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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2015-07-25 02:11:57, last edited by darkblades (2015-08-14 14:10:12)

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

To Battle!! [On/Off]

To Battle is a bot-assisted game that I also made asides from #getrekt (A free-for-all elimination game).

Play now:
Basically its another PvP game but this time it is in teams.

To play go to your left of the map. There press space to be sent into a team. The team (red or blue) is decided is based on how many players are left.

The score required to end the game is adjusted based on how many players are left.
The goal is to reach team "score" first to a certain amount to win the game but what is "score" anyways? The goal is determined by typing !teamscore
You earn 1 "score" by simply attacking enemies.
Killing enemies will steal 10% of their score as well as earning bonus score.
The team "score" is based on the combined score of every player in your team
Every minute until 10 mins, the score you gain increases by 50% just to shorten games.

In order to attack, you rapidly press (Mash) arrow keys/WASD or space. Each attack does damage to the opponents HP. You keep mashing until their smiley explodes meaning lowering there HP to 0. If your HP drops to 0 you will die.
You will be warned when your HP is dropped below 33%

Killing enemies slightly increases your stats. HP+8, Attack+0.5, Defense +0.5. However the stats you gain is weighted between you and your opponent. Kill weaker enemies give less stats but kill stronger enemies give more stats.
If you didn't kill the enemy but you help attack the enemy, you also gain stats but much lesser.
Killing more than 5 enemies without dying will make you go on a killing spree. However if the killer gets "SHUT DOWN", you will gain more stats.
Killing people constantly within a short amount of time (8 seconds) will go on multi-kill spree. E.g: double kill, triple kill, etc...

Dead players are unable to do anything for 5 seconds making them useless for a short while. If the dead player had a killing spree, they will take 12 seconds to respawn.


There are 10 different types of classes to choose from. Each has a strength and a weakness other than (none). Note kills and items rewards are affected by classes.
To change to that class, go to that sign and Press DOWN

None: There are no stats changes (default: HP: 100, Atk: 3, Def: 0, Range: 4)
Ranged: Gains increased Range: 6 but deals 80% of its attack as damage , takes 20% less defense, and has 25% less health.
Melee: Deals 75% more damage and 75% more HP. However your ranged is halved (range: 2) making it harder to hit.
Defense: Have 225% more HP but you deal 50% less damage.
Assassin: Slightly increased attack and defense. Has a 20% chance to deal a critical strike dealing double damage. If near an enemy, after 50 attacks, you will teleport up close to them.
Magic: Deals random damage between 50% ~ 150% attack. Also ignores 25% of enemies defense. However you have 20% less HP but Range: 5
Slasher: They have normal range and 10% more damage but 25% less defense. They can bleed targets dealing 200% of their attack as damage over 4 seconds. Can only attack 1 person
Support: They heal others based on their attack and simply mashing arrow keys on their nearby allies. Supports can attack enemies but they heal allies as first priority They have 20% less health and defense.
Smasher: 10% more HP and their attacks can attack 8 enemies but 2 range. Every 40 attacks, they can perform a smash which stun targets for 1 second.
Thrower: Attacks at a 6 range with 35% less hp health, attack and defense. Every 20 attacks, they can throw 1 of 3 different things. They can only target 1 person.
  -50% chance to Blind target for 3 seconds making them miss at a 75% chance.
  -Attacks 3 extra enemies.
  -Attacks 2 extra times to a person. These 2 attacks deal 50%  damage

Items spawn on certain places. Press Space to collect them.
Red Hearts heal 20% of your maximum HP
Purple Hearts gives you +10 Maximum HP
Pink hearts gives your team +5 Max HP
Sword: gives you +1 Attack
green Flag: gives your team +0.5 attack
Shield: gives you +1 Defense
green Shield: gives your team +0.5 defense
Axe: Equips a weapon making you deal 50% more damage for the next 50 attacks
Blue Circle Shield: Equips a shield making you take 50% less damage from 50 enemy attacks.

Yellow coins/Blue Coins will spawn in random parts of the map. They will stay there for 8 seconds before relocating.
-Each coin you collect will give you 3~6 Max HP

Monsters are in a form of magic bricks. Mash arrow key and/or space to deal damage to them. (RED,BLUE,YELLOW). {UP to 25 monsters will appear on the map}
They have 30 HP and each attack deals 1 FIXED damage. Certain classes that need certain attacks to use their skills will not activate but counts as attacks.
Monsters will regenerate if they are not damaged within 10 seconds
Note, Monsters CAN kill you and these will do this. They will sometimes attack you if you attack the monsters.
    -[RED]: Deals (5% of you max health) as damage at 2 range.
    -[YELLOW]: Deals (4% of your max health) as damage at 4 range.
    -[BLUE]: Deals (3% of your max health) as damage at 6 range.
    -Killing the monsters will give you one of three stats. (+4 HP, +0.3 attack, +0.3 defense)

Spells are extra abilities that you can use when you battle players. Any class can use them. Spells will go on cooldown after use. To use them press enter and choose hi from the 11 buttons (aka quick chat Hi.)

Flash: Allows you to teleport a small distance based on the last arrow key you chose. Cooldown: 90 seconds
Heal: Restores 25% of your maximum health as health. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Ignite: Sets the closest enemy into flames (invisible of course) dealing 500% of your attack as true damage over 5 seconds. In addition to reduce healing from healers or hearts by 75%. Cooldown: 75 seconds
(true damage = ignore 100% of their defense)
Barrier:Gives you a shield that blocks up to (20% of your maximum health) damage. While your barrier exists, you take 50% less damage that lasts 4 seconds.  Damage over time will still deplete HP. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Rage: Gain 50% attack for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds
Exhaust: Fatigues an enemy lowering attack and defense by 33% for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds
Revive: Passive: Lets you revive instantly at your base after getting killed. Cooldown: 180 seconds upon getting killed.
Invincible: Makes you invincible making you take no damage for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds
Smite: Attack the closest enemy dealing 15% of their maximum health as damage. Deals 4x damage against monsters and reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

!hp: Checks your HP. Note you are warned with your current HP when you have less than 33% HP
!help tells you the commands just In case if you forgot the commands that is listed here.
!help 2 tells you the controls to play this game.
!stats (username). Checks your stats (HP, Atk, Defense). Add (username) to check their stats. The [0] around it means the durability of sword/axe.
!surrender. Declares a surrender vote to your team.
  Type !yes or !no to respond.
  After 30 seconds, if there are more yes than no, your team loses and the enemy team wins
However, don't feel shameful. If your team cannot win because of someone too OP(overpowered), you will need to do this to save time and try again next game.
You CANNOT !surrender within first 5 minutes of game or 2 minutes after a failed surrender or after 60 seconds that you joined a team.

!kda (username): Checks your kills deaths and assist. Add (username) to check their kda.
!inv: Checks your inventory
!quit: [NOT recommended] A confirmation message will pop up to say you do quit the game. Type !quit or !quitno to yes or no. However once you quit your stats reset when you play again.
!score: Checks your "score".
!teamscore: Checks team "score" and how many kills that team scored.

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


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#2 2015-07-25 02:13:39, last edited by darkblades (2015-08-13 15:57:19)

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Update History
-Surrender CD for entering the game lowered to 60 seconds to 90 seconds
-Failed surrender CD lowered to 120 seconds from 180 seconds
-There are now 3 coins for both yellow and blue. Hehehe!!
-All coins give 3~6 Max HP at random

How come things aren't working?
-Check the room title. On: the bot is on. Off: the bot is off. If it is off, its obvious that no commands are working. It's a bot-assisted game after all.

Why is the bot spamming so many messages to the chat?
-Because they are important messages.

Why I can't kill anybody in the base while I get killed?
-So you can't really spawn kill. And besides you deserve to die because you are in their base. you get 0hitKO for doing so.

Is it really game over if the person gets a more than 10 killing spree?
-Not really, just get a bunch of people together and kill that person. However the chances of winning the game is very very low after being fed.

What is the word "fed" in terms of this game? I heard many people call "XXX is so fed..."
-To describe a player that earned so many kills. Kills increase their stats making them so strong. This analogy refers to hunters killing animals. Animals dead are now food for them to eat. Once they ate many animals they are now fed with food so that they can hunt more and live much longer.

Will I still able to damage opponents with their high defense?
-The lowest damage a person can take is 1 so you have to tap more to kill them.

Why do people run away from me but yet I die?
-..... they are ranged/throwers, you NEVER EVER EVER chase like that. That is call being "baited" or "kited" in which you die very easily.

Why do i get killed even if the player is not moving at all?
-Just because they aren't moving doesn't mean they can still attack and kill you. Attack and moving are two different things.

What does support do?
-Instead of killing people, you mash arrow keys/space on allies healing their hp.

Why am i getting "you are stunned by username" or "you are blinded by username"?
-Smashers can stun while throwers can blind.

How come i get killed by someone but i was killed by a monster?
-The person that last-hits you within 10 seconds will get the kill and the people who help get the assist.

Why does the monsters deal so much damage even with tons of hp,atk,def?
-They deal % of your maximum health as damage. Not true damage but the damage is reduced by your defense.

A monster killed me but it says I was killed by someone?
So you can't suicide for having low hp, it gets remove after 12 secs of not taking enemy damage

Does Items stack?
-Stats items such as max hp, attack, and defense will stack. However equips such as axe and shield does NOT stack durability meaning getting a new one will give you 50 times rather than adding 50 times more.

Does my stats reset every game?
-Yes it does, so everyone has a chance to hopefully win their rounds. This game is suppose to be for fun not for bragging rights.

What do i get for wooting?
-You gain 50 max HP for wooting...

Why aren't ny spells such as exhaust, ignite, or smite working?
You have to be near an enemy to use it. Others such as heal or invincible can be used anytime

Why i can't kill somebody?
-You are not mashing fast enough or your class is weak against the other class.

Why are people teleporting... hackers?
-There is a class called "Assassins" that teleport after certain attacks. !stats (username) that person states that too.

Why am I dying so quickly (even with sword/axe)?
Because you made the enemy way too strong by giving him kills. Remember kills increase their stats. Also always check !stats (username) upon death.

How come when I start playing, I died instantly? Game unfair.
-Because you joined at the time the game started long time ago. You are also warned about it too when you join.

How come the target won't die even if he has <10 HP and my ignite does 20 damage over 5 seconds?
-Ignite only reduces healing but not increasing HP from maxhp. It is a differences, gaining maxHP is NOT healing, that is a boost to your hp. Gaining maxhp will always gain hp.

What is the best class to play?
-There is no such thing as best class... You play the class that you want to play. For beginners, choose none.

How can I change my class in-game?
-Type !quit. HOWEVER your stats will be resetted so it is not worth.

My teammates suck, what can I do?
-Either yell at them for being bad or teach him/her how to be better.

Each time I get a pink or purple heart I don't gain 10 HP but instead gain 5 or 8 HP?
-That is intentional. Some classes have different HP multipliers that also affects stat increases therefore gaining less HP than what the item is given.

My teammates refuse to surrender, what can I do?
-Too bad so sad, wait 2 more minutes of suffering.

HALP! Some player is too good or hax, can you ban them darkblades?
-NOPE, not my job, if they are good than you need to play better. Many quit because they aren't too "good" enough. Either you hope you are on the same team with them or else you go bye bye.

Why are teams randomized?
-To equal out the number of players for each team.

What is the code/edit?
-Get out, this world is not meant for edit, its a game, a BOT GAME!!

Halp Someone is camping in my base. How do you exterminate it?
-Either use the portal to get out or blame yourself for giving so many kills to the enemy. EDIT: you can just one tap and they will die.

How do you win this game?
-It is not a time-limited game. You have to reach 10k a certain amount of score as a team to win.

How do you 3%$#% Attack?
Read the damn instructions to your right before playing. A sign tells you too. If you don't read, not my problem

Why do people leave this room when they get constantly killed?
Because they don't like losing or they cannot beat them and thinking that they are not superior enough to suppress others...

Why is there nobody in the other team or in my team?
They left the game because they can't do anything to kill them and yet they have no sportsmanship. Note:  They are part of the "Raged" Crew.

Will this improve my cookie-clicker skills?
Emm.. maybe, you can. Depends if you play long enough.

Why are team score goal changes?
The score needed to win the game changes because of players that are playing right now (not players in this world). That way game ends quicker regardless of players playing.

ARRGH This game sucks!!, &#(^#$( this game.
-Hey, that's not a question

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


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#3 2015-07-25 02:14:27

From: Canada
Joined: 2015-07-17
Posts: 83

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

darkblades wrote:

Items spawn on certain places. Press Space to collect them.
Red Hearts heal 20% of your maximum HP
Purple Hearts gives you +5 Maximum HP
Pink hearts gives your team +3 Max HP
Sword: gives you +0.5 Attack
Blue Flag: gives your team +0.3 attack
Shield: gives you +0.5 Defense
Blue circle Shield: gives your team +0.3 defense
Axe: Equips a weapon making you deal 50% more damage for the next 25 attacks
Blue Shield: Equips a shield making you take 50% less damage for the next 25 attacks.

can you stack those effects? (ex: picking up 3 swords will give +1.5 attack)


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#4 2015-07-25 02:22:06

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Sam777 wrote:
darkblades wrote:

Items spawn on certain places. Press Space to collect them.
Red Hearts heal 20% of your maximum HP
Purple Hearts gives you +5 Maximum HP
Pink hearts gives your team +3 Max HP
Sword: gives you +0.5 Attack
Blue Flag: gives your team +0.3 attack
Shield: gives you +0.5 Defense
Blue circle Shield: gives your team +0.3 defense
Axe: Equips a weapon making you deal 50% more damage for the next 25 attacks
Blue Shield: Equips a shield making you take 50% less damage for the next 25 attacks.

can you stack those effects? (ex: picking up 3 swords will give +1.5 attack)

Yes they stack...... Not a good question though

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


#5 2015-07-25 02:50:30

some woman
From: 4th dimension
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,289

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

it's like getrekt but with even more keymashing because you're always on chains

10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!


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#6 2015-07-26 18:17:47

Formerly Diana2003
Joined: 2015-07-04
Posts: 1,341

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Love this world! I got 10 kills streak once.


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#7 2015-07-26 18:27:03, last edited by darkblades (2015-07-26 18:29:01)

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

some man wrote:

it's like getrekt but with even more key mashing because you're always on chains

its true because your always playing but it doesn't matter if it is on chains or no gravity. key mashing is always the same regardless

Diana2003 wrote:

Love this world! I got 10 kills streak once.

nice!! and thanks!!

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


#8 2015-07-26 19:11:36

From: USA
Joined: 2015-05-30
Posts: 591

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

You need to have different maps.



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#9 2015-07-26 19:16:45, last edited by Br0k3n (2015-07-26 19:17:22)

From: Serbia
Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 1,451

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

I like the bot and the idea with teams and classes, but still i like FFA more cuz i got used to it //

was24 wrote:

You need to have different maps.

Agreed. Would be more fun with more maps!

Diana2003 wrote:

Love this world! I got 10 kills streak once.

lol same.

?type=online&name=br0k3n ?type=lastlogin&name=br0k3n ?type=loginstreak&name=br0k3n



#10 2015-07-26 19:45:47

From: USA
Joined: 2015-05-30
Posts: 591

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Diana2003 wrote:

Love this world! I got 10 kills streak once.

I can only kill 2-3 players. //



#11 2015-07-26 19:49:17

From: Serbia
Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 1,451

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

was24 wrote:
Diana2003 wrote:

Love this world! I got 10 kills streak once.

I can only kill 2-3 players. //

tip: dont join late. if you did, !quit and wait for next round.
tip2: at the first 30-60 seconds just get powerups and try to avoid killing people.

?type=online&name=br0k3n ?type=lastlogin&name=br0k3n ?type=loginstreak&name=br0k3n



#12 2015-07-27 16:57:10

Formerly Diana2003
Joined: 2015-07-04
Posts: 1,341

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Sometimes, when I die, I get stuck.


#13 2015-07-27 20:33:29, last edited by darkblades (2015-07-28 05:19:17)

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Diana2003 wrote:

Sometimes, when I die, I get stuck.

Are you talking about the top left corner that people get stuck on?, that is not my bot doing that but ee is known for having people get stuck on top left corners after /kill. However i could add a command to help resolve this problem but i do not guarantee that it will work.
Your best is to re-enter the game.
EDIT: the command i just made was taken away as it did not resolve the problem

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


#14 2015-07-27 20:58:23

From: Serbia
Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 1,451

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

darkblades wrote:
Diana2003 wrote:

Sometimes, when I die, I get stuck.

Are you talking about the top left corner that people get stuck on?, that is not my bot doing that but ee is known for having people get stuck on top left corners after /kill. However i could add a command to help resolve this problem but i do not guarantee that it will work.
Your best is to re-enter the game.

Pretty sure diana2003 ment when you die and you have to wait to respawn and you are stuck there. Happened to me

?type=online&name=br0k3n ?type=lastlogin&name=br0k3n ?type=loginstreak&name=br0k3n



#15 2015-07-28 05:18:40, last edited by darkblades (2015-07-28 05:20:04)

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Br0k3n wrote:
darkblades wrote:
Diana2003 wrote:

Sometimes, when I die, I get stuck.

Are you talking about the top left corner that people get stuck on?, that is not my bot doing that but ee is known for having people get stuck on top left corners after /kill. However i could add a command to help resolve this problem but i do not guarantee that it will work.
Your best is to re-enter the game.

Pretty sure diana2003 ment when you die and you have to wait to respawn and you are stuck there. Happened to me

I'm pretty sure that when i spectate this game, I never seen anyone literally stuck at all. But for sure i changed a small bits of work so it should respawn after few seconds.

I am currently building my map loader and stuff. I will try to add 1 ~ 3 maps.

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


#16 2015-07-28 15:02:53, last edited by Swarth100 (2020-05-24 17:23:02)

Joined: 2015-07-18
Posts: 305

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Wouldn't it be sufficient to check some seconds after the /kill comand if the player pos is NOT (0;0)? If it is you could either kill the player again or just tp it back to a proper position...


#17 2015-07-28 16:59:51

Formerly Diana2003
Joined: 2015-07-04
Posts: 1,341

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

I was talking about the corner thing.


#18 2015-07-29 20:30:07

From: New MLG City/Weed Town
Joined: 2015-03-21
Posts: 122

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Diana2003 wrote:

I was talking about the corner thing.

i added something that lets you press space to get out of it now.

Sample Text.

Doritos/Mountain Dew eater.
420 No scoping 69 scrubs per day
Always smoke weed everyday.

Known for: #getrekt Bot (possible revive with new stuff?)


#19 2015-08-01 19:12:45

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 201

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

the math you're using to deal damage is broken, a player can get some shields and become 100% invincible, thus ruining the fun
fix your math.



#20 2015-08-01 20:26:52

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: To Battle!! [On/Off]

Personally I don't like this one at all. It has many fundamental flaws in the core gameplay:

a) Bird's-eye view (top-down) means far less movement skill is required and you really can't escape anyone else. Eg. in getrekt, you can jump up platforms and move left and right, gain momentum to perform these jumps, etc. In this you basically just walk.
b) Bird's-eye view makes the gameplay feel very sluggish, especially those chains. Dots would probably make it feel too crazy as well.
c) Bird's-eye view makes it so there's far less map creativity possible. Sure you can make different shapes and stuff, but it's still going to feel basically the same because you're on the same plane of motion, and unique map experiences are almost impossible, unlike in getrekt.
d) Weird team leveling **** that I don't quite understand, except for the fact that it isn't fun. I entered the level once and couldn't even exit my team's spawn because I instantly got killed by other people around the entrance, and they just kept being deemed "legendary" even though they were literally just standing there.

So I suggest if you really want to continue this bot, do, but please keep getrekt because many find getrekt way funner for these reasons! :3


EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu   IUO0O0oooooooooooppi

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Im A ®a®ity ®


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