Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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My life is complete.
And Mods think cupcakes are kinda topic worthy >.>
But do your job if you see fit.
Indeed,There is also a Qwiki page for them (ofc)
(Turn your speakers on )
Last edited by Echo! (Aug 17 2011 2:42:58 am)
Cupcakes exist.
Wikipedia has topics on things that exist, and some on things that don't exist.
Was this really that much of a shock to you that you had to make a topic about it?
I hate tall signatures.
Cupcakes are disgusting and I will never ever eat them. Cakes and more stuff like that are disgusting too.
It's a shame to make that Wikipedia made those pages.
I hate tall signatures.
:3 everybody does like cupcakes, and it is a post worthy post.
Wikapidia makes me crave cupcakes know, so, thanks.
Cupcakes exist.
Wikipedia has topics on things that exist, and some on things that don't exist.
Was this really that much of a shock to you that you had to make a topic about it?
Wheres EE's page?
a wiki within a wiki. INCEPTION. lol who dosent like cupcakes.
KRAZYMAN50 wrote:a wiki within a wiki. INCEPTION. lol who dosent like cupcakes.
Addi doesn't
I declare war on iceland!
KRAZYMAN50 wrote:a wiki within a wiki. INCEPTION. lol who dosent like cupcakes.
Also, try googling 'Google'
Hmm...A wiki within a wiki that you probably googled by googling google..
Ponies are always relevant.
I wish i had some cupcakes to cheer me up, i am getting my exam results....
I'm guessing you got an F?
Nope, i got 2 a*, 2 a , 3 b and 1 c
Hmm...A wiki within a wiki that you probably googled by googling google..
I'll stop now.
The best time, EVER, is to take something completely humorous and wiki it. It injects LOGIC to jokes.
For example:
Yo-momma jokes:
William Shakespeare used such a device in Act I Scene 1 of Timon of Athens:
Demetrius: "Villain, what hast thou done?"
Aaron: "That which thou canst not undo."
Chiron: "Thou hast undone our mother."
Aaron: "Villain, I have done thy mother."
Nyan Cat:
an animated gif of a cat with the body of a cherry Pop-Tart flying through space, leaving a rainbow trail behind the cat; or to a video of the animated .GIF, set to a remix of the song "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!"
Last edited by Tako (Aug 25 2011 2:43:26 pm)
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
That's so cool, a wiki on cupcakes lol
*but you hate cupcakes*
Shut up!
ShhhhhhHHHHhh! I do not!
*greenzoid2 hates cupcakes! greenzoid2 hates cupcakes!*
hehe, don't mind this guy over here, mmmm I love cupcakes....
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Aug 26 2011 2:58:22 am)
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