Official Everybody Edits Forums

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#1 Before February 2015


My View on EE and Rules

Obviously, and I think most people would agree, EE is in need of an in game TOS (Terms of Service) or rules.

Now some people think that just because there is no written out document that says what you are not allowed to do it is ok to run around rampant. I do NOT agree with this statement, and I think all actions should be based on judgment and not idiocy.

Just because there are no rules does not give people the right to do whatever they want. First there are the common sense things like no swearing, no threatening, no mass sharing your account.

Then there are the more serious things like hacking accounts, and (in my opinion) crashing levels.

**Please note: While I do not agree with trolling, it should not against the rules because technically it is a form of editing and the game is called Everybody Edits**

Now here is how I think it should work.

First Chris should write up a TOS. Then he should make a report button. The report button should clearly state in big, noticeable letters, that trolling is NOT against the rules. Then Chris should hire someone to go through all the reports and, if necessary, ban some accounts.
I also believe there should be an un-ban button (admin only) This would be useful for like if someones account gets hacked while they are on vacation, then they get home and noticed they are banned. It's not like they were there to change it. Or if someone is really sorry and changes their password and starts following the rules I don't see the problem.

Now if someone continously abuses their account after they received warning. The rules should be:

1 Rule break = 1 week ban
2 Rule break = Perma-ban

**The exception being shareds which should never be un-banned unless the password is changed by the original owner.**

but if you can't get your act together after abusing your account you obviously are not mature enough to play this game.
Now until there is a TOS, which I don't see it happening anytime soon, I ask that we please all use common sense. (I know this is probably boring for you forumers because pretty much all the forumers are really mature.) But please don't share accounts, please don't abuse your chat, please don't crash worlds, please don't hack accounts. Because it's morally wrong and will probably get you a smack on the head from the ban-hammer.

I would like this topic to be open for discussion on more possible rules that I may have forgotten, or just to discuss your thoughts/feelings on the subject.


#2 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

I agree failgirl101. Everybodyedits does need TOS before this get out of hand. :/

#3 Before February 2015

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: My View on EE and Rules

Totally agree, we really need a TOS

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#4 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: My View on EE and Rules

Pssh. No one reads those. It's worth a shot to say the least.

#5 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: My View on EE and Rules

Shy Guy wrote:

Pssh. No one reads those.

That's true, but then it's a lot more justified when a shared account is banned. As of now, there's nothing that says anything about shared accounts being against the rules (which don't exist), so it seems a little unfair that shared accounts are being banned.


#6 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,063

Re: My View on EE and Rules

I like how you make tl;dr posts (No offense)



#7 Before February 2015

The First Gamer

Re: My View on EE and Rules

I do agree, we are in desperate need of a ToS, with it, we wouldn't have to fear of this kind of **** happening again.
No, we don't need a report button idiots will still abuse it, the current form of reporting isn't faring much better, but AT LEAST random guests arn't posting on these forums.

#8 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: My View on EE and Rules

take out the no cussing part then I'll agree //



#9 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

take out the no cussing part then I'll agree

Lol master1. //

Last edited by *TheRealGanig* (Sep 9 2011 5:16:55 pm)

#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: My View on EE and Rules

*Inserts an I agree picture*


#11 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

Hmm, nTtbaMM, but shouldnt this be in GS? Or is this just an example?

#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: My View on EE and Rules

If there is a TOS, that will have to be as short as Chris can possibly make it. If it's just a big wall of text like most TOS's, then nobody will read it. It has to be short and simple so that even 7-year-olds that play this game understand it.

aka towwl


#13 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

Shy Guy wrote:

Pssh. No one reads those. It's worth a shot to say the least.

But with a ToS there is justifiable reason for banning. And if you don't read the rules and get yourself banned you cannot blame anyone but yourself. You should have read the rules //

#14 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

Gamer1120 wrote:

*Inserts an I agree picture*

I searched, and I searched. I found several really funny pictures that had nothing to do with agreement (directly, anyway), but I managed to find this:


#15 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

There doesn't need to be a TOS, but I do agree that it would be... poor form... for admins to ban someone for breaking invisible rules. It's good business to have everything laid out beforehand.

Treat it like a legally-binding contract. Most people don't read contracts before they sign them, so they'll miss the small print that says they can be fined or their services terminated for voiding the contract, and they can complain all they want about being terminated, but ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking it.

Basically, what I'm saying is, this site doesn't even need to exist and we don't need to be using these services, but having a TOS that admins can at least refer to after the fact is respectable business-keeping.

#16 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

There doesn't need to be a TOS, but I do agree that it would be... poor form... for admins to ban someone for breaking invisible rules. It's good business to have everything laid out beforehand.

Treat it like a legally-binding contract. Most people don't read contracts before they sign them, so they'll miss the small print that says they can be fined or their services terminated for voiding the contract, and they can complain all they want about being terminated, but ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking it.

Basically, what I'm saying is, this site doesn't even need to exist and we don't need to be using these services, but having a TOS that admins can at least refer to after the fact is respectable business-keeping.

Correction wmaster this place does need to exist there are many reasons why we have a fourm.

#17 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

*TheRealGanig* wrote:

Correction wmaster this place does need to exist there are many reasons why we have a fourm.

Who's talking about the forum? The TOS are for the actual game itself. And yes, this game doesn't need to exist. It's like a private business, really. They can set their own rules.

#18 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

There should be a straight forward TOS that is short so that anyone can read, it's not like people can mod the heck out of the game that they become mods themselves, if possible.

#19 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: My View on EE and Rules

*TheRealGanig* wrote:

Correction wmaster this place does need to exist

Correction Ganig, this is a game, and I think society would carry on if it were discontinued.


#20 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

How about we make the rules short, so people bother to read them

#21 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

I agree.

#22 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

I am agree, I see you make very good topics Failgirl //

#23 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

I agree with Failgirl- I don't support trolling, but it can be a form of editing, and sometimes people have reasons to do it other than just to troll. (i.e., Troll Mazes)

I think that the ban periods are way too harsh. I think it should be like this:

1 Report- Day ban
Another Report (Within 2 weeks)- Month Ban
Another Report (Within 6 months)- Year Ban

Also, for the Report button to not be trolled, once one person types "/report ThisUser", they should have to write a reason in a popup. Then, in the chat bar (even for non-chatters), it would be publicly written that "Somebody reported ThisUser. Report ThisUser? (Y/N)". At that point, you could chat to the console "Y" or "N" to decide. ALL REPORTS WOULD NEED TO BE REVIEWED BY MODS BEFORE TAKING EFFECT. Mods should not accept a report unless more than half of the MEMBERS (Not guests) who pressed Y or N when prompted pressed Y.

Once a person reports somebody, they should not be able to report them again until they re-enter the world. This is a decent no-troll precaution.

Dang, Failgirl, I wish I could +rep you.

Last edited by demango (Sep 10 2011 9:59:30 am)

#24 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

demango wrote:

Another Rule Break (Within 6 months)- Year Ban

lol to long, everyone will just quit playing or make a new account...
I havent even played it for a year...

#25 Before February 2015


Re: My View on EE and Rules

Betaguy wrote:
demango wrote:

Another Rule Break (Within 6 months)- Year Ban

lol to long, everyone will just quit playing or make a new account...
I havent even played it for a year...

But you have to admit, it's better than a PermaBan.

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