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1 time I was added to a quoewewe, and i was told 2 stahp. I fell't veri bad. After that, I wanted to kill, mY. self. I wood naht taake this ani more. I wen't on 2 get a rhope and 2 tye a noose. Butt... their was a problum. I DID'NT KNO HAOW, 2 TYE A NOOS.. I we'nt on to GOgle and googled "how 2 tipe a noos"... the resolt was to tipe the lettres. "n, o, o, s" Butt i sed to mysefl. No i wan't 2 tye a noos nawt TIpE a noos. I was very konfuse. Bee ing this konfuse i was lyke, gohd is face. my mawm hurd me an sed, "gohd is awr LOrD and SAVeiOR." I sed HITT HER is GOHD.", she w'e-
two my rewm and sawl my nose. She took noos and sed, "omg god is doing this 2 u why." she shortly relixed thet the devl was in me.
she sed to SHAkE the deVIL out. she took me and poot me in a MAsivE shake WEIT. i was liek aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddddddddududududuududuuaauauaauauauaudusudsu^22
i get bruse all over body/ and almots ded. thes was the most brutl tyme of life and i want to dye now.
call sucide hotlin at 1-800-273-8255
ty and no kill self
idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
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