Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 376

Re: Alright, Imma going to call it.

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oops i pressed right click and copyed the source... //

Last edited by UgotPwned (Jun 9 2011 11:15:29 pm)


#27 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Alright, Imma going to call it.

Zalgryth wrote:

Also, it doesn't seem to me like Chris cares a whole lot for this game, even though he's getting a lot of players and it's a fairly successful game.

I also get that impression. I think he barely works on the game anymore. When he thinks he really can't wait any longer, he adds something, posts about it on the blog, and then disappears again. Barely any interaction with the players, not on the forum and not even with the few folks that sometimes see him on Skype. He used to care. Maybe he expected to make a bigger profit from it? Or maybe his company is doing very good (or very bad) business and it's all he cares about right now? I have a computer science degree and I'm a programmer (it's both my job and my hobby) and I can assure you that some small changes that would make a big difference for the players could be easily implemented. Even if he would spend only 1 hour a day on this game, we would've seen more updates than we have. His last post on the blog is from May 13th, which is almost a month ago. If he cared, he would've at least written a line or two about what he's working on or that he's still alive. Either that or he has Asperger syndrome or something. I'm seriously thinking about creating an EE-like game myself (in HTML5). It would take a lot of time (and effort) to create something as good as EE is, but after the foundation is ready it could easily surpass EE feature-wise, if Chris keeps adding stuff at the current rate.

Last edited by nlmdejonge (Jun 10 2011 5:18:07 pm)

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#28 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: Alright, Imma going to call it.

This was posted April 10th, exactly two months ago.

Chris wrote:

Yep it does say Everybody Edits 1.0? did I get your attention?
Today I am happy to announce that the development run to get Everybody Edits ready for the first official release has just started. Over the next few months our beta members can look forward to a lot of new features, updates and changes.
Sadly this also means that we will have to split the free and beta games into two separate games during this process.
Q: So what will be in Everybody Edits 1.0?
A: That?s still a secret, but we will soon create an Everybody Edits 1.0 feature site

Well, it's been two months, two thirds of three months. In this period of time, we've had a total of two updates (if this incorrect, notify me, and I will edit it). 2 updates?a lot of updates.

Last edited by Supadorf24 (Jun 10 2011 7:19:19 pm)


#29 Before February 2015


Re: Alright, Imma going to call it.

Wasn't there two updates? Portals and diamonds, and then the profiles. ...wait, where di the postman come in? were there 3?

#30 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: Alright, Imma going to call it.

Diamonds don't count. // I'll change it to two.


ThuggishPrune 142386994191491

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