Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Well ok but I dont how to come to the blogs that are removed ok.
These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.
Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.
A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.
(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)
Oh boy. Ohhhh boy, where do I begin with this?
It's very clear that you haven't been following the aftermath of this contest at all, considering how much misinformation your post is completely littered with. In many topics, and even chatrooms, I've made it very clear how the contest was run and how the judging was conducted. Your failure to comprehend these facts pretty much kills any arguments you've got left to fire at me and Chris.
Normally, I just chalk posts like this up to upset users and players that go on tirades about how "I AM MUCH BETTER THAN YOU, MY OPINION IS FACT, ETC", but the fact that you need to create an alternate user to express your opinion and then proceed to flat-out tell us that what we're doing is wrong without backing it up whatsoever is what really grinds my gears. Shouting "power to the people" means nothing if you can't back it up with any substance.
This account will be banned for being a duplicate account, and nothing more. If you reduced the outright flaming and posted on your original account, I'd be more inclined to take you seriously. If you have any complaints about how this contest was conducted, PM me instead of making a huge debacle about it on the public forums. If you're gonna express your opinions, make sure you at least stand behind them and don't cower behind an alternate account.
NOTE: Apologies in advance if this post comes of as angry, this is never my intention.
that was a lap of text
that was a lap of text
These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.
Yeah, we all saw that this contest was terribly managed, and you're right, they messed up. But again, "I deserved to win" isn't an argument, since it's completly biased. But I worked with RPG on the last contest and I know he didn't just picked up "a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, without even looking at the rest of them".
Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.
A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.
(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)
Why so much hate ? Why are you so angry ? Is there something wrong ? Are you just another internet tough guy who just troll as much as he can ?
( EDIT : This doesn't apply since you're not an alt :
Why are you hiding ? Are you affraid that people know what you think ? Do you really give a damn about what people think of you on the internet ? We wont kill you if we knew your nickname, you know ? It's the interwebz, people insult each other everyday around here - sadly. Just be a man and stop hiding, sitting on your computer without a life and flamming. Also, nice discrimination against "nerds", you sound like someone full of clichés. I bet you imagine me with a béret and a baguette, am I wrong ? )
Oh, and just to clarify something : Official community judges :
DKLevels -=- Addi -=- Bee -=- Kankurou -=- RavaTroll -=- Scythe -=- Nou
Johan/Jaa -=- MFL -=- MIHB -=- Musuki -=- Supadorf24 -=- Mustang
Daniel1234 -=- D-Rock2308 -=- EEDD -=- Haka -=- Starblinky
EX Crew member involved :
DKLevels -=- RavaTroll -=- Nou -=- MFL -=- MIHB -=- Mustang -=- Starblinky
It's almost half, yeah, but everybody else are in different crews and all have nice skills. We never said it was EX Crew judging, it was supposed to be EX&&friends because RPG wanted us to judge, but we turned this into a a community judging.
Anyway, the community should have something to say in a community contest and that's what we tried to do here. Maybe we did it wrong, maybe we didn't. Perhaps we should have asked people to vote for who they want to be judges. There are a lot of things to do. So why don't you just calm down, stop flamming, and start talking about the issues of this contest like a man ? What do you propose ? What do you think we should do ? Say it, I'm curious. Or perhaps you just wanted the first place ? Because, you know, you just come here with you troll-post, hiding behind an alt, and giving no arguments whatsoever.
And please, stop saying stuff like "I'm the only person with common sense". Are you that arrogant ? Why do you feel superior to other ? Inferiority complex ?
EDIT : Much better list now
Last edited by RavaTroll (Nov 29 2011 4:11:31 pm)
Trolls be in da place, mon !
another lap of text but ravatroll you are 100% correct
maybe its better to close the whole contest. So nobody get a prize of hard work when they didnt came in the top 12.
And everyone who won wont get a prize anymore so there would be nobody that get something, so nobody can flame to someone ok?Maybe thats the only way to stop people.
If that is needed to let you people shut up OK but in fact YOU are just the one who made coming so far if you think im just a noob to say something like this.
*dont post reply if you can, it would be much better*
Ps that means stop flaming in fact.
Hey, did you know that the SS were Hitler's bodyguards, basically? Just thought that was amusing because of your level title.
Um, I think that would be really stupid, because not only would those graphics go to waste, but it's just ridiculous that so many people worked so hard and they're not going to get anything because people couldn't deal with their loss.
You can't please everyone, and especially not when most of the people who play EE are around 12 and have little sportsmanship.
And then most winners would flame whoever decided not to give out the prizes.
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
You can read? dont post reply
remove the post.
Think I could better talk to the people just flamed to me exept the cold-stormers srry about that ok.
Last edited by sefanja1 (Dec 1 2011 2:00:15 pm)
I agree with the fact that RPG acknowledges the negativity at some of the results, and agrees to merge them with community - but to not take prizes from those who have been promised them. Too many people can't accept losing and are arrogant about their levels, I have seen plenty of people before and after the contest saying their level should have won, and most of the people who's levels didn't win but perhaps deserved to, as far as I've seen, haven't flamed anywhere near as much as people whose levels weren' as good.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular, I just want people to take on board that they should think before they say 'OMG why didn't I win?!?!?!?'.
On-Topic: I'm glad of all the judges effort's in this community judging, and I am very much looking forward to their results.
Last edited by Epicfish (Nov 29 2011 2:33:10 pm)
How people will like this or not.
Cod-stormers? Maybe you dont know them, but in fact it its not more than a list of people in ee that became a group together. Well thats fine to know right? But there is more.
In fact if they dont like you they do things like this: massive -rep like you can see I came down with -6 reps in 10 minuts, really weird isnt it?
Or something like this if they dont like you they just go on ee and going call you nazi, hitler or things like that.
Wow never mention there where so nice people. Did you?But there is more...
They are just helping eachother and taking down other people. Is that how people want to get trheaded? Well no!
Or about this: I know nou is a cod-stormer. So probably they will get him over to place cod-stormers at the first place. Cuz like anyone would know it. Well not so long nobody says it. But thats to late. If they will do that they are just as sad as no one on ee.
Why would I be mad?
Very simple I did hard work to make a level. (ofcourse I hoped it would win.)
But never thought I actully would won. And what happened? People got mad and going to flame me for everything they know. For example like I just sad at the beginning. Why would they do? Dunno becouse they wanted to win? Or becouse they thought they wouldnt lose of our noobs? Or just becouse they are noobs? One thing I can say for now is: Cod-stormers are beeing really sad, and only becouse of some stupid reasons. And thats axactly why I wanted to stop this contest.*Now you can call me a nub ban me and -rep me but dont forget you just acting like a nub, you all are*
Or am I just right?
Cod is a type of fish.
Coldstorm, COLDSTORM. With an L!
And no one's going to stop the contest just because you're getting offended over people being sore losers.
Also, your one post, the one you edited.
Ps shut up with calling me that ok go flame your **** he isnt big enoguh ok?
lol ok.
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
already changed it btw you really cool
I dont care about coldstorm or cod-storm. You guys just wont stop being anoying to me so...
How people will like this or not.
Cod-stormers? Maybe you dont know them, but in fact it its not more than a list of people in ee that became a group together. Well thats fine to know right? But there is more.
In fact if they dont like you they do things like this: massive -rep like you can see I came down with -6 reps in 10 minuts, really weird isnt it?
Or something like this if they dont like you they just go on ee and going call you nazi, hitler or things like that.
Wow never mention there where so nice people. Did you?But there is more...
They are just helping eachother and taking down other people. Is that how people want to get trheaded? Well no!
Or about this: I know nou is a cod-stormer. So probably they will get him over to place cod-stormers at the first place. Cuz like anyone would know it. Well not so long nobody says it. But thats to late. If they will do that they are just as sad as no one on ee.
Why would I be mad?
Very simple I did hard work to make a level. (ofcourse I hoped it would win.)
But never thought I actully would won. And what happened? People got mad and going to flame me for everything they know. For example like I just sad at the beginning. Why would they do? Dunno becouse they wanted to win? Or becouse they thought they wouldnt lose of our noobs? Or just becouse they are noobs? One thing I can say for now is: Cod-stormers are beeing really sad, and only becouse of some stupid reasons. And thats axactly why I wanted to stop this contest.*Now you can call me a nub ban me and -rep me but dont forget you just acting like a nub, you all are*
Or am I just right?
from 3 to -6 already thats 9 go ahead
Your knowledge of the "Cod-stormers" (do you by any chance mean Coldstorm?) really shines through your post. I understand your concern about the team named "Cod-stormers" being treated better due to frequenting the same chat, but these judges are going to try to be unbiased by the best of their ability and the results will probably be better than what RPGMaster could manage on his own (MX Crew's map, really?).
That people flame you is sad, but don't take it out on "Cod-stormers". And please for the love of God, don't talk about facts without having facts.
Generally from what I have seen in the chat named Coldstorm, the members of the team "Cod-stormers" are some of the least frequent complainers on the actual results of the competition.
And no, as I'm not a partaker of the contest or really play EE enough anymore to care about the results of the contest I will give you my unbiased view of how "Cod-stormers" are trying to cheat this system by influencing Nou and others to pick their map as #1:
They are not fricken doing it.
Though I do agree that some are being sad for stupid reasons, for example I know one guy who had the opinion of Smilis not being eligible to get a prize for having copied other levels in the past. And that's just plain silly.
Missed the part of "Or something like this if they dont like you they just go on ee and going call you nazi, hitler or things like that." - I would honestly like to see where Musky, Haka, Neph, Lecture or Capasha (those are the ones in the team "Cod-stormers", if I'm correct) calls anyone that. Lecture might do it, but he is only trolling - he is always trolling, but I still doubt he has done that. And Capasha might as well, as he is really honest of what he thinks of people - but once again I doubt it. If you've got proof of this, feel free to link it. I'm honestly curious.
And as it was Johan instead of Capasha - I have even more reason to doubt the accusations of a Cod-stormer having called someone a nazi or hitler, or anything of that sort, other than as a joke.
Last edited by lillsneppe (Nov 29 2011 3:33:14 pm)
Lol zoey you copied that from eeforum chat but yeah its true.
on a second note, sefanja you have to stop talking so much rubbish
on a third note, it would be hilarious if Ex crew trolled the new results
How people will like this or not.
Cod-stormers? Maybe you dont know them, but in fact it its not more than a list of people in ee that became a group together. Well thats fine to know right? But there is more.
In fact if they dont like you they do things like this: massive -rep like you can see I came down with -6 reps in 10 minuts, really weird isnt it?
Or something like this if they dont like you they just go on ee and going call you nazi, hitler or things like that.
Wow never mention there where so nice people. Did you?But there is more...
They are just helping eachother and taking down other people. Is that how people want to get trheaded? Well no!
Or about this: I know nou is a cod-stormer. So probably they will get him over to place cod-stormers at the first place. Cuz like anyone would know it. Well not so long nobody says it. But thats to late. If they will do that they are just as sad as no one on ee.
Why would I be mad?
Very simple I did hard work to make a level. (ofcourse I hoped it would win.)
But never thought I actully would won. And what happened? People got mad and going to flame me for everything they know. For example like I just sad at the beginning. Why would they do? Dunno becouse they wanted to win? Or becouse they thought they wouldnt lose of our noobs? Or just becouse they are noobs? One thing I can say for now is: Cod-stormers are beeing really sad, and only becouse of some stupid reasons. And thats axactly why I wanted to stop this contest.*Now you can call me a nub ban me and -rep me but dont forget you just acting like a nub, you all are*
Or am I just right?
from 3 to -6 already thats 9 go ahead
So wait we're all nubs? Wow. You know I Hang out, I consider myself a cod-stormer. And They aren't like that. Your just blaming someone for your rep because you started flaming and going on how your so pro because you won the contest. I won too and I'm not telling the people who didn't place stupid or calling them a moron.
Learn how to be nice.
Just to clarify, the contest team named 'cod-stormers' is: jaa/johan, haka, lecture, koth/neph, musuki and nobody else.
Last edited by musuki (Nov 29 2011 3:30:24 pm)
Well yea But he is referring to everyone who hangs out on CS
Camden1101 wrote:These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.
Yeah, we all saw that this contest was terribly managed, and you're right, they messed up. But again, "I deserved to win" isn't an argument, since it's completly biased. But I worked with RPG on the last contest and I know he didn't just picked up "a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, without even looking at the rest of them".
Camden1101 wrote:Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.
A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.
(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)
Why so much hate ? Why are you so angry ? Is there something wrong ? Are you just another internet tough guy who just troll as much as he can ?
Why are you hiding ? Are you affraid that people know what you think ? Do you really give a damn about what people think of you on the internet ? We wont kill you if we knew your nickname, you know ? It's the interwebz, people insult each other everyday around here - sadly. Just be a man and stop hiding, sitting on your computer without a life and flamming. Also, nice discrimination against "nerds", you sound like someone full of clichés. I bet you imagine me with a béret and a baguette, am I wrong ?Oh, and just to clarify something : Official community judges :
StarblinkyEX Crew member involved :
StarblinkyIt's almost half, yeah, but everybody else are in different crews and all have nice skills. We never said it was EX Crew judging, it was supposed to be EX&&friends because RPG wanted us to judge, but we turned this into a a community judging.
Anyway, the community should have something to say in a community contest and that's what we tried to do here. Maybe we did it wrong, maybe we didn't. Perhaps we should have asked people to vote for who they want to be judges. There are a lot of things to do. So why don't you just calm down, stop flamming, and start talking about the issues of this contest like a man ? What do you propose ? What do you think we should do ? Say it, I'm curious. Or perhaps you just wanted the first place ? Because, you know, you just come here with you troll-post, hiding behind an alt, and giving no arguments whatsoever.
And please, stop saying stuff like "I'm the only person with common sense". Are you that arrogant ? Why do you feel superior to other ? Inferiority complex ?
OK, not that i disagree with some of your points, but just to clear things up camden1101 is not a alt account. RPGMASTER2000 accidently overlooked something...
Well yea But he is referring to everyone who hangs out on CS
I get the impression he's associating our map with all of CS. If not, nvm.
Last edited by musuki (Nov 29 2011 3:38:56 pm)
massive -rep like you can see I came down with -6 reps in 10 minuts, really weird isnt it?
I complained in "cod storm" that I couldn't give you a - rep for lying because I had just given you a + rep for participating in the contest. People took their own actions for your lies.
Last edited by BEE (Nov 29 2011 3:38:37 pm)
The mods obviously saw that he shared an IP address with another user. Thus saying he was an alt. They can do that
^ that's not really accurate. I have shared IP addresses with Mega Lamb when I would stay at his house and he shared mine.
Well usually they must talk to the mods about that, but it could be a mistake too
It was indeed a mistake and it has all been cleared up.
Camden1101 wrote:These picks were absolutely horrid. RPG master probably just grabbed a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, Without even looking at the rest of them. Him and Benjaminsen Are running a game they seemingly don't even care about. Halloween castle GD deserved SECOND place at the WORST and yet we don't even rank? It's embarrassing when the EE community is actually smarter then the ones running the game. If your a moderator and your reading this, BAN me, give me a warning. I don't care. You guys messed up big time.
Yeah, we all saw that this contest was terribly managed, and you're right, they messed up. But again, "I deserved to win" isn't an argument, since it's completly biased. But I worked with RPG on the last contest and I know he didn't just picked up "a "hand-full" of levels and judged them, without even looking at the rest of them".
Camden1101 wrote:Also EX crew judging, what makes them so special? They are less than or equal to the rest of us. The moderators already messed up once, they don't need to mess up again with a bunch of biased nerds sitting on their computer without a life. I know some of you are with me here, but your too scared to admit it, I don't blame you.
A legitimate contest needs to be judged by the community, not some guy that owns the game, and not a bunch of dweebs in some crew, power to the people.
(Written by the only person with common sense in this whole game.)
Why so much hate ? Why are you so angry ? Is there something wrong ?
The reason is simply that GD is the map of him, me and jaybm and now hes angry because all the work is for nothing.
Technically he is allowed to be disappointed but now he overacts a bit.
I think GD Castle lost because of the mini games. The art was great, but the mini games were terrible. GD Castle was the only level I played all the way through, and it took me a long time because the mini games were so frustratingly difficult. They were either suicide minis, or luck minis. No skill involved.
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