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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


Block Icons

What If We Could Add Like A Smiley But It Would Turn Out Like The Blocks And Stuff From EE?

Because Many People Are Try To Explain Stuff like


And I Though It Would Be Better If You Could Add Bricks Kinda Like You Do With The Smileys?

My Thoughts :

Grey > :grey:  Purple > :purple:  Red > :red:  Blue > :blue:  Yellow > :yellow:  Green > :green:  Lightblue > :Lblue:  Brown Brick > :Bbrick:  Blue(ish) Brick > :Abrick: ( A for aqua ... thats all i could think of other than ( BLbrick ) )  Dark Purple Brick > :Pbrick:  Green Brick > :Gbrick:  Red Brick > :Rbrick:   Tan Brick? > :Tbrick:   White Metal > :WMetal: or :WM:  Orange Metal > :Ometal: or :OM:  Yellow Metal > :Ymetal: or :YM:  Grass > :grass:   "Caution" > :Caution:  Face brick? > :Fbrick:  Black > :black:  Red Key > :Rkey:  Blue Key > :Bkey:  Green Key > :Gkey:  Red Door > :Rdoor:   Blue Door > :Bdoor  Green Door > :Gdoor:  Red Gate > :Rgate  Green Gate > :Ggate:  Blue Gate > :Bgate:  Normal Gravity > :NG:  Up Arrow > :uparrow:  Left arrow > :leftarrow:  Right arrow > :rightarrow:  Yellow coin > :Ycoin:  Blue Coin > :Bcoin:  Crown > :crown:  Beta Grey > :Bgrey:  Beta Blue > :Bblue:  Beta Purple > :Bpurple:  Beta Yellow > :Byellow:  Beta Green > :Bgreen:  Beta Light Blue > :Blblue:

I Believe I Made A Brief Description //

Edit : Beta Blocks

Last edited by kaosslasher (Nov 1 2010 5:29:04 pm)

#2 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: Block Icons

It's possible, I'll consider it.

Would anyone actually use these if I added them?

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Block Icons

Could be used to show ideas of how something may look in an ee level.
It's kinda frivolous, but a neat Idea, imo.

Last edited by alex (Oct 31 2010 3:53:50 pm)

#4 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: Block Icons

It wouldn't be super difficult to add, even without hard-coding it.

Now, of course, I could go ahead and actually hard-code it in for this forum alone, it'd be more likely to work that way...

Can someone fetch me all the ee block image files? In .png format please.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Block Icons

I really like this idea!

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Block Icons

Sure Ill Try And Get The Pictures

And Yes I Did Think It Would Be Really Hard To Get All Of Them In There

Also the picture that ill get might tun out bad sorry about that if it happens //

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Block Icons


I took the liberty of ripping the blocks. :x

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Block Icons

ok good cause my blocks didint turn out so good //

#9 Before February 2015

Cyclone or Meredith

Re: Block Icons

I need individual files please.

Kaosslasher 1423699661261771

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