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#1 Before February 2015


Story I'm Working On

The scene is the company building of the Slime Mold Puddle INC. The room is a member of the company with other cross sections of the company room array. It festers with pus and wall abscesses. The mold upon the slime soaked walls do not pester employees, for with speak and or consciousness are they naught. They indeed are planned to be removed. A very sad story some might think this to be. Shelfungus Smith stands against a skew wall in the room. It floats well, but not with him. He thinks it odd to soar across the room with an air as it does. The mold festers more.


        Back Story: in the future there be that which would win without the existence of its ancestor. Sad it is concerning the past death of its grand greatfather… But death Smith must suffer.

        When it walked cross the sidewalk in the center of the passing dot line of the car road… a car attempted the passing of a car coming from the other direction. This defines the danger of walking along the middle sidewalk upon which rest the yellow lined Morse code. With luck, the car passing through Shellfungus Smith XVI Jr. E345 happened to be a hologram. Never did he ever again walk the middle sidewalk of the road. In five years’ time he was writing a letter. In another seven years’ time he decided that then he must sing a song in public. The final one decided to have against all others, won, was a public domain song. When he attempted to sing it, he was arrested then for trying to introduce a song already in public domain again to the public domain. For years he sat in jail. Now there has been an important event that has happened. This event requires the death of Shelfungus Smith of the past. Shelfungus Smith does not know this yet so keep this story at the back of your mind; do not let it interfere with star-gazing.


        Shelfungus Smith, with a terror invoking terror invoked face, drew blood with a pencil found atop a dentistry machine’s table. The blood, he knew, did not have a known origin. It was within a finely ground wine glass on the table, next to the saw. The streaks and drops of blood sketched onto the moldy wall drew itself down the wall and onto Shelfungus’s face as a manifestation of realization at what he had done.

        Drawing blood with blood was certainly redundant and most certainly useless. A noise rang his ears. It felt as if sand trickled down within his spinal cord, concentrating in the neck. It was torturous. He’d rather it torture us. A person and another ran into a room through the arced doorway. The doorway still had not been moved back; it set in the wall slightly semi-sideways. The people had to arch their backs as they walked in. Both both wore both green lab coats and expressions on their faces of anger, and wore on from their journeys to the room. Their journeys differed quite a bit, but not by enough or with important enough details to be mentioned at this time of the story. They were told to confront this vandalism in the name of the company. While the name would not be visibly altered by this vandalism, it may affect the mentality of the workers there to will have known that the inside of the building’s sign was with a history-wall soaked with blood. This distinct possibility was shown through the crinkled faces of the employees. The employees instructed Shelfungus to please clean up the blood, and to leave the building. Shelfungus apologized and agreed with this as to what he should do. He proceeded to take steps over to the wall with a pail of water and a wash-cloth. He took the wash-cloth, soaked it with soapy water, and began to clean the blood from the history-wall. The history of the company could slowly be read, or quickly. Shelfungus slowly read it as he removed the last remaining bits from i dots.

        Shelfungus shook hands with one of the employees and left the building. He looked up to the cloud shrouded sign. The strong cold of the outside did not matter much thanks to a coat. It was also quite windy, with leaves blowing back and forth. People began walking toward and around him. He started a path to the city exit. He looked back at the building he left, and barely avoided a telephone pole. He’d have to deal with the toothache now for the duration of the trip now. He still needed to purchase food for the trip vacation thing to a small, relaxing town named Tenebrous, hence his traveling to a local produce market.  

        Shelfungus stopped at his apartment on the way to the market for cloth bags to carry the food with. As he was leaving the apartment, there was a ringing and a clatter of metal some stories down. This was followed by a sharp yell “no” of distress or defeat. After that there was a dragging sound, and he quietly rushed down the stairs. There was absolutely nothing unusual at the site of the scream for what would be expected at a scene of crime. There was maybe an average amount of blood near the predicted scattered pots and pans. Maybe there was an above or below average amount of blood for all he knew. The floor was largely expansive and lacking in notable anything. There were several very thin window slits that were remarkably broken. They were approximately three inches in width. That was basically it. Shelfungus called the police. Upon their arrival, he answered questions concerning what he heard and saw, and left for the market.

        Shelfungus exited the city and approached some neighborhood subdivisions. He walked along the sidewalk adjacent the road and the subdivision wall. The wall was probably made of cinder blocks or something and covered with some kind of coating. They were painted and had a shiny, rough, stony texture. While passing the last subdivision in the area there was a dragging sound from behind its wall. Shelfungus stopped and listened, but heard nothing else. Assuming it was just the wind or any number of other possible things, he walked on.

        He was probably going to buy green apples, bread, lettuce, celery, cheese, peanuts, and beans. He was extremely likely to get green apples. They were usually in stock and he preferred them over red apples. Red apples were on sale for whatever reason and he got those as well as the green ones. He hoped that none of the foods purchased would cause greater pain with regard to the toothache. He had to stop at home again today before going to the movie tonight. It was a new horror movie with neat effects, and its reviews were generally around three out of five. Although not likely to be his favorite movie ever, it was the best option available for his habit of going to see a movie every weekend. This habit was very possible thanks to the gradual decline in the cost of movies. And the great influx of popularity to movie review sites. He owned one of the top seventy movie review sites. This gave him a good amount of income which also contributed to the ability, and actually his necessity, to watch a movie each week.

        Shelfungus headed back to the apartment with the final purchase of groceries. He heard sirens on his walk home, and there were still police at the apartments upon his arrival. He stored a number of groceries in the fridge – the ones that needed refrigeration, mainly the vegetables. He put the rest on the kitchen counter, including the bread. He actually put the bread in the breadbox. At the theater he paid for a ticket, some popcorn, and walked to the correctly numbered theater room.

        The movie started with a man in a small, unknown town. He left the town for a vacation in a highly populated area. When he got back to the town, he found no one left alive. Before he could flee, he was confronted by a terrible monster that ended up killing him. He died with his limbs torn off and partially by drowning in his own blood. The movie’s timing with Shelfungus’s coming vacation seemed to threaten him. He was still going on the vacation.

        By the time he got home to pack, the police were no longer at the apartment complex. Shelfungus stored the cooled foods in a cooler. They should probably be called insulators. The other foods were placed in cloth bags. Rather than bring a lot of plastic water bottles, he had a large jug of water that could dispense… water.   Thanks to the winter air, the container could be placed atop his car and remain cool. Shelfungus watered several aloe plants that sat by the windows. They were doing very well. Hopefully they would not die while he was on vacation. The vacation would not be for long. As he walked away, a cloud passed in front of the sun and cast a shadow over the aloe plants.

        Once clothes and his laptop were packed and supper was consumed, Shelfungus slept and awoke relatively early the next morning. He had breakfast and left, driving for several hours. He finally arrived at Tenebrous at 3:42 pm. Shelfugus thought that the town was very relaxing, as he had expected. It was relatively cool with a barely a breeze. The grasses were all evenly cut and all the flowerbeds of the hice were stained with a variety and symmetry of color, like a fractal generation. Often, the great contrast between the bright colors was similar to the edge and outside colors deep within the seahorse valley of the Mandelbrot set. This was all not too bright, however, due to the soft shade of the canopy above the neighborhood. Occasionally there was a patch of light upon the ground with a shape the likeness of a misshapen Julia set.

        What was seen next was not seen for long. In the distance from the car’s mirror, Shelfungus saw a large, thin, insect-like leg that swung around a building and was not seen again. He thought it a mirage and drove on to a nearby hotel to stay at. His stuff was unpacked and his room was paid for. There were several local areas with murals or walkways with stone patterns, even some statues that he could visit tomorrow. He lay alone in his room on the bed watching the television. It was an excellent activity to perform on vacation, a great break from life. He was watching another movie. This one was about hollow earth. It was a drama, suspense, romance, and science fiction film. He still needed to write a review for that movie he saw the other night. The laptop was retrieved, and with the storyline a bit stale in his mind, he began to type.

        The keyboard clattered and the paused movie on the screen flickered every so often. With it still paused, he switched the channel to the news. The keyboard continued to clatter and lines stretched across the bright screen. It was now dark in the room. Light came only from the monitors of the television and the computer. A cricket began its quivering noise outside the window, and many frogs began croaking. Shelfungus turned down the volume on the television and then only the sounds of the outside could be heard. He saved the review again, and saw that there was no wifi connection. The hotel did have wifi, he’d probably have to call for it, but thought that doing so would be a hassle. He would just set up the wifi in the morning and upload the review then.

        The croaks of the frogs and the echoes of the crickets calmly stopped abruptly. There was suddenly silence. Shelfungus looked at the time, and went back to the review. A shrill sound then soared into the room from the window pane. The blinds swayed stagnantly in front of the window. Shelfungus sat with the laptop watching the window. After a few seconds, he closed the laptop and placed it on the nightstand. He stared at the window for several more seconds. He walked over, dragged aside the blinds, and looked out the window.

        He could see no farther than a few feet away. It was pitch black. The ground looked cold. Shelfungus did not dare look away, despite the absurdity of worry in a situation like this. He backed slowly away from the window, slid back onto the bed and grabbed the laptop while not looking away from the window. After several minutes passed, he went back to the laptop. He titled the review, and the frogs and crickets could be heard again. He looked toward the window for several seconds, then back again to the laptop.
Next part is still being written pls review and stuff.

#2 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: Story I'm Working On

Nice try, but nobody will make an story that works like ATTWO.

This is a false statement.


#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Story I'm Working On

What's ATTWO?
I like this story, I like the fact that you're building up to the action with subtle hints without diving in straight away. I think build-up is a very important and effective part of a story, and you've used it very well. Very nice GKA, hope to read more from you soon.


thx for sig bobithan


#4 Before February 2015

From: The Dark Web
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,658

Re: Story I'm Working On

skullz16 wrote:

What's ATTWO?

And Then There Was One

This is a false statement.


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