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#1 2017-10-24 20:36:32, last edited by GreenyMix (2017-11-09 20:26:53)

Formerly Snivy2014
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 588

ok ignore this

aight so me and reido have made up
i was pretty immature
so sorry
keeping this for the irony

Hey everyone! Hi, it’s me, GreenyMix (GreenLeafo), and with this post, I want to thank everybody. It’s been about 3 years since I joined EE. I made lots of new friends, thats that, but, with that, I made my worst enemy. Reidolol (Drstereos). At first, he seemed like a cool guy. I met a bunch of new people too, but it kinda seemed odd. 3 years later, I found out I was being manipulated for 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. Yeah. I know. Anyways; I was taking parts in many activities, which lead me to find out about VVVVVV Adventures (a comic of reidolol) which made me create Dimensional Adventures. Unfortunately, due to his manipulation, I was forced to delete it, after making 2,5 full comics and 3 unfinished ones. After I first made the begining of DA, they started mocking me and basically called me a loser. I was deeply hurt, and at that time, I didn’t know how to defend from criticism. That being said, I started to become the start of the show, as the big loser. I didn’t like it at all. In that time, 100lol (arch-rival of mine) got left behind, so I had taken the spot of “the kid thats absolutely an idiot”. I then deleted the original DA, hoping they would shut up, but they got mad. Boberov, one of the other friends of drstereos, was copying the entire first DA. He only made the first 3 chapters in. After all that, I met GP68, Mysterion. Now at present, we each hate eachother. Which I want to say: Can we be friends?. Anyways, at first he seemed cool, but everyone took a guess at his name. I didn’t want to join in because I didn’t want to be hated by GP (since he hated nicknames, like me), but I was forced to or I was kicked out the group. I was very scared, so I joined in. Then, GP left the group and I hadn’t seen him for a year. DA Redux was in the making and drstereos had no opinion of it, until he saw the first chapter. I didn’t know much english as I do now, so he called it “the worst comic in ee”. Not much of an improvement. I kicked him, (which made things worse), and proceeded to make the comic. I finished it, saved it, and talked to drstereos again. He was talking with ernesdo when I joined in (ernesdo is now called Zhyhrillos or something) and we became friends. They saw the comic and said it was a huge improvement. “Yay for me!” I thought to myself. I didn’t know sarcasm at the time, and when I heard it was a joke, I was really sad. I then made DA 2 and 3. Midway through DA 3 I made new friends. And I met david. Now david, he’s well, not a secret keeper. He was also romanian, the same country as me, so I was very happy. I took a break from DA 3 to play with David on Minecraft (he never did anything right). Then, 100lol, aka Weirdoverse came back. At the time, he wasn’t much of a enemy at the time, but I was forced to make GOG100LOL jokes at the time, so we didn’t really hit it off. Weirdoverse, me and david made a creative minecraft world. I liked to call it “The City”, even though we planned to make it a 1000000x1000000 full world using plugins. David screwed up some buildings of mine, then blamed it on weirdo. Then he screwed up some of David’s buildings and blamed it on me. I screwed up both of their buildings and blamed it on each other. Then, Drstereos found out about the server. Yeah, it wasn’t a good time. Me and him really didn’t like eachother on minecraft, since I kept saying to not mess up other stuff with German Power and 100lol memes, though he didn’t listen. I wasn’t going too far, even though I wanted to, since I was afraid I’ll be kicked out. David burned my Biggest building, then blamed it on ME. I was mad. REALLY mad. We became enemies for a while. Then, I found discord. That’s when things REALLY got downhill. I joined drstereos’s server (now known as Reidolol) and it was kinda fun. I went on discord everyday, then made my own server. It got raided. Then another one! Raided. Maybe 2 more servers? Raided. Reido told me he was working on another server, and then I joined. It was really fun! Mysterion and Weirdoverse were there too. Mysterion left because of the amount of G4P jokes. I then made a ripoff of Reidolol’s second server. It lived for a while, then it died (still not raided). More and more people joined on Reido’s server, which meant more G4P and GOG jokes. I then became a mod then an admin! Happy times. David joined and made his own server. Nothing special. He made me and reido admins. Reido changed the server picture and name, then blamed it on me. David thought reido was telling the truth, and demoded me. I was mad, though I saw reido trying to make me admit to doing nothing, just to see me suffer. I didn’t obey to his game and got banned. I left discord for a week. I got back, and HOLY SHMEJESUS! Weirdo was a admin. “wow nice job gg no re” I thought. Though, weirdo wasn’t really nice to me. Then, Reido made the joke called “autistic fox” (referring to my character, a green fox with a green hoodie). It was apparently “the joke of the century”, and everyone used it so much it wasn’t even funny. That’s when I snapped. I was being manipulated that much, I was acting like one of them. Even in real life! Plus, if I took any insults/criticism/”autist fox”, I would go bezerk. Weirdo deleted my messages when tagging Reido and said I was spam tagging him. He spammed “autist fox” when I was denying him. Reido introduced me to stepmania. Nice game! I made my first track, based off a Markiplier remix, and he said it was decent. Then he asked me if we would make a stepmania track series called Rhythm Paradise. I said yes, because if I didn’t, I would be kicked out. Since I snapped, a simple no would be impossible. I made 6 tracks, then got busy. He DMed me when I’ll make the next one, so I said later. Then next day, Then next week. It was a busy time. He made a meme about it that actually made me mad. A month later, my Mac OS X broke. Yeah… bad luck. I also had a tablet, so I texted on discord “i wont be online for a month” “having some extreme life issues” which I was obviously exaggerating. I got back but for a short while. They already made memes. I left, then got a new pc. It was pretty garbage, really, and (im still using it right now) it couldn’t run many things. Though, It was enough. I got back on discord, then they said I was online on my alt and on my main. I thought I was hacked into, since about 2 months before this, I found a ee remake called EBE. I played it, then got addicted. They found out through David, who was a mod on there, and they forced me to leave. Weirdo make a pretty terrible meme called “ebe lover” “ebe ex-lover”, etc. They found it a :joy: :joy: :100: :peace_sign:. We got onto the EBE server and “raided” it. Obviously I was looking for attention at the time, so I joined in. I got banned and Realmmaster (owner of ebe, also old friend) blocked me. I didn’t care, until I learned that he was pretty good at hacking. Now back to the present. Stuff happened. Nothing interesting, except for some more memes: “lol, maxied got smokied” “ok ernesdo” (made after ernesdo left) “maxiedRESdefault” “Lil’ Smokey” “i locked a fly in a toilet” “NOBLE (bad word that includes a handicapped person, and i dont wanna get banned for a month), TOTAL DOMINATION” and more other memes. Then, weirdo took his turn in drama. He saw I was getting the most attention, and he was mad. He asked me to go on my minecraft server (which we did) and then played for a while. I found out he was cheating/ruining my town, so I asked him why. He said “lol youre autistic fox kys” and blew up everything. All my months of progress. Instant ban and block. On the server, he deleted ALL my messages until he made a stupid sentence and screenshoted it. I was getting mad. REALLY mad. He made me look more like an idiot, then I left for a week. Got back *****ignored***** and left. And again. Then again. Finally, they kicked me out. My heart was beating really fast. I lost everything. I told my parents about all this story, and they said I was being manipulated.

With those words, I was free.

- there was a time where i was obsessed with foxes and green, so reido tried to snap me out of it
- in some time of a 1 month break i said i was gonna quit ee. some others told me to not quit and i made a poll if i should quit. reidolol found out and basically spammed on the poll to quit
- reido told me to make a post exposing mysterion, and so i did, but then i got banned for a month due to 13+ warning points, so thats why when i get a single warn i get banned for a month
- due to escaping the manipulation i was finally able to knock out the toughest kid in my class, who was my second arch-rival

Now that I’ve got the story out of the way, I want to talk for a bit.
This post really helped me express my pain, and also to finally expose Reidolol for his manipulation. In this path, I’ve experienced other manipulations by him, and I even manipulated someone as well, But it was only for a day, fortunately. Still, that kinda makes me a bad guy. But that’s not it. Since 2014, I’ve experienced something that someone by the age of mine should not experience. This really changed my outlook on life, and even how I acted. I am planning to make a site that is gonna be about exposing Reidolol and also to expose every single thing in their group called Lil’ Smokeys. Obviously, I’m gonna need help.
This really helped me express the pain I’ve had.

From this experience, I’ve learned that some people never EVER change.

I’m expecting Reido to say some stuff about me that I did, and well, I’ll accept that, but unless it was before the time I snapped, then his argument will  be invalid since, y’know…

Anyways, before I end this post that took me an hour to make, I have a question to Mysterion, Ernesdo and Realmmaster: Can we be friends again? I really don’t know where to go from here, and you guys might help me. I’ll dm you the link to this post (through ee forums since y’all blocked me on discord) once I finish it.

I’ve written this in Google Docs beforehand, so incase something happens, I’ll get it back.

Thank you all for these part 3 years. See ya on the flipside.

(Discord: GreenLeafo#5100)
(Twitter: @thegreenyfreak - note: some non-family friendly stuff on there)

note: i had to repost all of this since i accidentally turned on anonymity


#2 2017-10-24 21:03:44, last edited by hummerz5 (2017-10-24 21:29:09)


Re: ok ignore this

I don't wanted to touch this forum again but I saw this **** (thx to drstereos)


also this will be my last post

Wooted by: (2)

#3 2017-10-24 21:07:22

Formerly Snivy2014
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 588

Re: ok ignore this

listen just because ive mentioned minecraft doesn't mean im "minecraft kid" or whatever
some people do, some people dont
this really is just half a thank you for the people that helped me not go bezerk and a half exposal post on reidolol
also i know you aren't gonna reply to this
i gtg now so youre in luck now


Wooted by:

#4 2017-10-24 21:39:08, last edited by Zoey2070 (2017-10-24 21:39:43)

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: ok ignore this

a) no one cares
b) jesus **** christ paragraph breaks exist for a reason

this is petty middle school drama lol

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


#5 2017-10-24 22:29:56, last edited by BobRove (2017-10-24 22:32:44)

From: Romania
Joined: 2016-09-03
Posts: 88

Re: ok ignore this

I sincerely hope my name doesn't appear in this wall of text.

Edit: rip.


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#6 2017-10-24 22:37:09

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2015-04-16
Posts: 589

Re: ok ignore this

I wonder if theres at least one person who would read all of that

Pm me with anything math related please


#7 2017-10-24 22:47:39

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,464

Re: ok ignore this

Emma333 wrote:

I wonder if theres at least one person who would read all of that

oh wait did he even proofread this

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#8 2017-10-24 23:23:35, last edited by mutantdevle (2017-10-24 23:58:15)

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: ok ignore this

Okay, I’ve done the impossible and read the entire thing. I am now going to try and summarise what they are trying to say. Y’all can thank me later // So tldr for the thread:

GreenyMix has been manipulated by (primarily) Drstereos for about 3 years.
GreenyMix created comics that he was proud of but they were mocked by Drstereos’ gang.
This gang is called “Lil’ Smokeys” and consists of Drstereos, Mysterion, weirdoverse, zyhrllos? And a random dude called David? Possibly others but idk, too much text.
GreenyMix is in this gang and is ‘friends’ with these people because popularity issues.
They all bully GreenyMix including calling him an “autistic fox” because his fox avatar is green.
They make GreenyMix do things, such as bully other people over, over the threat of kicking him out the group.
This bullying also happens on minecraft where they all just troll each other.
They made several discord servers which got raided by hackers and GreenyMix was banned from the group.
GreenyMix realised how they were manipulating him so made this thread. At the end of the thread he states he still wants to friends with them all...

Wow even that summary is a wall of text so I’m going to shorten it more.

Ultimate TLDR:

Drstereos has been bullying GreenyMix to do bad things by threatening to kick him out of their gang. After finally being kicked from this gang, GreenyMix felt bad so made this thread. GreenyMix says he wants to friends with all the people in the gang so has basically learnt nothing. Overall, everyone involved in this gang and ‘drama’ basically just needs to grow up.

Sorry if I got stuff wrong but it’s a freakin’ wall of unstructured text, what do you want from me?

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


#9 2017-10-24 23:24:43

Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 4,066

Re: ok ignore this

Can I use your wall of text on my Homepage? This is much better than lorem ipsum.


#10 2017-10-24 23:25:52

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: ok ignore this

Paragraph-split version


#11 2017-10-24 23:46:48

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,464

Re: ok ignore this

Devlin wrote:


N1KF wrote:
Paragraph-split version

thank you for your input

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


Wooted by: (3)

#12 2017-10-24 23:57:27

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: ok ignore this

GreenyMix wrote:

I am planning to make a site that is gonna be about exposing Reidolol and also to expose every single thing in their group called Lil’ Smokeys. Obviously, I’m gonna need help.
This really helped me express the pain I’ve had.

From this experience, I’ve learned that some people never EVER change.

The problem here is that you can't move on from your grudges.

I've been in a similar spot to you. I found this game when I was young. I made friends and posted about my projects. Because I was very naive at the time, I didnt realize that some of my friends were about to betray me. One of them tricked me into giving them my login info...multiple times. His group of friends, some of which were also my friends helped along with his plans. I learned that you can't always trust people, and I also learned that some people will be mean to you—not because they think they're right, or they think they're evil, but because they're petty. That disgusting empty part of us is always looking for something to fulfill those desires.

You know what fighting other people in the name of "justice" will do? It means you'll have to stoop down to their level. Miserable people want to spread misery. Avoid it.

Years later, I've spoken to the account thief. Not to be vengeful, but to see if he has changed his ways. He hasn't, but I don't lose sleep over it. He's just a person on the Internet. Nobody's going to think you're a hero by making an entire website against somebody on the Internet you dislike. Instead, show them kindness and respect. If you don't have the patience for that, try to avoid talking to them until you have that patience.

It makes me sad to think that the time and energy you spent doing all that stuff could have been better spent elsewhere, helping and caring for people. Yet you spend it getting your jimmies rustled over this. Learn from your mistake right now, and don't repeat it again.


#13 2017-10-25 06:24:16

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: ok ignore this

Zoey2070 wrote:

a) no one cares
b) jesus **** christ paragraph breaks exist for a reason

this is petty middle school drama lol

I don't feel comfortable with how many woots this post is getting, so I'm going to respond to it.

Why do you assume that no one cares? I feel like there are times where pulling a bimps is okay, but I don't think this is one of them. GreenyMix put his personal feelings out there, yet your post crumbled that all apart. I agree that some of this stuff is blown out of proportion, but it's his own story and I really don't feel like drama's the main point of the post. Zoey, I encourage you to be a bit more tactful when dealing with topics you don't like.

I am concerned that posts like these keep getting woots over more thoughtful posts. It's no wonder Donald Trump became the U.S. president! At this rate, we're going to transmorgify into a community of bimps. As much as I respect Bimps, I can't help but feel like that's a dangerous direction for this community to go in.


#14 2017-10-25 13:08:41, last edited by Weirdoverse (2017-10-25 13:12:42)

From: A Really Really Really
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 1,044

Re: ok ignore this

very interesting story grenny!!! // // // isnt it funny that you wasted your time to make a wall of text for nothing?

He saw I was getting the most attention, and he was mad.

ok now stop lying thanks

A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.


Wooted by:

#15 2017-10-25 13:39:05

From: Romania
Joined: 2016-09-03
Posts: 88

Re: ok ignore this

I love this thread.


Wooted by: (3)

#16 2017-10-25 14:15:04, last edited by Davidllx5 (2017-10-25 16:57:41)

From: Romania
Joined: 2017-10-01
Posts: 20

Re: ok ignore this

oh look I got involved into a drama queen(greeny) argument, so naturally I must response.AHEM. First of all, I love how you tell the stories based on your point of perspective, and when someone else contradicts you you just dismiss them with END OF ARGUMENT or something. Second of all, don't involve minecraft pranks on here and say they changed your life or destroyed you. And the discord stuff with you destroying my server? Yeah, reido was off or busy from what I remember and I was AFK, and you were the only one else left in power, so you did it then tried to blame it on reido or me, because you can't assume your fault, you always blame it on someone else

You always create drama posts about us(reido, weirdo, etc) then blame us for things that we didn't even do, or they were your fault. About the EBE thing(dead game by now), no one forced you to leave, not in serious it was a joke but you don't know what jokes or sarcasm are..

Also could you use paragraph breaks please? Next time you try to confront me or someone else for things that you did you should make clear what you say, and don't have your text posts decyphred by arheologists.

EDIT: Reido's trigger warning pictures prove what im trying to say.

Stop causing useless drama on the forums just because it's your fault. Also don't spread lies about certain persons unless you want them to get useless hate.

If you reader, want to hate on me for the thinge he says "I did" to him AHEM , read twice everything everyone else says on this topic.

That was my last edit, don't know if it adds to the story though.
Now excuse me I'll whine my way out of this.

I'll whine you to death.


Wooted by: (2)

#17 2017-10-25 16:01:47

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,210

Re: ok ignore this

can i get TL;DR version of this topic?


#18 2017-10-25 16:50:27

From: Romania
Joined: 2017-10-01
Posts: 20

Re: ok ignore this

TL;DR version of this topic
Greeny stated that we did things to him when it was his fault and now he's making a big fuss out of this.

I'll whine you to death.


#19 2017-10-25 16:53:16

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 1,996

Re: ok ignore this

Gosha wrote:

can i get TL;DR version of this topic?

Devlin wrote:

Okay, I’ve done the impossible and read the entire thing. I am now going to try and summarise what they are trying to say. Y’all can thank me later // So tldr for the thread:

GreenyMix has been manipulated by (primarily) Drstereos for about 3 years.
GreenyMix created comics that he was proud of but they were mocked by Drstereos’ gang.
This gang is called “Lil’ Smokeys” and consists of Drstereos, Mysterion, weirdoverse, zyhrllos? And a random dude called David? Possibly others but idk, too much text.
GreenyMix is in this gang and is ‘friends’ with these people because popularity issues.
They all bully GreenyMix including calling him an “autistic fox” because his fox avatar is green.
They make GreenyMix do things, such as bully other people over, over the threat of kicking him out the group.
This bullying also happens on minecraft where they all just troll each other.
They made several discord servers which got raided by hackers and GreenyMix was banned from the group.
GreenyMix realised how they were manipulating him so made this thread. At the end of the thread he states he still wants to friends with them all...

Wow even that summary is a wall of text so I’m going to shorten it more.

Ultimate TLDR:

Drstereos has been bullying GreenyMix to do bad things by threatening to kick him out of their gang. After finally being kicked from this gang, GreenyMix felt bad so made this thread. GreenyMix says he wants to friends with all the people in the gang so has basically learnt nothing. Overall, everyone involved in this gang and ‘drama’ basically just needs to grow up.

Sorry if I got stuff wrong but it’s a freakin’ wall of unstructured text, what do you want from me?



Wooted by: (3)

#20 2017-10-25 17:13:27

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: ok ignore this

drstereos wrote:

in reality, no one is winning anything from this, because this is just pointless drama
it's ok that you wrote this post to "express your pain" like you said, but you shouldn't have posted it here, as it just starts unnecessary drama

I don't take sides when it involves drama like this, but I have to agree with this particular part of drstereos's post. Anybody who makes a topic "exposing" another user for a personal feud is probably pretty petty, even if it's not the main point of the topic. GreenyMix, you should talk things out with other people before you make a topic that makes other users look bad. I find it weird that half of the topic is an apology towards your friends, yet the other half comes across as an "I'm not forgiving you!" type of deal towards others. It's like you've only halfway matured over this issue.

If those Discord screenshots from drstereos are legit, you've been incredibly petty over this. That is not acceptable. Spamming insults towards another user you've only met over the Internet is never ever justified. No matter how mean they've been to you. If you get that upset, turn off your computer or phone, and go outside. It's beautiful out there.



#21 2017-10-25 17:29:15

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 1,996

Re: ok ignore this

N1KF wrote:
Zoey2070 wrote:

a) no one cares
b) jesus **** christ paragraph breaks exist for a reason

this is petty middle school drama lol

I don't feel comfortable with how many woots this post is getting, so I'm going to respond to it.

Why do you assume that no one cares? I feel like there are times where pulling a bimps is okay, but I don't think this is one of them. GreenyMix put his personal feelings out there, yet your post crumbled that all apart. I agree that some of this stuff is blown out of proportion, but it's his own story and I really don't feel like drama's the main point of the post. Zoey, I encourage you to be a bit more tactful when dealing with topics you don't like.

I am concerned that posts like these keep getting woots over more thoughtful posts. It's no wonder Donald Trump became the U.S. president! At this rate, we're going to transmorgify into a community of bimps. As much as I respect Bimps, I can't help but feel like that's a dangerous direction for this community to go in.

N1KF wrote:

Anybody who makes a topic "exposing" another user for a personal feud is probably pretty petty, even if it's not the main point of the topic. GreenyMix, you should talk things out with other people before you make a topic that makes other users look bad.

N1KF wrote:

you've been incredibly petty over this

??? Seems like you've changed your mind?



#22 2017-10-25 18:34:37

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: ok ignore this

Emalton wrote:

??? Seems like you've changed your mind?

Not exactly. My second post was a response towards Zoey, not GreenyMix, so naturally that made me look defensive towards GreenyMix. I was criticizing Zoey for her blunt, nearly pointless post which spushed aside GreenyMix's entire topic. Meanwhile, my next post went into detail into in particular was wrong about the topic since I hadn't addressed that yet. I subtly addressed this with the comment:

N1KF wrote:

Anybody who makes a topic "exposing" another user for a personal feud is probably pretty petty, even if it's not the main point of the topic. GreenyMix, you should talk things out with other people before you make a topic that makes other users look bad.

Emphasis added. I don't think that GreenyMix's main intention was to start drama, but the topic itself seems to be written in a way that points in that direction as a secondary goal. I think criticizing parts of his topic is productive, while shrugging off his entire experience off as just "middle school drama" with the response "no one cares" isn't.

Emalton wrote:
N1KF wrote:

you've been incredibly petty over this

This was in response to the screenshots drstereos posted, assuming they're legit. When I made my original post, I didn't have that context. I intentionally used past tense to make it a bit more clear that I'm willing to forgive GreenyMix if he's become less petty since those messages which seem to have been sent over three months ago.

Did I change my mind in the sense that my perspective changed? Yeah, I did slightly after seeing those screenshots and how people responded. However, I wouldn't say I changed my mind in the sense that I went back on what I originally wrote.


#23 2017-10-25 21:51:36

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 1,996

Re: ok ignore this

N1KF wrote:

I think criticizing parts of his topic is productive, while shrugging off his entire experience off as just "middle school drama" with the response "no one cares" isn't.

Understandable, but at this point this is middle school drama that nobody cares about. If he is getting hurt he should report them, not making a topic about it.

N1KF wrote:

Did I change my mind in the sense that my perspective changed? Yeah, I did slightly after seeing those screenshots and how people responded. However, I wouldn't say I changed my mind in the sense that I went back on what I originally wrote.

I see.



#24 2017-10-25 23:37:34

Formerly ninjasupeatsninja
From: USA
Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 2,095

Re: ok ignore this

N1KF wrote:

...  go outside. It's beautiful out there.

N1KF I'm worried about your vision.



#25 2017-10-26 00:42:07

From: peaceful dojo
Joined: 2016-02-10
Posts: 1,747

Re: ok ignore this

GreenyMix wrote:

Hey everyone! Hi, it’s me, GreenyMix (GreenLeafo), and with this post, I want to thank everybody. It’s been about 3 years since I joined EE. I made lots of new friends, thats that, but, with that, I made my worst enemy. Reidolol (Drstereos). At first, he seemed like a cool guy. I met a bunch of new people too, but it kinda seemed odd. 3 years later, I found out I was being manipulated for 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. Yeah. I know. Anyways; I was taking parts in many activities, which lead me to find out about VVVVVV Adventures (a comic of reidolol) which made me create Dimensional Adventures. Unfortunately, due to his manipulation, I was forced to delete it, after making 2,5 full comics and 3 unfinished ones. After I first made the begining of DA, they started mocking me and basically called me a loser. I was deeply hurt, and at that time, I didn’t know how to defend from criticism. That being said, I started to become the start of the show, as the big loser. I didn’t like it at all. In that time, 100lol (arch-rival of mine) got left behind, so I had taken the spot of “the kid thats absolutely an idiot”. I then deleted the original DA, hoping they would shut up, but they got mad. Boberov, one of the other friends of drstereos, was copying the entire first DA. He only made the first 3 chapters in. After all that, I met GP68, Mysterion. Now at present, we each hate eachother. Which I want to say: Can we be friends?. Anyways, at first he seemed cool, but everyone took a guess at his name. I didn’t want to join in because I didn’t want to be hated by GP (since he hated nicknames, like me), but I was forced to or I was kicked out the group. I was very scared, so I joined in. Then, GP left the group and I hadn’t seen him for a year. DA Redux was in the making and drstereos had no opinion of it, until he saw the first chapter. I didn’t know much english as I do now, so he called it “the worst comic in ee”. Not much of an improvement. I kicked him, (which made things worse), and proceeded to make the comic. I finished it, saved it, and talked to drstereos again. He was talking with ernesdo when I joined in (ernesdo is now called Zhyhrillos or something) and we became friends. They saw the comic and said it was a huge improvement. “Yay for me!” I thought to myself. I didn’t know sarcasm at the time, and when I heard it was a joke, I was really sad. I then made DA 2 and 3. Midway through DA 3 I made new friends. And I met david. Now david, he’s well, not a secret keeper. He was also romanian, the same country as me, so I was very happy. I took a break from DA 3 to play with David on Minecraft (he never did anything right). Then, 100lol, aka Weirdoverse came back. At the time, he wasn’t much of a enemy at the time, but I was forced to make GOG100LOL jokes at the time, so we didn’t really hit it off. Weirdoverse, me and david made a creative minecraft world. I liked to call it “The City”, even though we planned to make it a 1000000x1000000 full world using plugins. David screwed up some buildings of mine, then blamed it on weirdo. Then he screwed up some of David’s buildings and blamed it on me. I screwed up both of their buildings and blamed it on each other. Then, Drstereos found out about the server. Yeah, it wasn’t a good time. Me and him really didn’t like eachother on minecraft, since I kept saying to not mess up other stuff with German Power and 100lol memes, though he didn’t listen. I wasn’t going too far, even though I wanted to, since I was afraid I’ll be kicked out. David burned my Biggest building, then blamed it on ME. I was mad. REALLY mad. We became enemies for a while. Then, I found discord. That’s when things REALLY got downhill. I joined drstereos’s server (now known as Reidolol) and it was kinda fun. I went on discord everyday, then made my own server. It got raided. Then another one! Raided. Maybe 2 more servers? Raided. Reido told me he was working on another server, and then I joined. It was really fun! Mysterion and Weirdoverse were there too. Mysterion left because of the amount of G4P jokes. I then made a ripoff of Reidolol’s second server. It lived for a while, then it died (still not raided). More and more people joined on Reido’s server, which meant more G4P and GOG jokes. I then became a mod then an admin! Happy times. David joined and made his own server. Nothing special. He made me and reido admins. Reido changed the server picture and name, then blamed it on me. David thought reido was telling the truth, and demoded me. I was mad, though I saw reido trying to make me admit to doing nothing, just to see me suffer. I didn’t obey to his game and got banned. I left discord for a week. I got back, and HOLY SHMEJESUS! Weirdo was a admin. “wow nice job gg no re” I thought. Though, weirdo wasn’t really nice to me. Then, Reido made the joke called “autistic fox” (referring to my character, a green fox with a green hoodie). It was apparently “the joke of the century”, and everyone used it so much it wasn’t even funny. That’s when I snapped. I was being manipulated that much, I was acting like one of them. Even in real life! Plus, if I took any insults/criticism/”autist fox”, I would go bezerk. Weirdo deleted my messages when tagging Reido and said I was spam tagging him. He spammed “autist fox” when I was denying him. Reido introduced me to stepmania. Nice game! I made my first track, based off a Markiplier remix, and he said it was decent. Then he asked me if we would make a stepmania track series called Rhythm Paradise. I said yes, because if I didn’t, I would be kicked out. Since I snapped, a simple no would be impossible. I made 6 tracks, then got busy. He DMed me when I’ll make the next one, so I said later. Then next day, Then next week. It was a busy time. He made a meme about it that actually made me mad. A month later, my Mac OS X broke. Yeah… bad luck. I also had a tablet, so I texted on discord “i wont be online for a month” “having some extreme life issues” which I was obviously exaggerating. I got back but for a short while. They already made memes. I left, then got a new pc. It was pretty garbage, really, and (im still using it right now) it couldn’t run many things. Though, It was enough. I got back on discord, then they said I was online on my alt and on my main. I thought I was hacked into, since about 2 months before this, I found a ee remake called EBE. I played it, then got addicted. They found out through David, who was a mod on there, and they forced me to leave. Weirdo make a pretty terrible meme called “ebe lover” “ebe ex-lover”, etc. They found it a :joy: :joy: :100: :peace_sign:. We got onto the EBE server and “raided” it. Obviously I was looking for attention at the time, so I joined in. I got banned and Realmmaster (owner of ebe, also old friend) blocked me. I didn’t care, until I learned that he was pretty good at hacking. Now back to the present. Stuff happened. Nothing interesting, except for some more memes: “lol, maxied got smokied” “ok ernesdo” (made after ernesdo left) “maxiedRESdefault” “Lil’ Smokey” “i locked a fly in a toilet” “NOBLE (bad word that includes a handicapped person, and i dont wanna get banned for a month), TOTAL DOMINATION” and more other memes. Then, weirdo took his turn in drama. He saw I was getting the most attention, and he was mad. He asked me to go on my minecraft server (which we did) and then played for a while. I found out he was cheating/ruining my town, so I asked him why. He said “lol youre autistic fox kys” and blew up everything. All my months of progress. Instant ban and block. On the server, he deleted ALL my messages until he made a stupid sentence and screenshoted it. I was getting mad. REALLY mad. He made me look more like an idiot, then I left for a week. Got back *****ignored***** and left. And again. Then again. Finally, they kicked me out. My heart was beating really fast. I lost everything. I told my parents about all this story, and they said I was being manipulated.

With those words, I was free.

- there was a time where i was obsessed with foxes and green, so reido tried to snap me out of it
- in some time of a 1 month break i said i was gonna quit ee. some others told me to not quit and i made a poll if i should quit. reidolol found out and basically spammed on the poll to quit
- reido told me to make a post exposing mysterion, and so i did, but then i got banned for a month due to 13+ warning points, so thats why when i get a single warn i get banned for a month
- due to escaping the manipulation i was finally able to knock out the toughest kid in my class, who was my second arch-rival

Now that I’ve got the story out of the way, I want to talk for a bit.
This post really helped me express my pain, and also to finally expose Reidolol for his manipulation. In this path, I’ve experienced other manipulations by him, and I even manipulated someone as well, But it was only for a day, fortunately. Still, that kinda makes me a bad guy. But that’s not it. Since 2014, I’ve experienced something that someone by the age of mine should not experience. This really changed my outlook on life, and even how I acted. I am planning to make a site that is gonna be about exposing Reidolol and also to expose every single thing in their group called Lil’ Smokeys. Obviously, I’m gonna need help.
This really helped me express the pain I’ve had.

From this experience, I’ve learned that some people never EVER change.

I’m expecting Reido to say some stuff about me that I did, and well, I’ll accept that, but unless it was before the time I snapped, then his argument will  be invalid since, y’know…

Anyways, before I end this post that took me an hour to make, I have a question to Mysterion, Ernesdo and Realmmaster: Can we be friends again? I really don’t know where to go from here, and you guys might help me. I’ll dm you the link to this post (through ee forums since y’all blocked me on discord) once I finish it.

I’ve written this in Google Docs beforehand, so incase something happens, I’ll get it back.

Thank you all for these part 3 years. See ya on the flipside.

(Discord: GreenLeafo#5100)
(Twitter: @thegreenyfreak - note: some non-family friendly stuff on there)

note: i had to repost all of this since i accidentally turned on anonymity

wow, I understand, I was once like that and people did those bad things to me as well, i know tho reido,werido and anyone of those who tried to trick you or bully you, also tried the same on me, buuuuut they failed and were very bad at it, and just got anoyyed by me, I even scared them off when they try to talk to me, don't worry about them it's easy to get rid of them without violence and any aruging, I wanted to be your friend, but you kicked me from your server, I also want to support you, other people, my online friend and irl are more important then me, I do not need any praise, I have my knowledge, my skills, my protection, I can help, I like fox's too, that's why i made a crew and server, do you remember the rick roll song?, im never gonna bring you down, never gonna hurt you, never gonna tell a lie!. also we are all not perfect, sometimes we do lie, we have to fix our mistakes and keep on trying,never give up,#golden rule, I will always be here when anyone need's me



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