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#26 2016-05-13 18:04:59

From: The Netherlands
Joined: 2015-04-16
Posts: 589

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Inequality between genders is still a thing, and should still be taken seriously.
However, the extreme feminist movement is not doing any good to it. I believe the real extremist feminist woman are the woman that have troubles with their love life, and want to blame something else for it. Because knowing you're the reason of the problem means you have to change something. And it's always easier believe the problem lies on others, to force the other party to change so you can keep living your life the lazy way you want. This is a human thing, I believe everyone does this once in a while. Ofcourse these extreme feminist are not at all the majority of feminists. Most woman and males are feminist, because almost everyone wants gender equality. The small amount of extreme feminist however have a louder voice because they're so extreme, so it will look like most feminists are male haters.I think the extreme male feminist haters are the opposide of this party. They are males that have troubles with their love lifes and want to blame something else for their problems.

Now to the real meaning of feminism, and why it's still relevant.
First theres the sexual harassment, in some cultures it's still okay to just touch woman without permission. And in some country's rape is not even a real(or big) crime. But not only in these country's there's a problem. In Western country's woman still learn from a young age to look out for creepy men, because you never know who's gonna do what. My brother had every freedom he could have when he was 16, he would go to party's and go home on his bike at 3 am. Now I'm 16, and whenever I'm on a party I have to make sure I have a (male) friend to go home with, or call my dad 30 min before I want to go so he can pick me up with his car. Almost every girlfriend I have has experienced sexual harassment, some are small things like a guy randomly touching you or tell you some gross things. But a lot of friends of mine have experienced worse things. Guys trying to undress you, touching you etc. You would be surprised to know how much this happens. And I believe I live in a very safe country, I wouldn't be surprised to know this happens a lot more in America. I remember getting catcalled multiple times when I was visiting New York and Maine when I was 12.

The second problem is that females are taken less serious then males. It's known woman have to prove themselves more than men to get taken seriously. This is not a very big problem, but it's one of the reasons why there are a lot less woman with successful jobs. Another reason is that a lot of woman get prepared to be housewifes instead of getting a carreer, which is not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of woman love being housewifes, and feminists encouraging them to get a carreer is not a good way to get more females with succesful carreers.

Now to the most important reason feminism should still be greatly supported: In a lot of country's woman are not free like men. Girls in those country's aren't allowed to go to school, and are forced to marry men they don't know when they're still kids, and they are not free to choose their hobby's, clothes and more. Right now, the IS is returning a lot of things feminism has done to middle eastern country's. They are taking away womans rights and it's truly horrible.

I think feminism in the west has done very good things, and I'm very happy with the way things are right now. The loud feminists that only care about the west are annoying af, and the girl that told your friend no is a ****, but your friend should just deal with the fact she wasn't interested in him.

Pm me with anything math related please


#27 2016-05-13 18:28:06

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

My biggest issue with your argument Insanity is that you are trying to provide a set standard for masculinity and femininity.

I'd like to start with this though:

Kirby wrote:

How is feminism—a group about helping women—promoting equality? If it indeed includes helping men too, then why is it called "feminism"? While this would be more valid a few decades or centuries ago, the countries you live in probably have pretty equal rights. Certain laws (such as those involving divorce) have biases toward females, so in some ways, females have it better off than men. I think its best that issues from both sides are worked on.

Kirby your argument is so naive. Feminism is the movement to give woman equal rights with men. It is a movement directed toward woman, but only because for centuries we have been treated as a minority by patriarchal men. Anyone who treats feminism as a woman are better than men movement is not a feminist at all but, as Pingohits said is, a Feminazi. In seeking equal rights we do not wish to take away rights from men, but to create a standard in which, if we so choose, we have the ability to pursue our goals. Especially in regards to the workforce. And P.S. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean all people are gonna follow the law. You really think anyone is gonna closely enforce equal rights amendments in the deep south of America? Hardly. You'll always have conservatives and citizens councils pulling aged old laws out of their buttholes to support their bigoted nuclear family agendas.

What I dislike about Insanitys argument is that he assumes men need to act/be a certain way. Should men have to be subservient to woman? No, but if they so choose to do so they should not be shamed because of it. There is nothing wrong with the female being dominant in a relationship so long as the male is feeling fulfilled/happy.

You also completely disregard transgender people who are so often misunderstood in our society.

Equal rights for people and/or personal fulfillment should not be based on gender. So long as people are happy and following the laws, I don't see how non traditional relationships and/or feminism is destroying the world. So some girls don't want a man, as the old saying goes there's plenty of fish in the sea.

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I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#28 2016-05-13 21:08:42, last edited by Zoey2070 (2016-05-13 21:17:26)

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

mirin thread content rn

reply game is fleeky af rn

Calicara wrote:

What I dislike about Insanitys argument is that he assumes men need to act/be a certain way. Should men have to be subservient to woman? No, but if they so choose to do so they should not be shamed because of it. There is nothing wrong with the female being dominant in a relationship so long as the male is feeling fulfilled/happy.

pretty dank response except for this part


the man should always be the dominant one in a relationship, always

If a man wants to be a softy in a relationship and have his girl control him he might as well get a sex change because no respectable dude is gonna consider him as a "man" anymore

srs brah

Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.


#29 2016-05-13 21:29:26

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

1nsanity plz check your privileges as a male.

Discord: jawp#5123


#30 2016-05-13 21:52:38, last edited by Calicara (2016-05-13 21:52:50)

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Insanity wrote:

pretty dank response except for this part


the man should always be the dominant one in a relationship, always

If a man wants to be a softy in a relationship and have his girl control him he might as well get a sex change because no respectable dude is gonna consider him as a "man" anymore

srs brah

If that's what is important in a relationship to you that's fine. But please don't assume everyone desires that cis-genered male dominant relationship. Love isn't about so much about gender as it is sexual preference. That's why I hate it when people make such a big deal about the LGBT community. No one should be shamed for their gender identity and partner choice.

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I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#31 2016-05-13 23:19:21

Joined: 2015-04-25
Posts: 409

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Insanity wrote:

mirin thread content rn

reply game is fleeky af rn

Calicara wrote:

What I dislike about Insanitys argument is that he assumes men need to act/be a certain way. Should men have to be subservient to woman? No, but if they so choose to do so they should not be shamed because of it. There is nothing wrong with the female being dominant in a relationship so long as the male is feeling fulfilled/happy.

pretty dank response except for this part


the man should always be the dominant one in a relationship, always

If a man wants to be a softy in a relationship and have his girl control him he might as well get a sex change because no respectable dude is gonna consider him as a "man" anymore

srs brah

are you being sarcastic....?



#32 2016-05-14 13:27:25

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

I feel like Insanity has been getting turned down by a lot of girls lately


#33 2016-05-14 15:10:00

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,840

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Pyromaniac wrote:

I feel like Insanity has been getting turned down by a lot of girls lately

I feel like this started out as a semi-serious topic, and then he turned it into bait.

Discord: jawp#5123


#34 2016-05-14 15:37:44

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,210

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Differences between women and men were planted historically
And when woman tries to be a man it is very silly
I think rules must not be the same for w&m but they still need be respectful


#35 2016-05-14 19:00:27

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

The biggest thing I find wrong with feminism is that society is so worried about women doing things than men can do that they completely forget about the things that women do that men can't.


#36 2016-05-14 21:51:05, last edited by mrjawapa (2016-05-14 22:24:34)

Corn Man 🌽
From: Ohio, USA
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Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

blizzard wrote:

women do that men can't.

Discord: jawp#5123


#37 2016-05-15 00:38:42

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

While I was going to avoid posting here until I could consider things more, this comment caught my attention.

Calicara wrote:

If that's what is important in a relationship to you that's fine. But please don't assume everyone desires that cis-genered male dominant relationship.

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"? If anything, he encouraged transgender by mentioning "sex changes".


#38 2016-05-15 00:41:37

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

N1KF wrote:

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"?

Insanity wrote:

the man should always be the dominant one in a relationship, always

aka towwl


#39 2016-05-15 00:53:52

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Gosha wrote:

Differences between women and men were planted historically
And when woman tries to be a man it is very silly
I think rules must not be the same for w&m but they still need be respectful

You're joking right?

N1KF wrote:

While I was going to avoid posting here until I could consider things more, this comment caught my attention.

Calicara wrote:

If that's what is important in a relationship to you that's fine. But please don't assume everyone desires that cis-genered male dominant relationship.

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"? If anything, he encouraged transgender by mentioning "sex changes".

Kirby, son, that wasn't an advocacy statement. Insanity basically said man who doesn't have the balls to be dominant in their man/woman relationship isn't a man at all. Which is not only wrong, but insulting to transgender people as well.

Avatar by RainDiance
I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#40 2016-05-15 19:37:03, last edited by blizzard (2016-05-15 19:37:26)

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Calicara wrote:
Gosha wrote:

Differences between women and men were planted historically
And when woman tries to be a man it is very silly
I think rules must not be the same for w&m but they still need be respectful

You're joking right?

N1KF wrote:

While I was going to avoid posting here until I could consider things more, this comment caught my attention.

Calicara wrote:

If that's what is important in a relationship to you that's fine. But please don't assume everyone desires that cis-genered male dominant relationship.

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"? If anything, he encouraged transgender by mentioning "sex changes".

Kirby, son, that wasn't an advocacy statement. Insanity basically said man who doesn't have the balls to be dominant in their man/woman relationship isn't a man at all. Which is not only wrong, but insulting to transgender people as well.

I was with you until you completely distorted the context of what he said. Again, you are part of the politically correct nazis that try to turn every possible SIG into victims. He never mentioned nor had any intention of bringing transgenders into this feminist debate category. Let's keep it that way shall we?


#41 2016-05-15 19:50:32


Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Insanity wrote:

If a man wants to be a softy in a relationship and have his girl control him he might as well get a sex change because no respectable dude is gonna consider him as a "man" anymore

blizzard wrote:
N1KF wrote:
Calicara wrote:

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"? If anything, he encouraged transgender by mentioning "sex changes".

Kirby, son, that wasn't an advocacy statement. Insanity basically said man who doesn't have the balls to be dominant in their man/woman relationship isn't a man at all. Which is not only wrong, but insulting to transgender people as well.

I was with you until you completely distorted the context of what he said. Again, you are part of the politically correct nazis that try to turn every possible SIG into victims. He never mentioned nor had any intention of bringing transgenders into this feminist debate category. Let's keep it that way shall we?

Having a sex change is heavily associated with being transgender, and what Insanity was (not explicitly) transphobic, and is enforcing a kind of hypermasculine/pro-misogynistic view wherein men have to always be dominant and commanding of woman, and turned on its head, women have to be the opposite to men. There's no distortion of what he said going on.

#42 2016-05-15 20:34:07

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 556

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Anak wrote:
Insanity wrote:

If a man wants to be a softy in a relationship and have his girl control him he might as well get a sex change because no respectable dude is gonna consider him as a "man" anymore

blizzard wrote:
N1KF wrote:
Calicara wrote:

How is he assuming that "everyone desires a cis-gendered male dominant relationship"? If anything, he encouraged transgender by mentioning "sex changes".

Kirby, son, that wasn't an advocacy statement. Insanity basically said man who doesn't have the balls to be dominant in their man/woman relationship isn't a man at all. Which is not only wrong, but insulting to transgender people as well.

I was with you until you completely distorted the context of what he said. Again, you are part of the politically correct nazis that try to turn every possible SIG into victims. He never mentioned nor had any intention of bringing transgenders into this feminist debate category. Let's keep it that way shall we?

Having a sex change is heavily associated with being transgender, and what Insanity was (not explicitly) transphobic, and is enforcing a kind of hypermasculine/pro-misogynistic view wherein men have to always be dominant and commanding of woman, and turned on its head, women have to be the opposite to men. There's no distortion of what he said going on.

I agree with what Calicara said, no mistake, I don't believe a man should play a dominant role if not so desired by both parties. But my take on what he was reffering to; society deems men masculine and holds them up to high standards with emotions/physical stature and more. He didn't once mention transgender, I believe he was more speaking of society's standards of a man in general. If you want to dive deeper into what he "could have" meant, by all means. But it was clearly a very broad statement.


#43 2016-05-15 20:38:31

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

I would like to point out that 1nsanity is most definitely a troll.

*u stinky*


Wooted by: (2)

#44 2016-05-16 15:30:42

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Idk about that. Even if HE is, there are countless others who unfortunately share his view (as shown just by this thread), so it's still worth debating.


#45 2016-05-16 17:35:03, last edited by Calicara (2016-05-16 17:37:25)

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 932

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

I think in discussing feminism in a modern context it's very important to consider transgender people's. Because it brings up the question of whether a transgender man is really a man and a transgender woman is really a woman. And when you're looking at it through that scope the issue becomes a lot more complicated.

Because let's say a transgender man (former female), gets into a relationship with a female then who should be considered the dominant one in the relationship? Or let's say two gay men are in a relationship, then who should be the dominant partner? I disagree with Insanity, again, on the basis that relationships are not based on gender identity but sexual preference. It shouldn't matter who is the dominant in a relationship it doesn't make them any less of a man or a woman.

And in that sense feminism is not destroying our world.

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I am obsessed with Steven Universe


#46 2016-05-20 21:31:08

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Yea I wasn't throwing shade at transgender people, even though that's something I personally don't really agree with

but gender roles exist for a reason, they've always been in cultures since the beginning of time, and in our current society, a relationship with a dominant woman with a submissive man is just backwards and needs to be stopped


Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.


#47 2016-05-20 22:24:11

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Insanity wrote:

The most disturbing part of this trend is that men now act as if they are supposed to be subservient to women. As a result, sissified men are popping up everywhere, and real men are becoming harder and harder to find.


friend goes to bar and introduces himself to a girl, then asks her for her name. She responds by saying "My name is NO" then turns and laughs like a maniac with her equally obnoxious girfriend

Grow up and harden the ♥♥♥♥ up. We (at least I do, I guess you do so as well) live in an democratic world where everyone is allowed to not care about certain things at all.
Tired of sissified men? Go meet real men, drink beer and enjoy life. Is is really that difficult? No. Get a grip.

So, you are tired of girls / women not interested in a discussion at the local bar? They live in a democratic world, can and will care for less than you. I mean, .. you buddy goes to a bar and asks for names? Of course he get rejected.



Wooted by:

#48 2016-05-20 22:40:23

Official Caroler
From: SEAͩT̓͑TLͯͥͧͪ̽ͧE͑̚
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Posts: 787

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Calicara wrote:

whether a transgender man is really a man and a transgender woman is really a woman.

A m2f trans is a man. A f2m trans is a female. When you factor in these facts:

  • Their assigned sex and genes already match

  • Many transexuals have severe post-op regrets

  • The rate of suicides among post-op trans people is 20x the normal rate

  • Light does of certain drugs can be enough to make "trans" people no longer feel transexual.

It becomes quite clear that transexuality is a mental disorder and should be treated as such.


#49 2016-05-21 01:23:49

Joined: 2015-02-08
Posts: 5,067

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Insanity wrote:

a relationship with a dominant woman with a submissive man is just backwards and needs to be stopped



#50 2016-05-21 15:16:37, last edited by Insanity (2016-05-21 15:17:02)

From: Douchebag Island
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 1,123

Re: Is feminism destroying our world?

Helvi wrote:

Grow up and harden the ♥♥♥♥ up. We (at least I do, I guess you do so as well) live in an democratic world where everyone is allowed to not care about certain things at all.
Tired of sissified men? Go meet real men, drink beer and enjoy life. Is is really that difficult? No. Get a grip.

So, you are tired of girls / women not interested in a discussion at the local bar? They live in a democratic world, can and will care for less than you. I mean, .. you buddy goes to a bar and asks for names? Of course he get rejected.

ayy lmao

Yea I also agree with not asking for names, I end up forgetting them the morning after anyway so you're better off just objectifying them :^)

Although I'd say it's pretty beta to allow the universe and society to dictate your world

srs brah

If someone wants to ignore a global epidemic like Feminism and play it off as a consequence of living in a Democratic society, BOYO I ain't fire with that ish

srs brah

Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.



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