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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Many people have complained a lot about the official releases of the EE Animator, so I've fixed some bugs, and added some new features to it. Feel free to post translations and other stuff about the fixes. If you want to visit Aslai's official EE Animator topic, then click here!

UPDATE (25/08/12):

Hello again Animator fans!

As you could see, the updates were coming pretty late recently, and most of them were only block pack addings.
The main goal of starting this project was to speed up most of the stuff - especially selection operations - and include Coin Doors, Portals, and things like that. In the latest and - probably - the last version, 74, I got rid of the speed problems.

Including the special, "property blocks" was a goal since they got released, but I was - well, let's say it - too lazy to do it, and I'm sure someone else could do it more finely than I could.

I'm just writing this because I'll abadon this project. I don't want to let the updates go even more poor. When I started this, I tought this project was going to last for ca. 3 months, but it lasted for 1 year, 6 months, and 1 day. I don't have time to keep this up, but I hope there will be other people who do "fixes" too (I guess Aslai would be very very proud of them). //

Thanks for giving me the motivation and reporting bugs all the time! //

If you can't unpack the '.zip' files, then try unpacking them with 7-Zip!

Version 74 (21/07/12)
- Added the newest blocks.
- Changed the rendering mode of the layers and the minimap.
- Fixed some bugs and annoyances.
- Performance optimizations including speeding up selection dragging.

Version 73 (11/07/12)
- Added every new block.
- Backgrounds are now visible behind the first Gravity block.
- Decompressed DLL files.
- Fixed all the missing block color issues, every block's color is like in the game now.
- Optimized some things, now the program should run faster, and some functions should be more compatible with some computers.

Version 72 (28/05/12)
- Added 'Colored Windows'.
- Added 'Pirate' blocks.
- Added 'Viking' blocks.

- Updated the checkered background, like in the game.

Version 71 (09/05/12)
- Added 'Prison' blocks.

Version 70 (03/04/12)
- Added 'Carnival' backgrounds.
- Added 'Easter 2012' blocks.

Version 69 (24/03/12)
- Added 'Sci-fi' blocks.

Version 68 (04/03/12)
- Fixed the memory leak that existed since version 22. (The program won't use so much system resources from now.)

Version 67 (26/02/12)
- Fixed the disabled 'Save As...' menu bug.

Version 66 (26/02/12)
- Faster world saving/loading, and smaller save file sizes.

Version 65 (13/01/12)
- Re-added all the missing copyrights.

Version 64 (12/01/12)
- Added 6 new lines (75-80) to the 'Languages.ini' file.
- Added full screen mode support.
- Added image size recommendations.

- Fixed a bug related to an '.ini' file's reading.
- Modified a line (74) in the 'Languages.ini' file.

Version 63 (08/01/12)
- Added a new line ('74=Image Size') to the 'Languages.ini' file.
- Added support for resizing images at image importation.

- Changed the maximum framerate from 9999 to 60fps.

Version 62 (22/12/11)
- Fixed some bugs related to minimap rendering.
- The 'Spawn Point' has got no color from now.

Version 61 (11/12/11)
- Added 'Christmas 2011' blocks.
- Added 'Trophy' block.
- Minor GUI bug fixes.

Version 60 (23/11/11)
- Changed some blocks' images and their minimap colors.

Version 59 (02/11/11)
- Background blocks are now visible on the minimap.

Version 58 (22/10/10)
- Added 'Mineral Pack'.
- Changed the 'Blocks' menu's graphical interface.

Version 57 (14/10/10)
- Added 'Halloween 2011' blocks.
- Fixed a little GUI bug.

Version 56 (28/09/11)
- Fixed a bug related to the selection tool.
- Speeded up the fill tool.

Version 55 (25/09/11)
- Fixed 3 bugs (1 related to the block toggler, and 2 related to the selection tool).

Version 54 (24/09/11)
- Changed the 'Nothing' block.
- Fixed some graphical bugs.

Version 53 (18/09/11)
- Fixed the animation frame exporting bug.

Version 52 (30/08/11)
- Selection tool modifications (speed improvement and a bug fix).
- Removed the FPS counter.

Version 51 (24/08/11)
- Added an FPS counter.
- Fixed some bugs.

Version 50 (23/08/11)
- Added 'Candyland' blocks.
- Added 'Canvas' backgrounds.

- Code cleanup.
- Fixed some bugs.

Version 49 (08/08/11)
- Fixed some bugs.

Version 48 (07/08/11)
- Added 'Selection.png' to '\Images\Sprites\Miscellaneous'.
- Little GUI modifications.
- Very little speed improvements.

- Removed 2 unused scripts.

Version 47 (06/08/11)
- Fixed an '.spt' file exportation bug.

Version 46 (06/08/11)
- Added 'Dark' backgrounds.
- Now, the '.spt' file exporter supports the background layer. (Special thanks to 'Processor'!)

- Changed '\Miscellaneous\Blocks.txt' a bit.
- Fixed world loading issues.

- The '.sav' files of 'Version 45' aren't compatible with the program from now, but other '.sav' files should work correctly.

Version 45 (03/08/11)
- Added 3 new lines (71-73) to the 'Languages.ini' file.
- Added background support ('.spt' exporter excludes the background layer).
- Added many background blocks.
- Added minimap color for decorations.

- Changed many blocks' images.
- Changed the '.ini' structure of '\Miscellaneous\Settings.ini'.
- Changed the file structure of '\Images'.
- Fixed some bugs.

Version 44 (31/07/11)
- Changed some blocks and their minimap colors accroding to the newest game update.
- The '.spt' file exporter works again.

Version 43 (27/07/11)
- The border can now be 'nothing'.
- Changed a line in the 'Languages.ini' file ('41=Toggle Blocks' -> '41=Blocks').
- Fixed a bug that made the program unable to create '.spt' files correctly.
- Made many loops faster.

- Removed a line ('valid=1') from the 'Languages.ini' file.

Version 42 (24/07/11)
- Added 3 new HUD texts.
- Added a new line ('Hotkey:') to the 'Languages.ini' file.

- Changed many things in the file system. (I recommend everybody to reinstall the whole program.)
- Fixed some bugs.
- Little speed improvements.

Version 41 (14/07/11)
- Fixed some percent calculation bugs.
- Fixed the 'Save as...' menu's inactivity bug.
- Made some loops faster.
- The circle filler algorithm is now bug-free. (Special thanks to 'Aslai'!)

Version 40 (13/17/11)
- Now, the worlds' border can be filled.
- Changed the circle drawing algorithm.
- Fixed a critical fill bug that made the program freeze.

Version 39 (12/07/11)
- Added 'Summer Package 2011' blocks.
- Changed many blocks' images.
- Fixed a 'Blocks' menu GUI bug.
- Fixed a block drawing bug.

Version 38 (09/07/11)
- Changed an Aslai's Animator page's URL in the 'About' menu.
- Fixed a major bug that made the program unable to start without a correct 'settings.ini' file.
- Fixed a minor GUI bug.

Version 37 (29/06/11)
- Changed the line drawing algorithm.
- Code cleanup.
- Re-compressed '/img/24.png'.

Version 36 (22/06/11)
- Changed the 'nothing' block once again.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Little 'Blocks' menu modification.
- Now, there is a different 'nothing' block for some tools again.
- Speeded up the application a very little bit.
- Updated 2 blocks ('Crown' and 'Black block').

- Removed many unused constants.
- Removed the 'basic' font, because it wasn't needed for anything.

Version 35 (14/06/11)
- From now, you can edit the program's fonts by modifying the values in '\misc\fonts.ini'.
- Changed the 'nothing' block.
- Changed '\misc\blocks.txt' a very little bit.
- Compressed a lot of images.
- Little code cleanup.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Now, there isn't a different 'nothing' block for some tools.

- Removed some unused scripts.

Version 34 (09/06/11)
- Added the 'nothing' block to the '\img\blocks' directory.
- Now, all the sprites are loaded from external '.png' images. Those images can be found in '\img\sprites\'. (Special thanks to 'Rurigok' for helping me!)
- Now, you can't go out of the world fully.

- Code cleanup.
- Fixed some bugs.

- Removed a '.dll' that wasn't used for anything.

Version 33 (05/06/11)
- Now, the drawing tool can be quickly changed by scrolling the mouse wheel up or down.
- Little code cleanup.
- Speeded up some functions of the program.

- Removed an unnecessary directory from the archive.
- Removed the option to paste things from the clipboard (you can still copy and paste things, but not from/to the clipboard).

Version 32 (28/05/11)
- Minor GUI modifications.
- Minor script cleanups.

Version 31 (28/05/11)
- Fixed the invisible selection bug.

Version 30 (27/05/11)
- Now, the 'Aslai's Releases' menu navigates you to the 'Official EE Animator topic'.
- Script cleanups.

- Removed all the unused objects.
- Removed many unused scripts.
- Removed key combinations that weren't listed in the menu (except 'B' and 'M').
- Removed the 'create' action from the 'frame' object.
- Removed the maze generation feature.

Version 29 (15/05/11)
- Cleaned up some scripts again.

Version 28 (15/05/11)
- Cleaned up some scripts.
- Modified the GUI a bit.

- Removed '39dll.dll'.
- Removed many unuseful scripts.

Version 27 (14/05/11)
- Added 'Spring 2011' blocks.
- Added 'Diamond' block.

Version 26 (26/04/11)
- Changed the old directory selector to a new one.
- Cleaned up many pieces of code.
- Fixed a bug that cleared the 'language.ini' file randomly.
- Fixed a random block drawing bug again.
- From now, when you open the program, open a world, or make a new world, you will start at '-3|-3'.
- The copy function doesn't write to the clipboard now, but you can still paste data from the clipboard if you want.

- Removed some unnecessary blocks from the 'img' folder.

Version 25 (23/04/11)
- Re-added copyright text for 'Aslai's' request.
- Cleaned up the frame manager.
- Removed 'AutoDonation' again for 'Aslai's' request.

Version 24 (22/04/11)
- Added a new line to the 'language.ini' file.
- Cleaned up the code a little bit.
- Fixed some random block creation bugs.
- Now, you don't have to restart the program to use an other language.
- There is a drop down menu for the language selection intsead of a text box. (Special thanks to 'Aslai' for giving me the code!)

Version 23 (21/04/11)
- Added 6 new lines to the language.ini file.
- Added status information for many functions.
- Re-added 'AutoDonation' (not sure if it's working or not).

- Fixed the border saving bug.
- Fixed the drop down menu bug.
- Image importing's status is now displayed in percent rate.
- Modified 2 lines in the 'language.ini' file.
- Moving in the world is now faster again (10 pixels per movements instead of 3 pixels per movements).

Version 22 (12/04/11)
- Cleaned up the source code, so everything should be a bit faster now.
- Changed the whole file structure.
- Fixed the random '.ini' file creation bug.
- Moving in the world is now slower (3 pixels per movements instead of 10 pixels per movements).

- Removed 'AutoDonation'.
- Removed 'TinyWeb.dll'.
- Removed the 'readme' files.

Version 21 (29/03/11)
- Added 2 new hotkeys ('M' opens/closes the minimap, and 'B' opens/closes the blocks menu).
- Added a new line ('IniLibGMDLL was created by Revel.') to the 'readme' files.
- Added 'IniLibGMDLL.dll' that can handle '.ini' files much faster than the 'Game Maker's' built-in '.ini' file handler.

Version 20 (27/03/11)
- Added a new line to the 'readme' files ('TinyWeb was created by Porfirio.').
- Changed a 'Game Maker' prompt to a 'Windows' prompt.
- Changed the text in the 24th line of the 'language.ini' file to 'Preview Mode'.
- Changed the way how the 'blocks.txt' and the 'img' directory work.
- Speeded up the application a very little bit.
- The animation menu's preview item is now tickable or untickable.
- The 'Ctrl+O' key combination should work properly now.

- Deleted some useless sprites.

Version 19 (27/03/11)
- Added 'TinyWeb.dll' that handles 'AutoDonation' (the program should visit '' websites hiddenly).
- Compressed '.dll' files.

Version 18 (20/03/11)
- Cleaned up 'blocks.txt'.
- Cleaned up the 'img' directory.
- Some images are more little now in file size.

Version 17 (20/03/11)
- Added 5 new lines (58-62) to the 'language.ini' file.
- Added 'Max WinAPI 2.dll' to the game, so every 'Windows' prompt is translatable without errors from now.
- Added option to hide the cursor.

- Changed the loading screens' background.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused a loading screen unable to display text in a custom language.
- Fixed some loading screen bugs.
- Updated the 'readme' files a bit ('MaxWinAPI was created by h0bbel.').

Version 16 (17/03/11)
- Added line 57 ('Loading...') to the 'language.ini' file.
- Added some loading screens.

Version 15 (14/03/11)
- Fixed a minor bug.

Version 14 (14/03/11)
- Added icons to some menu items.
- Changed the tick symbol once again.

Version 13 (13/03/11)
- Fully fixed the '.spt' file creation bug.

Version 12 (13/03/11)
- Fixed a critical '.spt' file creation bug again.
- Fixed a translation bug.

Version 11 (12/03/11)
- Added a new line ('Fixes by Jojatekok') to the 'readme' files.
- Added more lines (54-56) to the 'language.ini' file.

- Fixed a critical bug that made the program unable to make '.spt' files correctly.

Version 10 (10/03/11)
- Changed the 'language.ini' file a bit (it's recommended to delete it and launch the Animator to have an updated 'language.ini' file).
- Replaced the language selector from the external '.exe' file to the Animator's file menu.

- Some Windows prompts can't be translated now to avoid runtime errors.

Version 9 (08/03/11)
- Added a new line (54) to the 'language.ini' file.
- Changed a 'Game Maker' prompt to a 'Windows' prompt.

Version 8 (08/03/11)
- Added a language selector (the 'language.ini' file will be automatically created on the startup of the program).

Version 7 (05/03/11)
- Fixed a bug that made the program unable to open some kind of '.sav' files.

Version 6 (05/03/11)
- Changed 'Game Maker' prompts to 'Windows' prompts.
- Changed the help menu's items.

Version 5 (03/03/11)
- Re-added the 'readme' files for request.
- Downgraded Animator to official version 4.3 to fix the submenu bug (now you can import text and change the default directories), but all the changes of version 4.5 are included.

Version 4 (03/03/11)
- Added 'Source.gmk' to the archive for developers.
- Changed the tick symbol.
- Renamed some menu items.

- Removed server check (no key and internet connection needed now).
- Removed the 'Logged in as...' text.
- Removed the 'readme' files because they were outdated, and nobody needed them.

Version 3 (27/02/11)
- Added 'Glass Package'.
- Added 'Secret Passages'.

- Updated the 'Factory Package' blocks (they are now polished).
- Updated the main Animator version to 4.5.

Version 2 (20/01/11)
- Fixed a bug that caused 'Factory Package' blocks unable to be uploaded to the server properly.

Version 1 (20/01/11)
- Added 'Factory Package' (they can't be uploaded to the server correctly, but you can use it in the application without errors).
- Fixed minimap and image importing color issue.

Open the 'Languages.ini' file (located at the 'Miscellaneous' folder) with a text editor, insert these lines of text to the bottom of it, and then save it!

Translation rate: 80/80 (100%)
Last modification: 12/01/12
Creators: Aslai and Jojatekok

Translation rate: 80/80 (100%)
Last modification: 12/01/12
Creator: Jojatekok

Translation rate: 73/80 (91,25%)
Last modification: 26/09/11
Creator: jjjuu

Translation rate: 80/80 (100%)
Last modification: 01/02/12
Creator: Mehmet ?ahin

Main version: Aslai
Fixes: Jojatekok
IniLibGMDLL.dll: Revel
Max WinAPI 2.dll: h0bbel
XMenu: Rithiur
Helpers: Aslai, Processor, Rurigok

Last edited by Jojatekok (Aug 26 2012 7:31:35 am)

#2 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Thanks. I don't use the animator hardly at all but if do again this is useful!

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#3 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Different55 wrote:

Thanks. I don't use the animator hardly at all but if do again this is useful!

I don't use it, too, but it's a very handy tool //

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

If the blocks can't be uploaded there isn't much point to it. Especially because Aslai is adding them already, I sent him the hexdata a few days ago.

Good effort anyway //

No u.


#5 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

It works now //

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#6 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Nou wrote:

If the blocks can't be uploaded there isn't much point to it. Especially because Aslai is adding them already, I sent him the hexdata a few days ago.

Good effort anyway //

They can be uploaded now (fixed in version 2)

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Nice one. gj.

#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Do you mean with image importing that the animator uses metal for white and not betapurple?


#9 Before February 2015

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator


"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#10 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
From: SEAͩT̓͑TLͯͥͧͪ̽ͧE͑̚
Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 787

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

I've updated animator at . I used your color fixes, plus I rewrote the entire image importer, so you should like it


#11 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Thanks a lot ^^

By the way, can I upload a picture in EE Animator to the game in my browser? If yes, how? '-'

Last edited by Nightmare (Jan 20 2011 6:51:36 pm)

#12 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Aslai wrote:

I've updated animator at . I used your color fixes, plus I rewrote the entire image importer, so you should like it

Whoa, thank you very much! I just made this as a "fanwork" and you used it in the official version! Thanks!!! //
Nice work //

#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 4,066

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Using this thread instead of creating a new one.
Here is my fixes for Animator, it's for xmas, new year and for the spawner.



Last edited by doh (Jan 23 2011 6:29:18 pm)


#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 4,066

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

xjeex wrote:

how did you do the fixes can you tell   me i wanna do some fixes to

What do you want to fix?
I just changed the background for the pictures.

Extracted the tileset from the swf.
Filled the background with 0.png
Extracted the tileset to be only 16x16 with Tile Studio.

Last edited by doh (Jan 23 2011 8:31:24 pm)


#15 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

I'll release version 3 soon (less than a week) with the new glassy bricks //

#16 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Cool. Looking forward to it.

#17 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

I've added the secret passages, too //

#18 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Love it. Love it. AWESOME. I Just wish someone would find it in their time to make a version for MAC. (I might find it in my time)

Last edited by Gamer36 (Feb 21 2011 4:11:52 am)

#19 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Guys, I need your help! If you have Cheat Engine and Glassy Package, you can help me making version 3. Here is the guide:

1.) In Everybody Edits, select the empty brick and search for 6 as your initial value in Cheat Engine.
2.) Select the basic grey block, and search for 78 for the next search.
3.) If step 2 doesn't give you only one value, repeat the steps again.
4.) Select glassy block 1, then write its value here.
5.) Select glassy block 2, then write its value here.
6.) Select glassy block 3, then write its value here.
7.) Select glassy block 4, then write its value here.
8.) Select glassy block 5, then write its value here.
9.) Select glassy block 6, then write its value here.
10.) Select glassy block 7, then write its value here.
11.) Select glassy block 8, then write its value here.

Thank you for helping me out!

Last edited by Jojatekok (Feb 21 2011 5:11:09 am)

#20 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

I'd just use WPE to get the data.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#21 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Different55 wrote:

I'd just use WPE to get the data.

Ok, but can you use CE to get the data this time, please? Thank you!

Last edited by Jojatekok (Feb 21 2011 11:07:18 am)

#22 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

omg i want glass in it so bad

#23 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Version 3 released with the following changes:
-Updated the main animator version to 4.5.
-Added Secret Passages.
-Added Glassy Pack.
-Added polished Factory Pack blocks.
Special thanks to kingjamstar and showpath for the cheat engine values of the Glassy Pack blocks.

Last edited by Jojatekok (Feb 27 2011 2:18:37 am)

#24 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Finally! Thank you so much.

#25 Before February 2015


Re: Unofficial Fixes for Everybody Edits Animator

Version 4 released!
-Added Source.gmk for developers.
-Changed the tick symbol.
-Renamed some menu items.
-Removed server check (no key and internet connection needed now).
-Removed the "Logged in as..." text.
-Removed the readme files because they were outdated, and nobody needed them.

Last edited by Jojatekok (Mar 3 2011 1:43:33 pm)

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