Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#51 2016-08-19 02:22:47

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Zoəy not demodded also 2 new mods and policy changes and stuff

Koya wrote:
Michele wrote:

"Congratulations, BuzzerBee! You're now an LV. forum moderator!"

That should be how the players should say in the future

Levels are meant to be able to be achieved by all, but staff ranks are not expected - there may be no more forum mods so it isn't a level.

Are you telling me that expecting myself becoming a moderator is unrealistic? Come on, you know better than that.



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