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#1 Before February 2015


Playing Everybody Edits Guide

Part one: buttons.

There are so very many buttons on the average keyboard. The most important part of knowing how to play Everybody Edits is to know what all of the buttons do.

Arrow Keys:
These are the traditional movement method keys. Pressing left in game will allow movement left. The other arrows do the same but with their respective directions.

The spacebar is a special button, as it does not usually have any kind of picture on it. I identified it in the above image with the word spacebar, but stressed its unmarked character by making it hard to see the word. Pressing the spacebar moves the smiley upwards approximately 0 blocks. Some may wish to round it off to 5 blocks. This would mean that the smiley can jump and land on four block tall block towers. Block towers will be covered later in the guide.

The W, A, S, and D keys are special effect keys that do the same thing as the arrows but you can press more than two at once and still have all the inputs inputted. they correspond to their respective directions, like the arrows. I find it important to point out here that WASD is not arrows its WASD. These keys are often used in everyday speech in the form of letters.

Special Keys:
The special keys are often unnecessary for traditional necessary gameplay. However, it is often found that they are needed.

Tab, aka the arrows button:
The tab button will act as a kind of shift for the block menu.

Caps Lock:
The caps lock is often looked down upon as it is usually placed on the keyboard which is often beneath the line of vision of most people who are playing games on the desktop and or tabletop. The caps lock allows for mega spam in the chat, and increases the ability to complete empty space walls. The empty space walls are well known as other named minis and will be covered later in the guide.

The T key opens the talking box. It is also often used as a letter in everyday talking, like WASD is.

The M key opens the minimap. It is also often used as a letter in everyday talking, like WASD is. The minimap will be covered later.

The shift key, when pressed, moves the block selection to empty for as long as it is held. This is helpful for erasing without using the mouse attachment to the computer. Shift can initiate a special mode when it is held for 10 seconds, and you select "yes." Shift is also good for reading minds of people. Normally mind reading only works when you are moving super slow or standing still. This is because your brain is moving and it cant intake other brain waves while its moving, they become distorted. To solve this you can hold the shift key to prevent this problem. I do not know if it has any adverse effects on the brain. The reason for the mind reading is so that you can know their name and their thoughts that they think of. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to know whatever their thinking, apart from the Chat.

The holdspace button is similar to the spacebar. It is not actually a bar, but can perform the same functions as the spacebar. It is like pressing spacebars over and over again without actually constantly pressing the spacebar over and over again. It is shaped like the spacebar.

Stay tuned for Part Two, coming soon.

Last edited by GKAbyss (Aug 17 2014 2:31:26 am)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

wow i look forward to this

#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 1,162

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

11/10 pictures, made the entire thread


#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 5,447

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

This guide is helpful.


#5 Before February 2015

From: nyc
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 366

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

this hasn't been updated in over a week
where are my block towers

don't forget shift lets you see who is who



#6 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

The Guide is incorrect !!! A smiley doesn't hop 5 blocks, it hops about 4.8 blocks. This means 2-4 pixels of the smiley are equal level to the 4th block, making it impossible to jump up a 4 block tower. You can only jump up 3 block towers, unless you use dots or up arrows, or left arrows, or right arrows, or up boosts, or left boosts, or right boosts, or vines, or sideways vines, or ladders, or chains, or portals, or extra blocks off to the side, or candy one ways, or scifi one ways, or other one ways, or god mode, or mod mode.



#7 Before February 2015


Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

I told u it was an approximation

smiley jump is over 4 block tower tall. No arguments No disamiguations
it is set in diamond and is 100 fact

Last edited by GKAbyss (Aug 17 2014 12:20:03 am)

#8 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

you need jump potion to jump over 4 block tower though



#9 Before February 2015

From: nyc
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 366

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

i still don't know what a block tower is



#10 Before February 2015


Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

I'm planning on adding a block tower guide soon it goes with the simple minigames guide, the secondary next guide is advanced minigames guide like the block jumps and the super space jumps.
Complexicated minigames include everything else they are so complicated they cannot really be explained in normal ways so they need their own definitions and guide. It will be included in this guide though so do not worry about missing out on any information.

thanks for the info about the shift name thing i completely forgot that adding it now
Here is a simple minigames sneak peak guide thing:
Block Towers
Block towers are a vertically oriented arrangement of blocks. They can range from the most simple to the most complicated minigames in the game. Among them is the one block tall block tower.

The one block tall block tower is characterized by its one block character. While it is not normally known, blocks are actually taller than smilies. This is why they have to jump to get past a block. A well known example demonstrating this is the decorations. The decorations are shorter than blocks, which enables smilies to walk over them.


To complete this minigame, there can be several steps taken in several directions. Depending on the starting point, you will need to take a different running time and speed. The farther you are the faster you will go when you jump over the block. The closer you are the slower you will go when you jump over the block.

Now to properly explain the next part we will go over an importance regarding the physics of Everybody Edits. Let us look at other games. In the Legend of Zelda A Wind Waker, Link can run but he cannot jump. However, he can in fact jump when jumping off a cliff. When he does this, he cannot change trajectories while falling. Another important example is when you are using the targeted jump attack. This jump attack acts similar to his normal jump, but instead, it can be done anywhere. However, it again cannot change trajectories. Ganondorf may have been able to jump; I do not recall.

This brings us to the most important part which is the anatomy of a smiley. It is my scientific theory that smilies are the in fact the reason for the weird physics, not there being weird physics. A smiley that jumps can suddenly go from not moving to moving to moving very fast, all while still in midair. This does seem to defy the laws of the game's physics. If you look at Anything else in the game, they behave according to the game's physics. This is of course ignoring coins. Anyway, the anatomy of the smiley is the greatest importance to this. I have discovered that all of the smilies have microscopic, yet powerful, cilia coating their outsides. These cilia allow smilies to change directions in midair. They also account for the swift movement of smilies that do not have feet.

Stay tuned.

Last edited by GKAbyss (Aug 17 2014 2:43:34 am)

#11 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

GKAbyss I really really appreciate your effort and your time for doing this and its exactly why Im posting.

For new users this game is already confusing and quite complicated, overwhelming, try to imagine yourself as a new user on EE as it is now and remember how simple it was in 2010-2011 you just had to move around and press space to learned that in less than 2 minutes. The best way for them would be to learn and ''feel'' this game step by step, they even have now the ''help'' section on EE, quite overwhelming too   even though it a basic one but... This thread is only complicating the complication and will be understood only by those   who already know something or a lot about EE already. I think there are too many details for a plethora of situations on EE for you to waste time and for new users not to understand   or have patience to read each super detailed example. You can continue with this if you want ofc. or you could try with short, concret examples. Again please don't get me wrong I appreciate your idea and your effort but these examples are exagerated with unnecessary details, jumping over a tower it takes 2 seconds, you describing the situation   it took you probably 5 - 10 minutes. Think about it. //


#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

no your wrong it good tutorial // // // // //


thx for sig bobithan


#13 Before February 2015

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

What do I press these keys with? I'm confused :/



#14 Before February 2015

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

Anyone got a guide for playing it with brain waves?


#15 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

dazz wrote:

GKAbyss I really really appreciate your effort and your time for doing this and its exactly why Im posting.


  This guide is supposed to simplify this for those who have not been able to master the basics of Everybody Edits. For example, the block tower is a necessary part of the guide, as there are many who are unable to figure out how to pass such as obstacle. For more experienced players like you, you may not notice them, as you have experienced so many that you go right pass them without noticing it. There are new players who are not used to this atmosphere of Everybody Edits, and may be curious of how to do such things.

  A naive player in Everybody Edits may assume that the smiley has realistic physics. As explained by GKAbyssflorida, this is false. It can trick new players into thinking smileys may have human-like physics, and think they are unable to jump so high. Knowledge of such things can help a new player jump pass the one-block tower, a very tricky obstacle that would be possible to jump through otherwise. If a human tried to jump over an obstacle taller than them, it would typically not work. This is not the case for a smiley, as they can jump much further.

  A new player needs much and much experience and knowledge before adventuring into their first world. This guide is useful, as it teaches new players what they need to know, and how to do it. They may be surprised that they can jump very high and far, along with the other strange physics in-game. A new player may be surprised that water can float in mid-air, as most other games they play will typically have water in the ground. A player may be confused as to how such things work, and this guide teaches them just right.


#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

N1KF wrote:
dazz wrote:

GKAbyss I really really appreciate your effort and your time for doing this and its exactly why Im posting.


  This guide is supposed to simplify this for those who have not been able to master the basics of Everybody Edits. For example, the block tower is a necessary part of the guide, as there are many who are unable to figure out how to pass such as obstacle. For more experienced players like you, you may not notice them, as you have experienced so many that you go right pass them without noticing it. There are new players who are not used to this atmosphere of Everybody Edits, and may be curious of how to do such things.

  A naive player in Everybody Edits may assume that the smiley has realistic physics. As explained by GKAbyssflorida, this is false. It can trick new players into thinking smileys may have human-like physics, and think they are unable to jump so high. Knowledge of such things can help a new player jump pass the one-block tower, a very tricky obstacle that would be possible to jump through otherwise. If a human tried to jump over an obstacle taller than them, it would typically not work. This is not the case for a smiley, as they can jump much further.

  A new player needs much and much experience and knowledge before adventuring into their first world. This guide is useful, as it teaches new players what they need to know, and how to do it. They may be surprised that they can jump very high and far, along with the other strange physics in-game. A new player may be surprised that water can float in mid-air, as most other games they play will typically have water in the ground. A player may be confused as to how such things work, and this guide teaches them just right.

N1KF thank you for your time and your point of view, therefore I'm going to answer. I agree with you till a certain level //   (but that's just my opinion, of course GKAbyssflorida may continue with this and no one has to listen or agree with my point of view, just saying // )

  As I said GKAbyssflorida really did a great job and I appreciate his efforts and both of you are right if this actually helps anyone.   To explain why I said ''till a certain level'' -   GKAbyssflorida tutorial is just the beginning of one simple example (something advanced with this amount of details may harm his brain // jk, EE   is really hard to understand with ''theory'' you need practice to learn on your own.   The way GKAbyssflorida explained each detail in my personal opinion is overwhelming (no offence   GKAbyssflorida) besides its just a tower jump, its enough to jump few times to know this game has nothing to do with real life // actually what game does? probably advanced simulators. Anyway, I don't want to derail   GKAbyssflorida more than I did it already and transform it into a long (probably) usless debating thread. You're more than welcome to pm me if you want to continue with this but as I said you're right and I agree with you to a certain degree but in the end everyone gets to keep his opinions. // GKAbyssflorida I apologise if my opinion bothered you in any way.

    I am a radical person sometimes and when I look back at others that take no risks in life or games in this case and always waits for tutorials even for the most simple actions/choices   or need to be pushed from behind I find it kinda...meh. But that's me.
The end.


#17 Before February 2015

From: nyc
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 366

Re: Playing Everybody Edits Guide

ok thanks for the second tutorial
i thought jumping required flipping gravity temporarily but now it makes sense because only i moved up

now i know what a block tower is too



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