Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: Game Discussion » Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases » 2025-01-30 16:52:08

N1KF wrote:

That's where I got an idea. I'm making a bot in Python. What if needs to do is connect to Legacy worlds, and make a leaderboard on a website. Days ago I figured out how to make it view the lobby and connect. I still need to decipher client messages and do things like timers for each player, but I have a bit of experience with working out data structures, and timers shouldn't be too complex. Hopefully something functional will be done by the end of February. If not then that will be very embarrassing.

I dabbled with the idea of rating legacy worlds too. However, the reason that I didn't is because I got quite some pushback when I launched realms initially. Now imagine if I started 'claiming' legacy worlds...
Be curious to see what you create!

Not sure if you are in the PW discord but I'm available for questions about my API there.

#2 Re: Game Discussion » Turewjyg's Progress Post » 2024-10-09 18:21:44

wjyg wrote:

fk u pixelwalker, always auto disconnect me when i try to join large world
game-CsDDLPab.js:147 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Pong received after close

You know, you could use the PW topic to show them this.

#3 Re: Game Discussion » [PixelWalker] Realms » 2024-06-25 09:42:13

wjyg wrote:

Failed to join world! Reason: undefined
F12 say Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT api.js:1
how to fix
if its fixed for me, i will upload my spike map and give the difficulty very easy

What is the world ID?

#4 Re: Game Discussion » [PixelWalker] Realms » 2024-06-23 14:26:45

Realms has undergone quite some changes in the meantime.
I will post updates here periodically.

Changes since last update:

  • High scores for builders

  • Better icons for difficulty

  • More robust layout

  • Checkmarks on world completions

  • Improved world preview

  • Player profiles

Realms bot:

  • World portals are now spawned in the lobby world

  • Replays are now being saved.

  • Builders are credited on joining the world.

And probably some more changes I forgot to list.
Image on the forum post has also been updated.

#5 Game Discussion » [PixelWalker] Realms » 2024-06-10 22:57:22

Replies: 10

It has been no secret that I think world discovery in EE should be done differently. Example 1 Example 2
So instead of just making another suggestion, I decided to make one bot to rule them all.


Start discovering a list of curated, and rated levels by difficulty. Or browse (completable) community entries that have been submitted!
Upload your own and compete for the top 1 rank in trophies!

Pick a world, start playing and compete for that number 1 spot!
Or for the builders: Start building, publish your world and get builder points!


Publishing a world
Use the command following command in the lobby:

.publish <world_id> <difficulty>

Follow the instructions to finish the publishing process.

Planned features:

  • Better Web UI

  • Player Profiles

  • Builder highscores

  • Different levels of features

  • Duration of a world in UI (Based on previous completions)

  • Ability to update a level

All PixelWalker rules apply by default.
Cheating is not allowed and will result in a ban in Realms. It's that easy!

World copyrights
Want you world removed? Contact me, I used some initial worlds to test the system with.
Other members cannot upload your worlds!

#6 Re: Game Discussion » - Next-Gen Multiplayer EE with a growing community » 2024-05-31 11:06:04

Is this a multiplayer client or single player?
Looks impressive anyway.

#7 Re: Game Discussion » An active Everybody Edits Multiplayer experience! » 2024-05-06 11:41:44

BuzzerBee wrote:
Kirby wrote:

plz make a setting where if you go fullscreen it doesn't change the amount of blocks you can see/makes it 200% zoom or something because the game is way too zoomed out and fullscreen used to be a good way to fix that

This / an option for world owners to disable zooming out entirely in case they want to limit the players field of view

I think implementing vision blocks might be a better way to go.
Seems more future proof.

#8 Re: Game Discussion » An active Everybody Edits Multiplayer experience! » 2024-05-02 10:46:33

N1KF wrote:

EE's limited selection makes minimap art more unique to EE. Generic RGB values can be used in any image.

Minimap art is all nice and all, but I doubt it's the core mechanic that the game should evolve around.

N1KF wrote:

It would likely be heavier on the game on performance, bandwidth, and world download size. If there are hundreds or thousands of unique colored blocks on-screen, that could easily multiply the amount of work to draw the screen after joining a world or entering a portal. Not sure about EE since I can't check it easily, but in EBE open worlds do not have blocks with customizable text or numbers, I suspect to reduce load time and resources.

We have full open world 3D games with a bazillion objects. Heck even Geometry dash has objects that can be different colours and I would consider it a pretty lightweight game. I don't think resources should be an issue here.

N1KF wrote:

Some world owners prefer to work with more limited tools. I make simple levels, and I find it easier to work with a more limited block selection. At a glance, nearly every block in EE can be told apart by an experienced player, and this would be ruined with hex blocks. It's much harder to faithfully recreate a colouring technique by memory, a throwback to old EE, a screenshot or a video, and it's harder to communicate with other players what colours they like in a world.

Nobody is forcing the use of new things. One can just simply use the default blocks that were always available. I don't think every block will or should be become a hex block (or be forced to). But I do think most of the blocks it could be neat for.The comment about bg/fg blocks is valid. However, world builders are aware of this as well. I am pretty sure, that given the right tools, they should be able to make a good distinction between the two in their levels.

Personally, I rather see this game evolve past the nostalgia of EE. Give us something new and exciting instead of the same old formula 15+ years long. As an example, geometry dash could have stayed the same since it's release, but it evolved past its limitations due to new blocks, colours, etc. It's now a much better and unique game due to it.

#9 Re: Game Discussion » An active Everybody Edits Multiplayer experience! » 2024-04-30 21:07:37

In order to get maximum creativity all worlds be limited to 25x25!

#10 Re: Game Discussion » An active Everybody Edits Multiplayer experience! » 2024-04-23 08:19:57

Any plans to publish the protocols used to make it easy to develop bots?
I understand that it's probably very subject to change, but that's to be expected.

#11 Re: Game Discussion » EE C++ Remake » 2024-04-14 21:07:53

Dadyum that looks quite amazing.

Any plans to make the open source it? I'm very curious to how everything works.

#13 Re: Forum Business » New and Improved Forums! » 2024-04-01 19:38:43

It took me a good minute to find the woot button.
I love this improvement.

Edit I pressed the preview button instead of submit. Darn it.

Edit 2
: I clicked the logout button

#15 Re: Game Discussion » so... what's up? » 2024-03-18 22:13:35

Edilights wrote:
MartenM wrote:


You don't know that for whole 5 years the third party server of EE is literally locked . Could somebody unlock the server ? I doubt about it for ages.

I mean, I know the official one is locked. But I don't know about any other servers that are locked.

#16 Re: Game Discussion » so... what's up? » 2024-03-17 14:52:20

Edilights wrote:

If a server is locked why is there such a necessity to put a bot to lock up the EE 3rd Party server ?


#17 Re: Forum Games » c○unt to 55 if diff posts the game is over round 7 » 2024-03-05 12:11:34

Different55 wrote:

Lol I haven't been gone that long. But last I checked in the dev team was going dark for a while when it comes to community interaction. I imagine it's still moving along behind the scenes unless there's been any big developments I've missed.

You missed 6 games of epic counting. Truly the best stuff I have ever seen on these forums!

#20 Re: Forum Discussion » L Buzzerbee » 2024-02-28 22:36:17

Schlog wrote:

hopefully thats good enough

Come on man. You need to seem least like you are really trying.

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