Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
From: Texas, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,573

I just realized...

lllllllBuzzerBee finds a Time Machine and goes back in time.

       "Wow. Why is everybody so mad?" Buzz says as he looks at these topics full of people practically yelling at Chris Benjaminsen, the developer of Everybody Edits. He reads the topics to himself.

Chris, we hate you now.

These physics suck!

This is the worst update ever.

I'm going to quit EE!

       He remembers what happened. "Oh! That was the day when we had that insane new update. Wow I forgot how mad people got over a few simple physics changes." He then looks at a few people, isolated from the rest, saying "Guys, chill out. It's just some simple physics changes and yes, we know there are some bugs, but Chris will definitely get to fixing them. You might be mad now but you'll get used to it."

       Buzz thinks to himself, Wow, those guys were right. There are hardly any gripes about the physics anymore. He realizes that, now, in the future, we have gotten used to the physics. Wondering what really caused all the commotion, because it definitely wasn't the physics if people aren't complaining anymore, BuzzerBee asks his fellow Everybody Edits Forum members what they think actually caused the complaints.

To be continued...

Well, what do you think people were really mad about a couple months ago when that update came?



#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: I just realized...

IDGAS about physics. I don't make lots of levels. I mostly play them.


#3 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: I just realized...

I built a world just before that update, when the update happened I wasn't mad but I changed the world to accomodate the new physics so people can see the brighter side of the update. it was then featured by RPG which was cool.


Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



#4 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

I told people from the start, it's not that bad, and get used of it, also, the 15% render, and the last few physic tweaks helped a bit.

#5 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: I just realized...

Ex crew is STILL dead because of them.. Js..


#6 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

WELL, YOU KNOW, There was this other three letter word that **** us off so much.

Hint: draw with blocks

#7 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: I just realized...

That post makes no sense.   What three-letter word?



#8 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

I think it's ART.

Anyways, I know what the commotion was about, and it seemed big then, but now it's not so bad because we got used to it. Now its not THAT big, but earlier it was HUGE.

#9 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

i was one of those people who said chill out. yes i was a bit mad but people were overreacting.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

I too was one saying to chill out.
Yelling at Chris, creating petitions, and threatening to quit/or did quit didn't make Chris change it. He saw the problem and was already trying to fix it. Most people were overreacting.

Last edited by Monstar43 (Oct 2 2011 10:07:53 am)

#11 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

I was mad until he changed them again which solved most things.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

I agree, but ex crew is too picky to relize it (no offence ex crew // )

#13 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: I just realized...

Ok let me tell you some things.

We weren't mad because The physics sucked. We were angry at what the change did to our levels.

Also May I remind you that They changed the physics back to normal... Mostly. The reason why EX is still kinda dead is because they have to fix a bunch of issues that the updates caused.

That is all.

*Walks out of the room*

#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: I just realized...

Not mad, more like disappointed


#15 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: I just realized...

This happens with, I crap you not, everything. There's an update, people rage, then they get over it.

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


#16 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

To be frank, you're taking a simplistic and not very thoughtful view of the problems.

First, while the bugs were fixed, how long did it take?   Its not like the time between the damage and the repair does not count.   That time counts for several reasons:

a.   Levels that are in the process of being made, that have been damaged, often will not be finished until the physics become reasonably stable, because the creators will not take the risk of finishing something that may not work in a couple weeks.

b.   Levels that have been broken will either have to be fixed by their creators, then fixed again when the screwups are fixed, or will be unplayable until the screwups are fixed.

c.   For the same reason builders will hesitate to finish levels, builders will hesitate to start levels.   Why build something new when it might not work correctly in the near future?

d.   In the time when players hesitate to build or finish building levels, they may become sufficiently frustrated to abandon the game.   That is a reasonable thing to do, as there are many other games out there that do not screw up the work of the players.   This hurts everybody, because when a talented creator leaves, that means we can't play the levels they would have made if they had stayed.

e.   Even if they don't leave this time, they won't be happy about it, and they'll remember.   They will be more likely to abandon the game the next time an "update" screws everything up.
Secondly, physics updates like this are an insult to the hardcore players and builders.   Noob levels are generally not affected by physics changes.   Furthermore, most of the screwups are due to changes made to suit noobs (there is no reason to have autoalign except to make it easier for noobs to get through single spaces.   Good builders don't make single space tricks, and pros avoid levels with those tricks).   Hardcore, long-term players are the ones who are most impacted by physics changes.   And yet, Chris neither pretests those changes to see if long-term players will like them, nor does he bother to determine what hardcore players actually want.

In short, screwups due to the updates have a real impact on designers' ability to work, lessens the overall quality of available levels, and are an insult to the hardcore designers and players.   Perhaps now you might understand why people get upset.

Last edited by MIHB (Oct 4 2011 4:19:16 pm)

#17 Before February 2015


Re: I just realized...

^^^^What I always thought^^^^

Watch him screw things up so bad on this next big update.


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