrong with them).
So, I don't see how it could be any harder with two people.
Plus, think of it in the basketball way. Someone didn't just start out "pro" at basketball, it took time.

Or, it could go wrong. You all think you're helping them, but what if they take this things to heart? I'm not saying I do, but some children play this game. Childrens feelings get hurt easily.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

kaylee123 wrote:
Lopoi2 wrote:
32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

Well, telling someone that they suck motivates them to get better.


And second, the group of guys couldnt have any help, they need to create the skills, the art, all these things. In this way the trollers make the newbies create things, not copy someone else by learning with him.

When you teach someone, you teach your way to do it, but when you discover how to do it, you create something new and better for you.

There isnt only one way to make the things, so troll someone levels, and he tries to make it better, and create his own skill or way to do things.

I see your logic there, but you have to think from it from both sides.
For example, I taught myself everything I know today. I think I'm an average EE player, I don't make stairs/ box minis (not saying there's something wrong with them).
So, I don't see how it could be any harder with two people.
Plus, think of it in the basketball way. Someone didn't just start out "pro" at basketball, it took time.

Or, it could go wrong. You all think you're helping them, but what if they take this things to heart? I'm not saying I do, but some children play this game. Childrens feelings get hurt easily.

Troll is usefull to make the kids remember that this is just a game, and that they are not going to gain anything with it.

Ok, a basketball team... this is not equal EE. There they have the collaboration, here no, its just your self. Or do you think that a newbie without chat is going to learn how to make things better. Most of them are just going to leave the art, that someone made for him (trying to teach), in his level.

My friend was newbie, and he have many art level, but he didnt make any (he even knows how to make one simple art) he just asked for help (without chat, lol). They are not helping him, they are just making art for him.

So, if you want something better (or less danger) than trolls, try to make some tutorial that everybody (everybody rly) would see.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

kaylee123 wrote:
Failgirl101 wrote:

Think of it this way:   The player THAT is better is actually a big jerk, so even though he's good he doesn't care to spread his talent because he wants to be the best. So then what?

Then we hope others will be kind enough.
Plus, in my basketball team, our main rule is to be encouraging to others. So, if they want to be a jerk, they shouldn't even play.

Must be a nice team. At my school it's survival of the fittest. Our school is very supportive of the "Jock" stereotype. All the basketball and football players are big idiotic jerks. They cut everyone in the lunch lines, and they go around harassing girls because they think they're awesome. They have big heads but nothing inside.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Failgirl101 wrote:
kaylee123 wrote:
Failgirl101 wrote:

Think of it this way:   The player THAT is better is actually a big jerk, so even though he's good he doesn't care to spread his talent because he wants to be the best. So then what?

Then we hope others will be kind enough.
Plus, in my basketball team, our main rule is to be encouraging to others. So, if they want to be a jerk, they shouldn't even play.

Must be a nice team. At my school it's survival of the fittest. Our school is very supportive of the "Jock" stereotype. All the basketball and football players are big idiotic jerks. They cut everyone in the lunch lines, and they go around harassing girls because they think they're awesome. They have big heads but nothing inside.

The better you are, more arrogant you are.

Well, in some cases (most of them) this rule apply.

#13 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

My school is kinda backwards though. It doesn't make much sense.

All the players have these huge egos, but they usually never win any games. They think they're awesome because they play sports, but then they get low grades, never win, then act like jerks. Doesn't make any sense :/

This is honestly the reason I don't like a lot of boys because where I live people might consider it "The ghetto". People are rude, arrogant, and lazy (which I guess explains me somewhat) and so boys think they're awesome because they have cool stuff, but really all they do is boss around girls and act like their all that.

#14 Before February 2015

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: Just had to say this

Yea, People need to help more, Including me, I should help some of these people more

and at my school, #1 seems to be the path the "pro basketball players" take...

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#15 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

In my opinion it depends on what kind of person the player being trolled is. On a different website for a fighting game, I played someone I looked up to and was glad to play,   I won, IDK if it was they weren't trying, or if it was lag, or IDK, anyway, they started spaming the chat for like a min, and then left really horrible feedback like I suck and that no one should play me ever...
It made me quit using the character I fought them with for months bc I thought it was that they were annoyed by my character; and it was really discouraging. In addtion, if someone is in that position, they can only do a few things...
Try to prove that they don't suck(which I did by using a diff char)
They could just ignore what happened.
They could also try to strike back or defend themselves, to make a point that they don't suck because the other person person is a "noob", etc.
They could also just give up, or end up hating the game.
(I know that there's probably other options but I can't think of any)
It's possible for people to do what I did, in this case, with ee, they would try to make different levels, but I think most of the time its more likely for someone to just quit, or ignore it, since imo at least like 30% ppl play ee casually, and are perfectly fine with quitting, or not trying to be a "pro".

I understand that trolls are trying to get people to make better levels, but really all it does is make "motivation" to create "better" levels. You can do the exact same thing by just encouraging them to make better levels by saying it, or by giving them ideas to improve their level.
If someone doesn't listen to you and will probably kick you, I doubt that trying to ruin their level will make them not kick you, if you troll instead of talking to them.
IMO the reason why people call others noobs is because of pride.
I am good at a game, and had played it for about 3 and a half years before playing EE seriously. I honestly think on ee, I'm the best person at the game I played before ee, no offense to anyone. I used to spend a ton of time on the game, I woupld play it all day(literally, most of the time, as long as I could), everyday. I would wait for someone to play for hours, just so I could lay it, and I have overall just spent a ton of time on it. When someone calls me a noob at it or thinks I'm not good enough to play it at them I get really annoyed and when I get in arguments with it I end up calling them a noob, because I honestly think they are.
It really can't relate that well in ee, since you aren't playing against another person, but when someone sees someone who they think is clearly worse than them try to "act" like they are as good I think thats part of the reason why some people call others noobs. I honestly don't think anyone I have seen on ee who calls someone a noob do it because of this reason, but I think it plays a part in it.
While I do play ee pretty much everyday all day, I don't play competitively, I want to be a top player, and I put a lot of work into levels when I want to, I don't ply to get better or to overtake anyone, and I don't only play to be the best. The reason I started playing ee is because I loved the multiplayer part of it, how there can be up to 45 ppl in a level, and how its so amazing that doing just a few things can cause everyone in the level to swarm somewhere, like when opening a boss, or making a race. I originally did not play really any saved worlds, all I did was go to open worlds, but when I got chat, I went to saved worlds, but because I loved to code worlds, mostly the empty ones where the owner makes a ring around a few ppl and gives them the code, I really honestly just liked chatting with people. When I made my first level, it was a to code level, because I loved them so much, overtime, I became friends with many people because of the to code worlds. Then I created multiple to code rooms, and to create the best and most organized to code rooms that I could, because people would always complain that they were confusing. Eventually I wanted to be a more well known player and moved onto making "box minis", though I quickly became bored of these..
Finally because of a combination of the contest , joining crews, and because of people trolling my levels and making fun of them, I moved onto making "adventure maps". While I play ee a lot, and people make fun of my levels a lot, I don't get mad because I have never really played ee that seriously, I mostly just play to hang out with friends who I met in to code worlds, and their friends, and people in crews that I'm in. However, someone who has been playing ee more seriously, longer and as the main game they play(I have a different game most of my pride is in, so I don't mind if people criticize my levels) have more pride and are affected more when someone makes fun of their levels or them in general.

I have been wanting to say thing
I've also been wanting to say this, but really there are different groups of people on EE.
Open world
To code world
Easy world(stairs, box minis etc, "noob" bosses)
Bosses("pro" bosses)
Any saved world(no open worlds)
Any worlds
"pro" worlds
Beta only worlds.

Pretty much everyone is in multiple groups, but most of the time certain people will remain in certain groups because their friends are there, or because they like those levels.
Last, people who were previously in a different group or groups of people will feel they are better than those who are in groups that the first person used to be in. This makes it more likely for there to be arguments between members of different groupsm since everyone will naturally think that they are right, and believe that the levels that they are in are the best. I have two pieces of evidence for this, many times, I see "pro" players make fun of t code worlds, or stairs. I have also once seen the opposite, I tried to get help from someone I met to work on one of my levels, but they did not want to, they said that the only levels that anyone plays are bosses and that no one plays minigame levels.

I am not specifically trying to cause harm to any one player, I am just saying my opinion is on what ee is generally like.

Last edited by GKAbyss (Nov 16 2011 9:01:53 pm)

#16 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: Just had to say this

If I find a noob who has chat, I troll their level and tell them to be more creative, but it doesn't seem to work, they just get **** and insult me.


#17 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

kingpooultra wrote:

If I find a noob who has chat, I troll their level and tell them to be more creative, but it doesn't seem to work, they just get **** and insult me.

Exactly. ^_^

#18 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-02
Posts: 68

Re: Just had to say this

Lopoi2 wrote:

Well, but I have one question:

How the first "pro" was made? He didnt have help.

Just this.

As the first pro, I can attest to this being true. I did not have help. Anyone who ever sat alone in an empty map, with no company, and tried to make something new, can understand how it is possible to become a pro from nothingness.

But creating mustang and MIHB from two of my ribs was definitely a good idea. I became a handsomer pro by working with them.


#19 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 4,311

Re: Just had to say this

MFL wrote:

But creating mustang and MIHB from two of my ribs was definitely a good idea. I became a handsomer pro by working with them.

Sweet Holy Jesus!


#20 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

I Think That When You See A "Noob"

Don't make fun of them and laugh,you should help them out
and they will become pros also.

#21 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Noobs will always be noobs unless we help them. If your calling a noobs art level "bad" or minis "lame", then give them some tips on how to make it better.

Its like in real life.

If the adults in one generation don't teach the next generation anything they need, then they will all end up stupid.

#22 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

SmileyZ wrote:

Noobs will always be noobs unless we help them. If your calling a noobs art level "bad" or minis "lame", then give them some tips on how to make it better.

Its like in real life.

If the adults in one generation don't teach the next generation anything they need, then they will all end up stupid.

It's you're.   (just a tip to make it better)

#23 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: Just had to say this

I chose path number 2.

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:

Well, telling someone that they suck motivates them to get better.

That's true but it could also make the person feel bad and quit and have emotional problems, so that's why I don't tell them that they suck. They just need some guidance occasionally when I do play EE I join un-finished usually named Untilted World or Under Construction and help them (and that's how I met KRAZYMAN50) out or give my opinion of it. That's all I have to say choose path number 2 it's like SmileyZ said.

SmileyZ wrote:

Noobs will always be noobs unless we help them. If your calling a noobs art level "bad" or minis "lame", then give them some tips on how to make it better.

Its like in real life.

If the adults in one generation don't teach the next generation anything they need, then they will all end up stupid.

Last edited by a3person (Nov 17 2011 7:27:22 am)

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#24 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

How GKAbyss, it depends on the player who is been trolled.

Some arent going to change, and others are going to change.

In any ways, when you troll someone he is going to learn something, like:
>How to use kick,   and load
>That his level is bad
>That he need to make somthing better
>that guy was stupid

Troll is fun, and if you cant found fun in trolling, is because you are living by this game. Its just a game, dont matter what happend, its just a game. Troll are not going to die, until everybody understand that this is a game or I mean, until everybody understand that in the internet nothing is real.

Guys you are talking so serious like it was a contest.

And how MFL says, its possible to learn alone.

#25 Before February 2015


Re: Just had to say this

Lopoi2 wrote:

How GKAbyss, it depends on the player who is been trolled.

Some arent going to change, and others are going to change.

In any ways, when you troll someone he is going to learn something, like:
>How to use kick,   and load
>That his level is bad
>That he need to make somthing better
>that guy was stupid

Troll is fun, and if you cant found fun in trolling, is because you are living by this game. Its just a game, dont matter what happend, its just a game. Troll are not going to die, until everybody understand that this is a game or I mean, until everybody understand that in the internet nothing is real.

Guys you are talking so serious like it was a contest.

And how MFL says, its possible to learn alone.

Saying that it is just a game, is very likely to be offensive to most of the people who play the game. A natural reinforcer in humans' lifes is a sense of belonging. If someone is good at something, like a game, they will naturally play it more because, of course, they are good at it and they will generally like playing it because it gives them a sense of accomplishment. People who have this game as a main source of relaxation, pride, or fulfillment in their lives will likely be angry if you say it is just a game.

While things in the game are "not real" the game can be very important to people, especially since many people on EE have paid money on the game, for example, to buy beta. For the game I was talking about, there is someone who was good enough to earn enough money by playing in tournaments to pay for college. A main goal people should have is to find something they like doing that they can do for a living. While I have never heard of anyone who actually plays videogames their whole life, it can be very important to them, and often isn't just a game if you have paid money on it.

Also, with trolling, this is just my opinion, but I really just don't like trolls who are trying to change people, I am perfectly fine with trolls who troll for fun, and I love when people troll and make it perfectly clear that they are trolling // like 010191 or guest-811 (not that anyone knows them).

I understand that some people will come to the conclusion that their level was "bad"(which is completely relative, someone may actually have the best stair level ever; while stair players love it more than any other level, "more advanced" players may believe that it is horrible), it is also possible for someone to quit the game, be discouraged, or end up hating the person who ruined or made fun of their level.

I think...
People who troll for fun are perfectly fine, but should know to understand that they could harm someone.
People who are trying to change other people should instead act kinder and try to use encouragement or constructive criticism, instead of trolling, which may have harmful effects.

TL:DR (I was gonna add one to my other post but I didn't have enough time // :
This game is very important to some people, so saying that it's just a game can be very offensive.
I'm fine with trolling for fun(though I don't do it)
Trolling CAN influence people to make "better" levels, but it can also have harmful consequences; constructive criticism can have the same good outcomes, but is less likely to have bad effects.

kaylee123 142389284268590

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