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#1 Before February 2015


Chat Record Thread

These tend to do well in other forums I'e been to, you just post an im convo that you want to sure, usually they're [supposed to be] funny.

I'll start // This one might be a little to old for everyone here(self included :s)

Me: so,
Me: are you goign to scarborough fair?
Rob: No
Me: oh damn
Me: I was gonna ask you to pick up some rosemary sage and thyme
Me: because I love spices
Me: or something

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

<mustang> here's his response in the pm

Flare wrote:

<mustang> aslai had a great comment about flare earlier
<MIHB> ?

Mustang and Aslai wrote:

<&mustang> the forum is relatively dead
<+Aslai> Except flare
<+Aslai> He needs to post 100 spam posts a day or he'll die

<Aslai> =p
<MIHB> thats about right
<mustang> yep
<mustang> 100% accurate  

Cool story, bro.

<MIHB> make sure to pass on our commentary on alex's sexy zone

Yeah, albeit hard to understand. The original log was just:

<&mustang> the forum is relatively dead
<+Aslai> Except flare
<+Aslai> He needs to post 100 spam posts a day or he'll die

Then Mustang mentioned it while he was talking to MIHB, and Aslai sent it over to me. I PM'ed it to Mustang with 'Cool story, bro.' at the end. Aslai then sent me that whole chat log.

- facepalm - I suck at this. Back to Forum Games!

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

[03:57:42] King: You guys are like unicorns.
[03:57:48] King: ...
[03:57:59] King: Except you like it in the **** more than unicorns.
[03:58:03] King: ...
[03:58:09] Me: ...
[03:58:20] King: I need to find out if unicorns like it in the ****.

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

This thread is supposed to be for actual im convos... ;-;

#5 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: Chat Record Thread

Would this be considered a necro? It's not that old...

>>>>>>>Viewer discretion is advised. Blame Twipply.

<@Zoey2070> If I write constantly for 16 hours at 50 words a minute I could get the 50,000 words for nanowrimo
<@cyclone> Osm
<%Twipply> Tell me what to type for you and I'll 126WPM imba it.
<@Zoey2070> I'm not a good writer so no
<@Zoey2070> if I could write like some of these fanfiction writers.... well... //
<%Twipply> And then Red Took Blue's wang deep into his mouth, he longed for Blue's load
<%Twipply> "Oh God, Red, you're even better at this then Yellow's Likatung..."
<%Twipply> Red stops and takes the monster wang from his mouth
<%Twipply> "'re a Pokemon furry?" he asked
<%Twipply> "Yep L()L"
<%Twipply> How's that?
<@Zoey2070> wut the ****
<@Zoey2070> that sounds like something that would be on encyclopedia dramatica

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


#6 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

epic bump(remember grave digs don't matter if the dig isn't useless. >>)

<%AlexR> I'm bored as f***
<%AlexR> except more
<%AlexR> cause I imagine like
<%AlexR> a guy named f*** has a pretty exiting life
<%AlexR> 'Hey, nice to meet you, I'm f***, you?;

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

Pretty weird thread..

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread

alittle boring... :/

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Chat Record Thread


You tend to find yourself funny, eh?
// Kinda weird alex...

Anyways, here's some I found funny from a different site (some are NSFW):
(injected11): Hey baby. Wanna violate some terms of use?
(jet): So guys, any site where I can spread my ****?
(name removed): something tells me you don't play competitive pokemon often
(gotchapt): something tells me you don't have secks often

(Rydian): Not everybody has laser nipples...
(gameboy13): Your mom has laser nipples.
(monkat): You have six. lololol furry.

Last edited by Crazzy1 (Dec 25 2010 4:02:06 pm)

Alex 1423623571337861

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