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#1 Re: Compost Bin » Spambots » 2023-02-02 02:59:31

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#2 Questions and Answers » Ancient Lost Account » 2017-03-13 03:04:37

Replies: 1

There doesn't seem to be any kind of account recovery I can find (at least not for accounts whose email is invalid/nonexistent). Here's the details:

Back in what I think was EE's heyday (late 2011/early 2012) i made an account called deathwarmdoveraderss (great name i know). It's been a long time since I last used it (i think 2012) and i have since made a new account (also fairly old by this point). This old account had a number of worlds I'd like to see again, and perhaps more importantly I had beta on it (as well as many other purchases). Is there any way to regain access to this account? I still remember the password and username, just not the email. It would actually be even better if there was some way to transfer everything I had on that account over to a new one (though that's a lot to ask).

Is there anything that can be done? Even if transferring/gaining access to the old account is impossible, I'd appreciate something as simple as making that profile no longer private so I can at least check out my old worlds.

If it does help, I can provide the password as well as several items I definitely had to prove ownership.

#3 Re: Debates » Does religion still serve a purpose in our modern world? » 2017-02-26 23:01:36

shadowda wrote:
Yandax wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

Weak people needs something to tell them what to do.

Seriously? Weren't you ever taught to respect the regions of others? I have a couple things to say about this statement.
First, good job insulting yourself. A blanket statement like that means that anyone who listens to people telling what to do is weak. For the rest of your life you will listen and hopefully obey someone. Weather it's your parents, boss, spouse, or physician, it'll happen.
Second, you just insulted about 80% if the world. I did a quick google search on that so that should be reasonably correct.
Third, many of the world's greatest mind have a religion.
Fourth, religion helps people. I've never seen atheism or evolutionists turn druggies and alcoholics turn into normal, nice, sober people.

I kinda added that last point to make a point for this entire topic.

its been shown atheists are actually nicer people on average then religions people. becasue we dont need a god to tell us to be good people. and we don't expect everlasting happiness is we are nice.

When religious people do "good things" they are often doing so in conditioned response to an ethereal reward/punishment set of beliefs. When non-believers do "good things" its because they want to do them.

[First post, cant do links]

ik this is outdated but I feel obligated to point out that this article doesn't say non-religious people "are nicer on average" but instead it only says that the motivation for charity between the two tends to differ.


XxAtillaxX wrote:
Tomahawk wrote:

A common characteristic of most atheists is a rock solid conviction that their outlook is correct, which transitions easily into shouty anti-theism. My point was simply that you're not promoting a respectful and non-subjective debate, especially by calling religious people mentally unstable.

I calls it like I sees it. A person saying, "I hear voices in my head
telling me to do things!" is typically deemed mentally unstable, although when that voice is their God, suddenly they're completely normal.

It's not really a matter of people hearing voices mostly.
In fact, I know few if any religious people who have 'heard voices telling them what to do'.

Instead, they feel a connection to a higher power that guides them. Non-religious people can think of it as intuition.

modedit: don't double post

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