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#26 2020-07-05 10:03:49, last edited by Corny_communist (2020-07-05 10:09:02)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

jumpy jumper wrote:

Hey since our community also has a presence on Discord... do you think leaving a Discord server because of not receiving a higher position of power can correlate with a mental illness?

Whilst I don't know who you're referring to, I'd say that distancing yourself from this community is more of a sign of normality.

Ironically your post highlights very well how the community likes dwelling about the past.

It also highlights how the community likes to jump on being judgemental with no purpose but fluster.

weak Worker wrote:
Corny_communist wrote:

I would even argue that circling around this light with the others, turns other kind of bugs into moths as well.

Are you going so far as to suggest that people who come here develop mental illness?

They might. Other people confessed that their mental condition got worse whilst staying here, in public topics, before.

#27 2020-07-05 18:17:21

weak Worker
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Corny_communist wrote:
weak Worker wrote:
Corny_communist wrote:

I would even argue that circling around this light with the others, turns other kind of bugs into moths as well.

Are you going so far as to suggest that people who come here develop mental illness?

They might. Other people confessed that their mental condition got worse whilst staying here, in public topics, before.

Is that the entirety of your argument? I recognize that there isn't much data to pull from, but there still remains the idea of making distinct the concepts of occupying one's time with the EE community as opposed to simply occupying one's time on the internet in general.

Just because we aren't good for our members doesn't mean we actively harm them. Again, this would be such an interesting poll / survey to study. In addition, we might have some survivorship bias. For the people who remain, maybe their reason is tied up in some form of mental illness. (Certainly I don't intend to claim this is the rule for the "veterans". Only a unique occurrence.)

#28 2020-07-05 19:24:22

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

I agree with what you're saying.

In the bugs into moths analogy, the bugs were referring to people that are attracted to this kind of poisonous light / environment. The bugs are not necessarily healthy people.
Moths are stuck here, and harder to get rid off, whereas bugs have higher chances to free themselves or resent the moth-behaviour.
Moths turn bugs into moths, that's one of the ways moths hurt bugs.

Indeed, obsession, and attention seeking are not EE-community particular problems, as they are found in many other online communities.

Something more particular about this community is that comments that fuel drama are acclaimed.
Drama, in general, is acclaimed and praised in this community.

The community most of the time thrives during drama.
Moths's hearts pounder in this sort of situation as they feel a way to easily find approval from others.

I think EE failed as a community to be welcoming, friendly and healthy.
It's pretty hard for a newcomer to feel well received here.

Other communities managed to develop a culture of approving divergent opinions whilst disagreeing on them in a constructive manner, other communities managed to create antibodies for drama-makers, other communities praise comments that defuse drama and tension.

For our community, "approving divergent opinions whilst disagreeing on them" is probably an abomination of thought, and anyone who tries to defuse a conversation is automatically tagged as supporting the other clan.

This community is as witty as it is ignorant, unfortunately. Which, can come again as a contradiction to most.

I'd say that this community is having a fond in some kind of an anti-social behaviour.

Wooted by:

#29 2020-07-05 21:41:53, last edited by smelly-Sheep (2020-07-05 21:42:04)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

i most definitely have ADHD even though my mum wont let me get diagnosed
im pretty sure I have some form of depression as I often go into bouts of tired sadness and go on rants about how lonely I am, and I often get panic attacks over the looming threat of death

all great //

#30 2020-07-06 19:17:24

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Yes I have two disabilities, although that does not define me as a person nor is a handicap to me in any way shape or form, to me they work as a superpower as I learn more of myself and conscious connectivity.

#31 2020-07-06 19:54:32

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Yeah I’m **** lol I was hospitalized last year

#32 2020-07-06 20:18:50

weak Worker
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Corny_communist wrote:

I think EE failed as a community to be welcoming, friendly and healthy.
It's pretty hard for a newcomer to feel well received here.

"Failed" implies some form of deadline, to me. While this is largely irrelevant, when do you think this failure occurred?

Your points seem to paint a picture of rudeness and a lack of empathy for users in the community. Do these features (not to mention the polarizing in-group (in-clan) effects) detract from users' mental health?

Ultimately, if your argument is that the community aligns everyone who joins toward anti-social behaviors, I see your point and follow your argument. But I'm not sure that
A) these activities are co-morbid with serious mental issues in real life or online -- do they cause depression or simply being rude to other people off the internet?
B) these anti-social behaviors are even so serious to be described that way -- as we define anti-social behavior in psychology, we look to rather serious immoral acts that require considerable consequences. Being an **** on the internet isn't so extreme.

Perhaps you're not making the argument so much as using it as an example of the greater pattern? That's fair. And it seems to be a salient question in labeling: when people learn to associate with a certain brand like "depression," they feel some comfort in knowing they aren't alone (support groups, therapy, etc.). But, what happens if they see their actions as justifiable because of their label? I haven't done much reading on that, but if it is a significant factor, then I would argue that this community definitely has the ability to engender increased mental complications if it routinizes behaviors related to certain disorders.

So all that said, maybe there is an argument even for the extreme take that this community harms others passively. If I misinterpreted your take, please run it by me again; yours is an interesting theory.

But tl;dr: I'm not entirely convinced that the community harms people. If it's an actual concern, we could always go back in time and look into community guidelines that support positive thinking. But at the same time, outright banning of negativity seems draconian and ineffective.

#33 2020-07-06 22:06:06

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Axe71 wrote:

Yes I have two disabilities, although that does not define me as a person nor is a handicap to me in any way shape or form, to me they work as a superpower as I learn more of myself and conscious connectivity.

misread your message and thought you said you're not a real person

#34 2020-07-06 23:14:45, last edited by sad_Salesgirl (2020-07-07 00:13:51)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

EE seems to naturally attract people with mental condition/illness because of what it can offer to them
I don´t think that it is the community what attract (or causes) the mental condition/illness in any case, I think that it is correlated to the Mechanics & Concept & Thematic of the game core
It is a structured playground that helps the players to unleash their imagination
I don´t see the game itself as a source of any harm in any way for the player, I see it as a positive thing that can inclusively be beneficial (Some members might cause harm, but only the members that causes troubles or intentionally try to harm other´s feelings, for example calling someone a *****, that is not good at all. But there are good relationships around EE so it is not all dark for the community as some people suggest in this topic)

There are studies that support that certain videogames can help people with mental condition/illness, including in those studies games such as minecraft, and EE belong to the same genre of minecraft at some extend, for example:
"It has been discovered that video games can help those who suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, antisocial personality disorder (APD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Alzheimer’s disease.
It was found that video games can be very therapeutically useful in such instances due to the fact that playing video games can develop positive structural brain changes. This is due to the fact that mental disorders arise when brain regions experience a decrease in size. When someone suffering from such a deficit immerses themselves in a video game, they experience a volumetric brain increase thus suppressing the patient’s disorder.

(Scientist Megan Brooks, November 08, 2013 | Video Games a Viable Treatment for Mental Illness?)."

EE has some features that might be very attractive for those people for a reason that might be very similar of why minecraft is being used to help people with autism and other kind of conditions or/and disabilities

#35 2020-07-07 00:40:59

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

yes EE attracts a huge amount of autism

#36 2020-07-07 03:58:22

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

my mental condition./illness is called being too school for cool //

haha owned ex D :DDDDDDD

#37 2020-07-07 13:10:25

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Y'know, I'm starting to believe that EE community or maybe this forum does somewhat have these types of people, as a given example is the post above.

#38 2020-07-07 14:59:21

uncaring UFO
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Through vigorous testing, I've concluded 87% of the community suffers from smoothbrainitis.

#39 2020-07-07 16:04:41, last edited by Loser7 (2020-07-07 16:04:59)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

uh yes i have autism never really brothered to look in this vs EE (community)

E: diff i blame u for this name

Wooted by:

#40 2020-07-07 16:49:42, last edited by weak Worker (2020-07-07 18:12:00)

weak Worker
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

sad_Salesgirl wrote:

EE seems to naturally attract people with mental condition/illness because of what it can offer to them
I don´t think that it is the community what attract (or causes) the mental condition/illness in any case, I think that it is correlated to the Mechanics & Concept & Thematic of the game core
It is a structured playground that helps the players to unleash their imagination
I don´t see the game itself as a source of any harm in any way for the player, I see it as a positive thing that can inclusively be beneficial (Some members might cause harm, but only the members that causes troubles or intentionally try to harm other´s feelings, for example calling someone a *****, that is not good at all. But there are good relationships around EE so it is not all dark for the community as some people suggest in this topic)

There are studies that support that certain videogames can help people with mental condition/illness, including in those studies games such as minecraft, and EE belong to the same genre of minecraft at some extend, for example:
"It has been discovered that video games can help those who suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, antisocial personality disorder (APD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Alzheimer’s disease.
It was found that video games can be very therapeutically useful in such instances due to the fact that playing video games can develop positive structural brain changes. This is due to the fact that mental disorders arise when brain regions experience a decrease in size. When someone suffering from such a deficit immerses themselves in a video game, they experience a volumetric brain increase thus suppressing the patient’s disorder.

(Scientist Megan Brooks, November 08, 2013 | Video Games a Viable Treatment for Mental Illness?)."

EE has some features that might be very attractive for those people for a reason that might be very similar of why minecraft is being used to help people with autism and other kind of conditions or/and disabilities

Someone can correct me, but it appears that the article you took that quote from had only this for a credible source: -- This is another article written about a study where they had people play Super Mario Bros. They observed that the players' brains "showed significant gray matter increases in right hippocampal formation (HC), right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and bilateral cerebellum." Any claims beyond this are conjecture. If PTSD or whatever involves volumetric decreases in certain areas of the brain, and video games causes the opposite, that doesn't necessarily mean those are the same areas. Further, even if they are, the state of neuroscience (to my understanding) only affords correlations between brain structure and disorders (or video game playing.) We might set these correlations against each other, but that doesn't mean the causal factors will balance nicely. Hence the need for more research.

Speaking of more research, this document nicely reminds us that indeed, poor mental health and excessive gaming go together, but we only see the correlation, not causation. But they do find limited support in your theory that different games support different deficiencies.

edit: Let's also keep in mind this distinction. Just because people with autism may enjoy minecraft (and probably EE to some extent given their similarities), we can't make any conclusion that it is better or worse for them. I might like being an alcoholic but

#41 2020-07-07 17:37:07

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

anyone that ever played this game is retarded, so yes i am


#42 2021-09-07 03:48:03

parasitic Pooinloo
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Well, I've got a severe anxiety disorder and ADHD/ADD, so maybe

#43 2021-09-07 22:02:49

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?


#44 2021-09-08 09:14:38, last edited by SpaceSkeleton (2021-09-08 09:16:24)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Corny_communist wrote:

Drama, in general, is acclaimed and praised in this community.

Listen ...
Everyone on here have absorbed the absurdity of drama . This is quite different . If the forum devs or mods will allow me to explain the whole truth , I would discuss them with pleasure . (If they refuse , I won't be disappointed .)
I don't agree with you on that argument . Because the true innocents are those that aren't harmful or provocative to anyone else and with those who don't want to be minded or disturbed with any subject. Unless you accept them , then ignore them before the denial ...
Seriously . If you see the balance of aggresive and victim players , you will notice that there's no difference between them at all. We are all same , but we need to understand traditions , morals and feelings of each players . No matter how obscure or controversial they may be . Stop with the manipulation right now until it's too late . We are all tired to discuss about this thing.

We need to accept each other . (With people's conditions and wills)

Otherwise , majority of EE could not have any kind of mental illness or condition because they are acting like normal people . There are some players that should need any hand of help to defeat their obstacles . It doesn't matter that their disorder might not be cured , we must integrate and unite with our community .

Please , I beg for your own mood and safety . Be polite around everyone. I didn't blame to nobody .

#45 2022-03-22 21:44:35

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Yeah, I have ASD, Asthma & Epilepsy, but despite that, I feel very welcomed here //

#46 2022-03-23 11:56:17

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Since this topic has been resumed again, I want to disagree with the OP. Doesn't matter how long you play EE or any other video games, it will only effect your mental health if you feel addicted towards it. I believe I'm fine with playing EE since last year regularly. If anyone is having any type of disorders or mental sickness, then I suggest you to change your gaming schedule and spend some quality time elsewhere. And if you are continuously thing about the game play, then maybe you are already addicted. Give some space and relax.

#47 2022-03-23 21:30:43, last edited by Maggoty_eunuch (2022-03-23 21:31:22)

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

w/e wrote:
Maggoty_eunuch wrote:

me has all of those, me big brain

I bet it's only half true, and even if he/she had resembling behaviours, it's not disorders that would be taken into account by a doctor "aka, behaviour in range or normality" (or at least for most of them)
My bet would be
sometimes, just checking if you locked a door properly
have no friends
low self-esteem
liking hoarding
I mean 0 "real" disorders by that and only one match to the list
Maybe I just take the list too serious, but if I won't do that, almost everyone match the list.

old post but i'll reply anyways

OCD - skin-picking is on the OCD spectrum, intrusive thoughts, literally freaking out if things aren't in their place...
autism - it's ee bro we're all autistic
depression - diagnosed w/ it
anxiety - diagnosed
hoarding - yep

e: and diagnosed w/ adhd too soooooooo


i literally have all of them

#48 2022-03-24 00:05:31

patriarchal Pacifist
Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

Maggoty_eunuch wrote:
w/e wrote:
Maggoty_eunuch wrote:

me has all of those, me big brain

I bet it's only half true, and even if he/she had resembling behaviours, it's not disorders that would be taken into account by a doctor "aka, behaviour in range or normality" (or at least for most of them)
My bet would be
sometimes, just checking if you locked a door properly
have no friends
low self-esteem
liking hoarding
I mean 0 "real" disorders by that and only one match to the list
Maybe I just take the list too serious, but if I won't do that, almost everyone match the list.

old post but i'll reply anyways

OCD - skin-picking is on the OCD spectrum, intrusive thoughts, literally freaking out if things aren't in their place...
autism - it's ee bro we're all autistic
depression - diagnosed w/ it
anxiety - diagnosed
hoarding - yep

e: and diagnosed w/ adhd too soooooooo


i literally have all of them

hi zoey

Wooted by:

#49 2022-04-28 17:12:47

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

patriarchal Pacifist be like

patriarchal Pacifist wrote:

i don't hit people, but if i did, it would be women

#50 2022-04-28 18:06:06

Anonymous user

Re: Do almost all people who play EE has a mental condition/illness?

i don't hit women, but if i did, it would be gently and with great respect

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