Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


Music Pack - look at minimap

1st - stave (door)
2sc - stave (gate)
3rd - half-note (key)
4th - gold treble clef (decoration or a note)
5th - two from five lines from stave (one way door)

Sorry, it's not in scale.

Last edited by ktostam450 (Dec 16 2011 12:28:45 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Music Pack

Look at the minimap? Seriously? We can't even go to the objects to see them. For god's sake just go to that level, take a screenshot and post pictures of each object.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Music Pack

well, the sounds were added, so thats a start, nice ideas though.


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