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#326 2016-10-13 22:43:30

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Glenn21 wrote:
SmittyW wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

It really makes me think.

Does that mean people who went to college make less than those who didn't? Does that make the people who didn't attend college smarter?

It means that Hillary voters are more likely to do worthless studies like art and gender studies //

But knowledge isn't worthless //


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#327 2016-10-13 22:49:57, last edited by Glenn21 (2016-10-13 22:50:40)

From: not the future
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 80

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

N1KF wrote:
Glenn21 wrote:
SmittyW wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

It really makes me think.

Does that mean people who went to college make less than those who didn't? Does that make the people who didn't attend college smarter?

It means that Hillary voters are more likely to do worthless studies like art and gender studies //

But knowledge isn't worthless //

It's pretty worthless if you know you will waste several years of your life for this knowledge that won't make you a living. Not to mention they want the tax payers to pay for this worthless degree and after that for their welfare...


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#328 2016-10-13 23:02:13

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Glenn21 wrote:

"Accusation equals truth" You just proved how gullible you are and believe what you want to believe.

There's no point accusing me of this unless you are going for ad hominem. You have no way of denying that you are doing the exact same ting.

Glenn21 wrote:

The fact that you refer to the extremely biased and hypocritical Huffington Post adds up to that. … 23096.html

Glenn21 wrote:

It's pure coincidence that these people suddenly sue Trump after he decided to run for president, right? These people only sue Trump to damage his campaign. Hillary didn't even mention these rape accusations during the debates so I doubt even she believes them. Also, when someone signs a contract and doesn't do what he is supposed the do, of course you don't pay him (fully).
Trump wasn't bragging about how he could sexually assault a woman, he was clearly joking. I already said it was bad that he wanted to have sex with a married woman though. But if you think this is worse than Hillary's email scandal, then how can you support a woman who accepts it that her husband cheated on her? So much hypocrisy...

I'm honestly more worried about the fact that a man whose rise mirrors that of facist dictators is making debating look like a reality show and proving that the idiot culture is winning. Hillary has experience and i have faith that she would benefit America and the entire world, - even though in all honestly i would have preferred Bernie Sanders.
Trump however is genuinely frightening, he preaches xenophobia, racism, ignorance. He sounds like a televangelist scammer by the way he talks and comes with his vague "plans" for everything that "he" is the only one who can apparently fix. The entire situation would be kinda funny if he didn't actually have supporters that seem so eager to uphold his will and "take to the streets" if he loses his campaign.

Glenn21 wrote:

"All Trump supporters are sociopaths who wouldn't mind if Trump kills innocent people"
Nice generalisation, also, don't put words in my mouth, please.

I just said this to be funny. Guess you didn't like it. (Also you changed the way i worded that quote)

Glenn21 wrote:

I hope Norwegian left-wingers like you move to the already doomed Rape Capital of Europe that is Sweden, instead of ruining another great Scandinavian country with bad liberal ideas.

Sweden is a great country and it is nowhere near being a "rape capital of Europe" as you put it. Who was talking about being unbiased and not accusing again?
Why would i move to Sweden? I love my country, also "ruining another country with bad liberal ideas"? Norway is already ten times as liberal as the US is, and i can say with experience that left-wingers and right-wingers alike in scandinavia all laugh at how stupidly ridiculous Trump is. I don't know where you pulled that insult from, but it failed.

Glenn21 wrote:

I see NorwegianboyEE is yet another person who completely ignored my (and blizzard's) response to him, because he wooted these two terrible comments above mine.

How is this relevant?!

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#329 2016-10-14 01:22:54

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

long quote

Did you really use a huffington post link to prove your point against why huffington post isn't biased. lol.

"take to the streets" Really now? Like social justice warriors and blm activists? And where can you provide proof of this claim?

"Sweden is a great country and it is nowhere near being a "rape capital of Europe" as you put it."
Starting to get sad. There's many different sources I read (apparently you read none) and the rape in Sweden is a VERY big issue. Sad feminists like you can't acknowledge that.

"How is this relevant?!" Because you can spew crap all day long but when we hit you with valid arguements you turn tail and run.


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#330 2016-10-14 03:20:08, last edited by Glenn21 (2016-10-14 03:29:57)

From: not the future
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 80

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

There's no point accusing me of this unless you are going for ad hominem. You have no way of denying that you are doing the exact same ting.

Accusation still does not equal truth. You said the rape accusations against Trump are a reason not to vote for him even though they are obviously fake.

You seriously believe a newspaper that calls Trump racist and sexist etc. all the time and tells you never to vote for him is not biased? Do you even know what the word means? Like blizzard pointed out, the worst source to prove otherwise is an article of their own.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I'm honestly more worried about the fact that a man whose rise mirrors that of facist dictators is making debating look like a reality show and proving that the idiot culture is winning.

Hillary is the one that owns the Lügenpresse and whose supporters are trying to silence pro-Trump speakers and preventing others to go to Trump rallies by blocking roads, literally things the nazi's did.
Both sides are guilty of making the debates look like a reality show, but that's mostly because there isn't much time to really go in-depth certain topics and they are meant for undecided voters anyway.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Hillary has experience and i have faith that she would benefit America and the entire world, - even though in all honestly i would have preferred Bernie Sanders.

Hillary has a lot of experience of being corrupt. Trump has a lot of economic, job making and leadership experience because he has been running hundreds of successfull businesses for years. These qualifications are important when running for president. He knows why certain companies are leaving the USA and wants to bring them back with his policies.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Trump however is genuinely frightening, he preaches xenophobia, racism, ignorance.

No he doesn't. There is nothing racist about enforcing the law by deporting illegal immigrants and letting the good ones back in. There is nothing xenophobic with temporarily banning muslims from entering the USA for safety reasons. Trump won't deport muslims that have a U.S. citizenship. ISIS admits they abuse the refugee crisis to slip terrorists into western countries and some of the people involved in recent terrorist attacks were "refugees". Trump actually wants to help the muslims by building safe zones in the Middle East and getting rid of ISIS once and for all.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

He sounds like a televangelist scammer by the way he talks and comes with his vague "plans" for everything that "he" is the only one who can apparently fix.

The real scammer is Hillary who lost all credibility by admitting she lies to her voters with the excuse Lincoln did the same.
Trump has a good reason to be vague about his plans about defeating ISIS. It's pretty stupid if you tell your enemy when and where you will attack/leave every time.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

The entire situation would be kinda funny if he didn't actually have supporters that seem so eager to uphold his will and "take to the streets" if he loses his campaign.

Most people who say this are just trolling. SJWs and BLM already do this all the time.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I just said this to be funny. Guess you didn't like it. (Also you changed the way i worded that quote)

It's funny how people like you call Trump and his supporters racist because they supposedly generalise certain people, but you actually do generalise other people yourself. You also said most people here are probably from a red state, even though millions of Trump supporters live in blue states.
I know I changed your quote a little but it's basicly what you said.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Sweden is a great country and it is nowhere near being a "rape capital of Europe" as you put it. Who was talking about being unbiased and not accusing again? Why would i move to Sweden? I love my country, also "ruining another country with bad liberal ideas"? Norway is already ten times as liberal as the US is, and i can say with experience that left-wingers and right-wingers alike in scandinavia all laugh at how stupidly ridiculous Trump is. I don't know where you pulled that insult from, but it failed.

It's a name that people give to Sweden because of the sudden increase in rapes after they took in hundreds of thousands of muslims, because the liberals thought that was a good idea. They even cover up mass rapes.

It's no surprise that Scandinavians think Trump is stupidly ridiculous because most barely know anything about him, besides some random videos and meme pictures. The media in Europe is also mostly neutral or negative about him. You are proof that you barely know anything about Trump because you make false claims that he is racist and xenophobic.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

How is this relevant?!

I just wanted to know whether you agreed with me or would yell "racist, sexist xenophobe!" //


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#331 2016-10-14 14:52:43

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.



#332 2016-10-14 15:15:00

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.



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#333 2016-10-14 15:26:32

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

ZeldaXD wrote:
Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?



#334 2016-10-14 18:28:32

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:
Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

It's like being afraid of people carrying around guns because of gun crimes, am I right?


#335 2016-10-14 18:28:38, last edited by mrjawapa (2016-10-14 18:29:07)

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:
Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

Discord: jawp#5123


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#336 2016-10-14 22:19:23

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

MrJaWapa wrote:
Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:
Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

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#337 2016-10-15 15:14:20

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Slushie wrote:
MrJaWapa wrote:
Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:
Slushie wrote:

Deporting refugees because you're afraid they're going to hurt you is the literal definition of xenophobia.

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

A few things to note here.
(1. This statistic does not include additional crime.
(2. If you look up Norway and Sweden, both have high rape statistics, mostly due to their refugee problem.
(3. Over 50% of the refugees England and Wales took in committed violent crimes: "Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse" feel free to look that up if you wish.

Now am I saying all refugees are rapists, child abusers, and terrorists? No, of course not. Obviously, the background checks have worked relatively well. However, if you think rape and child abuse are mere phobias then I feel you have quite the hypocritical political views.


#338 2016-10-16 09:44:30, last edited by gkaby (2016-10-16 09:45:36)

From: South coast of Antarctica
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 779

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Glenn21 wrote:
N1KF wrote:
Glenn21 wrote:
SmittyW wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

It really makes me think.

Does that mean people who went to college make less than those who didn't? Does that make the people who didn't attend college smarter?

It means that Hillary voters are more likely to do worthless studies like art and gender studies //

But knowledge isn't worthless //

It's pretty worthless if you know you will waste several years of your life for this knowledge that won't make you a living. Not to mention they want the tax payers to pay for this worthless degree and after that for their welfare...

i have thoughts on this but i cannot think of a coherent way to put them together in a good response so im just gonna write whatever imthinking about it rather than have it specifically addressing what other ppl said
its kind of weird like
for social sciences i feel like it would be really good if everyone had a general background understanding of them, which i dont think requires higher education to learn, you can just like google stuff and learn whatever through research on the internet
its also important for ppl to further the information in the fields with research/new studies, experiments, etc, and with in my understanding its pretty much necessary for you to get a degree to go into these fields/academics
ignoring that requirement if thats the case, i would think its perfectly possible for someone to learn enough individually to go into these fields through buying books/research on internet as long as you're dedicated enough

though they need to be able to financially support themselves during this time which i guess wouldnt be much different from learning at a college/university apart from maybe a scholarship?, and it might cost less when you dont need to pay tuition

though isnt it like most everything you can learn individually

idk there are ppl who will be able to make livings with art/gender studies degrees (tho idk how large that number would be )

idk isnt it like arts as far as higher education is concerned more focused on historical things and like analysis maybe/academic stuff

whereas if you want to make money off of selling art that isnt necessary

idk i dont have enough time to make this post coherent or come up with more but in my understanding some ppl will be able to make a living, and regarding social sciences even if it doesnt result in money being made, i feel like they're important enough that money should be put into them for no financial returns

but then maybe it would be best if there were scholarships or nonprofit organizations and things dedicated to the fields so that ppl who want to support them can donate

edit lol i actually had started a diff post and forgot to delete that portion before deciding to respond to something else - its del now tho



#339 2016-10-16 10:55:27, last edited by Abelysk (2016-10-16 10:55:46)


Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

blizzard wrote:
Slushie wrote:
MrJaWapa wrote:
Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

A few things to note here.
(1. This statistic does not include additional crime.
(2. If you look up Norway and Sweden, both have high rape statistics, mostly due to their refugee problem.
(3. Over 50% of the refugees England and Wales took in committed violent crimes: "Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse" feel free to look that up if you wish.

Now am I saying all refugees are rapists, child abusers, and terrorists? No, of course not. Obviously, the background checks have worked relatively well. However, if you think rape and child abuse are mere phobias then I feel you have quite the hypocritical political views.

We should count all the rape and child abuse statistics in Caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Slavics, etc.

Muslims are no different.

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#340 2016-10-16 13:31:17

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Kefka wrote:
blizzard wrote:
Slushie wrote:
MrJaWapa wrote:
Slushie wrote:

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

A few things to note here.
(1. This statistic does not include additional crime.
(2. If you look up Norway and Sweden, both have high rape statistics, mostly due to their refugee problem.
(3. Over 50% of the refugees England and Wales took in committed violent crimes: "Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse" feel free to look that up if you wish.

Now am I saying all refugees are rapists, child abusers, and terrorists? No, of course not. Obviously, the background checks have worked relatively well. However, if you think rape and child abuse are mere phobias then I feel you have quite the hypocritical political views.

We should count all the rape and child abuse statistics in Caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Slavics, etc.

Muslims are no different.

We already do. Just remember, the number of muslims in America to black/white people are probably less than 1%. (Didn't look it up, so don't hold me to that). Comparing the number of rape and child abuse must be compared with the ratio of each race/religion. 56% of Syrian refugees, although only 900, is a higher statistic than say(for example) 2%, being 100,000.


#341 2016-10-16 14:04:12

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,842

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Trump, by banning Muslim immigration, would be actively encouraging racism and xenophobia. You cannot deny access to an entire religious people because of a small group - Islamic terrorists aren't true Muslims anyway.

A blanket ban cannot be justified.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


#342 2016-10-16 14:11:26

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

blizzard wrote:
Slushie wrote:
MrJaWapa wrote:
Slushie wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

No, phobias are irrational fears.

How is a fear of all refugees due to crimes committed by a few rational?

There's a fear of terrorists pretending to be refugees. Not so much of refugees themselves.

A few things to note here.
(1. This statistic does not include additional crime.
(2. If you look up Norway and Sweden, both have high rape statistics, mostly due to their refugee problem.
(3. Over 50% of the refugees England and Wales took in committed violent crimes: "Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse" feel free to look that up if you wish.

Now am I saying all refugees are rapists, child abusers, and terrorists? No, of course not. Obviously, the background checks have worked relatively well. However, if you think rape and child abuse are mere phobias then I feel you have quite the hypocritical political views.

1. Yep. The image was a response to JaWapa's claim of there being a fear of terrorism.
2. I actually did look it up, and after one Google search I found this article which addresses your concerns about Sweden's "rape problem" quite nicely (TL;DR it doesn't exist).
3. It turns out the majority of offences that Syrians were arrested for were immigration violations. Where are you getting this 50% statistic from?

blizzard wrote:

Didn't look it up




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#343 2016-10-16 15:14:22

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 1,996

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

I don't like either.



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#344 2016-10-16 18:12:58, last edited by ZeldaXD (2016-10-18 19:26:17)

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Slushie wrote:

2. I actually did look it up, and after one Google search I found this article which addresses your concerns about Sweden's "rape problem" quite nicely (TL;DR it doesn't exist).

The quoted paper looks at children who completed school between 1990-1993 who were 28 to 31 in 2005. They were borne to immigrants who arrived in Sweden between 1985-1988 or earlier - they wanted at least five years of residence. Immigration from the Middle East, Bosnia and Somalia dominated in the 1990s.

So the connection made between this paper, recent immigrants, including Islamic ones is not applicable - this paper is based on immigrants that arrived 30 years ago, when the majority were still from Nordic countries. So I am not sure how relevant this paper and the column that refers to it, is to the controversy over more recent immigration trends - or maybe it doesn't matter because the columnist assumes most people won't read the reference.

Note that in Sweden you are not allowed to record criminal statistics that include ancestry or religion.

I am not sure what rape has to do with poverty either. I guess Arabic culture has absolutely nothing to do with it! They're the real victims here!

Sweden data wrote:

Denmark in 2009: 73% higher crime rate from male refugees and descendants compared to the whole male population as a whole, even after accounting for their financial situation.

Muslims in France -- 12% of population, 65% of prison population
Muslims in Netherlands -- 5% of population, 20% of prison population
Muslims in England & Wales -- 4.8% of the population, 12% of prisoners
Immigrants and descendants in Denmark -- 12% of population, 52% of the rape cases (Majority from Somalia and Middle East)
Foreign born in Finland -- 5.5% of population, 41% of all serious rape crimes (Majority from Middle East and North Africa)

Make sure to check what each country gives to migrants

Tomahawk wrote:

Islamic terrorists aren't true Muslims anyway.

Former Muslims United wrote:

Every “moderate” Muslim is a potential terrorist. The belief in Islam is like a tank of gasoline. It looks innocuous, until it meets the fire. For a “moderate” Muslim to become a murderous jihadist, all it takes is a spark of faith.

It is time to put an end to the charade of “moderate Islam.” There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists or dormant jihadists – moderate, they are not.


Turkey's PM Erdogan wrote:

The term “moderate Islam” is ugly and offensive — Islam is Islam


Iraqi Priest wrote:

There’s no such thing as moderate Islam…ISIS represents Islam one hundred percent


Let's read the Quran

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#345 2016-10-16 19:32:11

From: not the future
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 80

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

The peaceful muslim majority is irrelevant when you know only 19 hijackers were needed for the 9/11 attacks, especially when you know ISIS is exploiting the refugee crisis.
Like I mentioned before in this topic, 60% of the refugees are actually economic migrants who have nothing to do with the war. Another reason why the USA and Europe should build safe zones, instead of taking them in, so we know the real victims of the war get help.


#346 2016-10-16 19:38:37

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Glenn21 wrote:

The peaceful muslim majority is irrelevant when you know only 19 hijackers were needed for the 9/11 attacks

And the Oklahoma City bombing only took McVeigh and Nichols, better ban white people.



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#347 2016-10-16 20:43:42

From: not the future
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 80

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:
Glenn21 wrote:

The peaceful muslim majority is irrelevant when you know only 19 hijackers were needed for the 9/11 attacks

And the Oklahoma City bombing only took McVeigh and Nichols, better ban white people.

Stop ignoring what I said by using such a bad comparison. The amount of radical muslims is way higher than any other religion.
Attacks like this one by white people are often done by people who have been bullied and who have mental problems. It rarely has anything to do with their culture or ideology.

Why do you want western countries to take the high risk of letting terrorists in so badly when we could build safe zones instead?
Because of their different culture and ideology, muslims are more likely to create problems when they are in western countries than white people.


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#348 2016-10-17 02:44:25

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

@slushi I would reply to what you said but I couldn't do any better than Zeldaxd did.

The fact so many on here are using a few examples of white/black/asian etc crime to justify islamic terrorism and the refugee problem disturbs me. No one is saying all muslims are criminals. No one is saying ban all LEGAL muslim immigrants or refugees already in America. I do believe though, a blanket ban on muslim immigration could be of benefit, however, I'm sure there are other solutions to the problem as well.


#349 2016-10-18 19:21:27

From: root
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 4,649

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Basically you don't have anyone to vote for...
I don't know about other parties than Republicans and Democrats. Right now I'm wondering why aren't you letting other parties on those political debates.
And why are you saying no other party has the possibility to win? As I know, USA is a democratic country so if you want to change something don't expect others to do it to you.
And secondly, in my country(which also gots political problems tho) we got 2 presidential elections: In the preliminary election everyone votes whoever they want, and in the secondary election we vote only between the 2 choices that were on the top.

Everybody edits, but some edit more than others


#350 2016-10-18 19:57:33

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,842

Re: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

For the third time: you can't physically blanket ban an entire religion, nor justify the attempt.

You're a xenophobe, Glenn, and watching you generalise the entirety of Islam into potential terrorists makes me sick. This may be a debate, but your views are not healthy or welcome.

No wonder you're defending Trump.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


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