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:::TRIGGER WARNING::: abuse, trolling, spamming, pretty much everything terrible
Before I start, I want to say that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I understand that I am setting myself up to be attacked in more ways than has already been done to me. People may accuse me of lying and may try any tactic to protect him because they don’t know who he truly is. I will have to take the heat for being the first person to openly come out about this, though I am NOT the only one who has experienced the abuse from him. There are soooo sooo many of us. I know of some, I’m friends with some, and I’m without a doubt sure there are some I don’t even know about. It’s not my place to tell their stories. I can really only tell mine.
Throughout the five years of knowing him, I have been mentally and physically abused… by Master1.
I first met Master1 when I was playing his boss level in June 2011. I had joined there from my level and he was doing a grab the rope gig. He added me on his friendslist. We chatted almost daily and forum PM'ed each other. He kept telling me that I should move to KO crew and that he needed a Kirby host for his new bossing, show, so a month after I joined the grab the rope boss I had bought a new massive world and packed my stuff for KO crew. I didn’t know at the time but that would be the one of many broken promises.
-I was writing way too many details when I realized that I have WAY too many things to tell that happened in two years. So I’ll cut out the small stuff. I was being cheated on since day one. He would fluctuate between telling me we weren't friends, to telling me we were. Once I started finding the evidence of other friends, he would fluctuate between admitting he was cheating, then to saying he told me he didn’t want anything serious. Every time I would try to leave, he would tempt me with saying he was ready to come out about being friends with me now. He would say he was just worried about what the crew members would say to me and all the hate I would get. But he never cared about that. When he started friending Theditor, we were still friends. He told me that they weren’t real and it was just a show for woots and plays. At the beginning I actually believed that. Then my gut feeling was going off like crazy and I realized I was just being weak. I stopped seeing him and started seeing someone else. Of course I kept getting texts that he missed me and that I was the one he wanted. Once I stopped seeing the other friend, we went right back to friending. I know this makes me look really dumb, but you have to understand how he makes Kirby's feel. It felt like a curse. I would try to friend other people but he was so good at making grab the rope levels that no one could compare. But I notice now how I was also being manipulated and forced. He thought it was a game to keep going when I would say No. He would join me and try find the code to my levels and I would say No and change the code. So fast that it was unrecognizable. I still have my code saved from this terrible incident. I even kicked him once bc I was starting to add another guy and did not want to make levels with him. But I was so scared of losing him that I would just let him win and have his way with me. He would call me his friend, then if he found out I told someone I was dating him he would accuse me of trying to ruin his bossing career and insult me.
2013 was when he became a mod, and the abuse really started. By this time I was conditioned to always make sure he was happy and I had so many panic attacks and anxiety when I was with him because I never wanted to upset him. We were building a lot of worlds together, but he'd sometimes troll what I'd make. Everything was a bipolar mess. There was an incident where we met up to race on an EX crew level (his classic line “wanna race?”) and he was on a power trip of course. I told him not to ban this nub for no reason. He was immune to all rules in his mind (“im a god”) so he banned him. Our conversation at the level turned toxic. He said that his levels always get trolled and ridiculed. He once trolled mine, and I deleted the troll. This caused him to get angry that I would delete ANYTHING he made. He called me dujmb, a NERD, among other things. (FYI to this day he STILL calls me a NERD. He uses that term all the time and calls me names even when he is being “nice”) So I am upset and trying to stand up for myself but only making it worse. I’m sure I used the cry smiley at some point. I was always using that smiley. We leave the level and low and behold, his boss got mad at him for banning the nub. He is yelling and mad. We hit goto lobby and go back to his level. By this time I am absolutely terrified and just trying to not make him more upset. He started trolling everywhere. He kicks random nubs and I get out of the way as he bans iPwner. I’m using the sad smiley and he’s blaming me for stuff, and then I go and sit down on the one way chair chair I made. He starts spamming at me to get the bimps out of his level. I’m using the cry smiley and asking him why he is doing this to me and he is screaming at the top of his lungs (what are lungs) that he hates me and to get the BIMPS out of his house and that he’ll call MRSHOE. He grabs his report button and saying he’s calling mrshoe and I’m just using the cry smiley and hitting "Stop!" in the quickchat over and over. He screams and asks me “did you hear what I said you hecking bimpsing dujmb NERD?!” (he would always tell me he hated NERDS) and so I stand up to leave. I’m hysterical and get in my level, but he stalks me and says imsorryimsorryimsorry. I’m having a panic attack and shaking, as if I saw FV15 for the very first time when he starts trolling my world and saying shhhhhh. He sets me down on the border of the level and starts trolling me. The entire time I’m crying and mumbling for him to stop but he keeps saying shhh. After he’s finished, he changes the code. I honestly don’t remember if he loadlevel'ed after. Maybe he did. Once again I was psychologically damaged and stuck around. I even won the spring contest to please him. We participated on a contest together. At this point I knew I had to find a way to unfriend him. I just didn’t know how. He was happy when he trolled, and he only trolled when I would use the cry smiley, so he would always call me NERD and dujmb, and the pattern continued. I even lost friends because they told me to stay away from him and I wouldn't listen like the idiot I was.
Feb 26th, 2013. I came to his level to help him with something, I’m not sure what. My friend Soccerfreak006 was hhosting an open world I wanted to go to and Master1 kept telling me not to leave. But I told him I was going. He asked if I would race him. Just once before I left. Yes, I know I should not have even said yes raced before joining. I am aware. But you have to understand, at this time races were running rampant in this world and I was so exposed to race abuse that I was just used to it. I said ok and raced him on EX crew Ice Level. Instantly I knew something was wrong. At first I thought it was a crappy remake. I even asked who made it since it was the worst race. Then I saw his smiley… and I realized I knew what that bad race was. I asked him if he had slipped some invisible portals in the level. ::insert cute smiley with gryphon voice denying it:: I asked a bunch of times and he denied. But I already knew the answer. I also knew that the people who die from invisible junk and races. The two together are a DEADLY mix. Master1 is an addict and is used to those amount of invisible things. But I was not. I start quickchatting "Stop!" and "Help me!" and telling him he’s going to /kill me. Why would he try to /kill me. That he is selfish and that I am going to get an extra death on the top right because of him. This somehow gives him a moment of clarity or maybe it was just the invisible junk taking effect, but he admits to putting it in the race. He tells me it was only just a little bit and it must have still been on quickbar from when he used it. Then he admits fully to doing it. He puts in the cry smiley as well and admitting he is a race addict and an invisible portal addict and needs to get help. I am SO BIMPSED UP at this point that I honestly don’t remember what happened. Did we race? Did we only chat? I’m not sure. All I know is at some point he went to lobby at the same time as me. The second I'm awake, I hit goto lobby, rush to my home world, and make it visfalse. I come home and my friends are in the 1st minigame. They would be so mad if they knew I was still talking to Master1 after the blatant race, so I tell them that someone at 200 lava minigames placed an invisible arrow on me. They tell me to go to the forums and I say I just want to log out. I regret never going to the forums. I regret never going to MRSHOE for what he did. I honestly thought about his mod status being taken away and I didn't want to take it away from him because he placed modtext in my worlds sometimes so that was pretty cool I guess.. How messed up is that? He had just tried to /kill me. I knew I was too weak to go to the forums, but I made sure to PM him what he did so I would have evidence. So I would at least have a PM proof that he placed invisible arrows on me. So he couldn’t turn around and deny like he always did. Like he denies ever banning anyone now. What’s messed up is the PM he gave me before I texted the proof. “'twas fun”. Yeah. FUN.
I wish I could say that's all, but it's not. Later on, I joined his level, and saw him chatting with theditor again in the chatlog! I put on the frustrated smiley next to him, sent him a screenshot of this chatlog, and he's like "Yeah, so? You'll never meet him anyway." I was furious. I wanted to troll every last block of his level.
Except I didn't, bc I’m an idiot and I wanted stay friends. The last time I ever raced him was EE's birthday of 2014. This isn’t by choice of course. This is a violent hate race after he thinks I am challenging him at Jump Jump Jump. Then of course I find out he was hooking up with ANOTHER person from the level by the name of 1nsanity. The list goes on and on.
Mid to late 2014- He finally has a relationship with 1nsanity. (By this time, they are known as “mains” in my circle of friends that know the drill). So luckily I can say I never joined his level after that. But things still were messed up because he would always try to use me to race. Either speedrun in front of me or teleport me using his mod powers to do it for him. It’s messed up and I'm embarrassed but it’s the truth so whatever. I became “just a friend” and I really thought things were looking up. We started doing professional worlds together, even though I was helping him make them the entire time (I helped make the LOEE levels!). But NOW I was included and he was actually letting people know we were friends! Yay. Gag. I wont get into the lack of Gem Codes for anything I did, cause that’s a separate issue. But I knew I was being used. I was just so happy to be included!
2015- He tells me he will show one of the levels to NOU to get campaigned. I’m super happy bc we made it together and it was our “look how many magic bricks we can get together” level. Once it gets close to the campaign being released… he starts getting lag like he always does. I ask him if we really are going to get campaigned because he never gives me a straight answer and he starts telling me he only has passes for NOU and PROCESSOR and he doesn’t know. Then tells me he will only be campaigning thwinkt's level. This is after I already cleared my homeworld so I could join his. So now he all of a sudden can't even let me SEE the campaign once it's released. So I decide to go anyways. My amazing friend iPwner gets me into the campaign and I have a really good time even though I know the drill if Master1 sees me there, he will ignore me and I have to lie to nubs and play along that he’s just sooooo awesome. He asks what I’m doing and I PM him that I’m hanging with these other mods and he gets mad (and jealous) because I call them KOTO, Jawapa, and benje instead of calling them kingoftheozone, JaWapa, and pengu. I say they’re my friends and that’s just what I call them. He then PMs a mutual friend and says something along the lines of, “Kirby is on his high horse and I’m about to put him down.” The day of his performance, I tell another mutual friend that I just KNOW he’s going to campaign our level. She assures me he wouldn’t do that. I have Master1 energy and we are super connected. I FEEL IT. I know he is. And he does… I’m going to admit to the internets, that I almost shared my account. I was in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Worse than the racing, the invisible portals, the being called "dujmb" and "NERD". I’m not sure why, but to deny me the very thing I created… to campaign my level when it was my DREAM to be there and get god… That was worse than playing desolate relics. I was above a few spikes in my home world, and the opportunity presented itself. Luckily I didn’t go through with it. I vowed not to chat to him. He didn’t get to use me in this new life. I spent all of 2015 getting constant PM's from him. Some spamming, blaming, and attacking me, some saying he wanted to say "sry lmao". Towards August I think, I started to respond. I have only seen him a few times since then. I saw him a few months ago in January at a friend’s birthday and though he was nice to me in person, he started chatting with iPwner in spot the didfernece and then was trying to friend him to entice him to hang out with him. When used quickchat to tell him "Stop!", the attacking verbal abuse was back again. He never changes.
He’s still abusing and banning nubs. There are nubs with stories similar to mine. He’s still playing his games of multiple friends at a time. Still asking people to friend him as pick up lines. I keep hoping maybe he has changed and I tried not to give the reportable details to the nubs he races and bans. But I see he hasn’t. His two main friends found out about each other the other day.
Why did I tell such extreme detail of the worst parts of my life and about him? Because last night I was working on a new level, and he joined and I couldn't kick him or mute him. He started placing coins on thwinkt and teleporting him all over the place when I told him "Stop!" "Help me!" "Left." I wanted to use speed effect to get to NOU and tell him MOD ABUSE. But NOU doesn't listen. No one listens. Everyone is blinded by his purple username, and think he's just a great mod. No one knows what he has done. How he hurts and trolls the best part of you. All they know is his cool levels and bosses. When he joined the level, N1KF called him a god. I’m sorry but a god doesn’t troll, race, spam invis blocks and arrows, and call people dujmb and NERD. He is not a god. He is not a good mod. He is a terrible, terrible mod.
It is ok that is just his personality and if you don't want to read those cruising words then turn the foul language off.
I know he is a mod and he is doing that but he still is a player and wants to enjoy the game just as we all do even if it is talking with you guys in such a way. Being a Mod simply means he is monitoring EE and looking at what the community is talking about while moderating it to please the entirety of the crowd.
So please, I don't know his age but judging on the way he was chatting he sounded in his late Teens, therefore he is still a kid wanting to have fun. So when that happens don't take it to offence.
I legit thought this was just a **** take. Apparently not.
I legit thought this was just a **** take. Apparently not.
I have been mentally and physically abused… by Master1.
its a game, just walk away
damn getting so overreacted over a **** game
if you can read this....good for you
Well i cant really understand your situation. Sometimes Master1 has flopped me off too, but if you just tell him to go swallow some "dots" and choke on "arrows" it's all ok.
Also me and Ipwner have always thought that Master1 is a overrated mod, we just like to pretend we like him sometimes and then laugh behind his back. :)
You know what they say! "Cry me a river, build a bridge... and then GET FREAKING OVER IT!"
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Master1 isn't just bad EE user tho, he once made drstereos which always insult me stop it for like few days
he tried tho
Also, he might be drunk at those chat images, everyone is drunk, right?
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everyone is drunk, right?
No, I've never been drunk so don't assume that kthxbye
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
Weirdoverse wrote:everyone is drunk, right?
No, I've never been drunk so don't assume that kthxbye
Drunk is xjeex, nvd said it.
Let's run a topic "The truth about Kirby"
I was about to call m1 a psychopath. tyvm
lmaooo aware
for real tho IN for the unaware scrubs that actually think ur being srs
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
I'm closing this because you're using someone's rape allegations to meme all over the place and that's pretty messed up.
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
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