Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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So what happens to teams that won in both series of judging?
First, some of you may wonder why 2ndStory didn't place in the top 12 when they have a very solid map. The problem was they submitted their map late and only to RPGMaster2000, meaning we could not accept their submission since it was past the deadline.
As a matter of fact we submitted in time, Rpgmaster2000 just happened to overlook it. You can see in the submission-topic that we did infact to do it in time.
Scroll down to around the middle of the page and you will see our submission, the exact time it was submitted:
2011-11-07 23:18:23
48 minutes before Rpgmaster closed the topic, we noticed this and took contact with Rpg and after that he put us on the list.
So we weren't late as you say, it was just a misstake by Rpg.
But last post on the forums! So see you people around.
I must apologise for that then as it was technically my error. Nevertheless, RPGMaster2000 didn't edit his post until 10th November whilst I compiled the list of 168 levels on the 9th November.
Still, as Mustang says, you got 1st place anyway and we're sorry again.
Did you check the backup teams?
All backups were considered. 1 backup made it to the Top 25.
So what happens to teams that won in both series of judging?
None of the levels dropped from 2nd to 3rd. If you were 3rd in RPGMaster's judging and 2nd here, you will get 2nd prize. If you were 2nd in RPGMaster's judging and 1st here, you will get 1st prize.
So we weren't late as you say, it was just a misstake by Rpg.
But last post on the forums! So see you people around.
I've edited my posts to reflect this fact, and I apologize for the confusion created by the late addition of your map link to the master list.
You've already won the first place prize in the other contest, so at least you didn't miss out on a better prize by your accidental exclusion. If you would like we could evaluate your map and see where you would have placed.
So if you get first in this judging, but you don't place at all in rpg's. Then what prize do you get?
Congrats to everyone who won, and self promoting, congrats to Allie, Spiderman, Zacoist and Manurthebest for an amazing job.
Could I ask what place Carvers of Victory came in?
So if you get first in this judging, but you don't place at all in rpg's. Then what prize do you get?
You get the first place prize. Basically you will get the prize for the highest place you got in either contest to make sure it's fair for everyone.
As I see it, no complaints so far.. >.>
These results are what I expected, Good job done ex
Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.
WOW, great judging. You guys should judge all the contest.
And i am now in the top 25 YAY!! I still didn't win, but oh well. better luck next time i guess!
congrats to the winners!!
I come with greetings from Ralaina, and he says that he would be happy if you did evaluate our map. He also said this:
"Tell them that I hate the forum and that it sucks. In a sophisticated manner".
I'm sorry to say that I couldn't put it more sophisticated.
I also want to add a few things myself, namely that I think that this community judging thingy is a fantastic initiative, and you got it all very organized. I really hope that Chris lets you take care of the judging next time. It would be an honor if you took your time to evaluate our map, even though I have my doubts that we come as high in this judging as in the other one. I haven't had the time to check out the "concurrence", but I read the criteria and I don't think that we'll make the cut, haha.
And, umm, I wish to all of a you a nice christmas, or something like that.
Im happy that my team is in the top 25. Didn't even expected that that would happen. Hopefully the feedback will help us to make it better next time.
Will the top 26 be ranked? or just given feedback?
-waits for feedback-
MRBOOGAWESOME wrote:So if you get first in this judging, but you don't place at all in rpg's. Then what prize do you get?
You get the first place prize. Basically you will get the prize for the highest place you got in either contest to make sure it's fair for everyone.
Not to sound ungrateful, nor to cause a problem, but that's not exactly fair. Self promoting, I know, but placing in both systems of judging should actually mean something. Hint hint.
On a side note, thank you for doing a much better job than the admins could do. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO US, CHRIS!
2nd place o_o
-inserts 0176 imitation-
Self promoting, I know, but placing in both systems of judging should actually mean something. Hint hint.
Yeah, it means RPGMaster2000 got your level right in the first place.
Shift wrote:Self promoting, I know, but placing in both systems of judging should actually mean something. Hint hint.
Yeah, it means RPGMaster2000 got your level right in the first place.
Are you trying to say you want us to go to first :/
It's only a trophy, and it's tiny in-game, completely pointless.
3rd Place: Unlit pumpkin smiley
2nd Place: Unlit and lit pumpkin smiley
1st place: above^ and a trophy block
It's only a trophy, and it's tiny in-game, completely pointless.
Yeah, I know, but that's not what I meant. I just meant a little added bonus on the side, like any old magic coin. I'm greedy?
Great Results
Even not a third place :O
Now i understand how sucky my world is : (
Hmmm...I hope the feedback is posted soon.
There were problems with the... readability of the feedback so Mega Lamb is trying to go through it all and make sure it makes sense, sorry
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