Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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How would us normal players get a world featured?
Is there certain criteria?
Do they get featured by Unanimous decision? Or by Personal pick?
Please Reply what you think is a way to get your world featured, or answer one of these ^ if you know the answer.
-Thanks, KALEB123
worlds don't really get featured anymore
If you make something new and people love it then it has a good chance of being featured - the featured list should show all featured worlds even ones with 0 players.
I was also a dweeb and put MrShoe's name in a world which was semi-decent and it got featured, I reversed the name later Gotieke Mulde (PWd37ehXUgbEI)
But people are too lazy (lazy isn't the right word but when 1 world is featured more worlds have to be featured after) to feature all decent worlds because so many are made it would just be moving the online list to the featured list
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
code is 1111 :o:
get noticed by nousempai
Pretty sure the featured tab isn't used anymore. Back when it was used, I think you had to email your world or send it somehow to some mod (can't remember who it was that did it), and they would feature a bunch of worlds that they liked. Idk I think that's how it worked. They also featured worlds that got a place or an honourable mention in the Sci-Fi contest. They may have done the same for other contests but I'm not sure.
thx for sig bobithan
worlds don't really get featured anymore
I feature every world i see. (but not the old dead bot worlds, P. S. yonom is currently on.)
Kirby wrote:worlds don't really get featured anymore
I feature every world i see. (but not the old dead bot worlds, P. S. yonom is currently on.)
feature ≠ favorite
get noticed by nousempai
I'd like a "What's hot" system for the world list added for new Unity release.
And it shouldn't be a system that makes popular worlds be there all day and drive the underrated ones even lower; I know it's extremely hard, but maybe there's some way to reward good worlds with few plays/likes/players/favs and make them gain traction up the lobby?
Another idea, stuff like Rising in the last X hours/days could be good for "single-player" worlds that don't rely on player interaction like hotels or bosses, although I secretly love joining a Boss To Code room every once in a while and have goofy fun.
Featured tab is very outdated idea, when unity comes staff should be thinking about new ways how are quality worlds represented to players.
I'm talking about the ideas such as
Daily Challenges,
Advanced World Searcher (search worlds by date, size, made by, plays, favorites, likes etc...),
User Rating System (rate a world with stars, comment/review a world),
A system for "most plays/likes/favorites sorted by today/this week/this month (hot tab)
User Rating System (rate a world with stars, comment/review a world),
I like the comment idea.
I think rating a world with stars isn't the best idea. same reason as youtube removed it.
How about this: A friends tab to show all worlds online made by your friends and a way to find all crew worlds of yours(since really who favs a 100 worlds except the giving for fun live with iters)
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